Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, parser, opts, args):
   super(_HasherServiceOptions, self).__init__()
   if len(args) != 0: parser.error('extraneous arguments: %s' % (' '.join(args)))
   # hosts
   self.hosts =[:]
   for f in opts.hosts: self.hosts.extend(_file_lines(f))
   if len(self.hosts) == 0: parser.error('at least one target host is required')
   # auid/url
   self.auid = opts.auid
   self.url = opts.url
   # output_directory/output_prefix
   self.output_directory = os.path.expanduser(opts.output_directory)
   if not os.path.isdir(self.output_directory):
     parser.error('no such directory: %s' % (self.output_directory,))
   if opts.output_prefix is None: parser.error('--output-prefix is required')
   if '/' in opts.output_prefix: parser.error('output prefix cannot contain a slash')
   self.output_prefix = opts.output_prefix
   # long_html_line/long_text_line/wait/threads
   if any([opts.long_html_line, opts.long_text_line]) and self.url is None:
     parser.error('--long-html-line, --long-text-line only apply to --url')
   if opts.long_html_line and opts.long_text_line:
     parser.error('--long-html-line, --long-text-line are incompatible')
   self.long_html_line = opts.long_html_line
   self.long_text_line = opts.long_text_line
   if opts.wait is None: self.wait = 30 if self.url is None else 10
   else: self.wait = opts.wait
   # threads
   self.threads = opts.threads or len(self.hosts)
   # auth
   u = opts.username or getpass.getpass('UI username: '******'UI password: ')
   self.auth = zsiauth(u, p)
 def __init__(self, parser, opts, args):
   super(_HasherServiceOptions, self).__init__()
   if len(args) != 0: parser.error('extraneous arguments: %s' % (' '.join(args)))
   # hosts
   self.hosts =[:]
   for f in opts.hosts: self.hosts.extend(_file_lines(f))
   if len(self.hosts) == 0: parser.error('at least one target host is required')
   # auid/url
   self.auid = opts.auid
   self.url = opts.url
   # output_directory/output_prefix
   self.output_directory = os.path.expanduser(opts.output_directory)
   if not os.path.isdir(self.output_directory):
     parser.error('no such directory: %s' % (self.output_directory,))
   if opts.output_prefix is None: parser.error('--output-prefix is required')
   if '/' in opts.output_prefix: parser.error('output prefix cannot contain a slash')
   self.output_prefix = opts.output_prefix
   # long_html_line/long_text_line/wait/threads
   if any([opts.long_html_line, opts.long_text_line]) and self.url is None:
     parser.error('--long-html-line, --long-text-line only apply to --url')
   if opts.long_html_line and opts.long_text_line:
     parser.error('--long-html-line, --long-text-line are incompatible')
   if opts.include_weight and self.url:
       parser.error('--include-weight not compatible with --url')
   self.include_weight = opts.include_weight
   self.long_html_line = opts.long_html_line
   self.long_text_line = opts.long_text_line
   if opts.wait is None: self.wait = 30 if self.url is None else 10
   else: self.wait = opts.wait
   # threads
   self.threads = opts.threads or len(self.hosts)
   # auth
   u = opts.username or getpass.getpass('UI username: '******'UI password: ')
   self.auth = zsiauth(u, p)
  def __init__(self, parser, opts, args):

    - parser (OptionParser instance): the option parser
    - opts (Options instance): the Options instance returned by the parser
    - args (list of strings): the remaining command line arguments returned by
    the parser
    super(_ContentConfigurationServiceOptions, self).__init__()
    self.errors = 0
    # Special options
    if opts.copyright: print __copyright__
    if opts.license: print __license__
    if opts.tutorial: print __tutorial__
    if any([opts.copyright, opts.license, opts.tutorial]): sys.exit()
    # General checks
    if len(args) > 0:
      parser.error('unexpected command line arguments: %s' % (' '.join(args),))
    if len(filter(None, [opts.add_aus, opts.deactivate_aus, opts.delete_aus, opts.reactivate_aus])) != 1:
      parser.error('exactly one of --add-aus, --deactivate-aus, --delete-aus, --reactivate-aus is required')
    if len(filter(None, [opts.table_output, opts.text_output])) > 1:
      parser.error('at most one of --table-output, --text-output can be specified')
    # hosts
    self.hosts =[:]
    for f in opts.hosts: self.hosts.extend(_file_lines(f))
    if len(self.hosts) == 0: parser.error('at least one target host is required')
    # auids
    self.auids = opts.auid[:]
    for f in opts.auids: self.auids.extend(_file_lines(f))
    if len(self.auids) == 0: parser.error('at least one target AUID is required')
    # au_operation
    if opts.add_aus: self.au_operation = add_aus_by_id_list
    elif opts.deactivate_aus: self.au_operation = deactivate_aus_by_id_list
    elif opts.delete_aus: self.au_operation = delete_aus_by_id_list
