Beispiel #1
   def get_secondary_lookup_code(self, base, size, sec_lookup_off,
       '''This secondary lookup is only used when rewriting only the main executable.  It is a second, simpler
      lookup function that is used by ret instructions and does NOT rewrite a return address on the stack
      when the destination is outside the mapping.  It instead simply returns the original address and that's
      it.  The only reason I'm doing this by way of a secondary lookup is this should be faster than a
      a parameter passed at runtime, so I need to statically have an offset to jump to in the case of returns.
      This is a cleaner way to do it than split the original lookup to have two entry points.'''
       #Notice that we only move a DWORD from the mapping (into ebx) because the
       #mapping only stores 4-byte offsets.  Therefore, if a text section is >4GB,
       #this mapping strategy will fail
       secondary_lookup = '''
 	push rbx
 	mov rbx,rax
       lea rax, [rip-%s]
 	sub rbx,%s
 	jb outside
 	cmp rbx,%s
 	jae outside
 	mov ebx,[rax+rbx*4+%s]
 	add rax,rbx
 	pop rbx
 	add rbx,%s
 	mov rax,rbx
 	pop rbx
       return _asm(secondary_lookup %
                   (sec_lookup_off + 11, base, size, mapping_off, base))
Beispiel #2
def count_instruction(inst):
    # Explanation:
    # 32bit system does not have a quad-word or 8-byte reference. Thus we only
    # have double-word (dword) or 4-byte addressable memory. But down below
    # at 'rewriter.alloc_globals` we reserved 8-bytes of global space for this
    # counter. Thus, this is a 'hack' to accumulate the count a 4-byte space
    # and let it overflow into the other 4-byte space
    increment_template = '''
    push ax
    seto al
    add DWORD PTR [0x%x],1
    adc DWORD PTR [0x%x],0
    cmp al,0x81
    pop ax

    # If this address is not in the guidance then return no instrumentation
    if not inst.address in guidance:
        return None

    inc = increment_template % (global_addr, global_addr + 4)
    return _asm(inc)
Beispiel #3
def count_instruction(inst): 
  increment_template = '''
  push ax
  seto al
  add DWORD PTR [0x%x],1
  adc DWORD PTR [0x%x],0
  cmp al,0x81
  pop ax
  inc = increment_template%( global_addr, global_addr+4 )
  return _asm( inc )
Beispiel #4
def count_instruction(inst):
    template = '''
    inc = template
    return _asm(inc)
Beispiel #5
    def get_lookup_code(self, base, size, lookup_off, mapping_off):
        #Example assembly for lookup function
  	push edx
  	mov edx,eax
  	call get_eip
  	pop eax			;Get current instruction pointer
  	sub eax,0x8248		;Subtract offset from instruction pointer val to get new text base addr
  	sub edx,0x8048000	;Compare to start (exclusive) and set edx to an offset in the mapping
  	jl outside		;Out of bounds (too small)
  	cmp edx,0x220		;Compare to end (inclusive) (note we are now comparing to the size)
  	jge outside		;Out of bounds (too big)
  	mov edx,[mapping+edx*4]	;Retrieve mapping entry (can't do this directly in generated func)
  	cmp edx, 0xffffffff	;Compare to invalid entry
  	je failure		;It was an invalid entry
  	add eax,edx		;Add the offset of the destination to the new text section base addr
  	pop edx
    outside:			;If the address is out of the mapping bounds, return original address
  	add edx,0x8048000	;Undo subtraction of base, giving us the originally requested address
  	mov eax,edx		;Place the original request back in eax
  	pop edx
  	jmp global_lookup	;Check if global lookup can find this
        #TODO: support lookup for binary/library combination
        lookup_template = '''
  	push rbx
  	mov rbx,rax
  	lea rax, [rip-%s]
  	jb outside
  	cmp rbx,%s
  	jae outside
  	mov ebx,[rax+rbx*4+%s]
  	cmp ebx, 0xffffffff
  	je failure
  	add rax,rbx
  	pop rbx
  	mov rax,rbx
  	pop rbx
  	mov QWORD PTR [rsp-8],%s
    	jmp [rsp-8]
        exec_code = '''
    	sub rbx,%s
        exec_restore = '''
    	add rbx,%s
        #Notice that we only move a DWORD from the mapping (into ebx) because the
        #mapping only stores 4-byte offsets.  Therefore, if a text section is >4GB,
        #this mapping strategy will fail
        exec_only_lookup = '''
  	push rbx
  	mov rbx,rax
  	lea rax, [rip-%s]
  	sub rbx,%s
  	jb outside
  	cmp rbx,%s
  	jae outside
  	mov ebx, [rax+rbx*4+%s]
  	add rax,rbx
  	pop rbx
  	add rbx,%s
  	mov rax,[rsp+16]
  	call lookup
  	mov [rsp+16],rax
  	mov rax,rbx
  	pop rbx
        #For an .so, it can be loaded at an arbitrary address, so we cannot depend on
        #the base address being in a fixed location.  Therefore, we instead compute
        #the old text section's start address by using the new text section's offset
        #from it.
