Beispiel #1
def _deduce_Concat(self: ast.Binop, ctx: DeduceCtx) -> ConcreteType:
    """Deduces the concrete type of a concatenate Binop AST node."""
    lhs_type = deduce(self.lhs, ctx)
    resolved_lhs_type = resolve(lhs_type, ctx)
    rhs_type = deduce(self.rhs, ctx)
    resolved_rhs_type = resolve(rhs_type, ctx)

    # Array-ness must be the same on both sides.
    if (isinstance(resolved_lhs_type, ArrayType) != isinstance(
            resolved_rhs_type, ArrayType)):
        raise XlsTypeError(
            self.span, resolved_lhs_type, resolved_rhs_type,
            'Attempting to concatenate array/non-array values together.')

    if (isinstance(resolved_lhs_type, ArrayType)
            and resolved_lhs_type.get_element_type() !=
        raise XlsTypeError(
            self.span, resolved_lhs_type, resolved_rhs_type,
            'Array concatenation requires element types to be the same.')

    new_size = resolved_lhs_type.size + resolved_rhs_type.size  # pytype: disable=attribute-error
    if isinstance(resolved_lhs_type, ArrayType):
        return ArrayType(resolved_lhs_type.get_element_type(), new_size)

    return BitsType(signed=False, size=new_size)
Beispiel #2
def _deduce_Index(self: ast.Index, ctx: DeduceCtx) -> ConcreteType:  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
    """Deduces the concrete type of an Index AST node."""
    lhs_type = deduce(self.lhs, ctx)

    # Check whether this is a slice-based indexing operations.
    if isinstance(self.index, (ast.Slice, ast.WidthSlice)):
        return _deduce_slice_type(self, ctx, lhs_type)

    index_type = deduce(self.index, ctx)
    if isinstance(lhs_type, TupleType):
        if not isinstance(self.index, ast.Number):
            raise XlsTypeError(self.index.span, index_type, None,
                               'Tuple index is not a literal number.')
        index_value = self.index.get_value_as_int()
        if index_value >= lhs_type.get_tuple_length():
            raise XlsTypeError(
                self.index.span, lhs_type, None,
                'Tuple index {} is out of range for this tuple type.'.format(
        return lhs_type.get_unnamed_members()[index_value]

    if not isinstance(lhs_type, ArrayType):
        raise TypeInferenceError(self.lhs.span, lhs_type,
                                 'Value to index is not an array.')

    index_ok = isinstance(index_type,
                          BitsType) and not isinstance(index_type, ArrayType)
    if not index_ok:
        raise XlsTypeError(self.index.span, index_type, None,
                           'Index type is not scalar bits.')
    return lhs_type.get_element_type()
Beispiel #3
def _deduce_Binop(self: ast.Binop, ctx: DeduceCtx) -> ConcreteType:  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
    """Deduces the concrete type of a Binop AST node."""
    # Concatenation is handled differently from other binary operations.
    if self.kind == ast.BinopKind.CONCAT:
        return _deduce_Concat(self, ctx)

    lhs_type = deduce(self.lhs, ctx)
    rhs_type = deduce(self.rhs, ctx)

    resolved_lhs_type = resolve(lhs_type, ctx)
    resolved_rhs_type = resolve(rhs_type, ctx)

    if resolved_lhs_type != resolved_rhs_type:
        raise XlsTypeError(
            self.span, resolved_lhs_type, resolved_rhs_type,
            'Could not deduce type for binary operation {0} ({0!r}).'.format(

    # Enums only support a more limited set of binary operations.
    if isinstance(lhs_type,
                  EnumType) and self.kind not in ast.BinopKind.ENUM_OK_KINDS:
        raise XlsTypeError(
            self.span, resolved_lhs_type, None,
            "Cannot use '{}' on values with enum type {}".format(
                self.kind.value, lhs_type.nominal_type.identifier))

    if self.kind in ast.BinopKind.COMPARISON_KINDS:
        return ConcreteType.U1

    return resolved_lhs_type
    def instantiate(self) -> Tuple[ConcreteType, SymbolicBindings]:
        """Updates symbolic bindings for the member types according to arg_types.

    Instantiates the parameters of struct_type according to the presented
    arg_types; e.g. when a bits[3,4] argument is passed to a bits[N,M]
    parameter, we note that N=3 and M=4 for resolution in the return type.

