def OnPaint(self, evt):
     dc = wx.PaintDC(self._frame)
         wx.Brush(wx.ColourRGB(self._background_color), wx.SOLID))
     for i in self.images:
         i_size = i[0].dc.GetSizeTuple()
         dc.Blit(i[1], i[2], i_size[0], i_size[1], i[0].dc, 0, 0, wx.COPY,
Beispiel #2
    def SetColor(self, id, colour):
        Sets the colour of a certain setting.

        :param integer `id`: can be one of the colour values in `Metric Ordinals`;
        :param `colour`: the new value of the setting.
        :type `colour`: :class:`Colour` or tuple or integer

        if isinstance(colour, basestring):
            colour = wx.NamedColour(colour)
        elif isinstance(colour, types.TupleType):
            colour = wx.Colour(*colour)
        elif isinstance(colour, types.IntType):
            colour = wx.ColourRGB(colour)

            self._background_gradient_colour = colour
        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_SASH_COLOUR:
            self._inactive_caption_colour = colour
            if not self._custom_pane_bitmaps and wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
                # No custom bitmaps for the pane close button
                # Change the MAC close bitmap colour
                self._inactive_close_bitmap = DrawMACCloseButton(
                    wx.WHITE, colour)

            self._inactive_caption_gradient_colour = colour
            self._inactive_caption_text_colour = colour
            self._active_caption_colour = colour
            if not self._custom_pane_bitmaps and wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
                # No custom bitmaps for the pane close button
                # Change the MAC close bitmap colour
                self._active_close_bitmap = DrawMACCloseButton(
                    wx.WHITE, colour)

            self._active_caption_gradient_colour = colour
            self._active_caption_text_colour = colour
        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_BORDER_COLOUR:
        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_COLOUR:
            self._gripper_pen1.SetColour(StepColour(colour, 40))
            self._gripper_pen2.SetColour(StepColour(colour, 60))
            self._hint_background_colour = colour
            raise Exception("Invalid Colour Ordinal.")
Beispiel #3
    def DoSearch(self, next=True):
        """Do the search and move the selection
        @keyword next: search next or previous

        s_cmd = eclib.edEVT_FIND
        if not next:
            if eclib.AFR_UP & self._flags:

        if self.GetValue() == self._last:
            s_cmd = eclib.edEVT_FIND_NEXT

        evt = eclib.FindEvent(s_cmd, flags=self._flags)
        self._last = self.GetValue()

        # Give feedback on whether text was found or not
        if self.FindService.GetLastFound() < 0 and len(self.GetValue()) > 0:
            if self._txtctrl is None:
            # ?wxBUG? cant set text back to black after changing color
            # But setting it to this almost black color works. Most likely its
            # due to bit masking but I havent looked at the source so I am not
            # sure
            if self._txtctrl is None:
                self.SetForegroundColour(wx.ColourRGB(0 | 1 | 0))
                self._txtctrl.SetForegroundColour(wx.ColourRGB(0 | 1 | 0))
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self,
        self.trs = trs  # the transcription
        self.tier_idx = tier_idx  # the tier index
        self.ann_idx = ann_idx  # the annotation index
        self.color = color  # the bg color
        self.nb_ipu = nb_ipu  # the ipu number

        posS = self.get_start() * 1000.
        posE = self.get_end() * 1000.
        self.posstart = int(posS)  # used by the MediaCtrl, to Seek.
        self.posend = int(posE)  # used by the MediaCtrl, to Seek.
Beispiel #5
    def GetDefaultBackColour(self, as_hex=False):
        """Gets the background color of the default style and returns
        a Colour object. Otherwise returns white if the default
        style is not found.
        @keyword hex: return a hex string or colour object
        @type hex: bool
        @return: wx.Colour of default style background or hex value
        @rtype: wx.Colour or string 

        back = self.GetItemByName('default_style').GetBack()
        if back == wx.EmptyString:
            back = u"#FFFFFF"
        if not as_hex:
            back = wx.ColourRGB(int(back[1:], 16))
        return back
Beispiel #6
    def GetDefaultForeColour(self, as_hex=False):
        """Gets the foreground color of the default style and returns
        a Colour object. Otherwise returns Black if the default
        style is not found.
        @keyword as_hex: return a hex string or colour object
        @type as_hex: bool
        @return: wx.Colour of default style foreground or hex value
        @rtype: wx.Colour or string

