def process(filename):
    data_dir = os.path.join("../Datasets/", filename)
    data_path = os.path.join(data_dir, filename + '_cnt.txt')
    label_path = os.path.join(data_dir, filename + '_mrk.txt')

    data_df = pd.read_table(data_path, header=None)
    label_df = pd.read_table(label_path, header=None)

    ## data overview
    print("data shape", data_df.shape)
    print("label shape", label_df.shape)

    ## data 
    label_array = label_df.dropna().values
    train_markers = []
    for events in label_array:
        if events[1] != 0:
            for i in range(0, 400, 50):
                train_markers.append((float(events[0]) + i, str(int(events[1]))))

    markers_subject1_class_1 = [(float(events[0]),str(int(events[1]))) for events in train_markers if events[1]== '1']
    markers_subject1_class_2 = [(float(events[0]),str(int(events[1]))) for events in train_markers if events[1]== '2']

    data_array = data_df.values
    cnt1 = convert_mushu_data(data_array, markers_subject1_class_1, 50, channels)
    cnt2 = convert_mushu_data(data_array, markers_subject1_class_2, 50, channels)

    epoch_subject1_class1 = segment_dat(cnt1, md, [0, 1000]) # 640x50x118
    epoch_subject1_class2 = segment_dat(cnt2, md, [0, 1000]) # 704x50x118
    final_epoch = append_epo(epoch_subject1_class1,epoch_subject1_class2) #1344x50x118
    targets = final_epoch.axes[0]

    methods = ['_csp', '_bandpowers', '_dct', '_wavelet']
    for i, func in enumerate(['_csp', utils.bandpowers, utils.dct_features, utils.wavelet_features]):
        if func == '_csp':
            from mne.decoding import CSP
            csp = CSP(n_components=50, reg=None, log=True, norm_trace=True)
            dictionary = csp.fit_transform(, targets)
            dictionary = feature_transform(final_epoch, func)

        ## save the data
        res = np.concatenate([dictionary, targets.reshape(-1, 1)], axis=1)
        res_df = pd.DataFrame(res)
        save_path = os.path.join(data_dir, filename + methods[i] + '.csv')
        res_df.to_csv(save_path, index=False)
        print("==> saved data at {}".format(save_path))
 def test_convert_mushu_data_copy(self):
     """convert_mushu_data should make a copy of its arguments."""
     data =
     channels = self.channels[:]
     markers = self.markers[:]
     cnt = convert_mushu_data(data, self.markers, FS, channels)
     # data
     data[0, 0] = -1
     # axes
     channels[0] = 'FOO'
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(cnt.axes[-1], self.channels)
     # markers
     markers[0][0] = markers[0][0] - 1
     self.assertEqual(cnt.markers, self.markers)
 def test_convert_mushu_data_copy(self):
     """convert_mushu_data should make a copy of its arguments."""
     data =
     channels = self.channels[:]
     markers = self.markers[:]
     cnt = convert_mushu_data(data, self.markers, FS, channels)
     # data
     data[0, 0] = -1
     # axes
     channels[0] = "FOO"
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(cnt.axes[-1], self.channels)
     # markers
     markers[0][0] = markers[0][0] - 1
     self.assertEqual(cnt.markers, self.markers)
 def test_convert_mushu_data(self):
     """Convert mushu data."""
     cnt = convert_mushu_data(, self.markers, FS, self.channels)
     # data
     self.assertEqual(, (SAMPLES, CHANNELS))
     # axes
     timeaxis = np.linspace(0, SAMPLES / FS * 1000, SAMPLES, endpoint=False)
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(cnt.axes[0], timeaxis)
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(cnt.axes[1], self.channels)
     # names and units
     self.assertEqual(cnt.names, ['time', 'channel'])
     self.assertEqual(cnt.units, ['uV', '#'])
     # fs
     self.assertEqual(cnt.fs, FS)
     # markers
     self.assertEqual(cnt.markers, self.markers)
 def test_convert_mushu_data(self):
     """Convert mushu data."""
     cnt = convert_mushu_data(, self.markers, FS, self.channels)
     # data
     self.assertEqual(, (SAMPLES, CHANNELS))
     # axes
     timeaxis = np.linspace(0, SAMPLES / FS * 1000, SAMPLES, endpoint=False)
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(cnt.axes[0], timeaxis)
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(cnt.axes[1], self.channels)
     # names and units
     self.assertEqual(cnt.names, ["time", "channel"])
     self.assertEqual(cnt.units, ["uV", "#"])
     # fs
     self.assertEqual(cnt.fs, FS)
     # markers
     self.assertEqual(cnt.markers, self.markers)
Beispiel #6
def load_epo_data(data_cat, n_before=-3, n_len=100, subjects=None):
    # loading 'data_cat' data
    data, channels, markers = load_data(FS, folder_name, data_cat, subjects)

