def write_batch_id_files(tv_ids, movie_ids, misc_ids): if len(tv_ids) > 0: shows_import_file_path = "special://profile/addon_data/" if xbmcvfs.exists(shows_import_file_path): os.remove(xbmc.translatePath(shows_import_file_path)) tv_id_list = "" for id in tv_ids: tv_id_list = tv_id_list + str(id) + '\n' if not xbmcvfs.exists(shows_import_file_path): batch_add_file = xbmcvfs.File(shows_import_file_path, 'w') batch_add_file.write(tv_id_list) batch_add_file.close() dialogs.notify(msg='Converting tvshows, seasons & episodes', title='to id-list for batch-adding', delay=3000, image=get_icon_path("tvshows")) if len(movie_ids) > 0: movies_import_file_path = "special://profile/addon_data/" if xbmcvfs.exists(movies_import_file_path): os.remove(xbmc.translatePath(movies_import_file_path)) movie_id_list = "" for id in movie_ids: movie_id_list = movie_id_list + str(id) + '\n' if not xbmcvfs.exists(movies_import_file_path): batch_add_file = xbmcvfs.File(movies_import_file_path, 'w') batch_add_file.write(movie_id_list) batch_add_file.close() dialogs.notify(msg='Converting movies', title='to id-list for batch-adding', delay=3000, image=get_icon_path("movies")) if len(misc_ids) > 0: misc_import_file_path = "special://profile/addon_data/" if xbmcvfs.exists(misc_import_file_path): os.remove(xbmc.translatePath(misc_import_file_path)) misc_id_list = "" for id in misc_ids: misc_id_list = misc_id_list + str(id) + '\n' if not xbmcvfs.exists(misc_import_file_path): batch_add_file = xbmcvfs.File(misc_import_file_path, 'w') batch_add_file.write(misc_id_list) batch_add_file.close() dialogs.notify(msg='Converting miscellaneous', title='to id-list for batch-adding', delay=3000, image=get_icon_path("tvshows"))
def batch_add_movies_to_library(library_folder, id): if id == None: return changed = False movie_folder = os.path.join(library_folder, str(id)+'/') if not xbmcvfs.exists(movie_folder): try: xbmcvfs.mkdir(movie_folder) except: pass player_filepath = os.path.join(movie_folder, '') player_file = xbmcvfs.File(player_filepath, 'w') content = "{0}".format(plugin.get_setting(SETTING_MOVIES_DEFAULT_PLAYER_FROM_LIBRARY, unicode)) player_file.write(content) player_file.close() # create nfo file nfo_filepath = os.path.join(movie_folder, str(id)+ "%s" % plugin.get_setting(SETTING_LIBRARY_TAGS, unicode) + ".nfo") if not xbmcvfs.exists(nfo_filepath): changed = True nfo_file = xbmcvfs.File(nfo_filepath, 'w') content = "" % str(id) nfo_file.write(content) nfo_file.close() strm_filepath = os.path.join(movie_folder, str(id) + "%s" % plugin.get_setting(SETTING_LIBRARY_TAGS, unicode) + ".strm") src = "imdb" if not xbmcvfs.exists(strm_filepath): changed = True strm_file = xbmcvfs.File(strm_filepath, 'w') try: content = plugin.url_for("movies_play", src=src, id=id, mode='library') strm_file.write(content) strm_file.close() except: pass # if xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.hasaddon(script.qlickplay)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("RunScript(script.qlickplay,info=afteradd)") # elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.hasaddon(script.extendedinfo)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=afteradd)") return changed
def add_channel_to_library(library_folder, channel, play_plugin = None): changed = False # create channel folder channel_folder = os.path.join(library_folder, str(channel)+'/') if not xbmcvfs.exists(channel_folder): try: xbmcvfs.mkdir(channel_folder) except: pass # create nfo file nfo_filepath = os.path.join(channel_folder, str(channel)+".nfo") if not xbmcvfs.exists(nfo_filepath): changed = True nfo_file = xbmcvfs.File(nfo_filepath, 'w') content = "%s" % str(channel) nfo_file.write(content) nfo_file.close() # Create play with file if play_plugin is not None: player_filepath = os.path.join(channel_folder, '') player_file = xbmcvfs.File(player_filepath, 'w') content = "{0}".format(play_plugin) player_file.write(content) player_file.close() # create strm file strm_filepath = os.path.join(channel_folder, str(channel)+".strm") if not xbmcvfs.exists(strm_filepath): changed = True strm_file = xbmcvfs.File(strm_filepath, 'w') content = plugin.url_for("live_play", channel=channel, program="None", language="en", mode="library") strm_file.write(content) strm_file.close() return changed