    else: self.au_operation = reactivate_aus_by_id_list
    # table_output/text_output/keysort/keydisplay/verbose
    self.table_output = opts.table_output
    self.text_output = not self.table_output
    if opts.sort_by_auid: self.keysort = _sort_by_auid
    else: self.keysort = _sort_by_name # default is --sort-by-name
    if opts.list_by_auid: self.keydisplay = _list_by_auid
    elif opts.list_by_name: self.keydisplay = _list_by_name
    else: self.keydisplay = _list_by_both # default is --list-by-both
    if self.text_output:
      self.verbose = opts.verbose
    elif opts.verbose:
      parser.error('--verbose can only be specified with --text-output')
    # pool_class/pool_size/batch_size
    if opts.process_pool and opts.thread_pool:
      parser.error('--process-pool and --thread-pool are mutually exclusive')
    self.pool_class = ProcessPool if opts.process_pool else ThreadPool
    self.pool_size = opts.pool_size or len(self.hosts)
    self.batch_size = opts.batch_size
    # auth
    u = opts.username or getpass.getpass('UI username: '******'UI password: ')
    self.auth = zsiauth(u, p)
 def __init__(self, parser, opts, args):
   super(_DaemonStatusServiceOptions, self).__init__()
   if len(args) > 0: parser.error('extraneous arguments: %s' % (' '.join(args)))
   if len(filter(None, [opts.get_au_status, opts.get_auids, opts.get_auids_names, opts.get_peer_agreements, opts.get_platform_configuration, opts.is_daemon_ready, opts.is_daemon_ready_quiet, opts.query_aus])) != 1:
     parser.error('exactly one of --get-au-status, --get-auids, --get-auids-names, --get-peer-agreements, --get-platform-configuration, --is-daemon-ready, --is-daemon-ready-quiet, --query-aus is required')
   if len(opts.auid) + len(opts.auids) > 0 and not any([opts.get_au_status, opts.get_auids, opts.get_auids_names, opts.get_peer_agreements]):
     parser.error('--auid, --auids can only be applied to --get-au-status, --get-auids, --get-auids-names, --get-peer-agreements')
   if and not any([opts.get_au_status, opts.get_platform_configuration, opts.query_aus]):
     parser.error('--select can only be applied to --get-au-status, --get-platform-configuration, --query-aus')
   if opts.where and not any([opts.query_aus]):
     parser.error('--where can only be applied to --query-aus')
   if opts.group_by_field and not any([opts.get_au_status, opts.query_aus]):
     parser.error('--group-by-field can only be applied to --get-au-status, --query-aus')
   # hosts
   self.hosts =[:]
   for f in opts.hosts: self.hosts.extend(_file_lines(f))
   if len(self.hosts) == 0: parser.error('at least one target host is required')
   # auids
   self.auids = opts.auid[:]
   for f in opts.auids: self.auids.extend(_file_lines(f))
   # get_auids/get_auids_names/is_daemon_ready/is_daemon_ready_quiet
   self.get_auids = opts.get_auids
   self.get_auids_names = opts.get_auids_names
   self.is_daemon_ready = opts.is_daemon_ready
   self.is_daemon_ready_quiet = opts.is_daemon_ready_quiet
   # get_platform_configuration/select
   self.get_platform_configuration = opts.get_platform_configuration
   if self.get_platform_configuration: = self.__init_select(parser, opts, _PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION)
   # get_au_status/get_peer_agreements
   self.get_au_status = opts.get_au_status
   if self.get_au_status:
     if len(self.auids) == 0: parser.error('at least one target AUID is required with --get-au-status') = self.__init_select(parser, opts, _AU_STATUS)
   self.get_peer_agreements = opts.get_peer_agreements
   # query_aus/where/select
   self.where = opts.where
   self.query_aus = opts.query_aus
   if self.query_aus: = self.__init_select(parser, opts, _QUERY_AUS)
   # group_by_field/no_special_output
   self.group_by_field = opts.group_by_field
   self.no_special_output = opts.no_special_output
   # auth
   u = opts.username or getpass.getpass('UI username: '******'UI password: ')
   self.auth = zsiauth(u, p)
Beispiel #5
 def __init__(self, parser, opts, args):
     super(_DaemonStatusServiceOptions, self).__init__()
     if len(args) > 0:
         parser.error('extraneous arguments: %s' % (' '.join(args)))
     if len(
             filter(None, [
                 opts.get_au_status, opts.get_auids, opts.get_auids_names,
                 opts.get_peer_agreements, opts.get_platform_configuration,
                 opts.is_daemon_ready, opts.is_daemon_ready_quiet,
             ])) != 1:
             'exactly one of --get-au-status, --get-auids, --get-auids-names, --get-peer-agreements, --get-platform-configuration, --is-daemon-ready, --is-daemon-ready-quiet, --query-aus is required'
     if len(opts.auid) + len(opts.auids) > 0 and not any([
             opts.get_au_status, opts.get_auids, opts.get_auids_names,
             '--auid, --auids can only be applied to --get-au-status, --get-auids, --get-auids-names, --get-peer-agreements'
