Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, policylist, namelist=None, date=today()):
     self.warn = []
     self.message = []
     self.policylist = policylist
     if namelist is None:
         self.namelist = [i for i in range(len(policylist))]
         self.namelist = namelist
     assert len(self.policylist) == len(self.namelist)
     for i, policy in enumerate(policylist):
         row = policy.status[policy.status["date"] == date]
         if len(row) == 1:
             warn = (
             if warn[2] > 0:
                 sug = "买入%s元" % warn[2]
             elif warn[2] < 0:
                 ratio = -warn[2] / 0.005 * 100
                 share = (trade(fundinfo(warn[1]),
                                    "currentshare", 0))
                 share = -warn[2] / 0.005 * share
                 sug = "卖出%s%%的份额,也即%s份额" % (ratio, share)
             self.message.append("根据%s计划,建议%s,%s(%s)" %
                                 (warn[3], sug, warn[0], warn[1]))
     self.content = "\n".join(map(str, self.message))
Beispiel #2
    def update(self):
        function to incrementally update the pricetable after fetch the old one
        lastdate = self.price.iloc[-1].date
        diffdays = (yesterdayobj() - lastdate).days
        if (
                diffdays == 0
        ):  ## for some QDII, this value is 1, anyways, trying update is compatible (d+2 update)
            return None
        self._updateurl = (
            "" +
            self.code + "&page=1&per=1")
        con = rget(self._updateurl)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(con.text, "lxml")
        items = soup.findAll("td")
        if dt.datetime.strptime(str(items[0].string), "%Y-%m-%d") == today():
            diffdays += 1
        if diffdays <= 10:
            self._updateurl = (
                + self.code + "&page=1&per=" + str(diffdays))
            con = rget(self._updateurl)
            soup = BeautifulSoup(con.text, "lxml")
            items = soup.findAll("td")
        elif (
                diffdays > 10
        ):  ## there is a 20 item per page limit in the API, so to be safe, we query each page by 10 items only
            items = []
            for pg in range(1, int(diffdays / 10) + 2):
                self._updateurl = (
                    + self.code + "&page=" + str(pg) + "&per=10")
                con = rget(self._updateurl)
                soup = BeautifulSoup(con.text, "lxml")
            raise TradeBehaviorError(
                "Weird incremental update: the saved copy has future records")

        date = []
        netvalue = []
        totvalue = []
        comment = []
        for i in range(int(len(items) / 7)):
            ts = pd.Timestamp(str(items[7 * i].string))
            if (ts - lastdate).days > 0:
                netvalue.append(float(items[7 * i + 1].string))
                totvalue.append(float(items[7 * i + 2].string))
                comment.append(_nfloat(items[7 * i + 6].string))
        df = pd.DataFrame({
            "date": date,
            "netvalue": netvalue,
            "totvalue": totvalue,
            "comment": comment,
        df = df.iloc[::-1]  ## reverse the time order
        df = df[df["date"].isin(opendate)]
        df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
        df = df[df["date"] <= yesterdayobj()]
        if len(df) != 0:
            self.price = self.price.append(df, ignore_index=True, sort=True)
            return df
Beispiel #3
    def update(self):
        function to incrementally update the pricetable after fetch the old one
        lastdate = self.price.iloc[-1].date
        startvalue = self.price.iloc[-1].totvalue
        diffdays = (yesterdayobj() - lastdate).days
        if diffdays == 0:
            return None
        self._updateurl = (
            "" +
            self.code + "&page=1&per=1")
        con = rget(self._updateurl)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(con.text, "lxml")
        items = soup.findAll("td")
        if dt.datetime.strptime(str(items[0].string), "%Y-%m-%d") == today():
            diffdays += 1
        if diffdays <= 10:
            # caution: there may be today data!! then a day gap will be in table
            self._updateurl = (
                + self.code + "&page=1&per=" + str(diffdays))
            con = rget(self._updateurl)
            soup = BeautifulSoup(con.text, "lxml")
            items = soup.findAll("td")
        elif (
                diffdays > 10
        ):  ## there is a 20 item per page limit in the API, so to be safe, we query each page by 10 items only
            items = []
            for pg in range(1, int(diffdays / 10) + 2):
                self._updateurl = (
                    + self.code + "&page=" + str(pg) + "&per=10")
                con = rget(self._updateurl)
                soup = BeautifulSoup(con.text, "lxml")
            raise TradeBehaviorError(
                "Weird incremental update: the saved copy has future records")

        date = []
        earnrate = []
        comment = []
        for i in range(int(len(items) / 6)):
            ts = pd.Timestamp(str(items[6 * i].string))
            if (ts - lastdate).days > 0:
                earnrate.append(float(items[6 * i + 1].string) * 1e-4)
                comment.append(_nfloat(items[6 * i + 5].string))
        date = date[::-1]
        earnrate = earnrate[::-1]
        comment = comment[::-1]
        netvalue = [startvalue]
        for earn in earnrate:
            netvalue.append(netvalue[-1] * (1 + earn))

        df = pd.DataFrame({
            "date": date,
            "netvalue": netvalue,
            "totvalue": netvalue,
            "comment": comment,
        df = df[df["date"].isin(opendate)]
        df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
        df = df[df["date"] <= yesterdayobj()]
        if len(df) != 0:
            self.price = self.price.append(df, ignore_index=True, sort=True)
            return df