      The return type of the struct_type, with parametric types instantiated
      in accordance with the presented argument types.
        # Walk through all the members/args to collect symbolic bindings.
        for i, (member_type,
                arg_type) in enumerate(zip(self.member_types, self.arg_types)):
            member_type = self._instantiate_one_arg(i, member_type, arg_type)
                'Post-instantiation; memno: %d; member_type: %s; struct_type: %s',
                i, member_type, arg_type)
            if member_type != arg_type:
                message = 'Mismatch between member and argument types.'
                if str(member_type) == str(arg_type):
                    message += ' {!r} vs {!r}'.format(member_type, arg_type)
                raise XlsTypeError(self.span,

        # Resolve the struct type according to the bindings we collected.
        resolved = self._resolve(self.struct_type)
        logging.vlog(3, 'Resolved struct type from %s to %s', self.struct_type,
        return resolved, tuple(sorted(self.symbolic_bindings.items()))
Beispiel #5
def _bind_names(name_def_tree: ast.NameDefTree, type_: ConcreteType,
                ctx: DeduceCtx) -> None:
    """Binds names in name_def_tree to corresponding type given in type_."""
    if name_def_tree.is_leaf():
        name_def = name_def_tree.get_leaf()
        ctx.type_info[name_def] = type_

    if not isinstance(type_, TupleType):
        raise XlsTypeError(
            suffix='Expected a tuple type for these names, but got {}.'.format(

    if len(name_def_tree.tree) != type_.get_tuple_length():
        raise TypeInferenceError(
            name_def_tree.span, type_,
            'Could not bind names, names are mismatched in number vs type; at '
            'this level of the tuple: {} names, {} types.'.format(
                len(name_def_tree.tree), type_.get_tuple_length()))

    for subtree, subtype in zip(name_def_tree.tree,
        ctx.type_info[subtree] = subtype
        _bind_names(subtree, subtype, ctx)
Beispiel #6
def _check_function_params(f: ast.Function,
                           ctx: deduce.DeduceCtx) -> List[ConcreteType]:
    """Checks the function's parametrics' and arguments' types."""
    for parametric in f.parametric_bindings:
        parametric_binding_type = deduce.deduce(parametric.type_, ctx)
        assert isinstance(parametric_binding_type, ConcreteType)
        if parametric.expr:
            # TODO(hjmontero): 2020-07-06 fully document the behavior of parametric
            # function calls in parametric expressions.
            expr_type = deduce.deduce(parametric.expr, ctx)
            if expr_type != parametric_binding_type:
                raise XlsTypeError(
                    suffix='Annotated type of derived parametric '
                    'value did not match inferred type.')
        ctx.type_info[] = parametric_binding_type

    param_types = []
    for param in f.params:
        logging.vlog(2, 'Checking param: %s', param)
        param_type = deduce.deduce(param, ctx)
        assert isinstance(param_type, ConcreteType), param_type
        ctx.type_info[] = param_type

    return param_types
Beispiel #7
def _deduce_Invocation(self: ast.Invocation, ctx: DeduceCtx) -> ConcreteType:  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
    """Deduces the concrete type of an Invocation AST node."""
    logging.vlog(5, 'Deducing type for invocation: %s', self)
    arg_types = []
    _, fn_symbolic_bindings = ctx.fn_stack[-1]
    for arg in self.args:
            arg_types.append(resolve(deduce(arg, ctx), ctx))
        except TypeMissingError as e:
            # These nodes could be ModRefs or NameRefs.
            callee_is_map = isinstance(
                ast.NameRef) and self.callee.name_def.identifier == 'map'
            arg_is_builtin = isinstance(
                arg, ast.NameRef
            ) and arg.name_def.identifier in dslx_builtins.PARAMETRIC_BUILTIN_NAMES
            if callee_is_map and arg_is_builtin:
                invocation = _create_element_invocation(
                    ctx.module, self.span, arg, self.args[0])
                arg_types.append(resolve(deduce(invocation, ctx), ctx))

        # This will get us the type signature of the function.
        # If the function is parametric, we won't check its body
        # until after we have symbolic bindings for it
        callee_type = deduce(self.callee, ctx)
    except TypeMissingError as e:
        e.span = self.span
        e.user = self

    if not isinstance(callee_type, FunctionType):
        raise XlsTypeError(self.callee.span, callee_type, None,
                           'Callee does not have a function type.')

