def test_parser(self):
     proj_id = 3
     depth = 15
     noise_level = 16
     case_id = 27
     output = rsn.filename_parser("sino003151627.npy")
     expect = (proj_id, depth, noise_level, case_id)
     self.assertTrue(output==expect, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expect))
Beispiel #2
 def test_basic(self):
     """A basic use case of offset_1d"""
     length, patch_size, strides = 16, 4, 4
     output = [
         offset for offset in utt.offset_1d(length, patch_size, strides)
     expected = [0, 4, 8, 12]
     self.assertTrue(output == expected, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expected))
Beispiel #3
 def test_1d(self):
     a = np.ones([2])
     l = [a, a]
     shape = [-1]
     output = utt.combine_tensor_list(l, shape)
     expected = np.ones([4])
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(output, expected),
                     msg=utg.errmsg(output, expected))
Beispiel #4
 def test_merge(self):
     pipe_const0 = utp.Inputer(item='test')
     pipe_const1 = utp.Inputer(item='test')
     pipe_const2 = utp.Inputer(item='test')
     pipe_merge = utp.Pipe([pipe_const0, pipe_const1, pipe_const2])
     output = next(pipe_merge.out)
     expected = ['test', 'test', 'test']
     self.assertTrue(output == expected, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expected))
Beispiel #5
 def test_item(self):
     pipe_input = utp.Inputer()
     output = [item for item in pipe_input.out]
     expected = ['test1', 'test2', 'test3']
     self.assertTrue(output == expected, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expected))
Beispiel #6
 def test_non_multiple(self):
     """A use case when length is not a multiple of strides"""
     length, patch_size, strides = 17, 4, 4
     output = [
         offset for offset in utt.offset_1d(
             length, patch_size, strides, check_all=True)
     expected = [0, 4, 8, 12, 13]
     self.assertTrue(output == expected, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expected))
Beispiel #7
 def test_fixed(self):
     input_fn = 'img000000000.npy'
     inputs = np.load(os.path.join(TEST_DATA_PATH, input_fn))
     expec_fn = 'test_down_sample_nd_test_fixed.dat'
     with open(os.path.join(TEST_DATA_PATH, expec_fn), 'r') as file_in:
         expect = pickle.load(file_in)
     output = utt.down_sample_nd(inputs, [4, 5, 1], method='fixed')
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(output, expect),
                     msg=utg.errmsg(output, expect))
Beispiel #8
 def test_gray(self):
     pipe_a = utp.Inputer(np.ones([1, 10, 10, 1]))
     pipe_b = utp.Inputer(np.zeros([1, 10, 10, 1]))
     pipe_merge = utp.Pipe([pipe_a, pipe_b])
     pipe_stacker = utp.TensorStacker(pipe_merge)
     stacked = next(pipe_stacker.out)
     output = stacked.shape
     expect = (2, 10, 10, 1)
     self.assertTrue(output == expect, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expect))
Beispiel #9
 def test_stack_tensor(self):
     input1 = np.ones([3, 3])
     input2 = np.ones([4, 4]) * 2
     pipe_input1 = utp.Inputer(input1)
     pipe_input2 = utp.Inputer(input2)
     pipe_stack = utp.Pipe([pipe_input1, pipe_input2])
     output = next(pipe_stack.out)
     expect = [input1, input2]
     self.assertTrue(output == expect, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expect))
Beispiel #10
 def test_stack(self):
     tensor_list = []
     for i in xrange(3):
         t = np.ones([1, 5, 5, 1]) * i
     tensor = uti.image2tensor(tensor_list)
     output = tensor.shape
     expect = tuple([3, 5, 5, 1])
     self.assertTrue(output == expect, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expect))
Beispiel #11
 def _gather_f(self):
     input_ = self._gather()
     if len(input_) != 1:
         raise ValueError(
             utg.errmsg(len(input_), 1, "Wrong input list length, "))
     output = input_[0]
     if output is None:
         raise TypeError("None input is not allowed.")