    # converting plain data to continuous Data object
    cnt = convert_mushu_data(data, markers, FS, channels)

    # Define the markers belonging to class 1 and 2
    markers_definitions = None
    if data_cat == 'train':
        markers_definitions = {'class 1': (train_labels.query('Prediction == 0', engine='python')['IdFeedBack']).tolist(),
                           'class 2': (train_labels.query('Prediction == 1', engine='python')['IdFeedBack']).tolist()}
        # marker classes doesn't matter for test data
        markers_definitions = {'class 1': [m[1] for m in markers], 'class 2': []}

    # segmenting continuous Data object into epoched data
    # Epoch the data -25ms(5 rows) and +500ms(100 rows) around the markers defined in markers_definitions
    return segment_dat(cnt, markers_definitions, [n_before*5, (n_before + n_len)*5])
Beispiel #7
def online_experiment(amp, clf):
    amp_fs = amp.get_sampling_frequency()
    amp_channels = amp.get_channels()

    buf = BlockBuffer(4)
    rb = RingBuffer(5000)

    fn = amp.get_sampling_frequency() / 2
    b_low, a_low = proc.signal.butter(16, [30 / fn], btype='low')
    b_high, a_high = proc.signal.butter(5, [.4 / fn], btype='high')

    zi_low = proc.lfilter_zi(b_low, a_low, len(amp_channels))
    zi_high = proc.lfilter_zi(b_high, a_high, len(amp_channels))

    markers_processed = 0
    current_letter_idx = 0
    current_letter = TRUE_LABELS[current_letter_idx].lower()

    letter_prob = {i: 0 for i in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789_'}
    endresult = []
    while True:
        # turn on for 'real time'

        # get fresh data from the amp
        data, markers = amp.get_data()

        # we should rather wait for a specific end-of-experiment marker
        if len(data) == 0:

        # convert to cnt
        cnt = io.convert_mushu_data(data, markers, amp_fs, amp_channels)

        # enter the block buffer
        cnt = buf.get()
        if not cnt:

        # band-pass and subsample
        cnt, zi_low = proc.lfilter(cnt, b_low, a_low, zi=zi_low)
        cnt, zi_high = proc.lfilter(cnt, b_high, a_high, zi=zi_high)

        cnt = proc.subsample(cnt, 60)

        newsamples =[0]

        # enter the ringbuffer
        cnt = rb.get()

        # segment
        epo = proc.segment_dat(cnt,
        if not epo:

        fv = proc.jumping_means(epo, JUMPING_MEANS_IVALS)
        fv = proc.create_feature_vectors(fv)