def batch_add_tvshows_to_library(library_folder, show): id = show['id'] showname = to_utf8(show['seriesname']) playlist_folder = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_PLAYLIST_FOLDER, unicode) if not xbmcvfs.exists(playlist_folder): try: xbmcvfs.mkdir(playlist_folder) except: dialogs.notify(msg=_('Creation of [COLOR ff0084ff]M[/COLOR]etalli[COLOR ff0084ff]Q[/COLOR] Playlist Folder'), title=_('Failed'), delay=5000, image=get_icon_path("lists")) playlist_file = os.path.join(playlist_folder, id+".xsp") if not xbmcvfs.exists(playlist_file): playlist_file = xbmcvfs.File(playlist_file, 'w') content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?><smartplaylist type="tvshows"><name>%s</name><match>all</match><rule field="path" operator="contains"><value>%s%s</value></rule><rule field="playcount" operator="is"><value>0</value></rule><order direction="ascending">numepisodes</order></smartplaylist>' % (showname, plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_LIBRARY_FOLDER, unicode).replace('special://profile',''), str(id)) playlist_file.write(str(content)) playlist_file.close() show_folder = os.path.join(library_folder, str(id)+'/') if not xbmcvfs.exists(show_folder): try: xbmcvfs.mkdir(show_folder) except: pass player_filepath = os.path.join(show_folder, '') player_file = xbmcvfs.File(player_filepath, 'w') content = "default" player_file.write(content) player_file.close() nfo_filepath = os.path.join(show_folder, 'tvshow.nfo') if not xbmcvfs.exists(nfo_filepath): nfo_file = xbmcvfs.File(nfo_filepath, 'w') content = "" % str(id) nfo_file.write(content) nfo_file.close() clean_needed = True return clean_needed
def write_list_id_files(misc_ids, tv_ids, movie_ids, slug, user): if len(misc_ids) > 0: misc_list_file_path = "special://home/userdata/addon_data/" + slug + "_by_" + user + ".txt" if xbmcvfs.exists(misc_list_file_path): os.remove(xbmc.translatePath(misc_list_file_path)) misc_id_list = "" for id in misc_ids: misc_id_list = misc_id_list + str(id) + '\n' if not xbmcvfs.exists(misc_list_file_path): batch_add_file = xbmcvfs.File(misc_list_file_path, 'w') batch_add_file.write(misc_id_list) batch_add_file.close() if len(tv_ids) > 0: shows_list_file_path = "special://home/userdata/addon_data/" + slug + "_by_" + user + ".txt" if xbmcvfs.exists(shows_list_file_path): os.remove(xbmc.translatePath(shows_list_file_path)) tv_id_list = "" for id in tv_ids: tv_id_list = tv_id_list + str(id) + '\n' if not xbmcvfs.exists(shows_list_file_path): batch_add_file = xbmcvfs.File(shows_list_file_path, 'w') batch_add_file.write(tv_id_list) batch_add_file.close() if len(movie_ids) > 0: movies_list_file_path = "special://home/userdata/addon_data/" + slug + "_by_" + user + ".txt" if xbmcvfs.exists(movies_list_file_path): os.remove(xbmc.translatePath(movies_list_file_path)) movie_id_list = "" for id in movie_ids: movie_id_list = movie_id_list + str(id) + '\n' if not xbmcvfs.exists(movies_list_file_path): batch_add_file = xbmcvfs.File(movies_list_file_path, 'w') batch_add_file.write(movie_id_list) batch_add_file.close()
def add_movie_to_library(library_folder, src, id, date): changed = False # create nfo file nfo_filepath = os.path.join(library_folder, str(id) + ".nfo") if not xbmcvfs.exists(nfo_filepath): changed = True nfo_file = xbmcvfs.File(nfo_filepath, 'w') if src == "imdb": content = "" % str(id) else: content = "" % str(id) nfo_file.write(content) nfo_file.close() if date and plugin.get_setting(SETTING_LIBRARY_SET_DATE, converter=bool): os.utime(nfo_filepath, (date, date)) # create strm file strm_filepath = os.path.join(library_folder, str(id) + ".strm") if not xbmcvfs.exists(strm_filepath): changed = True strm_file = xbmcvfs.File(strm_filepath, 'w') content = plugin.url_for("movies_play", src=src, id=id, mode='library') strm_file.write(content) strm_file.close() if date and plugin.get_setting(SETTING_LIBRARY_SET_DATE, converter=bool): os.utime(strm_filepath, (date, date)) return changed
