def __init__(self, balance):
     :param balance: binance balance object
     :type balance: a dict contains: free, frozen, locked, symbol
     asset = Asset(BNBCHAIN, balance['symbol'])
     super().__init__(asset, balance['free'])
Beispiel #2
def parse_tx(tx: Transaction):
    """Parse tx
    :param tx: The transaction to be parsed
    :type tx: str
    :returns: The transaction parsed from the binance tx
    asset = Asset.from_str(f'{BITCOINCASH}.BCH')
    tx_from = [tx_types.TxFrom(i.address, i.value * 10**-8) for i in tx.inputs]
    tx_to = [tx_types.TxTo(i.address, i.value * 10**-8) for i in tx.outputs]
    tx_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tx.time)
    tx_type = 'transfer'
    tx_hash = tx.txid

    tx = tx_types.TX(asset, tx_from, tx_to, tx_date, tx_type, tx_hash)
    return tx
Beispiel #3
def parse_tx(tx):
    """Parse tx

    :param tx: The transaction to be parsed
    :type tx: str
    :returns: The transaction parsed from the binance tx
    asset = Asset.from_str(f'{BTCCHAIN}.BTC')
    tx_from = [tx_types.TxFrom(i['address'], i['value']) for i in tx['inputs']]
    tx_to = [tx_types.TxTo(i['address'], i['value']) for i in tx['outputs']]
    tx_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tx['time'])
    tx_type = 'transfer'
    tx_hash = tx['txid']

    tx = tx_types.TX(asset, tx_from, tx_to, tx_date, tx_type, tx_hash)
    return tx
Beispiel #4
    async def get_balance(self, address: str = None):
        """Get the LTC balance of a given address

        :param address: By default, it will return the balance of the current wallet. (optional)
        :type address: str
        :returns: The BTC balance of the address.
            amount = await sochain_api.get_balance(
                self.sochain_url,, address or self.get_address())
            if amount == None:
                raise Exception("Invalid Address")
            balance = Balance(Asset.from_str('LTC.LTC'), amount)
            return balance
        except Exception as err:
            raise Exception(str(err))
Beispiel #5
def parse_tx(tx):
    """Parse tx

    :param tx: The transaction to be parsed
    :type tx: str
    :returns: The transaction parsed from the binance tx
    asset = Asset.from_str(f'BNB.{tx["txAsset"]}')
    tx_from = [tx_types.TxFrom(tx['fromAddr'], tx['value'])]
    tx_to = [tx_types.TxTo(tx['toAddr'], tx['value'])]
    tx_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(tx['timeStamp'],
    tx_type = get_tx_type(tx['txType'])
    tx_hash = tx['txHash']

    tx = tx_types.TX(asset, tx_from, tx_to, tx_date, tx_type, tx_hash)
    return tx
Beispiel #6
    async def get_balance(self, address: str = ""):
        """Get the BCH balance of a given address

        :param address: By default, it will return the balance of the current wallet. (optional)
        :type address: str
        :returns: The BCH balance of the address
        :raises: "Invalid address" if the given address is an invalid address
            account = await haskoin_api.get_account(
                self.get_client_url(), address or self.get_address())
            if not account:
                raise Exception("Invalid Address")

            balance = Balance(Asset.from_str("BCH.BCH"),
                              account.confirmed * 10**-8)
            return balance

        except Exception as err:
            raise Exception(str(err))
Beispiel #7
class TestAsset:

    bnb_asset = Asset('BNB', 'BNB', 'BNB')

    def test_create_asset(self):
        asset = Asset('BNB', 'RUNE-67C')
        assert asset.chain == 'BNB'
        assert asset.symbol == 'RUNE-67C'
        assert asset.ticker == 'RUNE'

    def test_invalid_chain(self):
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
            Asset('invalid chain', 'BNB', 'BNB')
        assert str(err.value) == "the chain is invalid"

    def test_asset_to_string(self):
        asset = Asset('BNB', 'RUNE-67C', 'RUNE')
        assert str(asset) == 'BNB.RUNE-67C'

    def test_asset_equal(self):
        asset = Asset('BNB', 'RUNE-67C', 'RUNE')
        asset2 = Asset('BNB', 'RUNE-67C', 'RUNE')
        assert asset == asset2
class TestClient:

    phrase = 'rural bright ball negative already grass good grant nation screen model pizza'
    mainnetaddress = 'thor19kacmmyuf2ysyvq3t9nrl9495l5cvktjs0yfws'
    testnetaddress = 'tthor19kacmmyuf2ysyvq3t9nrl9495l5cvktj5c4eh4'
    rune_asset = Asset('THOR', 'RUNE', 'RUNE')

    phraseForTX = 'history dice polar glad split follow tired invest lemon mask all industry'
    testnetaddressForTx = 'tthor103nyx8erew2tc5knfcj7se5hsvvmr4ew7fpn4t'
    testnetTransfer = 'tthor1pttyuys2muhj674xpr9vutsqcxj9hepy4ddueq'

    sampleTX = '8A2EC1EE711D1057594FAA9F7F82B6E0D726745F4E88372F6FFACC38C36D234B'

    transfer_amount = 0.01
    single_tx_fee = 10000000
    transfer_fee = {'average': single_tx_fee, 'fast': single_tx_fee, 'fastest': single_tx_fee }

    def client(self):
        self.client = Client(self.phrase, network='mainnet')

    def test_empty_wallet_main(self):
        client = Client(self.phrase, network= 'mainnet')
        address_main = client.get_address()
        assert address_main == self.mainnetaddress

    def test_empty_wallet_test(self):
        client = Client(self.phrase, network= 'testnet')
        address_test = client.get_address()
        assert address_test == self.testnetaddress

    def test_invalid_phrase(self):
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
            assert Client(phrase= 'invalid phrase')
        assert str(err.value) == "invalid phrase"

    def test_right_address(self, client):
        assert self.client.get_address() == self.mainnetaddress

    def test_update_net(self, client):
        assert self.client.get_network() == 'testnet'
        assert self.client.get_address() == self.testnetaddress
    def test_set_phrase_return_address(self, client):
        assert self.client.set_phrase(self.phrase) == self.mainnetaddress
        assert self.client.set_phrase(self.phrase) == self.testnetaddress

    async def test_has_no_balances(self, client):
        assert await self.client.get_balance() == []

    async def test_has_balances(self, client):
        assert await self.client.get_balance()

    async def test_balance_has_correct_asset(self, client):
        balance = await self.client.get_balance(self.testnetaddress)
        assert 'THOR.' + str(balance[0]['asset']).upper() == str(self.rune_asset)
        assert balance[0]['amount'] == '0.9799'

    async def test_should_broadcast_transfer(self, client):
        assert self.client.get_address() == self.testnetaddressForTx
        before_balance = await self.client.get_balance()
        assert len(before_balance) == 1
        before_balance_amount = before_balance[0]['amount']
        await self.client.transfer(amount=self.transfer_amount, recipient=self.testnetTransfer, asset=self.rune_asset)
        after_balance = await self.client.get_balance()
        after_balance_amount = after_balance[0]['amount']
        assert round((float(before_balance_amount) - float(after_balance_amount)) * 10**8) == 3000000

    async def test_should_raise_exception_if_input_amount_higher_than_balance(self , client):
        before_balance = await self.client.get_balance()
        before_balance_amount = before_balance[0]['amount']
        send_amount = float(before_balance_amount) + 1
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
            assert await self.client.transfer(amount=send_amount, recipient=self.testnetaddressForTx, asset=self.rune_asset)
        assert str(err.value) == "input asset amout is higher than current (asset balance - transfer fee)"

    async def test_get_transfer_fees(self, client):
        fee = await self.client.get_fees()
        assert fee['average'] == str(self.transfer_fee['average'])
        assert fee['fast'] == str(self.transfer_fee['fast'])
        assert fee['fastest'] == str(self.transfer_fee['fastest'])

    def test_validate_address(self, client):
        assert self.client.validate_address(self.testnetaddress, 'tthor') == True

    def test_validate_address_false_address(self, client):
        assert self.client.validate_address(self.testnetaddress + '1', 'tthor') == False

    def test_validate_address_false_prefix(self, client):
        assert self.client.validate_address(self.testnetaddress, 'thor') == False

    async def test_get_transaction_data(self, client):
            transaction = await self.client.get_transaction_data(self.sampleTX)
            assert transaction
        except Exception as err:
            assert str(err) == 'transaction not found' # no transaction found
class TestLiteCoinClient:

    phrase = 'atom green various power must another rent imitate gadget creek fat then'
    phrase_one = 'atom green various power must another rent imitate gadget creek fat then'
    testnetaddress = 'tltc1q2pkall6rf6v6j0cvpady05xhy37erndv05de7g'
    ltc_asset = Asset('LTC', 'LTC')
    memo = 'SWAP:THOR.RUNE'