        # rax holds the address of the lookup function, which is at the start of the new
        # section we are adding.
        # rbx at the start holds the address we want to look up, and we want to compute
        # how many bytes the address is from the start of the original text section.  So
        # we add the newbase address to rbx to add the offset there is between the old and
        # new text sections, and then subtract off the address of the lookup.
        so_code = '''
	add rbx, %s
	sub rbx, rax
        so_restore = '''
	add rbx, rax
	sub rbx, %s
        #retrieve rip 11 bytes after start of lookup function (right after first lea instruction)
        if self.context.write_so:
            return _asm(
                lookup_template %
                (lookup_off + 11, so_code %
                 (self.context.newbase), size, mapping_off, so_restore %
                 (self.context.newbase), self.context.global_lookup))
        elif self.context.exec_only:
            return _asm(exec_only_lookup %
                        (lookup_off + 11, base, size, mapping_off, base))
            return _asm(lookup_template %
                        (lookup_off + 11, exec_code % base, size, mapping_off,
                         exec_restore % base, self.context.global_lookup))
Beispiel #6
    def get_auxvec_code(self, entry):
        #Example assembly for searching the auxiliary vector
        #TODO: this commented assembly needs to be updated, as it's still (mostly) 32-bit code
  	mov [esp-4],esi		;I think there's no need to save these, but in case somehow the
  	mov [esp-8],ecx		;linker leaves something of interest for _start, let's save them
  	mov esi,[esp]		;Retrieve argc
  	mov ecx,esp		;Retrieve address of argc
  	lea ecx,[ecx+esi*4+4]	;Skip argv
    loopenv:			;Iterate through each environment variable
  	add ecx,4		;The first loop skips over the NULL after argv
  	mov esi,[ecx]		;Retrieve environment variable
  	test esi,esi		;Check whether it is NULL
  	jnz loopenv		;If not, continue through environment vars
  	add ecx,4		;Hop over 0 byte to first entry
    loopaux:			;Iterate through auxiliary vector, looking for AT_SYSINFO (32)
  	mov esi,[ecx]		;Retrieve the type field of this entry
  	cmp esi,32		;Compare to 32, the entry we want
  	jz foundsysinfo		;Found it
  	test esi,esi		;Check whether we found the entry signifying the end of auxv
  	jz restore		;Go to _start if we reach the end
  	add ecx,8		;Each entry is 8 bytes; go to next
  	jmp loopaux
  	mov esi,[ecx+4]		;Retrieve sysinfo address
  	mov [sysinfo],esi	;Save address
  	mov esi,[esp-4]
  	mov ecx,[esp-8]
    	push global_mapping	;Push address of global mapping for popgm
    	call popgm
	;place restoretext here if we need to restore .text
    	add esp,4		;Pop address of global mapping
  	jmp realstart

	mov BYTE PTR [gs:%s],0	;Restore flag to original state
	push rax		;Save registers required for syscall
	push rdi
	push rsi
	push rdx
	mov rax, 10		;sys_mprotect
	mov rdi, text_base	;Location of start of text section (rounded down to nearest page size)
	mov rsi, 4096		;One page
	mov rdx, 7		;rwx
	syscall			;Make page writable
	mov rax, 0	;Use rax as an index (starting at an offset that skips plt entries and other things preceding .text)
	mov rsi, saved_text_addr;Use rsi as a base address (address of the saved first page) (global lookup address - offset)
	mov rdi, text_addr	;Load actual text section location
	mov rdx, [rsi+rax]	;Load 8 bytes from saved .text page
	mov [rdi+rax], rdx	;Restore this data
	add rax,8		;Move index forward 8 bytes
	cmp rax,page_end	;If less than 4096-text_offset, continue looping
	jb looprestore 
	mov rax, 10		;sys_mprotect
	mov rdi, text_base	;Location of start of text section (rounded down to nearest page size)
	mov rsi, 4096		;One page
	mov rdx, 5		;r-x
	syscall			;Remove writable permission
	pop rdx			;Restore registers required for syscall
	pop rsi
	pop rdi
	pop rax
        auxvec_template = '''
  	mov [rsp-8],rsi
  	mov [rsp-16],rcx
  	mov rsi,[rsp]
  	mov rcx,rsp
  	lea rcx,[rcx+rsi*8+8]
  	add rcx,8
  	mov rsi,[rcx]
  	test rsi,rsi
  	jnz loopenv
  	add rcx,8
  	mov rsi,[rcx]
  	cmp rsi,32
  	jz foundsysinfo
  	test rsi,rsi
  	jz restore
  	add rcx,16
  	jmp loopaux
  	mov rsi,[rcx+8]
  	mov [%s],rsi
  	mov rsi,[rsp-8]
  	mov rcx,[rsp-16]
    	push %s
    	call [rsp]
    	add rsp,8
    	mov QWORD PTR [rsp-16], %s
  	jmp [rsp-16]'''
        # Ensure that the number of bytes that we restore does not exceed
        # the length of the text section, or else we will overwrite bytes
        # not in the text section with zeroes, as we only pull bytes from
        # .text
        restore_length = 0x1000 - (self.context.oldbase % 0x1000)
        if self.context.oldsize < restore_length:
            restore_length = self.context.oldsize
        restoretext = '''
	push rax		
	push rdi
	push rsi
	push rdx
	mov rax, 10		
	mov rdi, %s	
	mov rsi, 4096		
	mov rdx, 7		
	mov rax, 0		
	mov rsi, %s
	mov rdi, %s	
	mov rdx, [rsi+rax]	
	mov [rdi+rax], rdx	
	add rax,8		
	cmp rax,%s		
	jb looprestore 
	mov rax, 10		
	mov rdi, %s	
	mov rsi, 4096		
	mov rdx, 5		
	pop rdx		
	pop rsi
	pop rdi
	pop rax
    ''' % ((self.context.oldbase / 0x1000) * 0x1000, self.context.global_lookup
           - 0x20000, self.context.oldbase, restore_length,
           (self.context.oldbase / 0x1000) * 0x1000)

        return _asm(auxvec_template %
                     self.context.global_lookup + self.context.popgm_offset,
                     restoretext if self.context.move_phdrs_to_text else '',
                     self.context.newbase + entry))
Beispiel #7
    def get_global_lookup_code(self):
        #TODO: Support global lookup, executable + library rewriting
        #I have to modify it so it will assemble since we write out the global lookup
        #regardless of whether it's used, but it obviously won't work in this state...