    if isinstance(self.callee, ast.ModRef):
        imported_module, _ = ctx.type_info.get_imported(self.callee.mod)
        callee_name = self.callee.value
        callee_fn = imported_module.get_function(callee_name)
        assert isinstance(self.callee, ast.NameRef), self.callee
        callee_name = self.callee.identifier
        callee_fn = ctx.module.get_function(callee_name)

    self_type, callee_sym_bindings = parametric_instantiator.instantiate_function(
        self.span, callee_type, tuple(arg_types), ctx,

    caller_sym_bindings = tuple(fn_symbolic_bindings.items())
    ctx.type_info.add_invocation_symbolic_bindings(self, caller_sym_bindings,

    if callee_fn.is_parametric():
        # Now that we have callee_sym_bindings, let's use them to typecheck the body
        # of callee_fn to make sure these values actually work
        _check_parametric_invocation(callee_fn, self, callee_sym_bindings, ctx)

    return self_type
Beispiel #8
    def instantiate(self) -> Tuple[ConcreteType, SymbolicBindings]:
        """Updates symbolic bindings for the parameter types according to arg_types.

    Instantiates the parameters of function_type according to the presented
    arg_types; e.g. when a bits[3,4] argument is passed to a bits[N,M]
    parameter, we note that N=3 and M=4 for resolution in the return type.

      The return type of the function_type, with parametric types instantiated
      in accordance with the presented argument types.
        # Walk through all the params/args to collect symbolic bindings.
        for i, (param_type, arg_type) in enumerate(
                zip(self.function_type.get_function_params(), self.arg_types)):  # pytype: disable=attribute-error
            param_type = self._instantiate_one_arg(i, param_type, arg_type)
                'Post-instantiation; paramno: %d; param_type: %s; arg_type: %s',
                i, param_type, arg_type)
            if param_type != arg_type:
                message = 'Mismatch between parameter and argument types.'
                if str(param_type) == str(arg_type):
                    message += ' {!r} vs {!r}'.format(param_type, arg_type)
                raise XlsTypeError(self.span,

        # Resolve the return type according to the bindings we collected.
        orig = self.function_type.get_function_return_type()  # pytype: disable=attribute-error
        resolved = self._resolve(orig)
        logging.vlog(2, 'Resolved return type from %s to %s', orig, resolved)
        return resolved, tuple(sorted(self.symbolic_bindings.items()))
Beispiel #9
 def _symbolic_bind(self, param_type: ConcreteType,
                    arg_type: ConcreteType) -> None:
     """Binds symbols present in param_type according to value of arg_type."""
     assert isinstance(param_type, ConcreteType), repr(param_type)
     assert isinstance(arg_type, ConcreteType), repr(arg_type)
     if isinstance(param_type, BitsType):
         self._symbolic_bind_bits(param_type, arg_type)
     elif isinstance(param_type, EnumType):
         assert param_type.nominal_type == arg_type.nominal_type
         # If the enums are the same, we do the same thing as we do with bits
         # (ignore the primitive and symbolic bind the dims).
         self._symbolic_bind_bits(param_type, arg_type)
     elif isinstance(param_type, TupleType):
         if param_type.nominal_type != arg_type.nominal_type:
             raise XlsTypeError(
                 suffix='parameter type name: {}; argument type name: {}.'.
                     if param_type.nominal_type else '<none>',
                     if arg_type.nominal_type else '<none>'))
         self._symbolic_bind_tuple(param_type, arg_type)
     elif isinstance(param_type, ArrayType):
         self._symbolic_bind_array(param_type, arg_type)
     elif isinstance(param_type, FunctionType):
         self._symbolic_bind_function(param_type, arg_type)
         raise NotImplementedError(
             'Bind symbols in parameter type {} @ {}'.format(
                 param_type, self.span))
Beispiel #10
 def test_stringify(self):
     # Test without a suffix.
     t = BitsType(signed=False, size=3)
     fake_pos = Pos('<fake>', 9, 10)
     fake_span = Span(fake_pos, fake_pos)
     e = XlsTypeError(fake_span, t, t)
     self.assertEndsWith(str(e), '@ <fake>:10:11-10:11')
Beispiel #11
def _check_function(f: Function, ctx: deduce.DeduceCtx) -> None:
    """Validates type annotations on parameters/return type of f are consistent.

    f: The function to type check.
    ctx: Wraps a node_to_type, a mapping of AST node to its deduced type;
      (free-variable) references are resolved via this dictionary.