        lda_out = proc.lda_apply(fv, clf)
        markers = [fv.class_names[cls_idx] for cls_idx in fv.axes[0]]
        result = zip(markers, lda_out)
        for s, score in result:
            if markers_processed == 180:
                    sorted(letter_prob.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[-1][0])
                letter_prob = {
                    i: 0
                    for i in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789_'
                markers_processed = 0
                current_letter_idx += 1
                current_letter = TRUE_LABELS[current_letter_idx].lower()
            for letter in s:
                letter_prob[letter] += score
            markers_processed += 1
            i[0] for i in sorted(
                letter_prob.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        ]).replace(current_letter, " %s " % current_letter))
        # calculate the current accuracy
        if len(endresult) > 0:
            acc = np.count_nonzero(
                np.array(endresult) == np.array(
                    list(TRUE_LABELS.lower()[:len(endresult)]))) / len(
            print "Current accuracy:", acc * 100
        if len(endresult) == len(TRUE_LABELS):
        #logger.debug("Result: %s" % result)

    acc = np.count_nonzero(
        np.array(endresult) == np.array(
            list(TRUE_LABELS.lower()[:len(endresult)]))) / len(endresult)
    print "Accuracy:", acc * 100

def runLoop():
    alld = dynarray.DynamicArray(
        (None, len(amp.get_channels())))  # the growing numpy data matrix
    allm = []  # markers
    sfreq = amp.get_sampling_frequency()  # sampling frequency
    ch_names = amp.get_channels()  # channel names

    rb = RingBuffer(
        buffSize * 1000
    )  # the buffer containing the last X seconds of data - declared in MILISECONDS
    totalTime = seed_d.shape[0] /['sfreq']

    fig = plt.figure()  # plotting...
    th = fig.suptitle('')
    ah1 = fig.add_subplot(131)
    ah2 = fig.add_subplot(132)
    ah3 = fig.add_subplot(133)
    l1, = ah1.plot(sx, sy1)
    l2, = ah2.plot(sx, sy2)
    l3, = ah3.plot(sx2, sy3)

    # l=LoopState(); l.start()
    markeroffset = 0  # needed to store all data in one big mat/vector
    t0 = time.time()
    curTime = time.time()
    markTime = time.time()
    st = ''
    i = 0
    fnames = []  # for making a movie...
    while curTime - t0 < totalTime:  # l.get_state() != 'Stop':

        # keep track of time:
        curTime = time.time()

        # this is where you get the data
        data, marker = amp.get_data()

        if data.shape[0] > 0:  # this is crucial for remembering filter state.

            data2 = hpf.handle(data)
            data3 = mr.handle(data2)
            data4 = lpf.handle(data3)
            data5 = resample.handle(data4)
            data6 = cwl.handle(data5)

            # something like this:
            #filterchain = [HPFilter, MRFilter, LPFilter, ResampleFilter, HPFilter, CWLFilter]

            #corr_data = ProcessFilters(chain, (data, marker))

            # use case -- first using the MR Corrector
            #mr_data = MRFilter.filter(data)

            # then -- using the CWL corrector
            #cwl_mr_data = CWLFilter.filter(data)

            #dataf, rt_zi_bp = signal.lfilter(rt_b_bp, rt_a_bp, data, axis=0, zi=rt_zi_bp)  # how to operate directly on the data

            cnt = io.convert_mushu_data(data, marker, sfreq, ch_names)
            mr_cnt = io.convert_mushu_data(data3, marker, sfreq, ch_names)
            cwl_cnt = io.convert_mushu_data(data6, marker, sfreq, ch_names)

            # f_cnt, rt_zi_bp = proc.lfilter(cnt, rt_b_bp, rt_a_bp, zi=rt_zi_bp)  # real-time data preprocessing...

            # plotting...
            sy1.extend([:, channel_to_plot]
                       )  # to visualize/plot -- s1 and s2 are deque's
            sy2.extend([:, channel_to_plot])
            sy3.extend([:, channel_to_plot])

            msy1 = np.mean(sy1)
            msy2 = np.mean(sy2)
            msy3 = np.mean(sy3)
            ah1.set_ylim(-5000 + msy1, 5000 + msy1)
            ah2.set_ylim(-250 + msy2, 250 + msy2)
            ah3.set_ylim(-250 + msy3, 250 + msy3)


            # i+=1; fname = '_tmp%03d.png' % i; plt.savefig(fname); fnames.append(fname)

            # currently has no purpose
            newsamples =[0]

            # append to ringbuffer, so we can calculate features later on on the last N secs/samples of data.

            # append it to the big matrix, for saving later on with pickle.
            for m in marker:
                allm.append([m[0] + markeroffset, m[1]])
            markeroffset += newsamples / float(sfreq) * 1000.