        #addr - global_mapping[index].start <= global_mapping[index].length
        # rbx = length
        # rcx = base/entry
        # rdx = index
        # r10 = entry
        #struct gm_entry {
        #	unsigned long lookup_function;
        #	unsigned long start;
        #	unsigned long length;
        #TODO: still need to handle code entering the loader region....
	; Get rid of sysinfo comparison because we instead are going to be comparing based on entire address ranges
	;cmp rax,[%s]		; If rax is sysinfo
    	;je sysinfo		; Go to rewrite return address
	push rcx		; Save working registers
	push rbx		
	push rdx
	push r10
	mov rcx, %s		; Load address of first entry
	mov rbx, [rcx]		; Load first value in first entry (lookup_function, serving as length)
	xor rdx, rdx		; Clear rdx
	cmp rbx, rdx		; Check if we are past last entry
	je failure		; Did not find successful entry, so fail
	add rcx, 24		; Set rcx to next entry
	mov r10, [rcx+8]	; Load second item in entry (start)
	neg r10			; Negate r10 so it can act like it is being subtracted
	add r10, rax		; Get difference between lookup address and start
	cmp r10, [rcx+16]	; Compare: address - start <= end - start (length)
	jle success		; If so, we found the right entry.
	inc rdx			; Add one to our index
	jmp searchloop		; Loop for next entry
	mov rcx,[rcx]		; Load lookup address into rcx so we can compare it to 0
	test rcx,rcx		; If lookup address is zero it means this region is not rewritten!
	jz external		; Jump to external so we can rewrite return address on the stack (assume only calls into external regions)
	pop r10			; Restore the saved values first to grow the stack as little as possible
	pop rdx
	pop rbx
	call rcx		; Call the lookup, as specified by the first value in global mapping entry (lookup_function) 	
	pop rcx			; Restore rcx since we were using it to save the lookup function address 
	ret			; rax should now have the right value, so return
	pop r10			; Restore all saved registers, as the subsequent call to glookup will save them again.
	pop rdx			; Restoring the saved registers before the recursive call means the stack will not grow as much,
	pop rbx			; avoiding overwriting the value of rax saved outside the stack before the local lookup call without
	pop rcx			; having to increase the distance that rax is saved outside the stack as much as we would otherwise.
    	mov [rsp-64],rax	; Save original rax (not with push so we don't increase the stack pointer any more)
    	mov rax,[rsp+8]		; Load the return address we want to overwrite (address of instruction calling the local lookup)
    	call glookup		; Lookup the translated value
    	mov [rsp+8],rax		; Overwrite with the translated value
    	mov rax,[rsp-64]	; Restore original rax, returned unmodified so we call unmodified external code
        global_lookup_template = '''
	push rcx	
	push rbx		
	push rdx
	push r10
	mov rcx, %s		
	mov rbx, [rcx]		
	xor rdx, rdx		
	cmp rbx, rdx		
	je failure		
	add rcx, 24		
	mov r10, [rcx+8]
	neg r10	
	add r10, rax	
	cmp r10, [rcx+16]
	jle success
	inc rdx			
	jmp searchloop		
	mov rcx,[rcx]
	test rcx,rcx
	jz external
	pop r10			
	pop rdx
	pop rbx
	call rcx		 
	pop rcx
	pop r10			
	pop rdx
	pop rbx
	pop rcx	
    	mov [rsp-64],rax		
    	mov rax,[rsp+8]	
    	call glookup		
    	mov [rsp+8],rax	
    	mov rax,[rsp-64]		
        return _asm(global_lookup_template % (self.context.global_sysinfo + 8))