    XlsTypeError: When the return type deduced is inconsistent with the return
      type annotation on "f".
    fn_name, _ = ctx.fn_stack[-1]
    # First, get the types of the function's parametrics, args, and return type
    if f.is_parametric() and == fn_name:
        # Parametric functions are evaluated per invocation. If we're currently
        # inside of this function, it must mean that we already have the type
        # signature and now we just need to evaluate the body.
        assert f in ctx.node_to_type, f
        annotated_return_type = ctx.node_to_type[f].return_type  # pytype: disable=attribute-error
        param_types = list(ctx.node_to_type[f].params)  # pytype: disable=attribute-error
        logging.vlog(1, 'Type-checking sig for function: %s', f)
        param_types = _check_function_params(f, ctx)
        if f.is_parametric():
            # We just needed the type signature so that we can instantiate this
            # invocation. Let's return this for now and typecheck the body once we
            # have symbolic bindings.
            annotated_return_type = (deduce.deduce(f.return_type, ctx)
                                     if f.return_type else ConcreteType.NIL)
            ctx.node_to_type[] = ctx.node_to_type[f] = FunctionType(
                tuple(param_types), annotated_return_type)

    logging.vlog(1, 'Type-checking body for function: %s', f)

    # Second, typecheck the return type of the function.
    # NOTE: if there is no annotated return type, we assume NIL.
    annotated_return_type = (deduce.deduce(f.return_type, ctx)
                             if f.return_type else ConcreteType.NIL)
    resolved_return_type = deduce.resolve(annotated_return_type, ctx)

    # Third, typecheck the body of the function
    body_return_type = deduce.deduce(f.body, ctx)
    resolved_body_type = deduce.resolve(body_return_type, ctx)

    # Finally, assert type consistency between body and annotated return type.
    if resolved_return_type != resolved_body_type:
        raise XlsTypeError(
            suffix='Return type of function body for "{}" did not match the '
            'annotated return type.'.format(

    ctx.node_to_type[] = ctx.node_to_type[f] = FunctionType(
        tuple(param_types), body_return_type)
Beispiel #12
def _deduce_Ternary(self: ast.Ternary, ctx: DeduceCtx) -> ConcreteType:  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
    """Deduces the concrete type of a Ternary AST node."""

    test_type = deduce(self.test, ctx)
    resolved_test_type = resolve(test_type, ctx)
    if resolved_test_type != ConcreteType.U1:
        raise XlsTypeError(
            self.span, resolved_test_type, ConcreteType.U1,
            'Test type for conditional expression is not "bool"')
    cons_type = deduce(self.consequent, ctx)
    resolved_cons_type = resolve(cons_type, ctx)
    alt_type = deduce(self.alternate, ctx)
    resolved_alt_type = resolve(alt_type, ctx)
    if resolved_cons_type != resolved_alt_type:
        raise XlsTypeError(
            self.span, resolved_cons_type, resolved_alt_type,
            'Ternary consequent type (in the "then" clause) did not match '
            'alternate type (in the "else" clause)')
    return resolved_cons_type
Beispiel #13
def check_test(t: ast.Test, ctx: deduce.DeduceCtx) -> None:
    """Typechecks a test (body) within a module."""
    body_return_type = deduce.deduce(t.body, ctx)
    nil = ConcreteType.NIL
    if body_return_type != nil:
        raise XlsTypeError(
            suffix='Return type of test body for "{}" did not match the '
            'expected test return type (nil).'.format(
Beispiel #14
def _deduce_While(self: ast.While, ctx: DeduceCtx) -> ConcreteType:  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
    """Deduces the concrete type of a While AST node."""
    init_type = deduce(self.init, ctx)
    test_type = deduce(self.test, ctx)

    resolved_init_type = resolve(init_type, ctx)
    resolved_test_type = resolve(test_type, ctx)

    if resolved_test_type != ConcreteType.U1:
        raise XlsTypeError(self.test.span, test_type, ConcreteType.U1,
                           'Expect while-loop test to be a bool value.')