            # do the following every 0.1 msec - with with the ringbuffer:
            if curTime - markTime > updateTime:
                # do Stuff

                markTime = curTime
                # 1) obtain last 1-second(s)
                d = rb.get()

                # clear_output(wait=True)  # write some logging information here
                # clear_output clear the output of the cell, but if you do that you also remove the figures, it seems
                # so don't do it!
                str1 = 'Playing Back - time = %f' % (curTime - t0)
                str2 = 'Length Markers: %d' % len(allm)
                str3 = '%d, %d' % data.shape
                #str4 = 'Feature Value: %f' % feature
                #str5 = 'Scaled Signal for NF: %f' % signalToSend
                #print(str1 + '\n' + str2 + '\n' + str3 + '\n' + str4 + '\n' + str5)

                # print('Length Markers: %d' % len(allm))
                # print(data.shape)
                th.set_text(str1 + '\n' + str2 + '\n' + str3)
Beispiel #9
def online_experiment(amp, cfy):
    amp_fs = amp.get_sampling_frequency()
    amp_channels = amp.get_channels()

    # buf = BlockBuffer(4)
    rb = RingBuffer(5000)
    fn = amp_fs / 2
    b_low, a_low = proc.signal.butter(5, [38 / fn], btype='low')
    b_high, a_high = proc.signal.butter(5, [.1 / fn], btype='high')
    zi_low = proc.lfilter_zi(b_low, a_low, len(amp_channels))
    zi_high = proc.lfilter_zi(b_high, a_high, len(amp_channels))

    print("Iniciando simulacao em 5s...")
    for x in xrange(4, 0, -1):
        print("%ds" % x)
    markers_processed = 0
    current_letter_idx = 0
    current_letter = TRUE_LABELS[current_letter_idx].lower()

    letter_prob = {i: 0 for i in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789_'}
    endresult = []
    t0 = time.time()

    while True:
        t0 = time.time()

        # get fresh data from the amp
        data, markers = amp.get_data()
        if len(data) == 0:

        # we should rather wait for a specific end-of-experiment marker
        if len(data) == 0:

        # convert to cnt
        cnt = io.convert_mushu_data(data, markers, amp_fs, amp_channels)

        # enter the block buffer
        # buf.append(cnt)
        # cnt = buf.get()
        # if not cnt:
        #    continue

        # band-pass and subsample
        cnt, zi_low = proc.lfilter(cnt, b_low, a_low, zi=zi_low)
        cnt, zi_high = proc.lfilter(cnt, b_high, a_high, zi=zi_high)

        cnt = proc.subsample(cnt, 60)

        newsamples =[0]

        # enter the ringbuffer
        cnt = rb.get()

        # segment
        epo = proc.segment_dat(cnt,
        if not epo:

        fv = proc.jumping_means(epo, JUMPING_MEANS_IVALS)
        fv = proc.create_feature_vectors(fv)
        print("\n")'Step : %d' % markers_processed)

        lda_out = proc.lda_apply(fv, cfy)
        markers = [fv.class_names[cls_idx] for cls_idx in fv.axes[0]]
        result = zip(markers, lda_out)
        for s, score in result:
            if markers_processed == 180:
                    sorted(letter_prob.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[-1][0])
                letter_prob = {
                    i: 0
                    for i in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789_'
                markers_processed = 0
                current_letter_idx += 1
                current_letter = TRUE_LABELS[current_letter_idx].lower()
            for letter in s:
                letter_prob[letter] += score
            markers_processed += 1