def list_library(): while not xbmc.abortRequested and \ (xbmc.getCondVisibility('Library.IsScanning') or \ xbmc.getCondVisibility('Window.IsActive(progressdialog)') or \ xbmc.getCondVisibility('Window.IsActive(extendedprogressdialog)')): xbmc.sleep(100) xbmc.sleep(5000) library = {} medias = ["movies", "tvshows"] # medias = ["movies", "tvshows", "musicvideos", "music", "live"] for m in medias: if m == "movies": lib = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_MOVIES_LIBRARY_FOLDER, unicode) prite = RPC.videolibrary.get_movies(properties=[ "title", "year", "playcount", "fanart", "originaltitle", "imdbnumber", "thumbnail", "file" ]) if "movies" in prite: ite = prite["movies"] else: ite = [] elif m == "tvshows": lib = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_LIBRARY_FOLDER, unicode) prite = RPC.videolibrary.get_tvshows(properties=[ "title", "year", "playcount", "fanart", "originaltitle", "imdbnumber", "thumbnail", "file" ]) if "tvshows" in prite: ite = prite["tvshows"] else: ite = [] # elif m == "musicvideos": # lib = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_LIBRARY_FOLDER, unicode) # ite = RPC.videolibrary.get_tvshows(properties=["title","year","playcount","fanart","originaltitle","imdbnumber","thumbnail","file"])["tvshows"] else: continue liq = xbmcvfs.listdir(lib)[0] for i in ite: try: f = xbmcvfs.File( os.path.join(lib, i["imdbnumber"], "")) i["player"] = f.close() except: i["player"] = "na" f = xbmcvfs.File("{0}library.nfo".format(lib), 'w') f.write(str(ite)) f.close() if len(ite) > 0: players = dict(zip(ite[0], zip(*[d.values() for d in ite])))["player"] else: players = "()" f = xbmcvfs.File("{0}players.nfo".format(lib), 'w') f.write(str(players)) f.close()
def get_current_movie_players_from_library(): library_folder = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_MOVIES_LIBRARY_FOLDER, unicode) if not xbmcvfs.exists(library_folder): return folders = xbmcvfs.listdir(library_folder)[0] players_info = "" for folder in folders: player_file = xbmcvfs.File(os.path.join(library_folder, str(folder), "")) content = players_info = players_info + "{0}|{1}".format(folder, content) + '\n' player_file.close() lib_players_file = xbmcvfs.File(library_folder + "", 'w') lib_players_file.write(players_info) lib_players_file.close()
def export_movies_library(): folder_path = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_MOVIES_LIBRARY_FOLDER, unicode) if not xbmcvfs.exists(folder_path): return dialogs.notify(msg='Movies folder', title='Absent', delay=5000, image=get_icon_path("movies")) ids = "" movies = xbmcvfs.listdir(folder_path)[0] if len(movies) < 1: return dialogs.notify(msg='Movies folder', title='Empty', delay=5000, image=get_icon_path("movies")) else: for movie in movies: ids = ids + str(movie) + '\n' movies_backup_file_path = "special://profile/addon_data/" if xbmcvfs.exists(movies_backup_file_path): os.remove(xbmc.translatePath(movies_backup_file_path)) if not xbmcvfs.exists(movies_backup_file_path): batch_add_file = xbmcvfs.File(movies_backup_file_path, 'w') batch_add_file.write(ids) batch_add_file.close() dialogs.notify(msg="Movies", title="Backed up", delay=5000, image=get_icon_path("movies"))
def export_tv_library(): folder_path = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_LIBRARY_FOLDER, unicode) if not xbmcvfs.exists(folder_path): return dialogs.notify(msg='TVShows folder', title='Absent', delay=5000, image=get_icon_path("tv")) ids = "" shows = xbmcvfs.listdir(folder_path)[0] if len(shows) < 1: return dialogs.notify(msg='TVShows folder', title='Empty', delay=5000, image=get_icon_path("tv")) else: for show in shows: ids = ids + str(show) + '\n' shows_backup_file_path = "special://profile/addon_data/" if xbmcvfs.exists(shows_backup_file_path): os.remove(xbmc.translatePath(shows_backup_file_path)) if not xbmcvfs.exists(shows_backup_file_path): batch_add_file = xbmcvfs.File(shows_backup_file_path, 'w') batch_add_file.write(ids) batch_add_file.close() dialogs.notify(msg="TVShows", title="Backed up", delay=5000, image=get_icon_path("tv"))
def get_players(media, filters={}): assert media in ("tvshows", "movies", "musicvideos", "music", "live") players = [] players_path = "special://home/userdata/addon_data/{0}/players/".format( files = [ x for x in xbmcvfs.listdir(players_path)[1] if x.endswith(EXTENSION) ] for file in files: path = players_path + file try: f = xbmcvfs.File(path) try: content = meta = json.loads(content) finally: f.close() player = AddonPlayer(file, media, meta) if not player.is_empty(): players.append(player) except Exception, e: plugin.log.error(repr(e)) msg = "player %s is invalid" % file xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('Invalid player', msg) raise