     return output
Beispiel #12
 def test_split_image(self):
     tensor_shape = [5, 16, 16, 3]
     patch_shape = [1, 16, 16, 3]
     output = [
         offsets for offsets in utt.offset_nd(tensor_shape, patch_shape)
     expected = []
     for ii in xrange(5):
         expected.append([ii] + [0, 0, 0])
     self.assertTrue(output == expected, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expected))
Beispiel #13
 def test_1d(self):
     tensor_shape = [4]
     patch_shape = [2]
     strides = [2]
     output = [
         for offset in utt.offset_nd(tensor_shape, patch_shape, strides)
     expect = [0, 2]
     self.assertTrue(output == expect, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expect))
Beispiel #14
 def test_basic(self):
     img = np.load(os.path.join(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'img000000001.npy'))
     img = np.array(img)
     tensor = uti.image2tensor(img)
     output = uti.rgb2gray(tensor)
     with open(os.path.join(TEST_DATA_PATH,
                            'test_image2tensor_basic.dat')) as fileout:
         expect = pickle.load(fileout)
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(output, expect),
                     msg=utg.errmsg(output, expect))
Beispiel #15
 def test_offset1(self):
     """A use case when length is not a multiple of strides"""
     length, patch_size, strides = 16, 8, 4
     offset1 = 4
     output = [
         offset for offset in utt.offset_1d(
             length, patch_size, strides, offset1=offset1)
     expected = [0, 4]
     self.assertTrue(output == expected, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expected))
Beispiel #16
 def test_auto_imgrgb(self):
     data_file = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'img000000001.npy')
     imgrgb = np.array(np.load(data_file))
     shapergb = imgrgb.shape
     pipe_input = utp.Inputer(imgrgb)
     pipe_formater = utp.TensorFormater(pipe_input)
     imgtensor = next(pipe_formater.out)
     output = imgtensor.shape
     expect = [1] + list(shapergb)
     expect = tuple(expect)
     self.assertTrue(output == expect, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expect))
Beispiel #17
 def test_split_channel(self):
     tensor_shape = [16, 16, 8]
     patch_shape = [16, 16, 1]
     strides = [1, 1, 1]
     output = [
         for offsets in utt.offset_nd(tensor_shape, patch_shape, strides)
     expected = []
     for ic in xrange(8):
         expected.append([0, 0] + [ic])
     self.assertTrue(output == expected, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expected))
Beispiel #18
 def test_image(self):
     patch_shape = (64, 64, 3)
     strides = (16, 16, 1)
     input_fn = "test_crop_tensor.test_image.input.dat"
     output_fn = "test_crop_tensor.test_image.output.dat"
     with open(os.path.join(TEST_DATA_PATH, input_fn)) as file_in:
         input_ = pickle.load(file_in)
     with open(os.path.join(TEST_DATA_PATH, output_fn)) as file_ex:
         expected = pickle.load(file_ex)
     output = utt.crop_tensor(input_, patch_shape, strides)
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(output, expected),
                     msg=utg.errmsg(output, expected))
Beispiel #19
def down_sample_nd(input_, ratio, offset=None, method='mean'):
    """Down sample of tensor on N axises.
