def evap_shells_in(reglist, chainparams, sty={}, inf=5., npoints=5001): """ Add boundary lines to regions in reglist. """ Rh = chainparams['Rh'] u0 = chainparams['fs_u0'] v0 = chainparams['fs_v0']-1e-15 r0 = chainparams['fs_r0'] m = chainparams['m'] M = np.max(m) for i in range(len(reglist[:-1])): reg = reglist[i] ## evap only if Rh[i+1]<Rh[i]: ## uv value uu = u0[i:i+1] vv = v0[i:i+1] rr = r0[i:i+1] ## ingoing for b in reg.blocks: ## mass dm = - (m[i+1] - m[i]) print("EVAP IN SHELL COLOR dm/M=%s"%(dm/M)) col = shell_col(dm/M) ## style style = dict(lw=0.9, ls=':', c=1.*col, zorder=2000) style.update(sty) ## inner blocks if b.rj[1]<rr: ## values u = np.sort(np.concatenate([np.linspace(-1e-3,-1.,npoints//2),np.linspace(1e-3,1.,npoints//2),np.linspace(-inf,inf,npoints)])) v = vv+0.*u ## make curve cv = xh.curve() cv.uv = np.array([u,v]) cv.sty.update(style) ## add b.add_curves_uv([cv]) ## outer block elif b.rj[0]<rr and not np.isfinite(b.uvbounds['umax']): ## values u = np.linspace(uu,inf,npoints) v = vv+0.*u ## make curve cv = xh.curve() cv.uv = np.array([u,v]) cv.sty.update(style) ## add b.add_curves_uv([cv])
def tticks(reglist, dt=1., inf1=1., inf2=50.+irr, sty={}): """ Remainder lets dt carry across regions. """ if reglist[0]['Type']=='Anti de Sitter': inf1 = 9.*reglist[0].metfunc.fparams['L'] ## init remainder = 0. ## regions for reg in reglist: ## blocks for b in reg.blocks: ## last blocks only if b.j == len(reg.metfunc.rj)-2: ## outer last blocks only if (not np.isfinite(b.uvbounds['vmax'])) or (not np.isfinite(b.uvbounds['umin'])): ## get min and max umin = np.max([b.uvbounds['umin'], -inf2]) umax = np.min([b.uvbounds['umax'], inf2]) vmin = np.max([b.uvbounds['vmin'], -inf2]) vmax = np.min([b.uvbounds['vmax'], inf2]) tmin = 0.5*(vmin+umin) tmax = 0.5*(vmax+umax) ## is it too small toosmall = False if tmax-tmin <= remainder: toosmall = True ## if too small adjust remainder if toosmall==True: remainder = remainder - (tmax-tmin) ## if big enough go if toosmall==False: print "HELLLOOOOOOOOO tticks" print tmin, tmax, dt ## make array tt = remainder + np.arange(tmin, tmax, dt) ## get new remainder remainder = dt - (tmax - tt[-1]) ## make and add curve crv = xh.curve() = np.array([1.*tt,1.*inf1]) style = dict(markeredgecolor='k', alpha=.3, marker=(2,0,90), ls='none', markersize=7, zorder=100) style.update(sty) crv.sty.update(style) b.add_curves_tr([crv])
def uticks(reglist, du=1., inf1=100., inf2=50.+irr, sty={}): """ Remainder lets dv carry across regions. """ ## init remainder = 0. ## regions for reg in reglist: ## blocks for b in reg.blocks: ## last blocks only if b.j == len(reg.metfunc.rj)-2: ## outer last blocks only if not np.isfinite(b.uvbounds['vmax']): ## get min and max umin = np.max([b.uvbounds['umin'], -inf2]) umax = np.min([b.uvbounds['umax'], inf2]) ## is it too small toosmall = False if umax-umin <= remainder: toosmall = True ## if too small adjust remainder if toosmall==True: remainder = remainder - (umax-umin) ## if big enough go if toosmall==False: ## make array uu = remainder + np.arange(umin, umax, du) ## get new remainder remainder = du - (umax - uu[-1]) ## make and add curve crv = xh.curve() crv.uv = np.array([1.*uu, inf1+0.*uu]) style = dict(markeredgecolor='k', alpha=.3, marker=(2,0,-45), ls='none', markersize=7, zorder=100) style.update(sty) crv.sty.update(style) b.add_curves_uv([crv])
def vticks(reglist, dv=1., inf1=100., inf2=50.+irr, sty={}): """ Remainder lets dv carry across regions. """ ## init remainder = 0. ## regions for reg in reglist: ## blocks for b in reg.blocks: ## last blocks only if b.j == reg.blocks[-1].j: ## outer last blocks only if not np.isfinite(b.uvbounds['umin']): ## get min and max vmin = np.max([b.uvbounds['vmin'], -inf2]) vmax = np.min([b.uvbounds['vmax'], inf2]) ## is it too small toosmall = False if vmax-vmin <= remainder: toosmall = True ## if too small adjust remainder if toosmall==True: remainder = remainder - (vmax-vmin) ## if big enough go if toosmall==False: ## make array vv = remainder + np.arange(vmin, vmax, dv) ## get new remainder remainder = dv - (vmax - vv[-1]) ## make and add curve crv = xh.curve() crv.uv = np.array([-inf1+0.*vv, 1.*vv]) style = dict(markeredgecolor='k', alpha=0.3, ls='none', marker=(2,0,45), markersize=7, zorder=-100) style.update(sty) crv.sty.update(style) b.add_curves_uv([crv])
# Create a "metfunc" object. # Try adjusting the charge parameter Q to a lower value or increasing the mass M. f =, Q=0.3) # Create a "region" object. # Try changing the boolean keyword inputs to see effect. Or, try changing MAXreg (maximally extended) to EFreg (Eddington-Finklestein). reg = xh.reg.MAXreg(f, rlines=True, boundary=True, uvgrid=False) # Manually add some additional curves to the plot. ## Initialize list of curves to add. crvlist = [] ## Let's add some lines of t=constant in the exterior region. T = np.linspace(-10, 10, 15) for t0 in T: ## Create new "curve" object. crv = xh.curve() ## The Schwarzchild coordinates (t,r) of each curve will be parameterized by a parameter s. s = np.linspace(1e-9, 10, 1001) ## Define t and r coordinate arrays. t = t0 + 0. * s ## t is a constant array of correct length r = f.rj[-2] + 1. * s ## f.rj[-2] is the outer horizon radius ## Add coordinates to the curve object. = np.array([t, r]) ## Set curve display style. In this case red, .5 units wide, and behind rlines. crv.sty.update(dict(c='r', lw=.5, zorder=300)) ## Add curve to curve list. crvlist += [crv] ## Add curves to all blocks in region. Will be rejected from incompatible blocks. for b in reg.blocks: b.add_curves_tr(crvlist)