Beispiel #1
def_op(l, 'END_FINALLY', 88, 1, 0)
def_op(l, 'BUILD_CLASS', 89, 3, 0)

HAVE_ARGUMENT = 90  # Opcodes from here have an argument:

name_op(l, 'STORE_NAME', 90, 1, 0)  # Operand is in name list
name_op(l, 'DELETE_NAME', 91, 0, 0)  # ""
varargs_op(l, 'UNPACK_SEQUENCE', 92, -1, 1)  # Number of tuple items
jrel_op(l, 'FOR_ITER', 93, -1, -1)

name_op(l, 'STORE_ATTR', 95, 2, 0)  # Operand is in name list
name_op(l, 'DELETE_ATTR', 96, 1, 0)  # ""
name_op(l, 'STORE_GLOBAL', 97, 1, 0)  # ""
name_op(l, 'DELETE_GLOBAL', 98, 0, 0)  # ""
def_op(l, 'DUP_TOPX', 99, 1, -1)  # number of items to duplicate
const_op(l, 'LOAD_CONST', 100, 0, 1)  # Operand is in const list
name_op(l, 'LOAD_NAME', 101, 0, 1)  # Operand is in name list
varargs_op(l, 'BUILD_TUPLE', 102, -1, 1)  # Number of tuple items
varargs_op(l, 'BUILD_LIST', 103, -1, 1)  # Number of list items
varargs_op(l, 'BUILD_MAP', 104, -1, 1)  # Always zero for now
name_op(l, 'LOAD_ATTR', 105, 1, 1)  # Operand is in name list
compare_op(l, 'COMPARE_OP', 106, 2, 1)  # Comparison operator

name_op(l, 'IMPORT_NAME', 107, 2, 1)  # Operand is in name list
name_op(l, 'IMPORT_FROM', 108, 0, 1)  # Operand is in name list

jrel_op(l, 'JUMP_FORWARD', 110, 0, 0)  # Number of bytes to skip
jrel_op(l, 'JUMP_IF_FALSE', 111, 1, 1)  # ""
jrel_op(l, 'JUMP_IF_TRUE', 112, 1, 1)  # ""
jabs_op(l, 'JUMP_ABSOLUTE', 113, 0,
        0)  # Target byte offset from beginning of code
Beispiel #2
def_op(l, "END_FINALLY",          88,  1,  0)
def_op(l, "BUILD_CLASS",          89,  2,  0)

HAVE_ARGUMENT = 90              # Opcodes from here have an argument:

store_op(l, "STORE_NAME",          90,  1,  0, is_type="name")  # Operand is in name list
name_op(l, "DELETE_NAME",          91,  0,  0)  # ""
varargs_op(l, "UNPACK_SEQUENCE",   92, -1,  1)  # TOS is number of tuple items
jrel_op(l, "FOR_ITER",             93,  0,  1)  # TOS is read

store_op(l, "STORE_ATTR",          95,  2,  0, is_type="name")  # Operand is in name list
name_op(l, "DELETE_ATTR",          96,  1,  0)  # ""
store_op(l, "STORE_GLOBAL",        97,  1,  0, is_type="name")  # ""
name_op(l, "DELETE_GLOBAL",        98,  0,  0)  # ""
nargs_op(l, "DUP_TOPX",            99, -1,  2)  # number of items to duplicate
const_op(l, "LOAD_CONST",         100,  0,  1)  # Operand is in const list
name_op(l, "LOAD_NAME",           101,  0,  1)  # Operand is in name list
varargs_op(l, "BUILD_TUPLE",      102, -1,  1)  # TOS is number of tuple items
varargs_op(l, "BUILD_LIST",       103, -1,  1)  # TOS is number of list items
varargs_op(l, "BUILD_MAP",        104,  0,  1)  # TOS is number of kwarg items. Always zero for now
name_op(l, "LOAD_ATTR",           105,  1,  1)  # Operand is in name list
compare_op(l, "COMPARE_OP",       106,  2,  1)  # Comparison operator

name_op(l, "IMPORT_NAME",         107,  2,  2)  # Imports TOS and TOS1; module pushed
name_op(l, "IMPORT_FROM",         108,  0,  1)  # Operand is in name list

jrel_op(l, "JUMP_FORWARD",        110,  0,  0, fallthrough=False)
                                                # Number of bytes to skip
jrel_op(l, "JUMP_IF_FALSE",       111,  1,  1, True)  # ""

jrel_op(l, "JUMP_IF_TRUE",        112,  1,  1, True)  # ""
Beispiel #3
def_op(l, 'END_FINALLY',          88,  1,  0)
def_op(l, 'BUILD_CLASS',          89,  3,  0)

HAVE_ARGUMENT = 90              # Opcodes from here have an argument:

name_op(l, 'STORE_NAME',           90,  1,  0)  # Operand is in name list
name_op(l, 'DELETE_NAME',          91,  0,  0)  # ""
varargs_op(l, 'UNPACK_SEQUENCE',   92,  9,  1)  # TOS is number of tuple items
jrel_op(l, 'FOR_ITER',             93,  9,  1)  # TOS is read

name_op(l, 'STORE_ATTR',           95,  2,  0)  # Operand is in name list
name_op(l, 'DELETE_ATTR',          96,  1,  0)  # ""
name_op(l, 'STORE_GLOBAL',         97,  1,  0)  # ""
name_op(l, 'DELETE_GLOBAL',        98,  0,  0)  # ""
def_op(l, 'DUP_TOPX',              99,  1, -1)  # number of items to duplicate
const_op(l, 'LOAD_CONST',         100,  0,  1)  # Operand is in const list
name_op(l, 'LOAD_NAME',           101,  0,  1)  # Operand is in name list
varargs_op(l, 'BUILD_TUPLE',      102,  9,  1)  # TOS is number of tuple items
varargs_op(l, 'BUILD_LIST',       103,  9,  1)  # TOS is number of list items
varargs_op(l, 'BUILD_MAP',        104,  0,  1)  # TOS is number of kwark items. Always zero for now
name_op(l, 'LOAD_ATTR',           105,  1,  1)  # Operand is in name list
compare_op(l, 'COMPARE_OP',       106,  2,  1)  # Comparison operator

name_op(l, 'IMPORT_NAME',         107,  2,  1)  # Operand is in name list
name_op(l, 'IMPORT_FROM',         108,  0,  1)  # Operand is in name list

jrel_op(l, 'JUMP_FORWARD',        110,  0,  0, fallthrough=False)
                                                # Number of bytes to skip
jrel_op(l, 'JUMP_IF_FALSE',       111,  1,  1, True)  # ""

jrel_op(l, 'JUMP_IF_TRUE',        112,  1,  1, True)  # ""