Beispiel #1
border.right = border.THIN = border.THIN
border.bottom = border.THIN

font = Font()
font.bold = True

alignment = Alignment()
alignment.horz = alignment.HORZ_CENTER

pattern = Pattern()
pattern.pattern = pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x35

title_style.borders = border
title_style.font = font
title_style.alignment = alignment
title_style.pattern = pattern

for i in range(len(title)):
    sheet.write(4, i + 4, title[i], title_style)

content = [[1, 'SMITH', '测试', '蔡昶', '2020-10-10'],
           [2, '凤姐', '开发', '蔡昶', '2020-10-11']]

content_style = XFStyle()
border = Borders()
border.left = border.THIN
border.right = border.THIN = border.THIN
border.bottom = border.THIN
Beispiel #2
def genTotalSheet(lis):
    """ lis is UserRecord list """
    global wb
    wb = Workbook(encoding='gbk')

    timeStyle = XFStyle()
    timeStyle.num_format_str = 'h:mm'

    lateStyle = XFStyle()
    lateStyle.num_format_str = 'h:mm'
    lateStyle.font = Font()
    ### when isLate = false, set colour_index = 0 will still get red font in Excel.
    lateStyle.font.colour_index = 2

    earlyStyle = XFStyle()
    earlyStyle.num_format_str = 'h:mm'
    earlyStyle.font = Font()
    earlyStyle.font.colour_index = 7

    sheet1 = wb.add_sheet(TOTAL_SHEET_NAME)
    rowNum = 0
    for i, s in enumerate(totalSheetTitles):  # write header
        sheet1.write(0, i, str(s))
    rowNum += 1

    for a in lis:
        for colNum, colName in enumerate(totalSheetTitles):
            if(colNum == 0):
                sheet1.write_merge(rowNum, rowNum + 1, colNum, colNum, a.userId)
            elif(colNum == 1):
                sheet1.write_merge(rowNum, rowNum + 1, colNum, colNum, a.userName)
                onTime = ''
                offTime = ''
                if(colName in a.recDict):
                    times = a.recDict[colName]
                    if(len(times) >= 2):
                        if(len(times) > 2):
                            print '! ' + a.userName + ' ' + monthStr + str(colName) + ' 两条以上打卡记录.'
                        onTime = times[0]
                        offTime = times[len(times) - 1]
                    elif(len(times) == 1):
                        onlyTime = strToTime(times[0])
                        if(onlyTime.hour < divider):
                            onTime = times[0]
                            offTime = times[0]

                onTime = strToTime(onTime)
                offTime = strToTime(offTime)

#                if(onTime and offTime):
#                    a.totalTime += (offTime - onTime).seconds / 3600
                isLate, isEarly = checkTime(onTime, offTime, colName)
                if(isLate):  # late
#                    a.late += 1
                    sheet1.write(rowNum, colNum, onTime, lateStyle)
                    sheet1.write(rowNum, colNum, onTime, timeStyle)

                if(isEarly):  # early
#                    a.early += 1
                    sheet1.write(rowNum + 1, colNum, offTime, earlyStyle)
                    sheet1.write(rowNum + 1, colNum, offTime, timeStyle)

        rowNum += 2


        addLog('"' + targetFileName + '" is in the same directory of the .txt file.')
    except IOError:  #IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '***.xls'
        addLog('please close ' + targetFileName + ' and retry')