def library_tv_strm(show, folder, id, season, episode): # Create season folder enc_season = ('Season %s' % season).translate(None, '\/:*?"<>|').strip('.') folder = os.path.join(folder, enc_season) try: xbmcvfs.mkdir(folder) except: pass # Create episode strm enc_name = 'S%02dE%02d' % (season, episode) stream = os.path.join( folder, enc_name + "%s" % plugin.get_setting(SETTING_LIBRARY_TAGS, unicode) + ".strm") if not xbmcvfs.exists(stream): file = xbmcvfs.File(stream, 'w') content = plugin.url_for("tv_play", id=id, season=season, episode=episode, mode='library') file.write(str(content)) file.close() if plugin.get_setting(SETTING_LIBRARY_SET_DATE, bool): try: firstaired = show[season][episode]['firstaired'] t = date_to_timestamp(firstaired) os.utime(stream, (t, t)) except: pass
def add_movie_to_library(library_folder, src, id, play_plugin=None): changed = False # create movie folder movie_folder = os.path.join(library_folder, str(id) + '/') if not xbmcvfs.exists(movie_folder): try: xbmcvfs.mkdir(movie_folder) except: pass # Create play with file if play_plugin is not None: player_filepath = os.path.join(movie_folder, '') player_file = xbmcvfs.File(player_filepath, 'w') content = "{0}".format(play_plugin) player_file.write(content) player_file.close() # create nfo file nfo_filepath = os.path.join( movie_folder, str(id) + "%s" % plugin.get_setting(SETTING_LIBRARY_TAGS, unicode) + ".nfo") if not xbmcvfs.exists(nfo_filepath): changed = True nfo_file = xbmcvfs.File(nfo_filepath, 'w') if src == "imdb": content = "" % str(id) else: content = "" % str(id) nfo_file.write(content) nfo_file.close() # create strm file strm_filepath = os.path.join( movie_folder, str(id) + "%s" % plugin.get_setting(SETTING_LIBRARY_TAGS, unicode) + ".strm") if not xbmcvfs.exists(strm_filepath): changed = True strm_file = xbmcvfs.File(strm_filepath, 'w') content = plugin.url_for("movies_play", src=src, id=id, mode='library') strm_file.write(content) strm_file.close() # if xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.hasaddon(script.qlickplay)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("RunScript(script.qlickplay,info=afteradd)") # elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.hasaddon(script.extendedinfo)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=afteradd)") # xbmc.executebuiltin("RunScript(script.artworkdownloader,mediatype=movie,dbid=%s)" % xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.DBID')) return changed
def get_tv_player_plugin_from_library(id): # Specified by user try: library_folder = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_LIBRARY_FOLDER, unicode) player_file = xbmcvfs.File(os.path.join(library_folder, str(id), "")) content = player_file.close() if content: return content except: pass return None
def get_player_plugin_from_library(library_channel): # Specified by user try: library_folder = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_LIVE_LIBRARY_FOLDER) player_file = xbmcvfs.File(os.path.join(library_folder, str(channel), "")) content = player_file.close() if content: return content except: pass
def batch_add_movies_to_library(library_folder, id): if id == None: return changed = False movie_folder = os.path.join(library_folder, str(id) + '/') if not xbmcvfs.exists(movie_folder): try: xbmcvfs.mkdir(movie_folder) except: pass nfo_filepath = os.path.join(movie_folder, str(id) + ".nfo") if not xbmcvfs.exists(nfo_filepath): changed = True nfo_file = xbmcvfs.File(nfo_filepath, 'w') content = "" % str(id) nfo_file.write(content) nfo_file.close() strm_filepath = os.path.join(movie_folder, str(id) + ".strm") src = "imdb" if not xbmcvfs.exists(strm_filepath): changed = True strm_file = xbmcvfs.File(strm_filepath, 'w') try: content = plugin.url_for("movies_play", src=src, id=id, mode='library') strm_file.write(content) strm_file.close() except: pass if xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.hasaddon(script.qlickplay)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("RunScript(script.qlickplay,info=afteradd)") if xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.hasaddon(script.extendedinfo)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=afteradd)") return changed
def set_movie_library_player(path): # get active players players = active_players("movies") players.insert(0, ADDON_SELECTOR) players.insert(0, ADDON_DEFAULT) # let the user select one player selection ="{0}".format(_("Select %s") % "{0} {1}".format(_("Default").lower(), _("Player").lower())), [p.title for p in players]) if selection == -1: return # get selected player player = players[selection] # Create play with file player_filepath = os.path.join(path, '') player_file = xbmcvfs.File(player_filepath, 'w') content = "{0}".format( player_file.write(content) player_file.close()
