Beispiel #1
def getBingoFromCardbox (userid, cardbox=0):
  Returns a list of alphagrams that are due, length 7 or greater
  with lite.connect(getDBFile(userid)) as con:
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute("select question from questions where cardbox is not null and length(question) >= 7 and difficulty in (-1,0,2) order by case cardbox when ? then -2 else difficulty end, cardbox, next_scheduled limit 1", (cardbox,))
    result = cur.fetchone()
    if result is not None: 
      return result[0]
    cur.execute("select question from next_added where length(question) >= 7 order by timeStamp limit 1")
    result = cur.fetchone()
    if result is not None:
      addWord(result[0], cur)
      return result[0]
    # need to get from study order
    studyOrderIndex = getPrefs("studyOrderIndex", userid)
    cur.execute("select question from questions where cardbox is not null and length(question) >= 7")
    allCardboxBingos = [ x[0] for x in cur.fetchall() ]
    with xs.getMysqlCon() as mysqlcon:
      mysqlcon.execute("select alphagram from studyOrder where length(alphagram) >= 7 and studyOrderIndex > %s order by studyOrderIndex", studyOrderIndex)
      for row in mysqlcon.fetchall():
        if row[0] not in allCardboxBingos:
          addWord(row[0], cur)
          return row[0]
  return None
Beispiel #2
def setPrefs2(prefName, userid, prefValue):
  with xs.getMysqlCon() as con:
    command = "update user_prefs set " + prefName + " = %s where userid = %s"
      con.execute(command, (prefValue, userid))
      return "Error updating user_prefs"
  return "success"
Beispiel #3
def isAlphagramValid(alpha):
  chCommand = "select count(*) from words where alphagram = %s"
  with xs.getMysqlCon() as con:
    if con is not None:
      con.execute(chCommand, (alpha,)) 
      return con.fetchone()[0] > 0
      return False
  return False
Beispiel #4
def getDef (word) :
  with xs.getMysqlCon() as con:
    if con is None:
      return " "
    command = "select definition from words where word = %s"
    con.execute(command, word)
      return con.fetchone()[0]
      return " "
Beispiel #5
def getAnagrams (alpha) :
  Takes in an alphagram and returns a list of words
  x = []
  with xs.getMysqlCon() as con:
    if con is not None:
      con.execute("select word from words where alphagram = '{0}'".format(alpha))
      for row in con.fetchall():
  return x
Beispiel #6
def getHooks (word) :
  Takes in a word
  Returns a tuple (front hooks, word, back hooks)
  with xs.getMysqlCon() as con:
    if con is not None:
      command = "select front_hooks, word, back_hooks from words where word = %s"
      con.execute(command, word) 
      return con.fetchone()
        return (None, None, None)
Beispiel #7
def getDots (word) :
  takes in a word, returns a list of two booleans
  does the word lose the front / back letter and still make a word?
  with xs.getMysqlCon() as con:
    if con is not None:
      command = "select count(*) from words where word = %s"
      con.execute(command, word[1:])
      numFront = con.fetchone()[0]
      con.execute(command, word[:-1])
      numBack = con.fetchone()[0]
  return [numFront > 0, numBack > 0]
Beispiel #8
def updateActive (userid, timestamp=None) :
  if timestamp is None:
    timestamp = int(time.time())
  with xs.getMysqlCon() as con:
    if con is None:
      result["status"] = "Chat Database Connection Failed"
        command = "update login set last_active = %s where userid = %s"
        if (userid != 0):  # 0 is the system user
          con.execute(command, (timestamp, userid))
      except mysql.Error, e:
         result["status"] = "MySQL error %d %s " % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
Beispiel #9
def getAllPrefs(userid):
  with xs.getMysqlCon() as con:
    command = "select studyOrderIndex, closet, newWordsAtOnce, reschedHrs, showNumSolutions, cb0max, showHints, schedVersion from user_prefs where userid = %s"
    con.execute(command, userid)
    row = con.fetchone()
    result = {}
    result["studyOrderIndex"] = row[0]
    result["closet"] = row[1]
    result["newWordsAtOnce"] = row[2]
    result["reschedHrs"] = row[3]
    result["showNumSolutions"] = row[4]
    result["cb0max"] = row[5]
    result["showHints"] = row[6]
    result["schedVersion"] = row[7]
  return result
Beispiel #10
def appendChatToResult(line):
  temp = line.split(',')
  userid = temp[0]
  timeStamp = temp[1]
  message = ','.join(temp[2:]).strip()
  expire = not message