    # phraseTwo = 'green atom various power must another rent imitate gadget creek fat then'
    address_two = 'tltc1ql68zjjdjx37499luueaw09avednqtge4u23q36'

    # Third ones is used only for balance verification
    phrase_three = 'quantum vehicle print stairs canvas kid erode grass baby orbit lake remove'
    address_three = 'tltc1q04y2lnt0ausy07vq9dg5w2rnn9yjl3rz364adu'

    def client(self):
        self.client = Client(self.phrase, network='testnet')

    def test_right_address(self, client):
        assert self.client.get_address() == self.testnetaddress

    def test_invalid_phrase(self):
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
            assert Client(phrase='Invalid Phrase')
        assert str(err.value) == "Invalid Phrase"

    def test_right_phrase(self, client):
        assert self.client.set_phrase(self.phrase) == self.testnetaddress

    def test_validate_address(self, client):
        assert self.client.validate_address(,

    async def test_has_balances(self, client):
        assert await self.client.get_balance()

    async def test_has_no_balances(self, client):
        balance = await self.client.get_balance()
        assert balance.amount == 0

    async def test_equal_balances_when_call_getbalance_twice(self, client):
        balance1 = await self.client.get_balance()
        balance2 = await self.client.get_balance()
        assert balance1.amount == balance2.amount

    async def test_transfer_with_memo_and_fee_rate(self, client):
        fee_rates = await self.client.get_fee_rates()
        fee_rate = fee_rates['fast']
        balance = await self.client.get_balance()
        if balance.amount > 0:
            amount = 0.0000001
            tx_id = await self.client.transfer(amount, self.address_two,
                                               self.memo, fee_rate)
            assert tx_id

    async def test_purge_client_should_purge_phrase_and_utxos(self):
        self.client = Client(self.phrase, network='testnet')
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
        assert str(err.value) == "Phrase must be provided"
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
            await self.client.get_balance()
        assert str(err.value) == "Phrase must be provided"

    async def test_should_prevent_tx_when_fees_and_valueOut_exceed_balance(
            self, client):
        balance = await self.client.get_balance()
        if balance.amount > 0:
            amount = balance.amount + 1000  # LTC
            with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
                await self.client.transfer(amount, self.address_two)
            assert str(err.value) == "Balance insufficient for transaction"

    async def test_fee_and_rates_normal_tx(self, client):
        fees_and_rates = await self.client.get_fees_with_rates()
        fees = fees_and_rates['fees']
        rates = fees_and_rates['rates']
        assert fees['fastest']
        assert fees['fast']
        assert fees['average']
        assert rates['fastest']
        assert rates['fast']
        assert rates['average']

    async def test_fee_and_rates_with_memo(self, client):
        fees_and_rates = await self.client.get_fees_with_rates(self.memo)
        fees = fees_and_rates['fees']
        rates = fees_and_rates['rates']
        assert fees['fastest']
        assert fees['fast']
        assert fees['average']
        assert rates['fastest']
        assert rates['fast']
        assert rates['average']

    async def test_estimated_fees_normal_tx(self, client):
        fees = await self.client.get_fees()
        assert fees['fastest']
        assert fees['fast']
        assert fees['average']

    async def test_normal_tx_fees_and_vault_tx_fees(self, client):
        normal_tx = await self.client.get_fees()
        vault_tx = await self.client.get_fees_with_memo(self.memo)

        if vault_tx['average'] > MIN_TX_FEE:
            assert vault_tx['average'] > normal_tx['average']
            assert vault_tx['average'] == MIN_TX_FEE

    async def test_has_balances_invalid_address(self, client):
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
            await self.client.get_balance(address='invalid address')
        assert str(err.value) == "Invalid Address"

    async def test_transfer_invalid_address(self, client):
        balance = await self.client.get_balance()
        if balance.amount > 0:
            amount = 0.0000001
            with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
                await self.client.transfer(amount, 'invalid address')
            assert str(err.value) == "Invalid address"