    body_type = deduce(self.body, ctx)
    resolved_body_type = resolve(body_type, ctx)

    if resolved_init_type != resolved_body_type:
        raise XlsTypeError(
            self.span, init_type, body_type,
            "While-loop init value type did not match while-loop body's "
            'result type.')
    return resolved_init_type
Beispiel #15
    def _symbolic_bind_dims(self, param_type: ConcreteType,
                            arg_type: ConcreteType) -> None:
        """Binds parametric symbols in param_type according to arg_type."""
        # Create bindings for symbolic parameter dimensions based on argument
        # values passed.
        param_dim = param_type.size.value
        arg_dim = arg_type.size.value
        if not isinstance(param_dim, parametric_expression.ParametricSymbol):

        pdim_name = param_dim.identifier
        if (pdim_name in self.symbolic_bindings
                and self.symbolic_bindings[pdim_name] != arg_dim):
            if self.constraints[pdim_name]:
                # Error on violated constraint.
                raise XlsTypeError(
                    suffix=f'Parametric constraint violated, saw {pdim_name} '
                    f'= {self.constraints[pdim_name]} '
                    f'= {self.symbolic_bindings[pdim_name]}; '
                    f'then {pdim_name} = {arg_dim}')
                # Error on conflicting argument types.
                raise XlsTypeError(
                    'Parametric value {} was bound to different values at '
                    'different places in invocation; saw: {!r}; then: {!r}'.
                    format(pdim_name, self.symbolic_bindings[pdim_name],

        logging.vlog(2, 'Binding %r to %s', pdim_name, arg_dim)
        self.symbolic_bindings[pdim_name] = arg_dim
Beispiel #16
def _deduce_Array(self: ast.Array, ctx: DeduceCtx) -> ConcreteType:  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
    """Deduces the concrete type of an Array AST node."""
    member_types = [deduce(m, ctx) for m in self.members]
    resolved_type0 = resolve(member_types[0], ctx)
    for i, x in enumerate(member_types[1:], 1):
        resolved_x = resolve(x, ctx)
        logging.vlog(5, 'array member type %d: %s', i, resolved_x)
        if resolved_x != resolved_type0:
            raise XlsTypeError(
                self.members[i].span, resolved_type0, resolved_x,
                'Array member did not have same type as other members.')

    inferred = ArrayType(resolved_type0, len(member_types))

    if not self.type_:
        return inferred

    annotated = deduce(self.type_, ctx)
    if not isinstance(annotated, ArrayType):
        raise XlsTypeError(self.span, annotated, None,
                           'Array was not annotated with an array type.')
    resolved_element_type = resolve(annotated.get_element_type(), ctx)
    if resolved_element_type != resolved_type0:
        raise XlsTypeError(
            self.span, resolved_element_type, resolved_type0,
            'Annotated element type did not match inferred element type.')

    if self.has_ellipsis:
        # Since there are ellipsis, we determine the size from the annotated type.
        # We've already checked the element types lined up.
        return annotated
        if annotated.size != len(member_types):
            raise XlsTypeError(
                self.span, annotated, inferred,
                'Annotated array size {!r} does not match inferred array size {!r}.'
                .format(annotated.size, len(member_types)))
        return inferred
Beispiel #17
def _deduce_Cast(self: ast.Cast, ctx: DeduceCtx) -> ConcreteType:  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
    """Deduces the concrete type of a Cast AST node."""
    type_result = deduce(self.type_, ctx)
    expr_type = deduce(self.expr, ctx)

    resolved_type_result = resolve(type_result, ctx)
    resolved_expr_type = resolve(expr_type, ctx)

    if not _is_acceptable_cast(from_=resolved_type_result,
        raise XlsTypeError(
            self.span, expr_type, type_result,
            'Cannot cast from expression type {} to {}.'.format(
                resolved_expr_type, resolved_type_result))
    return resolved_type_result
Beispiel #18
def _deduce_Enum(self: ast.Enum, ctx: DeduceCtx) -> ConcreteType:  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
    """Deduces the concrete type of a Enum AST node."""
    resolved_type = resolve(deduce(self.type_, ctx), ctx)
    if not isinstance(resolved_type, BitsType):
        raise XlsTypeError(self.span, resolved_type, None,
                           'Underlying type for an enum must be a bits type.')
    # Grab the bit count of the Enum's underlying type.
    bit_count = resolved_type.get_total_bit_count()
    result = EnumType(self, bit_count)
    for name, value in self.values:
        # Note: the parser places the type_ from the enum on the value when it is
        # a number, so this deduction flags inappropriate numbers.
        deduce(value, ctx)
        ctx.type_info[name] = ctx.type_info[value] = result
    ctx.type_info[] = ctx.type_info[self] = result
    return result
Beispiel #19
    def _verify_constraints(self) -> None:
        """Verifies that all parametrics adhere to signature constraints.

