Beispiel #1
def make_classifier(use_relaxation_time_estimate=True,
    use_relaxation_time_estimate (bool): Use the Harris estimate for median
        relaxation time instead of the half-mass relaxation time.
        (This argument will force a different set of hyperparameters)

    train_with_central_velocity_dispersion (bool): Whether to include the
        central velocity dispersion column in the training data or not. This
        must be set to false when predicting entries with missing CVD values in
        the Harris dataset.

    fallback_enabled (bool): Set to true if the classifier should only be
        trained on simulations where mass fallback is enabled. If false, all
        simulations will be used in the training process.

    Returns: the trained classifier
    training_data = data.copy()

    if use_relaxation_time_estimate:
        training_data['Half-Mass Relaxation Time'] = training_data[
            'Median Relaxation Time']
        hyperparameters = {
            'random_state': 4718913,
            'subsample': 1.0,
            'n_estimators': 850,
            'max_depth': 6,
            'colsample_bytree': 1.0,
            'eval_metric': 'map',
            'learning_rate': 0.3
        hyperparameters = {
            'random_state': 4718913,
            'subsample': 0.975,
            'n_estimators': 500,
            'max_depth': 9,
            'colsample_bytree': 0.9,
            'eval_metric': 'map',
            'learning_rate': 0.325

    X = training_data
    if fallback_enabled:
        X = X.loc[X['Fallback Enabled'] == 1]

    y = X['BHS']
    X = X.drop('BHS', axis=1)[fields]

    if not train_with_central_velocity_dispersion:
        X = X.drop(columns=['Central Velocity Dispersion'])

    clf = XGBClassifier(presort=True, n_jobs=-1, **hyperparameters)
    clf.use_relaxation_time_estimate = use_relaxation_time_estimate

    return, y)