  with xs.getMysqlCon() as con:
    if con is None:
      con.execute("select photo, name from login where userid = %s", userid)
      row = con.fetchone()
      return {"chatDate": int(timeStamp), "photo": row[0], "name": row[1], "chatText": message, "chatUser": userid, "expire": expire}
Beispiel #11
def post(userid, message, chatTime=None, expire=False):
    # chatTime is in milliseconds - epoch*1000
    # message is unicode
    result = {}

    now = int(time.time())
    if int(userid) > 10:
    AUTOLOGOFF = .5  # in hours
    logoffTime = now - (3600 * AUTOLOGOFF)

    if chatTime is None:
        chatTime = now * 1000

    # this is a little kludgy
    # bad data spooled to the chat file hoses everything
    if userid is None:
        result["status"] = "Chat Missing Userid"
    elif not expire and message is None:
        result["status"] = "Chat Missing Message"
            with xs.getMysqlCon(useUnicode=True) as con:
                if expire:
                    command = "delete from chat where userid = %s and timeStamp = %s"
                    con.execute(command, (userid, chatTime))
                    msg = userid + u',' + unicode(chatTime) + u',' + u'\n'
                    result["msg"] = msg
                    command = 'insert into chat (userid, timeStamp, message) values (%s, %s, %s)'
                    con.execute(command, (userid.encode('utf8'), chatTime,
                    msg = userid + u',' + unicode(
                        chatTime) + u',' + message + u'\n'
                    result["msg"] = msg
                command = "select userid from login where last_active > %s"
                con.execute(command, [logoffTime])
                for row in con.fetchall():
                    filename = os.path.join('chats', row[0] + '.chat')
                    with open(filename, 'a') as f:
            result["status"] = "success"
        except mysql.Error, e:
            result["status"] = "MySQL error %d %s " % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
Beispiel #12
def getFromStudyOrder (numNeeded, userid, cur):
  result = [ ]
  studyOrderIndex = getPrefs("studyOrderIndex", userid)
  if numNeeded < 1:
    return result
  with xs.getMysqlCon() as mysqlcon:
    if mysqlcon is None:
      return result
    cur.execute("select question from questions where next_scheduled is not null union all select question from next_added")
    allQuestions = set([x[0] for x in cur.fetchall()])
    while len(result) < numNeeded:
      mysqlcon.execute("select alphagram, studyOrderIndex from studyOrder where studyOrderIndex between %s and %s order by studyOrderIndex", (studyOrderIndex, studyOrderIndex + 100))
      allStudyOrder = [row for row in mysqlcon.fetchall() if row[0] not in allQuestions]
      for row in allStudyOrder:
        studyOrderIndex = row[1]+1
        if len(result) >= numNeeded:
      if len(allStudyOrder) == 0:
        studyOrderIndex = studyOrderIndex + 101
#      allStudyOrder = mysqlcon.fetchall()
#      studyOrder = list(set([x[0] for x in allStudyOrder]) - set(allQuestions))
#      try:
#        studyOrderIndex = min([x[1] for x in allStudyOrder if x[0] in studyOrder])
#      except:
#        studyOrderIndex = 0
#    command = "select alphagram from studyOrder where studyOrderIndex = %s"
#    while len(result) < numNeeded:
#      mysqlcon.execute(command, studyOrderIndex)
#      a = mysqlcon.fetchone()
#      if a is None:
#        return result
#      if a[0] in allQuestions:
#        pass
#      else:
#        result.append(a[0])
#      studyOrderIndex = studyOrderIndex + 1
  setPrefs(userid=userid, studyOrderIndex=studyOrderIndex)
  return result
Beispiel #13
def setPrefs (userid,
		prefName = None,
		prefValue = None,
		studyOrderIndex = None,
		closet = None,
		newWordsAtOnce = None,
		reschedHrs = None,
		showNumSolutions = None):