    async def test_get_transactions(self, client):
        txs = await self.client.get_transactions({
            'address': self.address_three,
            'limit': 4
        assert txs
        if txs['total'] > 0:
            tx = txs['tx'][0]
            assert tx.asset == self.ltc_asset
            assert tx.tx_date
            assert tx.tx_hash
            assert tx.tx_type == 'transfer'
            assert len(tx.tx_to)
            assert len(tx.tx_from)

    async def test_get_transactions_limit_should_work(self, client):
        txs = await self.client.get_transactions({
            'address': self.address_three,
            'limit': 1
        assert len(txs['tx']) == 1

    async def test_get_transaction_with_hash(self, client):
        tx_data = await self.client.get_transaction_data(
        assert tx_data.tx_hash == 'b0422e9a4222f0f2b030088ee5ccd33ac0d3c59e7178bf3f4626de71b0e376d3'
        assert len(tx_data.tx_from) == 1
        assert tx_data.tx_from[
            0].address == 'tltc1q2pkall6rf6v6j0cvpady05xhy37erndv05de7g'
        assert tx_data.tx_from[0].amount == '8.60368562'

        assert len(tx_data.tx_to) == 2
        assert tx_data.tx_to[
            0].address == 'tltc1q04y2lnt0ausy07vq9dg5w2rnn9yjl3rz364adu'
        assert tx_data.tx_to[0].amount == '0.00002223'

        assert tx_data.tx_to[
            1].address == 'tltc1q2pkall6rf6v6j0cvpady05xhy37erndv05de7g'
        assert tx_data.tx_to[1].amount == '8.60365339'
Beispiel #10
 def test_create_asset(self):
     asset = Asset('BNB', 'RUNE-67C')
     assert asset.chain == 'BNB'
     assert asset.symbol == 'RUNE-67C'
     assert asset.ticker == 'RUNE'
Beispiel #11
 def test_asset_equal(self):
     asset = Asset('BNB', 'RUNE-67C', 'RUNE')
     asset2 = Asset('BNB', 'RUNE-67C', 'RUNE')
     assert asset == asset2
Beispiel #12
 def test_invalid_chain(self):
     with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
         Asset('invalid chain', 'BNB', 'BNB')
     assert str(err.value) == "the chain is invalid"
Beispiel #13
class TestBinanceClient:

    # Note: This phrase is created by and will never been used in a real-world
    phrase = 'rural bright ball negative already grass good grant nation screen model pizza'
    mainnetaddress = 'bnb1zd87q9dywg3nu7z38mxdcxpw8hssrfp9e738vr'
    testnetaddress = 'tbnb1zd87q9dywg3nu7z38mxdcxpw8hssrfp9htcrvj'
    bnb_asset = Asset('BNB', 'BNB', 'BNB')

    phraseForTX = 'wheel leg dune emerge sudden badge rough shine convince poet doll kiwi sleep labor hello'
    testnetaddressForTx = 'tbnb1t95kjgmjc045l2a728z02textadd98yt339jk7'

    transfer_amount = 0.0001
    single_tx_fee = 37500
    multi_tx_fee = 30000
    transfer_fee = {
        'average': single_tx_fee,
        'fast': single_tx_fee,
        'fastest': single_tx_fee
    multi_send_fee = {
        'average': multi_tx_fee,
        'fast': multi_tx_fee,
        'fastest': multi_tx_fee

    def client(self):
        self.client = Client(self.phrase, network='mainnet')

    def test_empty_wallet_main(self):
        client = Client(self.phrase, network='mainnet')
        address_main = client.get_address()
        assert address_main == self.mainnetaddress

    def test_empty_wallet_test(self):
        client = Client(self.phrase, network='testnet')
        address_test = client.get_address()
        assert address_test == self.testnetaddress

    def test_invalid_phrase(self):
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
            assert Client(phrase='invalid phrase')
        assert str(err.value) == "invalid phrase"

    def test_right_address(self, client):
        assert self.client.get_address() == self.mainnetaddress

    def test_update_net(self, client):
        assert self.client.get_network() == 'testnet'
        assert self.client.get_address() == self.testnetaddress

    def test_set_phrase_return_address(self, client):
        assert self.client.set_phrase(self.phrase) == self.mainnetaddress
        assert self.client.set_phrase(self.phrase) == self.testnetaddress

    async def test_has_no_balances(self, client):
        assert await self.client.get_balance() == []