     if and not any([
             opts.get_au_status, opts.get_platform_configuration,
             '--select can only be applied to --get-au-status, --get-platform-configuration, --query-aus'
     if opts.where and not any([opts.query_aus]):
         parser.error('--where can only be applied to --query-aus')
     if opts.group_by_field and not any(
         [opts.get_au_status, opts.query_aus]):
             '--group-by-field can only be applied to --get-au-status, --query-aus'
     # hosts
     self.hosts =[:]
     for f in opts.hosts:
     if len(self.hosts) == 0:
         parser.error('at least one target host is required')
     # auids
     self.auids = opts.auid[:]
     for f in opts.auids:
     # get_auids/get_auids_names/is_daemon_ready/is_daemon_ready_quiet
     self.get_auids = opts.get_auids
     self.get_auids_names = opts.get_auids_names
     self.is_daemon_ready = opts.is_daemon_ready
     self.is_daemon_ready_quiet = opts.is_daemon_ready_quiet
     # get_platform_configuration/select
     self.get_platform_configuration = opts.get_platform_configuration
     if self.get_platform_configuration: = self.__init_select(parser, opts,
     # get_au_status/get_peer_agreements
     self.get_au_status = opts.get_au_status
     if self.get_au_status:
         if len(self.auids) == 0:
                 'at least one target AUID is required with --get-au-status'
             ) = self.__init_select(parser, opts, _AU_STATUS)
     self.get_peer_agreements = opts.get_peer_agreements
     # query_aus/where/select
     self.where = opts.where
     self.query_aus = opts.query_aus
     if self.query_aus: = self.__init_select(parser, opts, _QUERY_AUS)
     # group_by_field/no_special_output
     self.group_by_field = opts.group_by_field
     self.no_special_output = opts.no_special_output
     # auth
     u = opts.username or getpass.getpass('UI username: '******'UI password: ')
     self.auth = zsiauth(u, p)
    def __init__(self, parser, opts, args):

    - parser (OptionParser instance): the option parser
    - opts (Options instance): the Options instance returned by the parser
    - args (list of strings): the remaining command line arguments returned by
    the parser
        super(_ContentConfigurationServiceOptions, self).__init__()
        self.errors = 0
        # Special options
        if opts.copyright: print __copyright__
        if opts.license: print __license__
        if opts.tutorial: print __tutorial__
        if any([opts.copyright, opts.license, opts.tutorial]): sys.exit()
        # General checks
        if len(args) > 0:
            parser.error('unexpected command line arguments: %s' %
                         (' '.join(args), ))
        if len(
                filter(None, [
                    opts.add_aus, opts.deactivate_aus, opts.delete_aus,
                ])) != 1:
                'exactly one of --add-aus, --deactivate-aus, --delete-aus, --reactivate-aus is required'
        if len(filter(None, [opts.table_output, opts.text_output])) > 1:
                'at most one of --table-output, --text-output can be specified'
        # hosts
        self.hosts =[:]
        for f in opts.hosts:
        if len(self.hosts) == 0:
            parser.error('at least one target host is required')
        # auids
        self.auids = opts.auid[:]
        for f in opts.auids:
        if len(self.auids) == 0:
            parser.error('at least one target AUID is required')
        # au_operation
        if opts.add_aus: self.au_operation = add_aus_by_id_list
        elif opts.deactivate_aus: self.au_operation = deactivate_aus_by_id_list
        elif opts.delete_aus: self.au_operation = delete_aus_by_id_list
        else: self.au_operation = reactivate_aus_by_id_list
        # table_output/text_output/keysort/keydisplay/verbose
        self.table_output = opts.table_output
        self.text_output = not self.table_output
        if opts.sort_by_auid: self.keysort = _sort_by_auid
        else: self.keysort = _sort_by_name  # default is --sort-by-name
        if opts.list_by_auid: self.keydisplay = _list_by_auid
        elif opts.list_by_name: self.keydisplay = _list_by_name
        else: self.keydisplay = _list_by_both  # default is --list-by-both
        if self.text_output:
            self.verbose = opts.verbose
        elif opts.verbose:
            parser.error('--verbose can only be specified with --text-output')
        # pool_class/pool_size/batch_size
        if opts.process_pool and opts.thread_pool:
                '--process-pool and --thread-pool are mutually exclusive')
        self.pool_class = ProcessPool if opts.process_pool else ThreadPool
        self.pool_size = opts.pool_size or len(self.hosts)
        self.batch_size = opts.batch_size
        # auth
        u = opts.username or getpass.getpass('UI username: '******'UI password: ')
        self.auth = zsiauth(u, p)