def process_contour(self, ds: xr.Dataset, y_ind, x_ind): """ Redefine contour so that each point on the contour defined by y_ind and x_ind is seperated from its neighbours by a single index change in y or x, but not both. example: convert y_ind = [10,11], x_ind = [1,2] to y_ind = [10,10], x_ind = [1,2] or y_ind = [10,11], x_ind = [1,1] Parameters ---------- nemo : xarray.Dataset xarray Dataset from supplied nemo object y_ind : numpy.ndarray 1d array of y indices defining the contour on the model grid x_ind : numpy.ndarray 1d array of x indices defining the contour on the model grid Returns ------- y_ind : numpy.ndarray processed y indices of the contour on the model grid x_ind : numpy.ndarray processed x indices of the contour on the model grid """ try: y_ind = np.asarray(y_ind) x_ind = np.asarray(x_ind) # When replacing diagonal segments in the contour, pick the path that is # closest to the contour isobath depth option1 = uf.fabs(ds.bathymetry[xr.DataArray(y_ind+1), xr.DataArray(x_ind)] - self.depth) option0 = uf.fabs(ds.bathymetry[xr.DataArray(y_ind), xr.DataArray(x_ind+1)] - self.depth) add_new_y_point = xr.where(option1 <= option0, 1, 0 ) spacing = np.abs( np.diff(y_ind) ) + np.abs( np.diff(x_ind) ) if spacing.max() > 2: raise ValueError("The contour is not continuous. The contour must be defined on " "adjacent grid points.") spacing[spacing!=2]=0 doublespacing = np.nonzero( spacing )[0] for ispacing in doublespacing[::-1]: if add_new_y_point[ispacing]: y_ind = np.insert( y_ind, ispacing+1, y_ind[ispacing+1] ) x_ind = np.insert( x_ind, ispacing+1, x_ind[ispacing] ) else: y_ind = np.insert( y_ind, ispacing+1, y_ind[ispacing] ) x_ind = np.insert( x_ind, ispacing+1, x_ind[ispacing+1] ) # Remove any repeated points caused by the rounding of the indices nonrepeated_idx = np.nonzero( np.abs( np.diff(y_ind) ) + np.abs( np.diff(x_ind) ) ) y_ind = np.concatenate( (y_ind[nonrepeated_idx], [y_ind[-1]]) ) x_ind = np.concatenate( (x_ind[nonrepeated_idx], [x_ind[-1]]) ) return (y_ind, x_ind) except ValueError: print(traceback.format_exc())
def cfl_check(dataset, model_params): sagp.get_grid_sizes(dataset, model_params) dataset_2 = xruf.fabs(dataset['ucomp']) * model_params[ 'delta_t'] * model_params['res'] / model_params['planet_radius'] dataset['cfl'] = (('time'), dataset_2.max(dim=('pfull', 'lat', 'lon')))
def _get_earth_mask(lat): """Identify earth/space pixels Returns: Mask (1=earth, 0=space) """ logger.debug('Computing earth mask') return xu.fabs(lat) <= 90
def normalized_copy(data): """ Return a copy of data, with the absolute taken and normalized to 0-1. The maximum across all regions and timesteps is used to normalize. """ ds = data.copy(deep=True) # Work off a copy data_vars_in_t = [v for v in time_clustering._get_datavars(data) if 't' in data[v].dims] for var in data_vars_in_t: for y in ds.coords['y'].values: # Get max across all regions to normalize against norm_max = fabs(ds[var].loc[{'y': y}]).max() for x in ds.coords['x'].values: df = ds[var].loc[{'x': x, 'y': y}] ds[var].loc[{'x': x, 'y': y}] = fabs(df) / norm_max return ds
def getEndOfSeason(self, array, sMmaxgreen): # compute the minimum in the season start seasonEnd_Range=array.sel(t=slice(self.eStart,self.eEnd)) seasonEnd_MinGreennessIdx=seasonEnd_Range.argmin('t') seasonEnd_DateAtMin,seasonEnd_MinGreenness=seasonEnd_Range.t[seasonEnd_MinGreennessIdx].dt.dayofyear,seasonEnd_Range.isel(t=seasonEnd_MinGreennessIdx) # Calculate the greenness value corresponding to the start of the season seasonEnd_Greenness = seasonEnd_MinGreenness + ((sMmaxgreen - seasonEnd_MinGreenness) * (self.tEos / 100.0)) # Get the closest date to this greenness #for i in range(len(seasonEnd_Range[:])): seasonEnd_Range[i]=seasonEnd_Range[i]-seasonEnd_Greenness seasonEnd_Range=fabs(seasonEnd_Range-seasonEnd_Greenness) seasonEnd_Idx=seasonEnd_Range.where(seasonEnd_Range.t.dt.dayofyear<=seasonEnd_DateAtMin).argmin('t',skipna=True) seasonEnd_Date=seasonEnd_Range.t[seasonEnd_Idx].dt.dayofyear return seasonEnd_Date
def _double_t_test(self, t0, dof): """ Double tailed student t test. **Arguments:** *array* t0 field `xarray.DataArray`; dof `int`; **Return:** *array* p: p values; """ from scipy.stats import t from xarray.ufuncs import fabs pvalue = 2 * t.sf(fabs(t0), dof) * xr.ones_like(t0) return pvalue
