Beispiel #1
def test_importer_single_complete_row_existing(db_basic, csv_file_simple_existing):
    app, works, contribs, provs = db_basic
    # db_basic already has iswc 'xyz'
    w1 = works[0]
    e_title = 'abc cde'
    e_iswc = 'xyz'
    e_contribs = {'Obispo Pascal Michel', 'Florence Lionel Jacques'}
    e_prov = 'sony'
    count = 1

    # the default situation in db_basic
    assert w1.iswc == e_iswc
    assert w1.title != e_title
    assert w1.workprovider_set.count() == 1
    assert w1.workcontributor_set.count() == 2

    with app.app_context():
        c = 0
        with open(csv_file_simple_existing) as f:
            c = csv_data.import_csv(f)

        assert count == c
        w = == e_iswc)
        assert w.count() == 1
        w = w[0]
        assert w.title == e_title
        assert ==

        assert w.workcontributor_set.count() == 4
        contribs = { for wc in w.workcontributor_set }
        assert contribs > e_contribs

        assert w.workprovider_set.count() == 2
        provs = { for wp in w.workprovider_set }
        assert e_prov in provs
Beispiel #2
def test_importer_single_complete_row_new(db_basic, csv_file_simple_new):
    app, _, _, _ = db_basic
    e_title = 'Adventure of a Lifetime'
    e_iswc = 'T0101974597'
    e_contrib = {'O Brien Edward John', 'Yorke Thomas Edward', 'Greenwood Colin Charles'}
    e_prov = 'warner'
    e_prov_id = '2'
    count = 1

    with app.app_context():
        c = 0
        with open(csv_file_simple_new) as f:
            c = csv_data.import_csv(f)

        assert count == c
        w = == e_iswc)
        assert w.count() == 1
        w = w[0]
        assert w.title == e_title
        assert w.iswc == e_iswc

        assert w.workprovider_set.count() == 1
        wp = w.workprovider_set[0]
        assert == e_prov
        assert wp.provider_work_id == e_prov_id

        assert w.workcontributor_set.count() == 3
        contributors = { for x in w.workcontributor_set }
        assert contributors == e_contrib
Beispiel #3
def test_importer_single_complete_row_mismatch_existing(db_basic, csv_file_simple_existing):
    app, _, _, _ = db_basic
    count = 1

    with app.app_context():
        c = 0
        with open(csv_file_simple_existing) as f:
            c = csv_data.import_csv(f)
        assert count == c
Beispiel #4
def test_csv_import_schema(merge, csv_file_simple_new):
    count = 1
    c = 0
    with open(csv_file_simple_new) as f:
        c = csv_data.import_csv(f)

    assert count == c
    assert merge.call_count == 1
    arg = merge.call_args[0][0]
    assert list(arg['contributors']) == ['O Brien Edward John', 'Yorke Thomas Edward', 'Greenwood Colin Charles']
    assert arg['iswc'] == 'T0101974597'
    assert arg['title'] == 'Adventure of a Lifetime'
    assert arg['source'] == 'warner'
    assert arg['id'] == '2'
Beispiel #5
def test_importer_all(db_basic, csv_file_all):
    app, works, _, _ = db_basic
    count = 8

    with app.app_context():
        c = 0
        with open(csv_file_all) as f:
            c = csv_data.import_csv(f)

        assert c == count
        ws =
        assert ws.count() == 5  # 4+1 the conftest work

        w = == 'T9204649558')
        assert w.count() == 1
        w = w[0]
        assert w.title == 'Shape of You'
        # FIXME "Edward Christopher Sheeran" should replace "Edward Sheeran"
        assert w.workprovider_set.count() == 2

        w = == 'T0101974597')
        assert w.count() == 1
        w = w[0]
        assert w.title == 'Adventure of a Lifetime'
        assert w.workcontributor_set.count() == 4
        assert w.workprovider_set.count() == 1

        w = == 'T9214745718')
        assert w.count() == 1
        w = w[0]
        assert w.title == 'Me Enamoré'
        assert w.workcontributor_set.count() == 2
        assert w.workprovider_set.count() == 2

        # TODO don't ignore the iswc empty row, maybe it has useful info
        w = == 'T0046951705')
        assert w.count() == 1
        w = w[0]

        assert w.title == 'Je ne sais pas'
        assert w.workcontributor_set.count() == 2
        assert w.workprovider_set.count() == 1
        assert w.workprovider_set[0].provider_work_id == '3'
Beispiel #6
def test_importer_contrib_overlap_new(db_basic, csv_file_contrib_overlap_new):
    app, works, contribs, provs = db_basic
    e_title = 'Adventure of a Lifetime'
    e_iswc = 'T0101974597'
    e_contribs = {'O Brien Edward John', 'Yorke Thomas Edward', 'Greenwood Colin Charles', 'Selway Philip James'}
    e_prov = 'warner'
    count = 2

    with app.app_context():
        c = 0
        with open(csv_file_contrib_overlap_new) as f:
            c = csv_data.import_csv(f)
        assert count == c
        w = == e_iswc)
        assert w.count() == 1
        w = w[0]
        assert w.title == e_title

        assert w.workcontributor_set.count() == 4
        contribs = { for wc in w.workcontributor_set }
        assert contribs == e_contribs

        assert w.workprovider_set.count() == 1
        assert w.workprovider_set[0] == e_prov