        print('Letra Atual Correta-:  %s  ' % current_letter)
        print("Letra provavel--: %s" % "".join([
            i[0] for i in sorted(
                letter_prob.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        ]).replace(current_letter, " '%s' " % current_letter))
        print('Letras Corretas----: %s' % TRUE_LABELS)
        # discovered = BuildDiscoveredString(endresult)
        # print('Letras Encontradas-: %s' % discovered)
        print('Letras Encontradas-: %s' % "".join(endresult))

        # calculate the current accuracy
        if len(endresult) > 0:
            acc = np.count_nonzero(
                np.array(endresult) == np.array(
                    list(TRUE_LABELS.lower()[:len(endresult)]))) / len(
            print('Acertividade Atual : %d' % (acc * 100))

        if len(endresult) == len(TRUE_LABELS) - 1:

        # logger.debug('Resultado : %s' % result)
        timeValue = 1000 * (time.time() - t0)
        print('Tempo consumido por ciclo : %d' % timeValue)

    acc = np.count_nonzero(
        np.array(endresult) == np.array(
            list(TRUE_LABELS.lower()[:len(endresult)]))) / len(endresult)
    print("Acertividade Final : %d" % (acc * 100))

Beispiel #10
             str(events[1])))  #taking only middle elements between 100&200
            (float(events[0]) + 200.0, str(events[1]))
        )  #again filling up the data this time taking two rows for same data point one is starting point other is end point
markers1 = np.array(train_markers1)  #markers1 is numpy array of train_markers1
markers_subject1_class_1 = [
    (float(events[0]), str(events[1])) for events in markers1
    if events[1] == '1\n'
]  #  separate line index starting and ending  for class 1 and class 2
markers_subject1_class_2 = [
    (float(events[0]), str(events[1])) for events in markers1
    if events[1] == '2\n'
]  #markers_subject1_class_1 and like wise other class correspondingly contains the 1 and 2 class marker data points
## ## print type(markers_subject1_class_1),type(markers_subject1_class_2),"markers_subject1_class1&2 data type"
cnt1 = convert_mushu_data(
    signal_array1, markers_subject1_class_1, 118,
    channels)  #convert data into continuous form   for 1st and second classs
cnt2 = convert_mushu_data(signal_array1, markers_subject1_class_2, 118,
cnt_ch1 = convert_mushu_data(
    signal_channel1, markers_subject1_class_1, 30, main_channels
)  #convert data into continuous form   for 1st and second classs
cnt_ch2 = convert_mushu_data(signal_channel1, markers_subject1_class_2, 30,
## ## print cnt1,"cnt1 shape"      #What type of marker data should be there  should it contain start as well as end point  or just start point is required

md = {'class 1': ['1\n'], 'class 2': ['2\n']}

epoch_subject1_class1 = segment_dat(
    cnt1, md, [0, 1000])  #epoch is a 3-d data set  class*time*channel
epoch_subject1_class2 = segment_dat(cnt2, md, [0, 1000])
Beispiel #11
def online_experiment(amp, cfy):
    amp_fs = amp.get_sampling_frequency()
    amp_channels = amp.get_channels()

    #buf = BlockBuffer(4)
    rb = RingBuffer(5000)

    fn = amp_fs / 2
    b_low, a_low = proc.signal.butter(5, [30 / fn], btype='low')
    b_high, a_high = proc.signal.butter(5, [.4 / fn], btype='high')

    zi_low = proc.lfilter_zi(b_low, a_low, len(amp_channels))
    zi_high = proc.lfilter_zi(b_high, a_high, len(amp_channels))

    markers_processed = 0
    current_letter_idx = 0
    current_letter = TRUE_LABELS[current_letter_idx].lower()

    letter_prob = {i : 0 for i in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789_'}
    endresult = []
    t0 = time.time()
    while True:
        t0 = time.time()