        fore = self.GetItemByName('default_style').GetFore()
        if fore == wx.EmptyString:
            fore = u"#000000"
        if not as_hex:
            fore = wx.ColourRGB(int(fore[1:], 16))
        return fore
Beispiel #7
from sppas.src.ui.wxgui.ui.CustomEvents import FileWanderEvent, spEVT_FILE_WANDER
from sppas.src.ui.wxgui.ui.CustomEvents import FileDirtyEvent, spEVT_FILE_DIRTY
from sppas.src.ui.wxgui.structs.theme import sppasTheme
from sppas.src.ui.wxgui.structs.prefs import Preferences

from sppas.src.ui.wxgui.dialogs.msgdialogs import ShowInformation
from sppas.src.ui.wxgui.dialogs.msgdialogs import ShowYesNoQuestion

import sppas.src.anndata as anndata
from sppas.src.annotations.searchtier import sppasFindTier

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    datacolor = wx.ColourRGB(0xd1d1d1)
    datacolor = wx.Colour(0xd1d1d1)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class IPUscribeClient(BaseClient):
    @author:  Brigitte Bigi
    @contact: [email protected]
    @license: GPL
    @summary: This class is used to manage the opened files.

    This class manages the pages of a notebook with all opened files.
Beispiel #8
    def OnPrintPage(self, page):
        """ This method actually builds the requested page for presentation to the screen or printer """
        # Get the Device Context
        dc = self.GetDC()

        # Determine the Print Scaling Factors by comparing the dimensions of the Device Context
        # (which has the printer's resolution times the paper size) with the Graphic's (from the
        # PrepareData() function) resolution (which is screen resolution times paper size).

        # Determine the size of the DC and the Graphic
        (dcX, dcY) = dc.GetSizeTuple()
        graphicX = self.graphic.GetWidth()
        graphicY = self.graphic.GetHeight()

        # Scaling Factors are the DC dimensions divided by the Graphics dimensions
        scaleX = float(dcX) / graphicX
        scaleY = float(dcY) / graphicY

        # Apply the scaling factors to the Device Context.  If you don't do this, the screen will look
        # fine but the printer version will be very, very tiny.
        dc.SetUserScale(scaleX, scaleY)

        titleHeight = 0
        # Add Title to the Printout
        if self.title != '':
            # Set the appropriate style and font
            # Get the appropriate text
            line = self.title
            # Determine the width and height of the text
            (lineWidth, lineHeight) = dc.GetTextExtent(line)
            # Align and position the text, then add it to the Printout
            dc.DrawText(line, int(graphicX / 2.0 - lineWidth / 2.0), DPI)
            # Keep track of the title's height
            titleHeight = lineHeight + int(DPI / 12)

        # If there is a defined Subtitle, add it to the printout
        if self.subtitle != '':
            # Get the text
            line = self.subtitle
            # Get the width and height of the text
            (lineWidth, lineHeight) = dc.GetTextExtent(line)
            # Align and position the text, then add it to the Printout
            dc.DrawText(line, int(graphicX / 2.0 - lineWidth / 2.0),
                        int((DPI * 17) / 16) + titleHeight)
            # Add the Subtitle's height to the titleHeight
            titleHeight = titleHeight + lineHeight + int(DPI / 8)

        # Place the Page Number in the lower right corner of the page
        defaultFont = GetDefaultFont()
        if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
            # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data.
            txt = unicode(_("Page: %d"), 'utf8') % page
            txt = _("Page: %d") % page
        (lineWidth, lineHeight) = dc.GetTextExtent(txt)
        # Position and draw the text
        dc.DrawText(txt, graphicX - lineWidth - 40, graphicY - lineHeight - 40)
        # Print the lines for this page
        xPos = xMargin
        # Lines start 1/3 inch below the title.  (Title has 1-inch margin)
        yPos = yMargin + titleHeight
        # self.pageData[page - 1] is the data for THIS page.  Process each line.

        for lines in self.pageData[page - 1]:
            # We need to know the height of the largest text element for each line, the yInc(rement)
            yInc = 0
            # Each line is made up of one of more text elements.  Process each element, which has a style and text.
            for (fontSpec, line) in lines:
                (font, color, style) = fontSpec

                if line == '\n':
                    xPos = xMargin
                    (dummy, yInc) = dc.GetTextExtent('Xy')
                    # Increment the vertical position indicator
                    yPos = yPos + yInc
                    # Reset yInc
                    yInc = 0
                    # Set the font
                    # Set the Device Context font to the identified fontSpec

                    # There is a bug in wxPython.  wx.ColourRGB() transposes Red and Blue.  This hack fixes it!
                    color = wx.ColourRGB(color)

                    rgbValue = (color.Red() << 16) | (
                        color.Green() << 8) | color.Blue()