    async def test_has_balances(self, client):
        assert await self.client.get_balance()

    async def test_balance_has_correct_asset(self, client):
        balance = await self.client.get_balance(self.testnetaddress,
        assert str(balance[0].asset) == str(self.bnb_asset)
        assert balance[0].amount == '12.92899000'

    async def test_should_broadcast_transfer(self, client):
        assert self.client.get_address() == self.testnetaddressForTx
        before_balance = await self.client.get_balance()
        assert len(before_balance) == 1
        before_balance_amount = before_balance[0].amount
        await self.client.transfer(asset=self.bnb_asset,
        after_balance = await self.client.get_balance()
        after_balance_amount = after_balance[0].amount
        assert round(
            (float(before_balance_amount) - float(after_balance_amount)) *
            10**8) == self.single_tx_fee

    async def test_should_raise_exception_if_input_amount_higher_than_balance(
            self, client):
        before_balance = await self.client.get_balance()
        before_balance_amount = before_balance[0].amount
        send_amount = float(before_balance_amount) + 1
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
            assert await self.client.transfer(
        assert str(
        ) == "input asset amout is higher than current (asset balance - transfer fee)"

    async def test_get_transfer_fees(self, client):
        fee = await self.client.get_fees()
        assert fee['average'] == self.transfer_fee['average'] * 10**-8
        assert fee['fast'] == self.transfer_fee['fast'] * 10**-8
        assert fee['fastest'] == self.transfer_fee['fastest'] * 10**-8

    def test_validate_address(self, client):
        assert self.client.validate_address(self.testnetaddress,
                                            'tbnb') == True

    def test_validate_address_false_address(self, client):
        assert self.client.validate_address(self.testnetaddress + '1',
                                            'tbnb') == False

    def test_validate_address_false_prefix(self, client):
        assert self.client.validate_address(self.testnetaddress,
                                            'bnb') == False

    async def test_get_multi_send_fees(self, client):
        fee = await self.client.get_multi_send_fees()
        assert fee['average'] == round(self.multi_send_fee['average'] * 10**-8,
        assert fee['fast'] == round(self.multi_send_fee['fast'] * 10**-8, 8)
        assert fee['fastest'] == round(self.multi_send_fee['fastest'] * 10**-8,

    async def test_get_single_and_multi_fees(self, client):
        fee = await self.client.get_single_and_multi_fees()
        assert fee['multi']['average'] == round(
            self.multi_send_fee['average'] * 10**-8, 8)
        assert fee['multi']['fast'] == round(
            self.multi_send_fee['fast'] * 10**-8, 8)
        assert fee['multi']['fastest'] == round(
            self.multi_send_fee['fastest'] * 10**-8, 8)
        assert fee['single'][
            'average'] == self.transfer_fee['average'] * 10**-8
        assert fee['single']['fast'] == self.transfer_fee['fast'] * 10**-8
        assert fee['single'][
            'fastest'] == self.transfer_fee['fastest'] * 10**-8

    async def test_search_transactions(self, client):
        transactions = await self.client.search_transactions(
            {'address': self.testnetaddress})
        assert transactions
        if transactions['total'] > 0:
            assert isinstance(transactions['tx'][0], tx_types.TX)

    async def test_get_transactions(self, client):
        params = tx_types.TxHistoryParams(address=self.testnetaddressForTx,
        transactions = await self.client.get_transactions(params)
        assert transactions
        assert len(transactions['tx']) == 1 or 0
        if transactions['total'] > 0:
            assert isinstance(transactions['tx'][0], tx_types.TX)

    async def test_get_transaction_data(self, client):
            params = tx_types.TxHistoryParams(address=self.testnetaddressForTx,
            transactions = await self.client.get_transactions(params)
            transaction = await self.client.get_transaction_data(
            assert transaction
            assert isinstance(transaction, tx_types.TX)
        except Exception as err:
            assert str(
            ) == 'list index out of range'  # there is not any transaction in the last 3 months for this address
Beispiel #14
class TestBitcoinClient:

    # please don't touch the tBTC in these
    phrase = 'atom green various power must another rent imitate gadget creek fat then'
    testnetaddress = 'tb1q2pkall6rf6v6j0cvpady05xhy37erndvku08wp'
    btc_asset = Asset('BTC', 'BTC')
    memo = 'SWAP:THOR.RUNE'

    phrase_for_tx1 = 'caution pear excite vicious exotic slow elite marble attend science strategy rude'
    testnetaddress_for_tx1 = 'tb1qxe0e8793v3z0v0h2l3nglzg85k2jdx04vx088z'

    phrase_for_tx2 = 'theme neither sun invite illness chat project enough answer spray visual zoo'
    testnetaddress_for_tx2 = 'tb1qymzatfxg22vg8adxlnxt3hkfmzl2rpuzpk8kcf'

    address_for_transactions = 'tb1q04y2lnt0ausy07vq9dg5w2rnn9yjl3rzgjhra4'

    def client(self):
        self.client = Client(self.phrase, network='testnet')

    def test_right_address(self, client):
        assert self.client.get_address() == self.testnetaddress

    def test_invalid_phrase(self):
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
            assert Client(phrase='Invalid Phrase')
        assert str(err.value) == "Invalid Phrase"

    def test_right_phrase(self, client):
        assert self.client.set_phrase(self.phrase) == self.testnetaddress

    def test_validate_address(self, client):
        assert self.client.validate_address(,

    async def test_has_balances(self, client):
        assert await self.client.get_balance()

    async def test_has_no_balances(self, client):
        balance = await self.client.get_balance()
        assert balance.amount == 0

    async def test_equal_balances_when_call_getbalance_twice(self, client):
        balance1 = await self.client.get_balance()
        balance2 = await self.client.get_balance()
        assert balance1.amount == balance2.amount

    async def test_transfer_with_memo_and_fee_rate(self):
        self.client = Client(self.phrase_for_tx1, network='testnet')
        fee_rates = await self.client.get_fee_rates()
        fee_rate = fee_rates['fast']
        balance = await self.client.get_balance()
        if balance.amount > 0:
            amount = 0.0000001
            tx_id = await self.client.transfer(amount,
                                               self.memo, fee_rate)
            assert tx_id

    async def test_purge_client_should_purge_phrase_and_utxos(self):
        self.client = Client(self.phrase, network='testnet')
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
        assert str(err.value) == "Phrase must be provided"
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
            await self.client.get_balance()
        assert str(err.value) == "Phrase must be provided"

    async def test_should_prevent_tx_when_fees_and_valueOut_exceed_balance(
            self, client):
        balance = await self.client.get_balance()
        if balance.amount > 0:
            amount = balance.amount + 1000  # BTC
            with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
                await self.client.transfer(amount, self.testnetaddress_for_tx2)
            assert str(err.value) == "Balance insufficient for transaction"

    async def test_fee_and_rates_normal_tx(self, client):
        fees_and_rates = await self.client.get_fees_with_rates()
        fees = fees_and_rates['fees']
        rates = fees_and_rates['rates']
        assert fees['fastest']
        assert fees['fast']
        assert fees['average']
        assert rates['fastest']
        assert rates['fast']
        assert rates['average']

    async def test_fee_and_rates_with_memo(self, client):
        fees_and_rates = await self.client.get_fees_with_rates(self.memo)
        fees = fees_and_rates['fees']
        rates = fees_and_rates['rates']
        assert fees['fastest']
        assert fees['fast']
        assert fees['average']
        assert rates['fastest']
        assert rates['fast']
        assert rates['average']

    async def test_estimated_fees_normal_tx(self, client):
        fees = await self.client.get_fees()
        assert fees['fastest']
        assert fees['fast']
        assert fees['average']

    async def test_normal_tx_fees_and_vault_tx_fees(self, client):
        normal_tx = await self.client.get_fees()
        vault_tx = await self.client.get_fees_with_memo(self.memo)

        if vault_tx['average'] > MIN_TX_FEE:
            assert vault_tx['average'] > normal_tx['average']
            assert vault_tx['average'] == MIN_TX_FEE

    async def test_different_fees_normal_tx(self, client):
        fees = await self.client.get_fees()

        assert fees['fastest'] > fees['fast']
        assert fees['fast'] > fees['average']

    async def test_has_balances_invalid_address(self, client):
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
            await self.client.get_balance(address='invalid address')
        assert str(err.value) == "Invalid Address"

    async def test_transfer_invalid_address(self, client):
        balance = await self.client.get_balance()
        if balance.amount > 0:
            amount = 0.0000001
            with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
                await self.client.transfer(amount, 'invalid address')
            assert str(err.value) == "Invalid address"