        # get fresh data from the amp
        data, markers = amp.get_data()
        if len(data) == 0:

        # we should rather wait for a specific end-of-experiment marker
        if len(data) == 0:

        # convert to cnt
        cnt = io.convert_mushu_data(data, markers, amp_fs, amp_channels)

        ## enter the block buffer
        #cnt = buf.get()
        #if not cnt:
        #    continue

        # band-pass and subsample
        cnt, zi_low = proc.lfilter(cnt, b_low, a_low, zi=zi_low)
        cnt, zi_high = proc.lfilter(cnt, b_high, a_high, zi=zi_high)

        cnt = proc.subsample(cnt, 60)

        newsamples =[0]

        # enter the ringbuffer
        cnt = rb.get()

        # segment
        epo = proc.segment_dat(cnt, MARKER_DEF_TEST, SEG_IVAL, newsamples=newsamples)
        if not epo:

        fv = proc.jumping_means(epo, JUMPING_MEANS_IVALS)
        fv = proc.create_feature_vectors(fv)

        lda_out = proc.lda_apply(fv, cfy)
        markers = [fv.class_names[cls_idx] for cls_idx in fv.axes[0]]
        result = zip(markers, lda_out)
        for s, score in result:
            if markers_processed == 180:
                endresult.append(sorted(letter_prob.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[-1][0])
                letter_prob = {i : 0 for i in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789_'}
                markers_processed = 0
                current_letter_idx += 1
                current_letter = TRUE_LABELS[current_letter_idx].lower()
            for letter in s:
                letter_prob[letter] += score
            markers_processed += 1
        logger.debug("".join([i[0] for i in sorted(letter_prob.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)]).replace(current_letter, " %s " % current_letter))
        # calculate the current accuracy
        if len(endresult) > 0:
            acc = np.count_nonzero(np.array(endresult) == np.array(list(TRUE_LABELS.lower()[:len(endresult)]))) / len(endresult)
            print "Current accuracy:", acc * 100
        if len(endresult) == len(TRUE_LABELS):
        #logger.debug("Result: %s" % result)
        print 1000 * (time.time() - t0)

    acc = np.count_nonzero(np.array(endresult) == np.array(list(TRUE_LABELS.lower()[:len(endresult)]))) / len(endresult)
    print "Accuracy:", acc * 100

             str(events[1])))  #taking only middle elements between 100&200
            (float(events[0]) + 200.0, str(events[1]))
        )  #again filling up the data this time taking two rows for same data point one is starting point other is end point
markers1 = np.array(train_markers1)  #markers1 is numpy array of train_markers1
markers_subject1_class_1 = [
    (float(events[0]), str(events[1])) for events in markers1
    if events[1] == '1\n'
]  #  separate line index starting and ending  for class 1 and class 2
markers_subject1_class_2 = [
    (float(events[0]), str(events[1])) for events in markers1
    if events[1] == '2\n'
]  #markers_subject1_class_1 and like wise other class correspondingly contains the 1 and 2 class marker data points
#print "cerberus",markers_subject1_class_1
cnt1 = convert_mushu_data(
    signal_array, markers_subject1_class_1, 100,
    channels)  #convert data into continuous form   for 1st and second classs
cnt2 = convert_mushu_data(signal_array, markers_subject1_class_2, 100,
#print cnt1,"cnt1 shape"      #What type of marker data should be there  should it contain start as well as end point  or just start point is required

md = {'class 1': ['1\n'], 'class 2': ['2\n']}

epoch_subject1_class1 = segment_dat(
    cnt1, md, [0, 1000])  #epoch is a 3-d data set  class*time*channel
epoch_subject1_class2 = segment_dat(cnt2, md, [0, 1000])

#print "epoch data",epoch_subject1_class1
def bandpowers(segment):
    features = []