                    # Determine the left indent
                    xindent = 0  # self.styles[style]['indent']
                    # Determine the width and height of the line
                    (lineWidth, lineHeight) = dc.GetTextExtent(line)
                    # If this text element has the largest height, use that for the vertical increment (yInc)
                    if lineHeight > yInc:
                        yInc = lineHeight

                    if STYLE_DRAW_BOX in style:
                        brush = wx.TheBrushList.FindOrCreateBrush(
                            wx.LIGHT_GREY, wx.SOLID)
                        # The box isn't drawing right on the Mac.  Let's make an adjustment
                        if '__WXMAC__' in wx.PlatformInfo:
                            yPosAdjusted = yPos - 2
                            yPosAdjusted = yPos
                            xMargin - int(DPI / 8), yPosAdjusted,
                            graphicX - (2 * xMargin) + int(DPI / 4),
                            yInc * 3 + int(DPI / 24))
                        brush = wx.TheBrushList.FindOrCreateBrush(
                            wx.WHITE, wx.SOLID)

                    if xPos + lineWidth > graphicX - int(xMargin / 2):
                        xPos = xMargin
                        # Increment the vertical position indicator
                        yPos = yPos + yInc
                        yInc = 0

                    # dc.DrawText('%d' % yPos, 0, yPos)

                    if STYLE_CENTER in style:
                                    int(graphicX / 2.0 - lineWidth / 2.0),
                        # For now we left-align everything (it's all the transcripts support, anyway)
                        dc.DrawText(line, xPos, yPos)

                    # Align and position the text, then add it to the Printout
                    #if self.styles[style]['align'] == mstyLEFT:
                    #    dc.DrawText(line, DPI + xindent, yPos)
                    #elif self.styles[style]['align'] == mstyCENTER:
                    #    dc.DrawText(line, int(graphicX/2.0 - lineWidth/2.0), yPos)
                    #elif self.styles[style]['align'] == mstyRIGHT:
                    #    dc.DrawText(line, graphicX - DPI - lineWidth, yPos)
                    xPos = xPos + lineWidth

        # When done with the page, return True to indicate success
        return True
Beispiel #9
def ProcessTXT(dc, sizeX, sizeY, inText, pageData, thisPageData, datLines,
               xPos, yPos, yInc, titleHeight):
    """ Process Plain Text data for PrepareData() """
    # Construct the data structure used in the for loop below, which expects a sequence of
    # tuples of the following format: ((wxFont, wxColor, style), text)
    # where the first element is a wxFont which defines the style of the text
    # the second element is the text that uses this style
    data = []
    # Initialize lineWidth.  (Issue 230)
    lineWidth = 0
    fontSpec = GetDefaultFont()

    # Initialize the string variable used in constructing text elements
    tempLine = ''

    # each line is made up of a font spec and the associated text.
    lines = inText.split('\n')

    # Set the Device Context font to the identified fontSpec

    # There is a bug in wxPython.  wx.ColourRGB() transposes Red and Blue.  This hack fixes it!
    color = wx.ColourRGB(fontSpec[1])

    rgbValue = (color.Red() << 16) | (color.Green() << 8) | color.Blue()


    # First, let's see if this starts with a line break
    for text in lines:
        # If so, add it to the datLines structure
        datLines = datLines + ((fontSpec, '\n'), )
        # Add the current datLines structure to the page

        (dummy, yInc) = dc.GetTextExtent('Xy')

        # Reset datLines and tempLine
        datLines = ()
        tempLine = ''
        # Reset horizontal position to the horizontal margin
        xPos = xMargin
        lineWidth = 0
        # Increment the vertical position by the height of the line plus a blank line
        yPos = yPos + yInc  # + fontSpec.GetPointSize() + 6
        # Reset yInc
        yInc = 0

        # Break the line into words at whitespace breaks
        if ('unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo) and (type(text).__name__ == 'str'):
            words = []
            words.append(unicode(text, TransanaGlobal.encoding))

            # This "text.split()" call, necessary for line breaks, causes loss of whitespace.
            # We have to do some head stands to avoid it.
            words = text.split()

        # We need to retain leading whitespace
        if (len(text) > 0) and (text[0] == ' ') and (len(words) > 0):
            # This syntax captures all leading whitespace.
            words[0] = text[:text.find(words[0])] + words[0]
        # We also need to retain trailing whitespace
        if (len(text) > 0) and (text[len(text) - 1]
                                == ' ') and (len(words) > 0):
            words[len(words) - 1] = words[len(words) - 1] + ' '
        # Check for text that is ONLY whitespace, as this was getting lost if formatting was applied on both sides
        if (len(text) > 0) and (len(words) == 0):
            words = []