    dim = len(input_.shape)
    if offset is None:
        offset = [0] * dim
    if dim != len(ratio):
        raise ValueError(utg.errmsg(len(ratio), dim),
                         "ratio dimension mismatch, ")
    if dim != len(offset):
        raise ValueError(utg.errmsg(len(offset), dim),
                         "offset dimension mismatch, ")
    output = np.zeros(input_.shape)
    output[:] = input_
    for axis in xrange(dim):
        output = down_sample_1d(output,
    return output
Beispiel #20
 def test_basic(self):
     tensor_shape = [16, 8]
     patch_shape = [8, 4]
     strides = [4, 2]
     output = [
         for offsets in utt.offset_nd(tensor_shape, patch_shape, strides)
     expected = []
     for iy in xrange(3):
         for ix in xrange(3):
             expected.append([iy * 4, ix * 2])
     self.assertTrue(output == expected, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expected))
Beispiel #21
 def test_image(self):
     large_shape = (800, 800, 3)
     offset = (3, 3, 0)
     strides = map(lambda a, b: a + b, (64, 64, 3), offset)
     datapath = "/home/hongxwing/Workspace/xlearn/tests/data"
     input_fn = "test_combine_tensor_list.test_image.input.dat"
     output_fn = "test_combine_tensor_list.test_image.output.dat"
     with open(os.path.join(datapath, input_fn)) as file_in:
         input_ = pickle.load(file_in)
     with open(os.path.join(datapath, output_fn)) as file_ex:
         expected = pickle.load(file_ex)
     output = utt.combine_tensor_list(input_, large_shape, strides)
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(output, expected),
                     msg=utg.errmsg(output, expected))
Beispiel #22
    def test_gray2(self):
        data_file = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'img000000001.npy')
        imgrgb = np.array(np.load(data_file))
        imggray = imgrgb[:, :, 0]
        imgin = np.reshape(imggray, [1, 288, 352, 1])

        pipe_a = utp.Inputer(imgin)
        pipe_b = utp.Inputer(imgin)
        pipe_merge = utp.Pipe([pipe_a, pipe_b])
        pipe_stacker = utp.TensorStacker(pipe_merge)
        stacked = next(pipe_stacker.out)
        output = stacked.shape
        expect = (2, 288, 352, 1)
        self.assertTrue(output == expect, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expect))
Beispiel #23
    def test_auto_stacked_image(self):
        data_file = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'img000000001.npy')
        imgrgb = np.array(np.load(data_file))
        input_ = np.zeros(
            [2, imgrgb.shape[0], imgrgb.shape[1], imgrgb.shape[2]])
        input_[0, :, :, :] = imgrgb
        input_[1, :, :, :] = imgrgb

        pipe_input = utp.Inputer(input_)
        pipe_tensor = utp.TensorFormater(pipe_input)
        tensor = next(pipe_tensor.out)
        output = tensor.shape
        expect = (2, 288, 352, 3)
        self.assertTrue(output == expect, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expect))
Beispiel #24
    def test_auto_after_stacker(self):
        data_file = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'img000000001.npy')
        imgrgb = np.array(np.load(data_file))
        imgin = np.reshape(imgrgb, [1, 288, 352, 3])

        pipe_a = utp.Inputer(imgin)
        pipe_b = utp.Inputer(imgin)

        pipe_merge = utp.Pipe([pipe_a, pipe_b])
        pipe_stacker = utp.TensorStacker(pipe_merge)
        pipe_tensor = utp.TensorFormater(pipe_stacker)
        tensor = next(pipe_tensor.out)
        output = tensor.shape
        expect = (2, 288, 352, 3)
        self.assertTrue(output == expect, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expect))
Beispiel #25
 def _process(self):
     input_ = self._gather_f()
     patch_shape = list(input_.shape)
     dim = len(patch_shape)
     for i in xrange(dim):
         patch_shape[i] -= self._margin0[i]
         patch_shape[i] -= self._margin1[1]
         if patch_shape[i] < 1:
             raise ValueError(
                 utg.errmsg(patch_shape[i], ">0", "crop smaller than 0, "))
     ind = []
     for i in xrange(dim):
             xrange(self._margin0[i] + 1,
                    input_.shape[i] - self._margin1[i]))
     output = input_[ind]
     return output
Beispiel #26
 def test_basic(self):
     pipe_input = utp.Inputer(item='test')
     pipe_copy = utp.Copyer(pipe_input, copy_number=3)
     output = [item for item in pipe_copy.out]
     expected = ['test', 'test', 'test']
     self.assertTrue(output == expected, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expected))
Beispiel #27
 def test_max(self):
     pipe_count = utp.Counter()
     pipe_count.max_state = 5
     output = [cnt for cnt in pipe_count.out]
     expected = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
     self.assertTrue(output == expected, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expected))
Beispiel #28
 def test_basic_mean(self):
     inputs = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
     output = utt.down_sample_1d(inputs, axis=0, ratio=2, method='mean')
     expect = np.array([1.5, 3.5])
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(output, expect),
                     msg=utg.errmsg(output, expect))
Beispiel #29
 def test_basic_0(self):
     output = utg.seperate_file_name("sino000000018.raw")
     expect = ('sino', 18, 'raw')
     self.assertTrue(output == expect, msg=utg.errmsg(output, expect))