# TODO: check to be sure the inputs are correct data type, etc
  with xs.getMysqlCon() as con:
      if con is None:
        return "Error: DB Conn Failed Updating user_prefs"
      if prefName is not None:
        command = "update user_prefs set %s = %s where userid = %s"
        command.execute(command, (prefName, prefValue, userid))
        command = "select studyOrderIndex, closet, newWordsAtOnce, reschedHrs, showNumSolutions from user_prefs where userid = %s" 
        con.execute(command, userid)
        newPrefs = list(con.fetchone())
        if studyOrderIndex is not None:
          newPrefs[0] = studyOrderIndex
        if closet is not None:
          newPrefs[1] = closet
        if newWordsAtOnce is not None:
          newPrefs[2] = newWordsAtOnce
        if reschedHrs is not None:
          newPrefs[3] = reschedHrs
        if showNumSolutions is not None:
          newPrefs[4] = showNumSolutions
        command = "update user_prefs set studyOrderIndex = %s, closet = %s, newWordsAtOnce = %s, reschedHrs = %s, showNumSolutions = %s where userid = %s"
        con.execute(command, tuple(newPrefs) + (userid,))
      return "Success updating user preferences"
    except mysql.Error, e:
      return "MySQL error updating user_prefs %d %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
Beispiel #14
def getPrefs (prefName, userid):
  with xs.getMysqlCon() as con:
    command = "select " + prefName + " from user_prefs where userid = %s" 
    con.execute(command, userid)
    return con.fetchone()[0]
import xerafinChat as xchat
import time

result = {"personal": 0, "daily": {"score": 0, "userid": 0}}
error = {"status": "success"}

  params = json.load(sys.stdin)
  userid = params["userid"]
  score = params["score"]
    gameover = params["gameOver"]
    gameover = False

  with xs.getMysqlCon() as con:
    con.execute("select score from invaders_personal where userid = %s", userid)
    for row in con.fetchall():
      result["personal"] = row[0]
    con.execute("select score, userid from invaders_daily where dateStamp = curdate()")
    for row in con.fetchall():
      result["daily"]["score"] = row[0]
      result["daily"]["userid"] = row[1]
    if score > result["personal"]:
      result["personal"] = score
      con.execute("update invaders_personal set score = %s where userid = %s", (score, userid))
    if score >= result["daily"]["score"]:
      result["daily"] = {"score": score, "userid": userid}
      con.execute("update invaders_daily set score = %s, userid = %s where dateStamp = curdate()", (score, userid))
      if gameover and int(score) > 0:
        command = "select name from login where userid = %s"
Beispiel #16
import xerafinSetup as xs
import time
import os, sys
import math

#print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"
#print "<html><head>"
#print "<title>Cron Test</title>"
#print "</head><body>"

now = int(time.time())


  with xs.getMysqlCon(True) as con:
     con.execute("select count(*), sum(questionsAnswered) from leaderboard where dateStamp = curdate() - interval 1 day group by dateStamp")
     row = con.fetchone()
     users = row[0]
     questions = row[1] 

     # Add daily summary to lb_summary
     command = "insert into lb_summary (period, dateStamp, questionsAnswered, numUsers) values (%s, CURDATE() - interval 1 day, %s, %s)"
     con.execute(command, ('DAY', questions, users))

       if time.strftime("%A") == "Monday":
         command = "insert into lb_summary(period, dateStamp, questionsAnswered, numUsers) select 'WEEK', min(dateStamp), sum(questionsAnswered), count(distinct userid) from leaderboard where DATE_FORMAT(dateStamp, '%Y%u') = DATE_FORMAT(curdate() - interval 1 day, '%Y%u') group by DATE_FORMAT(dateStamp, '%Y%u')"