def __init__(self, filename, sheetnumber, share1, month): self.wb = open_workbook(filename, formatting_info=True) # 0铁塔 1基站 self.s = self.wb.sheets()[sheetnumber] self.share1 = Utils.col_by_name(share1) self.share2 = self.share1 + 1 self.month = Utils.col_by_name(month) print "Sheet:",
def __init__(self, filename): self.wb = open_workbook(filename, formatting_info=True) self.s = self.wb.sheets()[1] self.datecol = Utils.col_by_name('B') #日期 self.owner = Utils.col_by_name('M') #主建方 self.receiver = self.owner + 1 #共享方 self.sharetype = Utils.col_by_name('O') #共享/共建 self.TieTaType = Utils.col_by_name('I') #铁塔类型 self.height = Utils.col_by_name('J') #高度 print 'Sheet:',
def write_total(sheet): count_ages = 20 col = FIRST_COLUMN + 1 row = FIRST_ROW count_do = get_institution(0).count() count_school = get_institution(1).count() count_row = get_institution().count() + 3 for i, age in enumerate(get_list_age()): formula_do = 'SUM({}:{})'.format( Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row - 1 + i, col + 2), Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row - 1 + i, col + 1 + count_do) ) formula_school = 'SUM({}:{})'.format( Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row - 1 + i, col + 2 + count_do + 1), Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row - 1 + i, col + 2 + count_do + count_school) ) formula_total_row = '{} + {} + {}'.format( Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row - 1 + i, col + 1), Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row - 1 + i, col + 1 + count_do + 1), Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row - 1 + i, col + 1 + count_do + 2 + count_school), ) sheet.write(col + i, row - 1, Formula(formula_total_row), style_bold) sheet.write(col + i, row, Formula(formula_do), style_bold) sheet.write(col + i, row + count_do + 1, Formula(formula_school), style_bold) for j in range(count_row + 1): formula_total_col = 'SUM({}:{})'.format( Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row - 1, col + j), Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row - 1 + count_ages - 1, col + j) ) sheet.write(col + count_ages, row - 1 + j, Formula(formula_total_col), style_bold)
def _get_range(A1range): (begin_col,begin_row,end_col,end_row,begin_row_abs,begin_col_abs,end_row_abs,end_col_abs) = (None,None,None,None,False,False,False,False) m = rx_range.match(A1range) if m: groups = m.groups() if groups[0]: (begin_row,begin_col,begin_row_abs,begin_col_abs) = Utils.cell_to_rowcol(groups[0]) if groups[1]: (end_row,end_col,end_row_abs,end_col_abs) = Utils.cell_to_rowcol(groups[1]) else: raise ValueError, "A1range mismatch (%s)" % A1range return (begin_col,begin_row,end_col,end_row,begin_row_abs,begin_col_abs,end_row_abs,end_col_abs)
def CountAv(self): numstyle = XFStyle() numstyle.num_format_str = "0.0000" if self.mode == 0: i = 0 while i <= (self.finSize - self.startSize) / 100: formula = 'AVERAGE(C1:%s)' % (Utils.rowcol_to_cell( i, self.repeat + 1)) self.res.write(i, 2 + self.repeat, xlwt.Formula(formula), numstyle) i += 1 elif self.mode == 2: formula = 'AVERAGE(C1:%s)' % (Utils.rowcol_to_cell( 0, self.repeat + 1)) self.res.write(0, 2 + self.repeat, xlwt.Formula(formula), numstyle)
def add_plates_sheet(self,sheetname,cell_overwrite_ok=False): if not isinstance(sheetname, unicode_type): sheetname = sheetname.decode(self.encoding) if not Utils.valid_sheet_name(sheetname): raise Exception("invalid worksheet name %r" % sheetname) lower_name = sheetname.lower() if lower_name in self._Workbook__worksheet_idx_from_name: raise Exception("duplicate worksheet name %r" % sheetname) self._Workbook__worksheet_idx_from_name[lower_name] = len(self._Workbook__worksheets) self._Workbook__worksheets.append(PlatesSheet(sheetname,self,cell_overwrite_ok)) return self._Workbook__worksheets[-1]
def write_sitdsc(sitlineno=0, str_row=None, str_col=0, cross_col_no=2, csvlineno=None, height=None, style_head=None, style=None): ws_sit.row(str_row).height_mismatch = 1 ws_sit.row(str_row).height = height cont_list = lines[csvlineno].split(',') ws_sit.write_merge(str_row, str_row, str_col, str_col + cross_col_no, cont_list[0], style_head) for (i, content) in enumerate(cont_list[1:]): if content == 'Non': cellname = Utils.rowcol_to_cell(sitlineno, i + cross_col_no + 1) ws_sit.write(str_row, i + cross_col_no + 1, Formula("VLOOKUP(%s,sit_chn_dsc!$A$1:$B$1000,2,FALSE)" % cellname), style) else: ws_sit.write(str_row, i + cross_col_no + 1, content, style)
def add_sheet(self, sheetname, cell_overwrite_ok=False): from xlwt import Worksheet, Utils if not isinstance(sheetname, str): sheetname = sheetname.decode(self.encoding) if not Utils.valid_sheet_name(sheetname): raise Exception("invalid worksheet name %r" % sheetname) lower_name = sheetname.lower() if lower_name in self.__worksheet_idx_from_name: raise Exception("duplicate worksheet name %r" % sheetname) self.__worksheet_idx_from_name[lower_name] = len(self.__worksheets) self.__worksheets.append(Worksheet(sheetname, self, cell_overwrite_ok)) return self.__worksheets[-1]