def plot_3d_isosurface(X, Y, Z, Q, level, is_ordered=False, fig=None, **kwargs): """Plot a the surface of a given level value of Q Assumes Q approximately decreases/increases monotonically with depth Inputs ------ X, Y, Z: 1D or 3D arrays The grid associated with Q Q: 3D array The quantity from which to find the isosurface level: float The value of the isosurface is_ordered: bool Set to true if Q(X, Y, Z) not Q(Z, Y, X), which is MITgcm default fig: figure instance If no figure instance is passed in, a new one is created kwargs: dict Values to pass to ? Output ------ fig: figure instance surf: contour surface artist """ fig = plt.figure() if fig is None else fig ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') Z_inds = np.argmin(fabs(Q - level), axis=0) Z_surface =[[Z_inds]].squeeze() print(Z_surface.shape) if X.ndim == 1 and Y.ndim == 1: X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) # Quick hack to avoid edge effects inds = np.s_[5:-5, 5:-5] ax.plot_surface(X[inds], Y[inds], Z_surface[inds]) return Z_inds
def plot_lid_driven_cavity_frame(Re, n): ds = xr.open_dataset(f"lid_driven_cavity_Re{Re}.nc", decode_times=False) Ny = ds.yC.size Nz = ds.zC.size fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=2, figsize=(16, 16), dpi=200) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.25) fig.suptitle(f"Lid-driven cavity, Re = {Re}, t = {ds.time[n].values:.2f}", fontsize=16) ax_v_line, ax_v_mesh = axes[0, 0], axes[0, 1] ax_w_line, ax_w_mesh = axes[1, 0], axes[1, 1] ax_ζ_line, ax_ζ_mesh = axes[2, 0], axes[2, 1] v_line = ds.v.isel(time=n, yF=Ny // 2) ax_v_line.plot(y_Ghia, v_Ghia[Re], label="Ghia et al. (1982)", color="tab:blue", linestyle="", marker="o", fillstyle="none") ax_v_line.plot(ds.zC, v_line.values.flatten(), label="Oceananigans.jl", color="tab:blue") ax_v_line.legend(loc="lower left", bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1.01, 1, 0.2), ncol=2, frameon=False) ax_v_line.set_xlabel("z") ax_v_line.set_ylabel("v") ax_v_line.set_xlim([0, 1]) w_line = ds.w.isel(time=n, zF=Nz // 2) ax_w_line.plot(z_Ghia, w_Ghia[Re], label="Ghia et al. (1982)", color="tab:orange", linestyle="", marker="o", fillstyle="none") ax_w_line.plot(ds.yC, w_line.values.flatten(), label="Oceananigans.jl", color="tab:orange") ax_w_line.legend(loc="lower left", bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1.01, 1, 0.2), ncol=2, frameon=False) ax_w_line.set_xlabel("y") ax_w_line.set_ylabel("w") ax_w_line.set_xlim([0, 1]) v = ds.v.isel(time=n).squeeze() img_v = v.plot.pcolormesh(ax=ax_v_mesh, vmin=-1, vmax=1,, add_colorbar=False) fig.colorbar(img_v, ax=ax_v_mesh, extend="both") ax_v_mesh.axvline(x=0.5, color="tab:blue", alpha=0.5) ax_v_mesh.set_title("v-velocity") ax_v_mesh.set_xlabel("y") ax_v_mesh.set_ylabel("z") ax_v_mesh.set_aspect("equal") w = ds.w.isel(time=n).squeeze() img_w = w.plot.pcolormesh(ax=ax_w_mesh, vmin=-1, vmax=1,, add_colorbar=False) fig.colorbar(img_w, ax=ax_w_mesh, extend="both") ax_w_mesh.axhline(y=0.5, color="tab:orange", alpha=0.5) ax_w_mesh.set_title("w-velocity") ax_w_mesh.set_xlabel("y") ax_w_mesh.set_ylabel("z") ax_w_mesh.set_aspect("equal") ζ_line = fabs(ds.ζ.isel(time=n, zF=Nz)) ax_ζ_line.plot(y_ζ_Ghia, ζ_Ghia[Re], label="Ghia et al. (1982)", color="tab:purple", linestyle="", marker="o", fillstyle="none") ax_ζ_line.plot(ds.yF, ζ_line.values.flatten(), label="Oceananigans.jl", color="tab:purple") ax_ζ_line.legend(loc="lower left", bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1.01, 1, 0.2), ncol=2, frameon=False) ax_ζ_line.set_xlabel("y") ax_ζ_line.set_ylabel("vorticity $|\zeta$|") ax_ζ_line.set_xlim([0, 1]) ax_ζ_line.set_ylim(bottom=0) ζ = ds.ζ.isel(time=n).squeeze() img_ζ = ζ.plot.pcolormesh(ax=ax_ζ_mesh,, extend="both", add_colorbar=False, norm=colors.SymLogNorm(base=10, linthresh=1, vmin=-1e2, vmax=1e2)) fig.colorbar(img_ζ, ax=ax_ζ_mesh, extend="both") ax_ζ_mesh.axhline(y=1, color="tab:purple", alpha=1.0) ax_ζ_mesh.set_title("vorticity") ax_ζ_mesh.set_xlabel("y") ax_ζ_mesh.set_ylabel("z") ax_ζ_mesh.set_aspect("equal") print(f"Saving lid-driven cavity Re={Re} frame {n}/{ds.time.size-1}...") plt.savefig(f"lid_driven_cavity_Re{Re}_{n:05d}.png") plt.close("all")