def get_center_crop_bbox(center_bboxes_in, im_width=None, im_height=None, warning=True, debug=True):
	obtain a bbox to crop around a center point

	    center_bboxes_in:   a list of 2 or 4 scalar elements, or (N, 2) / (N, 4) numpy array
	                        2 - > [crop_width, crop_height], the center is the image center
	                        4 - > [center_x, center_y, crop_width, crop_height]
	    im_width/im_height:     scalar

	    crop_bboxes:          TLHW format, an int64 numpy array with shape of (N, 4)     
	np_center_bboxes = safe_center_bbox(center_bboxes_in, warning=warning, debug=debug)
	if debug: assert iscenterbbox(np_center_bboxes), 'the center bbox does not have a good shape'

	if np_center_bboxes.shape[1] == 4:            # crop around the given center and width and height
		center_x = np_center_bboxes[:, 0]
		center_y = np_center_bboxes[:, 1]
		crop_width = np_center_bboxes[:, 2]
		crop_height = np_center_bboxes[:, 3]
	else:                            # crop around the center of the image
		if debug: assert (im_width is not None) and (im_height is not None), 'the image shape should be known when center is not provided'
		center_x = np.ceil(im_width / 2)
		center_y = np.ceil(im_height / 2)   
		crop_width = np_center_bboxes[:, 0]
		crop_height = np_center_bboxes[:, 1]

	xmin = center_x - np.ceil(crop_width / 2)
	ymin = center_y - np.ceil(crop_height / 2)
	crop_bboxes = np.hstack((xmin.reshape((-1, 1)), ymin.reshape((-1, 1)), crop_width.reshape((-1, 1)), crop_height.reshape((-1, 1))))
	crop_bboxes = crop_bboxes.astype('int64')

	return crop_bboxes
def safe_center_bbox(input_bbox, warning=True, debug=True):
	make sure to copy the center bbox without modifying it and make the dimension to N x 4 or N x 2

		input_bbox: 	a list of 4 (2) elements, a listoflist of 4 (2) elements: e.g., [[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8]],
						a numpy array with shape or (N, 4) or (4, ) or (N, 2) or (2, )

		np_bboxes:		N X 4 (2) numpy array
    if islist(input_bbox):
        if islistoflist(input_bbox):
            if debug:
                assert all(
                    len(list_tmp) == 4 or len(list_tmp) == 2 for list_tmp in
                    input_bbox), 'all sub-lists should have length of 4'
            np_bboxes = np.array(input_bbox)
            if debug:
                assert len(input_bbox) == 4 or len(
                ) == 2, 'the center bboxes list does not have a good shape'
            if len(input_bbox) == 4:
                np_bboxes = np.array(input_bbox).reshape((1, 4))
                np_bboxes = np.array(input_bbox).reshape((1, 2))
    elif isnparray(input_bbox):
        input_bbox = input_bbox.copy()
        if input_bbox.shape == (4, ): np_bboxes = input_bbox.reshape((1, 4))
        elif input_bbox.shape == (2, ): np_bboxes = input_bbox.reshape((1, 2))
            if debug:
                assert iscenterbbox(
                ), 'the input center bbox numpy array does not have a good shape'
            np_bboxes = input_bbox
        assert False, 'only list and numpy array for bbox are supported'

    return np_bboxes