def get_movie_player_plugin_from_library(id): # Specified by user try: if not str(id).startswith("tt"): import_tmdb() movie = tmdb.Movies(id).info() imdb_id = movie.get('imdb_id') else: imdb_id = id if imdb_id: src = "imdb" id = imdb_id library_folder = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_MOVIES_LIBRARY_FOLDER, unicode) player_file = xbmcvfs.File(os.path.join(library_folder, str(id), "")) content = player_file.close() if content: return content except: pass return None
def set_library_player(path): # get active players players = active_players("tvshows") players.insert(0, ADDON_SELECTOR) players.insert(0, ADDON_DEFAULT) # let the user select one player selection ="Select default player"), [p.title for p in players]) if selection == -1: return # get selected player player = players[selection] # Create Choose Your Channel...le player_filepath = os.path.join(path, '') player_file = xbmcvfs.File(player_filepath, 'w') content = "{0}".format( player_file.write(content) player_file.close()
def add_tvshow_to_library(library_folder, show, play_plugin = None): clean_needed = False id = show['id'] showname = to_utf8(show['seriesname']) ## Create show folder enc_show = showname.translate(None, '\/:*?"<>|').strip('.') show_folder = os.path.join(library_folder, str(id)+'/') if not xbmcvfs.exists(show_folder): try: xbmcvfs.mkdir(show_folder) except: pass # Create play with file if play_plugin is not None: player_filepath = os.path.join(show_folder, '') player_file = xbmcvfs.File(player_filepath, 'w') content = "{0}".format(play_plugin) player_file.write(content) player_file.close() # Create nfo file nfo_filepath = os.path.join(show_folder, 'tvshow.nfo') if not xbmcvfs.exists(nfo_filepath): nfo_file = xbmcvfs.File(nfo_filepath, 'w') content = "" % str(id) nfo_file.write(content) nfo_file.close() ## Get existing items in library # get all ids of the show ids = [id, show.get('imdb_id', None)] # TODO: add tmdb! ids = [x for x in ids if x] # get show episodes in library try: # if not plugin.get_setting(SETTING_CHECK_LIBRARY_DUPS, converter=bool): # raise Exception() # get tvshow from library libshows = RPC.VideoLibrary.GetTVShows(properties=["imdbnumber", "title", "year"])['tvshows'] libshows = [i for i in libshows if str(i['imdbnumber']) in ids or (str(i['year']) == str(show.get('year', 0)) and equals(show['seriesname'], i['title']))] libshow = libshows[0] # get existing (non strm) episodes in library libepisodes = RPC.VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes(filter={"and": [ {"field": "tvshow", "operator": "is", "value": to_utf8(libshow['title'])}]}, properties=["season", "episode", "file"])['episodes'] libepisodes = [(int(i['season']), int(i['episode'])) for i in libepisodes if not i['file'].endswith(".strm")] except: libepisodes = [] ## Create content strm files for (season_num,season) in show.items(): if season_num == 0: # or not season.has_aired(): continue for (episode_num, episode) in season.items(): if episode_num == 0: continue delete = False if not episode.has_aired(flexible=True): delete = True #break if delete or (season_num, episode_num) in libepisodes: if library_tv_remove_strm(show, show_folder, id, season_num, episode_num): clean_needed = True else: library_tv_strm(show, show_folder, id, season_num, episode_num) files, dirs = xbmcvfs.listdir(show_folder) if not dirs: shutil.rmtree(show_folder) clean_needed = True return clean_needed
def lists_trakt_add_all_to_library(user, slug): items = lists_trakt_show_list(user, slug) tv_ids = [] movie_ids = [] for item in items: if not isinstance(item, type): if "/tv/" in str(item): if "/tv/play/" in str(item): pre_tvdb = str(item).split(" (plugin://") pro_tvdb = str(pre_tvdb[1]).split("/") tvdb = str(pro_tvdb[0]) if not tvdb in tv_ids: tv_ids.append(tvdb) elif "/tv/tvdb/" in str(item): pre_tvdb = str(item).split(" (plugin://") if "/" in str(pre_tvdb[1]): pro_tvdb = str(pre_tvdb[1]).split("/") else: pro_tvdb = str(pre_tvdb[1]).split(")") tvdb = str(pro_tvdb[0]) if not tvdb in tv_ids: tv_ids.append(tvdb) elif "/movies/" in str(item): if "/tmdb/" in str(item): pre_tmdb = str(item).split(" (plugin://") pro_tmdb = str(pre_tmdb[1]).split("/") tmdb = str(pro_tmdb[0]) if not