        # Iterate through the words
        for word in words:
            text = text[len(word):]

            while (len(text) > 0) and (string.whitespace.find(text[0]) > -1):
                word = word + text[0]
                text = text[1:]

            # Determine the line width if we add the current word to it
            (lineWidth, lineHeight) = dc.GetTextExtent(tempLine + word)
            # If this text element has the largest height, use that for the vertical increment (yInc)
            if lineHeight > yInc:
                yInc = lineHeight

            # If the line is still within our margins, add the word and a space to the temporary line
            if xPos + lineWidth < sizeX - xMargin:
                tempLine = tempLine + word

            # If the line would be too wide ...
                datLines = datLines + ((fontSpec, tempLine), )


                # Initialize a new line
                datLines = ()

                # Increment the vertical position marker
                yPos = yPos + yInc
                # Reset yInc
                yInc = 0

                # Check to see if we've reached the bottom of the page, with a one inch margin and one line's height
                if yPos >= sizeY - titleHeight - int(yMargin):

                    # Add the page to the final document data structure
                    # Initialize a new page
                    thisPageData = []
                    # Reset the vertical position indicator
                    yPos = yMargin + titleHeight
                # Start a new temporary line with the word that did not fit on the last line
                tempLine = word

                (tempLineWidth, tempLineHeight) = dc.GetTextExtent(word)
                xPos = xMargin + tempLineWidth

        # When done looking at words, add the final part to the line we're building for this page
        datLines = datLines + ((fontSpec, tempLine), )

        # Add the line we're building to the Page, but don't add a blank line to the top of a page
        if (thisPageData != []) or ((len(datLines) != 1) or
                                    (datLines[0][1] != '')):

            xPos = xPos + lineWidth

            datLines = ()
            tempLine = ''

        # Check to see if we've reached the bottom of the page, with a one inch margin and one line's height.
        # DKW 5/24/2004 -- I've thrown in titleHeight here because the title height approximates the
        #                  height of the boxed entry on the Collection Summary Report, while it is 0 for
        #                  printing a Transcript.  TODO:  Make this more precise.
        if yPos >= sizeY - titleHeight - int(yMargin):

            # Add the page to the final document data structure
            # Initialize a new page
            thisPageData = []
            # Reset the vertical position indicator
            yPos = yMargin + titleHeight
    return (pageData, thisPageData, datLines, xPos, yPos, yInc)
Beispiel #10
def ProcessRTF(dc, sizeX, sizeY, inText, pageData, thisPageData, datLines,
               xPos, yPos, yInc, titleHeight):
    """ Process Rich Text Format data for PrepareData() """
    # Parse the RTF transcript data into a usable data structure
    parser = RTFParser.RTFParser()
    parser.buf = inText
    # Now construct the data structure used in the for loop below, which expects a sequence of
    # tuples of the following format: ((wxFont, wxColor, style), text)
    # where the first element is a wxFont which defines the style of the text
    # the second element is the text that uses this style
    data = []
    # Initialize lineWidth.  (Issue 230)
    lineWidth = 0
    (cur_font, cur_color, cur_style) = GetDefaultFont()
    for obj in
        if obj.attr:
            (cur_font, cur_color, cur_style) = RTFDocAttrTowxFont(obj.attr)
            newitem = ((cur_font, cur_color, cur_style), obj.text)
    # Initialize the string variable used in constructing text elements
    tempLine = ''
    # Iterate through all the data sent in, one "line" at a time.
    # NOTE:  "line" here refers to a line in the incoming data structure, which
    #        probably does not correspond with a printed line on the printout.
    for line in data:
        # each line is made up of a font spec and the associated text.
        (fontSpec, text) = line
        # We have to handle TABS manually.  Here's a good place to do it.
        # First, determine the size of the tab settting and create a string that many characters (spaces) wide.
        tabStr = '                    '[:int(TransanaGlobal.configData.tabSize
        # While there are tab characters in the text being processed ...
        while text.find('\t') > -1:
            # Determine the position of the tab character
            tabPos = text.find('\t')
            # Within the text, replace the tab character with the appropriate number of spaces.  The number of spaces to
            # be inserted is the tab position modded by the tab size.
            text = text[:tabPos] + \
                   tabStr[: int(TransanaGlobal.configData.tabSize) - (tabPos % int(TransanaGlobal.configData.tabSize))] + \
                   text[tabPos + 1:]