    async def test_get_transactions(self, client):
        txs = await self.client.get_transactions({
            'address': self.address_for_transactions,
            'limit': 4
        assert txs
        if txs['total'] > 0:
            tx = txs['tx'][0]
            assert tx.asset == self.btc_asset
            assert tx.tx_date
            assert tx.tx_hash
            assert tx.tx_type == 'transfer'
            assert len(tx.tx_to)
            assert len(tx.tx_from)

    async def test_get_transactions_limit_should_work(self, client):
        txs = await self.client.get_transactions({
            'address': self.address_for_transactions,
            'limit': 1
        assert len(txs['tx']) == 1

    async def test_get_transaction_with_hash(self, client):
        tx_data = await self.client.get_transaction_data(
        assert tx_data.tx_hash == 'b660ee07167cfa32681e2623f3a29dc64a089cabd9a3a07dd17f9028ac956eb8'
        assert len(tx_data.tx_from) == 1
        assert tx_data.tx_from[
            0].address == '2N4nhhJpjauDekVUVgA1T51M5gVg4vzLzNC'
        assert tx_data.tx_from[0].amount == '0.08898697'

        assert len(tx_data.tx_to) == 2
        assert tx_data.tx_to[
            0].address == 'tb1q3a00snh7erczk94k48fe9q5z0fldgnh4twsh29'
        assert tx_data.tx_to[0].amount == '0.00100000'

        assert tx_data.tx_to[
            1].address == 'tb1qxx4azx0lw4tc6ylurc55ak5hl7u2ws0w9kw9h3'
        assert tx_data.tx_to[1].amount == '0.08798533'
Beispiel #15
 def test_asset_to_string(self):
     asset = Asset('BNB', 'RUNE-67C', 'RUNE')
     assert str(asset) == 'BNB.RUNE-67C'
Beispiel #16
class TestClient:

    # Note: This phrase is created by and will never been used in a real-world
    phrase = 'rural bright ball negative already grass good grant nation screen model pizza'
    mainnetaddress = 'bnb1zd87q9dywg3nu7z38mxdcxpw8hssrfp9e738vr'
    testnetaddress = 'tbnb1zd87q9dywg3nu7z38mxdcxpw8hssrfp9htcrvj'
    bnb_asset = Asset('BNB', 'BNB', 'BNB')

    phraseForTX = 'wheel leg dune emerge sudden badge rough shine convince poet doll kiwi sleep labor hello'
    testnetaddressForTx = 'tbnb1t95kjgmjc045l2a728z02textadd98yt339jk7'

    transfer_amount = 0.001
    single_tx_fee = 37500
    transfer_fee = {
        'average': single_tx_fee,
        'fast': single_tx_fee,
        'fastest': single_tx_fee

    def client(self):
        return Client(self.phrase, network='mainnet')

    def test_empty_wallet_main(self):
        client = Client(self.phrase, network='mainnet')
        address_main = client.get_address()
        assert address_main == self.mainnetaddress

    def test_empty_wallet_test(self):
        client = Client(self.phrase, network='testnet')
        address_test = client.get_address()
        assert address_test == self.testnetaddress

    def test_invalid_phrase(self):
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
            assert Client(phrase='invalid phrase')
        assert str(err.value) == "invalid phrase"

    def test_right_address(self, client):
        assert client.get_address() == self.mainnetaddress

    def test_update_net(self, client):
        assert client.get_network() == 'testnet'
        assert client.get_address() == self.testnetaddress

    def test_set_phrase_return_address(self, client):
        assert client.set_phrase(self.phrase) == self.mainnetaddress
        assert client.set_phrase(self.phrase) == self.testnetaddress

    async def test_has_no_balances(self, client):
        assert await client.get_balance() == []

    async def test_has_balances(self, client):
        assert await client.get_balance()

    async def test_balance_has_correct_asset(self, client):
        balance = await client.get_balance(self.testnetaddress, self.bnb_asset)
        assert str(balance[0].asset) == str(self.bnb_asset)
        assert balance[0].amount == '12.92899000'

    async def test_should_broadcast_transfer(self, client):
        assert client.get_address() == self.testnetaddressForTx
        before_balance = await client.get_balance()
        before_balance_amount = before_balance[0].amount
        assert len(before_balance) == 1
        await client.transfer(asset=self.bnb_asset,
        after_balance = await client.get_balance()
        after_balance_amount = after_balance[0].amount
        assert round(
            (float(before_balance_amount) - float(after_balance_amount)) *
            10**8) == self.single_tx_fee