tmdb in movie_ids: movie_ids.append(tmdb) elif "/imdb/" in str(item): pre_imdb = str(item).split(" (plugin://") pro_imdb = str(pre_imdb[1]).split("/") imdb = str(pro_imdb[0]) if not imdb in movie_ids: movie_ids.append(imdb) else: if "tvshowtitle" in str(item["info"]): if item["info"]["tvdb_id"] != None and item["info"]["tvdb_id"] != "" and str(item["info"]["tvdb_id"]) not in tv_ids: tv_ids.append(str(item["info"]["tvdb_id"])) elif item["info"]["imdb_id"] != None and item["info"]["imdb_id"] != "" and str(item["info"]["imdb_id"]) not in tv_ids: tv_ids.append(str(item["info"]["imdb_id"])) else: if item["info"]["tmdb"] != None and item["info"]["tmdb"] != "" and str(item["info"]["tmdb"]) not in movie_ids: movie_ids.append(str(item["info"]["tmdb"])) elif item["info"]["imdb_id"] != None and item["info"]["imdb_id"] != "" and str(item["info"]["imdb_id"]) not in movie_ids: movie_ids.append(str(item["info"]["imdb_id"])) if len(tv_ids) > 0: shows_list_file_path = "special://profile/addon_data/" + slug + "_by_" + user + ".txt" shows_import_file_path = "special://profile/addon_data/" if xbmcvfs.exists(shows_list_file_path): os.remove(xbmc.translatePath(shows_import_file_path)) if xbmcvfs.exists(shows_import_file_path): os.remove(xbmc.translatePath(shows_import_file_path)) tv_id_list = "" for id in tv_ids: tv_id_list = tv_id_list + str(id) + '\n' if not xbmcvfs.exists(shows_list_file_path): batch_add_file = xbmcvfs.File(shows_list_file_path, 'w') batch_add_file.write(tv_id_list) batch_add_file.close() if not xbmcvfs.exists(shows_import_file_path): batch_add_file = xbmcvfs.File(shows_import_file_path, 'w') batch_add_file.write(tv_id_list) batch_add_file.close() plugin.notify(msg='TVShows, seasons & episodes', title='Converted to list.txt', delay=3000, image=get_icon_path("tvshows")) if len(movie_ids) > 0: movies_list_file_path = "special://profile/addon_data/" + slug + "_by_" + user + ".txt" movies_import_file_path = "special://profile/addon_data/" if xbmcvfs.exists(movies_list_file_path): os.remove(xbmc.translatePath(movies_import_file_path)) if xbmcvfs.exists(movies_import_file_path): os.remove(xbmc.translatePath(movies_import_file_path)) movie_id_list = "" for id in movie_ids: movie_id_list = movie_id_list + str(id) + '\n' if not xbmcvfs.exists(movies_list_file_path): batch_add_file = xbmcvfs.File(movies_list_file_path, 'w') batch_add_file.write(movie_id_list) batch_add_file.close() if not xbmcvfs.exists(movies_import_file_path): batch_add_file = xbmcvfs.File(movies_import_file_path, 'w') batch_add_file.write(movie_id_list) batch_add_file.close() plugin.notify(msg='Movies', title='Converted to list.txt', delay=3000, image=get_icon_path("movies")) plugin.notify(msg='Generating', title='.strm-files', delay=3000, image=get_icon_path("metalliq")) xbmc.executebuiltin("RunPlugin(plugin://")
def add_tvshow_to_library(library_folder, show, play_plugin=None): clean_needed = False id = show['id'] showname = to_utf8(show['seriesname']) if showname == "None" or showname == None: show_folder = os.path.join(library_folder, str(id) + '/') if os.path.isdir(show_folder): return shutil.rmtree(show_folder) playlist_folder = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_PLAYLIST_FOLDER, unicode) if not xbmcvfs.exists(playlist_folder): try: xbmcvfs.mkdir(playlist_folder) except: dialogs.notify(msg=_( 'Creation of [COLOR limegreen]M[/COLOR]etalli[COLOR limegreen]Q[/COLOR] 4[COLOR limegreen]Q[/COLOR]ed Playlist Folder' ), title=_('Failed'), delay=5000, image=get_icon_path("lists")) playlist_file = os.path.join(playlist_folder, id + ".xsp") if not xbmcvfs.exists(playlist_file): playlist_file = xbmcvfs.File(playlist_file, 'w') content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?><smartplaylist type="tvshows"><name>%s</name><match>all</match><rule field="path" operator="contains"><value>%s%s</value></rule><rule field="playcount" operator="is"><value>0</value></rule><order direction="ascending">numepisodes</order></smartplaylist>' % ( showname, plugin.get_setting( SETTING_TV_LIBRARY_FOLDER, str).replace( 'special://profile', ''), str(id)) playlist_file.write(str(content)) playlist_file.close() ## Create show folder enc_show = showname.translate(None, '\/:*?"