    Take the following function signature for example:
      fn [X: u32, Y: u32 = X + X] f(x: bits[X], y: bits[Y]) -> bits[Y]

    The parametric Y has two constraints based only off the signature:
    it must match the bitwidth of the argument y and it must be equal to
    X + X. This function is responsible for computing any derived parametrics
    and asserting that their values are consistent with other constraints
    (arg types).
        for binding, constraint in self.constraints.items():
            if constraint is None:
                # e.g. [X: u32]
                fn_name, fn_symbolic_bindings = self.ctx.fn_stack[-1]
                fn_ctx = (, fn_name,
                result = self.ctx.interpret_expr(self.ctx.module,
            except KeyError as e:
                # We haven't seen enough bindings to evaluate this constraint.

            if binding in self.symbolic_bindings.keys():
                if result != self.symbolic_bindings[binding]:
                    raise XlsTypeError(
                        BitsType(signed=False, size=result),
                        f'Parametric constraint violated, saw {binding} = {constraint} = {result}; '
                        f'then {binding} = {self.symbolic_bindings[binding]}')
                self.symbolic_bindings[binding] = result
Beispiel #20
def _deduce_Match(self: ast.Match, ctx: DeduceCtx) -> ConcreteType:  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
    """Deduces the concrete type of a Match AST node."""
    matched = deduce(self.matched, ctx)

    for arm in self.arms:
        for pattern in arm.patterns:
            _unify(pattern, matched, ctx)

    arm_types = tuple(deduce(arm, ctx) for arm in self.arms)

    resolved_arm0_type = resolve(arm_types[0], ctx)

    for i, arm_type in enumerate(arm_types[1:], 1):
        resolved_arm_type = resolve(arm_type, ctx)
        if resolved_arm_type != resolved_arm0_type:
            raise XlsTypeError(
                self.arms[i].span, resolved_arm_type, resolved_arm0_type,
                'This match arm did not have the same type as preceding match arms.'
    return resolved_arm0_type
Beispiel #21
def _deduce_For(self: ast.For, ctx: DeduceCtx) -> ConcreteType:  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
    """Deduces the concrete type of a For AST node."""
    init_type = deduce(self.init, ctx)
    annotated_type = deduce(self.type_, ctx)
    _bind_names(self.names, annotated_type, ctx)
    body_type = deduce(self.body, ctx)
    deduce(self.iterable, ctx)

    resolved_init_type = resolve(init_type, ctx)
    resolved_body_type = resolve(body_type, ctx)

    if resolved_init_type != resolved_body_type:
        raise XlsTypeError(
            self.span, resolved_init_type, resolved_body_type,
            "For-loop init value type did not match for-loop body's result type."
    # TODO(leary): 2019-02-19 Type check annotated_type (the bound names each
    # iteration) against init_type/body_type -- this requires us to understand
    # how iterables turn into induction values.
    return resolved_init_type
Beispiel #22
 def _instantiate_one_arg(self, i: int, param_type: ConcreteType,
                          arg_type: ConcreteType) -> ConcreteType:
     """Binds param_type via arg_type, updating symbolic bindings."""
     assert isinstance(param_type, ConcreteType), repr(param_type)
     assert isinstance(arg_type, ConcreteType), repr(arg_type)
     # Check parameter and arg types are the same kind.
     if type(param_type) != type(arg_type):  # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
         raise XlsTypeError(
             suffix='Parameter {} and argument types are different kinds '
             '({} vs {}).'.format(i, param_type.get_debug_type_name(),
         3, 'Symbolically binding param_type %d %s against arg_type %s', i,
         param_type, arg_type)
     self._symbolic_bind(param_type, arg_type)
     resolved = self._resolve(param_type)
     logging.vlog(3, 'Resolved param_type: %s', resolved)
     return resolved
Beispiel #23
def _deduce_Let(self: ast.Let, ctx: DeduceCtx) -> ConcreteType:  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
    """Deduces the concrete type of a Let AST node."""

    rhs_type = deduce(self.rhs, ctx)
    resolved_rhs_type = resolve(rhs_type, ctx)

    if self.type_ is not None:
        concrete_type = deduce(self.type_, ctx)
        resolved_concrete_type = resolve(concrete_type, ctx)

        if resolved_rhs_type != resolved_concrete_type:
            raise XlsTypeError(
                self.rhs.span, resolved_concrete_type, resolved_rhs_type,
                'Annotated type did not match inferred type of right hand side.'