        # Find a Line Break character, if there is one.
        breakPos = text.find('\n')

        # Set the Device Context font to the identified fontSpec

        # There is a bug in wxPython.  wx.ColourRGB() transposes Red and Blue.  This hack fixes it!
        color = wx.ColourRGB(fontSpec[1])

        rgbValue = (color.Red() << 16) | (color.Green() << 8) | color.Blue()


        # First, let's see if this starts with a line break
        while breakPos == 0:

            # If so, add it to the datLines structure
            datLines = datLines + ((fontSpec, '\n'), )
            # Add the current datLines structure to the page

            (dummy, yInc) = dc.GetTextExtent('Xy')

            # Reset datLines and tempLine
            datLines = ()
            tempLine = ''
            # Reset horizontal position to the horizontal margin
            xPos = xMargin
            lineWidth = 0
            # Increment the vertical position by the height of the line plus a blank line
            yPos = yPos + yInc  # + fontSpec.GetPointSize() + 6
            # Reset yInc
            yInc = 0

            # It is possible there are additional line breaks, so let's see if there are more to process.
            text = text[1:]
            breakPos = text.find('\n')

        # Now let's check for line breaks elsewhere in the line.  Actually, this shouldn't happen!

#        if breakPos > 0:
#            print "Line Break inside the line, not at the beginning"

# Break the line into words at whitespace breaks
        if ('unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo) and (type(text).__name__ == 'str'):
            words = []
            words.append(unicode(text, TransanaGlobal.encoding))

            # This "text.split()" call, necessary for line breaks, causes loss of whitespace.
            # We have to do some head stands to avoid it.
            words = text.split()

        # We need to retain leading whitespace
        if (len(text) > 0) and (text[0] == ' ') and (len(words) > 0):
            # This syntax captures all leading whitespace.
            words[0] = text[:text.find(words[0])] + words[0]
        # We also need to retain trailing whitespace
        if (len(text) > 0) and (text[len(text) - 1]
                                == ' ') and (len(words) > 0):
            words[len(words) - 1] = words[len(words) - 1] + ' '
        # Check for text that is ONLY whitespace, as this was getting lost if formatting was applied on both sides
        if (len(text) > 0) and (len(words) == 0):
            words = []

        # Iterate through the words
        for word in words:
            text = text[len(word):]

            while (len(text) > 0) and (string.whitespace.find(text[0]) > -1):
                word = word + text[0]
                text = text[1:]

            # Determine the line width if we add the current word to it
            (lineWidth, lineHeight) = dc.GetTextExtent(tempLine + word)
            # If this text element has the largest height, use that for the vertical increment (yInc)
            if lineHeight > yInc:
                yInc = lineHeight

            # If the line is still within our margins, add the word and a space to the temporary line
            if xPos + lineWidth < sizeX - xMargin + (2 *
                                                     dc.GetTextExtent(" ")[1]):
                tempLine = tempLine + word
            # If the line would be too wide ...
                datLines = datLines + ((fontSpec, tempLine), )


                # Initialize a new line
                datLines = ()

                # Increment the vertical position marker
                yPos = yPos + yInc
                # Reset yInc
                yInc = 0

                # Check to see if we've reached the bottom of the page, with a one inch margin and one line's height
                if yPos >= sizeY - titleHeight - int(yMargin):

                    # Add the page to the final document data structure
                    # Initialize a new page
                    thisPageData = []
                    # Reset the vertical position indicator
                    yPos = yMargin + titleHeight
                # Start a new temporary line with the word that did not fit on the last line
                tempLine = word

                (tempLineWidth, tempLineHeight) = dc.GetTextExtent(word)
                xPos = xMargin + tempLineWidth

        # When done looking at words, add the final part to the line we're building for this page
        datLines = datLines + ((fontSpec, tempLine), )

        # Add the line we're building to the Page, but don't add a blank line to the top of a page
        if (thisPageData != []) or ((len(datLines) != 1) or
                                    (datLines[0][1] != '')):

            xPos = xPos + lineWidth

            datLines = ()
            tempLine = ''

        # Check to see if we've reached the bottom of the page, with a one inch margin and one line's height.
        # DKW 5/24/2004 -- I've thrown in titleHeight here because the title height approximates the
        #                  height of the boxed entry on the Collection Summary Report, while it is 0 for
        #                  printing a Transcript.  TODO:  Make this more precise.
        if yPos >= sizeY - titleHeight - int(yMargin):

            # Add the page to the final document data structure
            # Initialize a new page
            thisPageData = []
            # Reset the vertical position indicator
            yPos = yMargin + titleHeight
    return (pageData, thisPageData, datLines, xPos, yPos, yInc)