<>|').strip('.') show_folder = os.path.join(library_folder, str(id) + '/') if not xbmcvfs.exists(show_folder): try: xbmcvfs.mkdir(show_folder) except: pass # Create play with file if play_plugin is not None: player_filepath = os.path.join(show_folder, '') player_file = xbmcvfs.File(player_filepath, 'w') content = "{0}".format(play_plugin) player_file.write(content) player_file.close() # Create nfo file nfo_filepath = os.path.join(show_folder, 'tvshow.nfo') if not xbmcvfs.exists(nfo_filepath): nfo_file = xbmcvfs.File(nfo_filepath, 'w') content = "" % str(id) nfo_file.write(content) nfo_file.close() ## Get existing items in library # get all ids of the show ids = [id, show.get('imdb_id', None)] # TODO: add tmdb! ids = [x for x in ids if x] # get show episodes in library try: # get tvshow from library libshows = RPC.VideoLibrary.GetTVShows( properties=["imdbnumber", "title", "year"])['tvshows'] libshows = [ i for i in libshows if str(i['imdbnumber']) in ids or ( str(i['year']) == str(show.get('year', 0)) and equals(show['seriesname'], i['title'])) ] libshow = libshows[0] # get existing (non strm) episodes in library libepisodes = RPC.VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes( filter={ "and": [{ "field": "tvshow", "operator": "is", "value": to_utf8(libshow['title']) }] }, properties=["season", "episode", "file"])['episodes'] libepisodes = [(int(i['season']), int(i['episode'])) for i in libepisodes if not i['file'].endswith(".strm")] except: libepisodes = [] ## Create content strm files for (season_num, season) in show.items(): if season_num == 0: # or not season.has_aired(): continue for (episode_num, episode) in season.items(): if episode_num == 0: continue delete = False if plugin.get_setting(SETTING_AIRED_UNKNOWN, bool) == True: aired_unknown = True else: aired_unknown = False if not episode.has_aired(flexible=aired_unknown): delete = True #break if delete or (season_num, episode_num) in libepisodes: if library_tv_remove_strm(show, show_folder, id, season_num, episode_num): clean_needed = True else: library_tv_strm(show, show_folder, id, season_num, episode_num) files, dirs = xbmcvfs.listdir(show_folder) if not dirs: shutil.rmtree(show_folder) clean_needed = True # if xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.hasaddon(script.qlickplay)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("RunScript(script.qlickplay,info=afteradd)") # elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.hasaddon(script.extendedinfo)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=afteradd)") return clean_needed
def add_music_to_library(library_folder, artist_name, album_name, track_name): # replace non valid path characters with _ safe_artist_name = to_utf8(re.sub('[^\w\-_\. ]', '_', artist_name)) safe_album_name = to_utf8(re.sub('[^\w\-_\. ]', '_', album_name)) safe_track_name = to_utf8(re.sub('[^\w\-_\. ]', '_', track_name)) changed = False artist_info = lastfm.get_artist_info(artist_name) album_info = lastfm.get_album_info(artist_name, album_name) # create nfo file artist_folder = os.path.join(library_folder, safe_artist_name) album_folder = os.path.join(artist_folder, safe_album_name) if not xbmcvfs.exists(artist_folder): xbmcvfs.mkdir(artist_folder) if not xbmcvfs.exists(album_folder): xbmcvfs.mkdir(album_folder) nfo_artist_path = os.path.join(artist_folder, "artist.nfo") nfo_album_path = os.path.join(album_folder, "album.nfo") track_info = lastfm.get_track_info(artist_name, track_name) track_number = "" if "album" in track_info: track_number = track_info["album"]["@attr"]["position"] if track_number != "" and track_number != None: full_track_name = track_number + ". " + safe_track_name else: full_track_name = safe_track_name else: full_track_name = safe_track_name nfo_track_path = os.path.join(album_folder, full_track_name + ".nfo") if not xbmcvfs.exists(nfo_artist_path): changed = True image = artist_info["image"][-1]["#text"] nfo_file = xbmcvfs.File(nfo_artist_path, 'w') content = "<artist>\n" \ " <name>{0}</name>\n" \ " <thumb>{1}</thumb>\n" \ "</artist>".format(artist_name, image) nfo_file.write(content) nfo_file.close() if not xbmcvfs.exists(nfo_album_path): changed = True image = album_info["image"][-1]["#text"] nfo_file = xbmcvfs.File(nfo_album_path, 'w') content = "<album>\n" \ " <title>{0}</title>\n" \ " <artist>{1}</artist>\n" \ " <thumb>{2}</thumb>\n" \ "</album>".format(album_name, artist_name, image) nfo_file.write(content) nfo_file.close() if not xbmcvfs.exists(nfo_track_path): changed = True track_info = lastfm.get_track_info(artist_name, track_name) track_number = "" if "album" in track_info: track_number = track_info["album"]["@attr"]["position"] nfo_file = xbmcvfs.File(nfo_track_path, 'w') content = "<musicvideo>\n" \ " <title>{0}</title>\n" \ " <artist>{1}</artist>\n" \ " <album>{2}</album>\n" \ " <track>{3}</track>\n" \ "</musicvideo>".format(to_utf8(track_name), artist_name, album_name, track_number) nfo_file.write(content) nfo_file.close() # create strm file strm_filepath = os.path.join(album_folder, full_track_name + ".strm") if not xbmcvfs.exists(strm_filepath): changed = True track_info = lastfm.get_track_info(artist_name, track_name) track_number = "" if "album" in track_info: track_number = track_info["album"]["@attr"]["position"] strm_filepath = os.path.join( album_folder, track_number + ". " + safe_track_name + ".strm") strm_file = xbmcvfs.File(strm_filepath, 'w') content = plugin.url_for("music_play", artist_name=artist_name, track_name=track_name, album_name=album_name, mode='library') strm_file.write(content) strm_file.close() # create thumbnails thumb_album_path = os.path.join(artist_folder, "folder.jpg") if not xbmcvfs.exists(thumb_album_path): changed = True r = requests.get(artist_info["image"][-1]["#text"], stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: try: with open(thumb_album_path, 'wb') as f: r.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) except: pass thumb_album_path = os.path.join(album_folder, "folder.jpg") if not xbmcvfs.exists(thumb_album_path): changed = True try: r = requests.get(album_info["image"][-1]["#text"], stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: with open(thumb_album_path, 'wb') as f: r.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) except: pass return changed
def patch(mode): import xbmcaddon adir = "special://home/addons/" AUTOS = eval(plugin.get_setting(SETTING_AUTOPATCHES, unicode)) # try: AUTOS = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_AUTOPATCHES, unicode) # except: AUTOS = [[], [], [], []] # return [p for p in get_players() if in AUTOS] # xbmc.log("QQQQQ AUTOS = {0}".format(str(AUTOS)), xbmc.LOGNOTICE) INSTALLED = [i for i in xbmcvfs.listdir(adir)[0]] PATCHES = [ [], ["resources/lib/modules/", "pass", "sys.exit()"], [ "", "", "\n cool_down_active = kodi.get_setting('cool_down') == 'true'\n if not salts_utils.is_salts() or cool_down_active:\n kodi.notify(msg=i18n('playback_limited'))\n return False" ], [ "lib/dudehere/routines/scrapers/", "", "\n\t\tif self._caller not in ALLOWED_CALLERS and self._caller: \n\t\t\tplugin.log('Caller not allowed')\n\t\t\tplugin.raise_error('Violation', 'This addon is not allowed.', 'Please do not use %s with %s' % (self._caller, ADDON_NAME))\n\t\t\tif return_sources:\n\t\t\t\treturn [], [], []\n\t\t\telse:\n\t\t\t\treturn []" ] ] if mode == "auto": if AUTOS != [[], [], [], []]: ADDONS = AUTOS else: if dialogs.yesno( '{0}: Patch'.format(, '{0}.[CR]{1} & {2}'.format( _("%s not found") % 'Auto-patches', _("Enable"), _("Continue?"))): return patch("all") else: plugin.set_setting(SETTING_AUTOPATCH, "false") return else: ADDONS = [ [], [ i for i in INSTALLED if i.startswith("") and xbmcvfs.exists("{0}{1}/{2}".format(adir, i, PATCHES[1][0])) ], [ i for i in INSTALLED if i.startswith("") and xbmcvfs.exists("{0}{1}/{2}".format(adir, i, PATCHES[2][0])) ], [ i for i in INSTALLED if i.startswith("script.module.") and xbmcvfs.exists("{0}{1}/{2}".format(adir, i, PATCHES[3][0])) ] ] count = 0 for i in range(1, len(ADDONS)): for a in ADDONS[i]: count = count + 1 b = "{0}{1}/{2}".format(adir, a, PATCHES[i][0]) c = xbmcvfs.File(b) d = c.close() if PATCHES[i][2] in d: ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon(a) if mode == "auto" or dialogs.yesno( '{0}: Patch "{1}"?'.format(, ADDON.getAddonInfo("name")), '"{0}" {1} block-code.[CR]{2}'.format( ADDON.getAddonInfo("name"), _("contains"), _("Would you like to remove it from the library?"). replace(_("Library").lower(), _("Add-on").lower()))): h = xbmcvfs.File(b, 'w') d = d.replace(PATCHES[i][2], PATCHES[i][1]) result = h.write(d) h.close() if mode != "auto" and dialogs.yesno( "{0}: {1} Patch?".format(, _("Auto")), '"{0}"[CR]{1} {2} re-patching?'.format( ADDON.getAddonInfo("name"), _("Enable"), _("Auto").lower())): if ADDON.getAddonInfo("id") not in AUTOS[i]: AUTOS[i].append(ADDON.getAddonInfo("id")) if AUTOS != [[], [], [], []] and AUTOS != ADDONS: plugin.set_setting(SETTING_AUTOPATCHES, AUTOS)