    _bind_names(self.name_def_tree, resolved_rhs_type, ctx)

    if self.const:
        deduce(self.const, ctx)

    return deduce(self.body, ctx)
Beispiel #24
def _deduce_Struct(self: ast.Struct, ctx: DeduceCtx) -> ConcreteType:  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
    """Returns the concrete type for a (potentially parametric) struct."""
    for parametric in self.parametric_bindings:
        parametric_binding_type = deduce(parametric.type_, ctx)
        assert isinstance(parametric_binding_type, ConcreteType)
        if parametric.expr:
            expr_type = deduce(parametric.expr, ctx)
            if expr_type != parametric_binding_type:
                raise XlsTypeError(
                    suffix='Annotated type of derived parametric '
                    'value did not match inferred type.')
        ctx.type_info[] = parametric_binding_type

    members = tuple(
        (k.identifier, resolve(deduce(m, ctx), ctx)) for k, m in self.members)
    result = ctx.type_info[] = TupleType(members, self)
    logging.vlog(5, 'Deduced type for struct %s => %s; type_info: %r', self,
                 result, ctx.type_info)
    return result
Beispiel #25
def _deduce_slice_type(self: ast.Index, ctx: DeduceCtx,
                       lhs_type: ConcreteType) -> ConcreteType:
    """Deduces the concrete type of an Index AST node with a slice spec."""
    index_slice = self.index
    assert isinstance(index_slice, (ast.Slice, ast.WidthSlice)), index_slice

    # TODO(leary): 2019-10-28 Only slicing bits types for now, and only with
    # number ast nodes, generalize to arrays and constant expressions.
    if not isinstance(lhs_type, BitsType):
        raise XlsTypeError(self.span, lhs_type, None,
                           'Value to slice is not of "bits" type.')

    bit_count = lhs_type.get_total_bit_count()

    if isinstance(index_slice, ast.WidthSlice):
        start = index_slice.start
        if isinstance(start, ast.Number) and start.type_ is None:
            start_type = lhs_type.to_ubits()
            resolved_start_type = resolve(start_type, ctx)
            if not bit_helpers.fits_in_bits(
                raise TypeInferenceError(
                    start.span, resolved_start_type,
                    'Cannot fit {} in {} bits (inferred from bits to slice).'.
            ctx.type_info[start] = start_type
            start_type = deduce(start, ctx)

        # Check the start is unsigned.
        if start_type.signed:
            raise TypeInferenceError(
                suffix='Start index for width-based slice must be unsigned.')

        width_type = deduce(index_slice.width, ctx)
        if isinstance(width_type.get_total_bit_count(), int) and isinstance(
                int) and width_type.get_total_bit_count(
                ) > lhs_type.get_total_bit_count():
            raise XlsTypeError(
                start.span, lhs_type, width_type,
                'Slice type must have <= original number of bits; attempted slice from {} to {} bits.'

        # Check the width type is bits-based (no enums, since value could be out
        # of range of the enum values).
        if not isinstance(width_type, BitsType):
            raise TypeInferenceError(
                suffix='Require a bits-based type for width-based slice.')

        # The width type is the thing returned from the width-slice.
        return width_type

    assert isinstance(index_slice, ast.Slice), index_slice
    limit = index_slice.limit.get_value_as_int() if index_slice.limit else None
    # PyType has trouble figuring out that start is definitely an Number at this
    # point.
    start = index_slice.start
    assert isinstance(start, (ast.Number, type(None)))
    start = start.get_value_as_int() if start else None

    _, fn_symbolic_bindings = ctx.fn_stack[-1]
    if isinstance(bit_count, ParametricExpression):
        bit_count = bit_count.evaluate(fn_symbolic_bindings)
    start, width = bit_helpers.resolve_bit_slice_indices(
        bit_count, start, limit)
    key = tuple(fn_symbolic_bindings.items())
    ctx.type_info.add_slice_start_width(index_slice, key, (start, width))
    return BitsType(signed=False, size=width)
Beispiel #26
def check_module(module: ast.Module,
                 f_import: Optional[ImportFn]) -> type_info.TypeInfo:
    """Validates type annotations on all functions within "module".

