Beispiel #1
 def add_fixed_plane(self, axis):
     "Add an offset plane for current channel on `axis` in {'x', 'y', 'z'}"
     if self.display._ipw_x(axis) is None:
         raise RuntimeError('No Axis to mirror!')
     if not self.aa.point_scalars_name:
         raise RuntimeError('No Colors to plot!')
     axis_idx = axis_to_index[axis]
     # set up the new fixed image plane widget at position w0
     w0 = self.bbox[axis_idx][0] - self.offset
     r = tvtk.ImageReslice()
     self.set_translation(r, axis)
     resliced_img = mlab.pipeline.user_defined(self.aa, filter=r)
     m_ipw = image_plane_widget_rgba(resliced_img)
     m_ipw.ipw.interaction = 0
     m_ipw.ipw.plane_orientation = '%s_axes'%axis
     m_ipw.ipw.restrict_plane_to_volume = False
     m_ipw.ipw.slice_position = w0
     setattr(self, 'm_ipw_%s'%axis, m_ipw)
     setattr(self, 'resliced_img_%s'%axis, resliced_img)
Beispiel #2
 def _plot_fired(self):
     if not self.aa.point_scalars_name:
         print 'no point scalars to plot'
Beispiel #3
over_img._data = > 1e10, over_img._data)

main_img = xio.load_spatial_image(xipy.TEMPLATE_MRI_PATH)

bi = rb.BlendedImages(vtk_order = True)
m_src = mt.MasterSource(blender=bi)
bi.main = main_img
bi.over = over_img

m_src = mlab.pipeline.add_dataset(m_src)

aa1 = mlab.pipeline.set_active_attribute(
    m_src, point_scalars=m_src.main_channel

ipw1 = mt.image_plane_widget_rgba(aa1)
ipw1.ipw.plane_orientation = 'x_axes'

aa2 = mlab.pipeline.set_active_attribute(
    m_src, point_scalars=m_src.main_channel

bbox = bi.bbox
x_extent = bbox[0][1] - bbox[0][0]
# want to translate the image along x-axis for x_extent + 20 mm

reslice = tvtk.ImageReslice()
resliced_img = mlab.pipeline.user_defined(aa2, filter=reslice)
x0 = 30
reslice.reslice_axes_origin = x0, 0, 0
ipw2 = mt.image_plane_widget_rgba(resliced_img)
Beispiel #4

if __name__=='__main__':
    over_img = xio.load_spatial_image('tfbeam_img.nii')
    over_img._data = > 1e10, over_img._data)

    over_img2 = xio.load_spatial_image('map_img.nii')

    main_img = xio.load_spatial_image(xipy.TEMPLATE_MRI_PATH)

    bi = rb.BlendedImages(vtk_order = True, over_alpha = .5)
    m_src = mt.MasterSource(blender=bi)
    bi.main = main_img
##     bi.over = over_img
    m_src = mlab.pipeline.add_dataset(m_src)
    switcher = SimpleSwitching(source=m_src)
    ui = switcher.edit_traits()
    aa1 = mlab.pipeline.set_active_attribute(
        m_src, point_scalars=m_src.main_channel
    ipw1 = mt.image_plane_widget_rgba(aa1)
    ipw1.ipw.plane_orientation = 'x_axes'

##     aa2 = mlab.pipeline.set_active_attribute(
##         m_src, point_scalars=m_src.over_channel
##     )

##     ipw2 = mt.image_plane_widget_rgba(aa2)