    async def test_get_transfer_fees(self, client):
        fee = await client.get_fees()
        assert fee['average'] == self.transfer_fee['average'] * 10**-8
        assert fee['fast'] == self.transfer_fee['fast'] * 10**-8
        assert fee['fastest'] == self.transfer_fee['fastest'] * 10**-8
Beispiel #17
class TestBitcoincashClient:
    memo = 'SWAP:THOR.RUNE'
    phrase = 'atom green various power must another rent imitate gadget creek fat then'
    testnet_address = 'bchtest:qpd7jmj0hltgxux06v9d9u6933vq7zd0kyjlapya0g'
    mainnet_address = 'bitcoincash:qp4kjpk684c3d9qjk5a37vl2xn86wxl0f5j2ru0daj'

    bch_asset = Asset('BCH', 'BCH')
    def client(self):
        self.client = Client(phrase=self.phrase, network='testnet')

    def test_set_phrase_should_return_correct_address(self, client):
        assert self.client.set_phrase(self.phrase) == self.testnet_address

        assert self.client.set_phrase(self.phrase) == self.mainnet_address

    def test_invalid_phrase(self):
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
            assert Client(phrase='Invalid Phrase')
        assert str(err.value) == "Invalid Phrase"

    def test_right_phrase(self, client):
        assert self.client.set_phrase(self.phrase) == self.testnet_address

    def test_validate_address(self, client):
        assert self.client.validate_address(address=self.mainnet_address)
        assert self.client.validate_address(address=self.testnet_address)

    async def test_has_balances(self, client):
        balance = await self.client.get_balance()
        assert balance.asset == self.bch_asset
        assert isinstance(balance.amount, float)

    async def test_get_transaction_with_hash(self, client):
        tx_data = await self.client.get_transaction_data('0d5764c89d3fbf8bea9b329ad5e0ddb6047e72313c0f7b54dcb14f4d242da64b')
        assert tx_data.tx_hash == '0d5764c89d3fbf8bea9b329ad5e0ddb6047e72313c0f7b54dcb14f4d242da64b'
        assert len(tx_data.tx_from) == 1
        assert tx_data.tx_from[0].address == 'bchtest:qzyrvsm6z4ucrhaq4zza3wylre7mavvldgr67jrxt4'
        assert str(tx_data.tx_from[0].amount) == '0.04008203'

        assert len(tx_data.tx_to) == 2
        assert tx_data.tx_to[0].address == 'bchtest:qq235k7k9y5cwf3s2vfpxwgu8c5497sxnsdnxv6upc'
        assert str(tx_data.tx_to[0].amount) == '0.04005704'

    async def test_transfer_with_memo_and_fee_rate(self, client):
        fee_rates = await self.client.get_fee_rates()
        fee_rate = fee_rates['fast']
        balance = await self.client.get_balance()
        if balance.amount > 0:
            amount = 0.00000001
            tx_id = await self.client.transfer(amount, 'bchtest:qzt6sz836wdwscld0pgq2prcpck2pssmwge9q87pe9', self.memo, fee_rate)
            assert tx_id
    async def test_fee_and_rates_normal_tx(self, client):
        fees_and_rates = await self.client.get_fees_with_rates()
        fees = fees_and_rates['fees']
        rates = fees_and_rates['rates']
        assert fees['fastest']
        assert fees['fast']
        assert fees['average']
        assert rates['fastest']
        assert rates['fast']
        assert rates['average']

    async def test_fee_and_rates_with_memo(self, client):
        fees_and_rates = await self.client.get_fees_with_rates(self.memo)
        fees = fees_and_rates['fees']
        rates = fees_and_rates['rates']
        assert fees['fastest']
        assert fees['fast']
        assert fees['average']
        assert rates['fastest']
        assert rates['fast']
        assert rates['average']

    async def test_estimated_fees_normal_tx(self, client):
        fees = await self.client.get_fees()
        assert fees['fastest']
        assert fees['fast']
        assert fees['average']

    async def test_different_fees_normal_tx(self, client):
        fees = await self.client.get_fees()

        assert fees['fastest'] > fees['fast']
        assert fees['fast'] > fees['average']