    module: The module to type check functions for.
    f_import: Callback to import a module (a la a import statement). This may be
      None e.g. in unit testing situations where it's guaranteed there will be
      no import statements.
    Mapping from AST node to its deduced/checked type.
    XlsTypeError: If any of the function in f have typecheck errors.
    ti = type_info.TypeInfo(module)
    interpreter_callback = functools.partial(interpret_expr, f_import=f_import)
    ctx = deduce.DeduceCtx(ti, module, interpreter_callback,

    # First populate type_info with constants, enums, and resolved imports.
        ('top', dict()))  # No sym bindings in the global scope.
    for member in
        if isinstance(member, ast.Import):
            assert isinstance(, tuple),
            imported_module, imported_type_info = f_import(
                                     (imported_module, imported_type_info))
        elif isinstance(member, (ast.Constant, ast.Enum)):
            deduce.deduce(member, ctx)
            assert isinstance(member, (ast.Function, ast.Test, ast.Struct,
                                       ast.QuickCheck, ast.TypeDef)), member

    quickcheck_map = { qc
        for qc in ctx.module.get_quickchecks()
    for qc in quickcheck_map.values():
        assert isinstance(qc, ast.QuickCheck), qc

        f = qc.f
        assert isinstance(f, ast.Function), f
        if f.is_parametric():
            # TODO(cdleary): 2020-08-09 See
            raise PositionalError(
                'Quickchecking parametric '
                'functions is unsupported.', f.span)

        logging.vlog(2, 'Typechecking function: %s', f)
            (, dict()))  # No symbolic bindings.
        check_top_node_in_module(f, ctx)

        quickcheck_f_body_type = ctx.type_info[f.body]
        if quickcheck_f_body_type != ConcreteType.U1:
            raise XlsTypeError(
                suffix='QuickCheck functions must return a bool.')

        logging.vlog(2, 'Finished typechecking function: %s', f)

    # We typecheck struct definitions using check_top_node_in_module() so that
    # we can typecheck function calls in parametric bindings, if any.
    struct_map = { s for s in ctx.module.get_structs()}
    for s in struct_map.values():
        assert isinstance(s, ast.Struct), s
        logging.vlog(2, 'Typechecking struct %s', s)
        ctx.fn_stack.append(('top', dict()))  # No symbolic bindings.
        check_top_node_in_module(s, ctx)
        logging.vlog(2, 'Finished typechecking struct: %s', s)

    typedef_map = { t
        for t in if isinstance(t, ast.TypeDef)
    for t in typedef_map.values():
        assert isinstance(t, ast.TypeDef), t
        logging.vlog(2, 'Typechecking typedef %s', t)
        ctx.fn_stack.append(('top', dict()))  # No symbolic bindings.
        check_top_node_in_module(t, ctx)
        logging.vlog(2, 'Finished typechecking typedef: %s', t)

    function_map = { f for f in ctx.module.get_functions()}
    for f in function_map.values():
        assert isinstance(f, ast.Function), f
        if f.is_parametric():
            # Let's typecheck parametric functions per invocation.

        logging.vlog(2, 'Typechecking function: %s', f)
            (, dict()))  # No symbolic bindings.
        check_top_node_in_module(f, ctx)
        logging.vlog(2, 'Finished typechecking function: %s', f)

    test_map = { t for t in ctx.module.get_tests()}
    for t in test_map.values():
        assert isinstance(t, ast.Test), t

        if isinstance(t, ast.TestFunction):
            # New-style test constructs are specified using a function.
            # This function shouldn't be parametric and shouldn't take any arguments.
            if t.fn.params:
                raise PositionalError(
                    "Test functions shouldn't take arguments.", t.fn.span)

            if t.fn.is_parametric():
                raise PositionalError(
                    "Test functions shouldn't be parametric.", t.fn.span)

        # No symbolic bindings inside of a test.
        ctx.fn_stack.append(('{}_test'.format(, dict()))
        logging.vlog(2, 'Typechecking test: %s', t)
        if isinstance(t, ast.TestFunction):
            # New-style tests are wrapped in a function.
            check_top_node_in_module(t.fn, ctx)
            # Old-style tests are specified in a construct with a body
            # (see check_test()).
            check_top_node_in_module(t, ctx)
        logging.vlog(2, 'Finished typechecking test: %s', t)

    return ctx.type_info