Beispiel #1
def serialize_reference(reference):
    \\bibitem is what TeX inline bibliographies call each bibliographic entry

    returns a string
    contents = [reference.key] + ['%s = {%s}' % (field, escape(value)) for field, value in reference.attrs.items()]
    body = ',\n  '.join(contents)
    # author_re = bib_item.lastnames.join(' (?:and|&) ').gsub("\\", "\\\\\\\\")
    # regexes = {
    #     citet: + '\s*\((\d{4}\w?,?\s*)+\)'),
    #     posscitet: + '\'s \s*\((\d{4}\w?,?\s*)+\)'),
    #     citep:'\(' + author_re + ',?\s*(\d{4}\w?,?\s*)+\)'),
    #     citealt: + ',?\s*(\d{4}\w?,?\s*)+')
    # }
    # regexes.each do |key, regex|
    #     @tex = @tex.gsub(regex) do |match|
    #         refs = $1.split(',').map { |year| bib_item.ref_lastnames + ":" + year }.join(',')
    #         "\\#{key}{#{refs}}"
    return u'@%s{%s\n}' % (reference.medium, body)
Beispiel #2
def serialize_document(document):
    Converts the spans in a document into a bunch of strings

    yields plain bytestrings (or at least unicode that is totally ascii)
    # counters = dict()
    # current_styles tracks what styles are currently applied
    current_styles = set()
    for span in document.spans:
        pop_styles, push_styles, current_styles = set_diff(current_styles, span.styles)
        # logger.debug('popping styles: %r', pop_styles)
        for style in pop_styles:
            yield '}'

        logger.silly('escaping: %r (pop ) (>>', span.text)

        # logger.debug('pushing styles: %r', push_styles)
        for style in push_styles:
            # handle the more common styles first:
            if style in simple_commands:
                yield simple_commands[style]
            elif style == 'hyperlink':
                yield r'\href{%s}' % span.attrs['url']
            elif style == 'counter':
                yield r'\ex[]'
                raise NotImplementedError('Unrecognized style: %s (%s)', style, span)

            yield '{'

        # escape the odd characters before yielding the content, which returns ascii
        yield escape(span.text)
        # close by popping all styles
        for style in current_styles:
            yield '}'