from xlwt import Utils print Utils.col_by_name('AA') print Utils.col_by_name('A') print Utils.cell_to_rowcol('A1') print Utils.cell_to_rowcol('$A$1') print Utils.cell_to_rowcol2('A1') print Utils.rowcol_to_cell(0,0) print Utils.rowcol_to_cell(0,0,False,True) print Utils.rowcol_to_cell( row=0,col=0,row_abs=True,col_abs=True ) print Utils.cellrange_to_rowcol_pair('1:3') print Utils.cellrange_to_rowcol_pair('B:G') print Utils.cellrange_to_rowcol_pair('A2:B7') print Utils.cellrange_to_rowcol_pair('A1') print Utils.valid_sheet_name('') print Utils.valid_sheet_name("'quoted'") print Utils.valid_sheet_name("O'hare") print Utils.valid_sheet_name("X"*32) print Utils.valid_sheet_name("[]:\\?/*\x00")
def tail_match(s,t): s = re.sub(u'_高铁$', '', s) t = re.sub(u'_高铁$', '', t) s = re.sub(u'居委会$','', s) t = re.sub(u'居委会$','', t) return s[-1] == t[-1] and s[-2] == t[-2] #WCDMA BASIC DATABASE print 'loading wdb' wdb = open_workbook("wdb.xlsx").sheet_by_index(0) wdb_names = [] last_name = "" for i in range(1, wdb.nrows): new_name = wdb.cell(i,9).value lac = wdb.cell(i, Utils.col_by_name('G') ).value nodebid = int( wdb.cell(i, Utils.col_by_name('BF') ).value ) if new_name == last_name: continue new_record = {} new_record["line_number"] = i new_record["nodebid"] = nodebid new_record["orig_string"] = new_name new_record["lac"] = lac last_name = new_name new_name = re.sub(u'^泉州|\s','',new_name) new_name = re.sub(u'\$.*$','',new_name) new_name = re.sub(u'_BBU[0-9]?', '' , new_name) new_name = re.sub(u'_TEST', '', new_name) new_name = re.sub(u'_临时', '', new_name) new_name = re.sub(u'_[0-9]+$','',new_name)
def excel_table(self): items_info = self.items_info_all() excel_table = [] temp_row = [] data_start_row = 2 data_start_col = 4 # 表头 for header_cn in HEADER_BEFORE_DATE: temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_STR, header_cn, StyleTypes.header, 1, 0)) for m, m_len in items_info['months'].items(): temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_NUM, str(m) + u"月", StyleTypes.header, 0, m_len - 1)) for i in range(0, m_len - 1): temp_row.append(ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_MERGE)) for header_cn in HEADER_AFTER_DATE: temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_STR, header_cn, StyleTypes.header, 1, 0)) excel_table.append(temp_row) # 第一行写完 temp_row = [] for i in range(0, len(HEADER_BEFORE_DATE)): temp_row.append(ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_MERGE)) for d in items_info['dates']: if d.isoweekday() in [6, 7]: temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_NUM,, StyleTypes.base_weekend)) else: temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_NUM,, StyleTypes.base)) for i in range(0, len(HEADER_AFTER_DATE)): temp_row.append(ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_MERGE)) excel_table.append(temp_row) # 第二行写完 # 填表 temp_row = [] for v, sale_type_cn, sale_type_items in items_info['items']: if not len(sale_type_items): break if sale_type_cn == u"配送": item_type = item_weekend_type = StyleTypes.gift_weekend else: item_type = StyleTypes.base item_weekend_type = StyleTypes.base_weekend temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_STR, sale_type_cn, item_type, len(sale_type_items) - 1, 0)) index = 1 for item in sale_type_items: if index != 1: temp_row.append(ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_MERGE)) temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_STR, ITEM_STATUS_CN[item.item_status], item_type)) temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_STR,, item_type)) temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_STR, item.position.standard_cn, item_type)) for i in range(0, len(items_info['dates'])): d = items_info['dates'][i] if d.isoweekday() in [6, 7]: if item.schedule_by_date(d): temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_NUM, item.schedule_by_date(d).num, item_weekend_type)) else: temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_NUM, " ", item_weekend_type)) else: if item.schedule_by_date(d): temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_NUM, item.schedule_by_date(d).num, item_type)) else: temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_NUM, " ", item_type)) formula = 'SUM(%s:%s)' % ( Utils.rowcol_to_cell( data_start_row + len(excel_table) - 2, data_start_col), Utils.rowcol_to_cell(data_start_row + len(excel_table) - 2, len(temp_row) - 1)) temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_FORMULA, formula, item_type)) # 总预订量 temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_NUM, item.position.price, item_type)) # 刊例单价 formula = '%s*%s' % ( Utils.rowcol_to_cell( data_start_row + len(excel_table) - 2, len(temp_row) - 2), Utils.rowcol_to_cell(data_start_row + len(excel_table) - 2, len(temp_row) - 1)) temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_FORMULA, formula, item_type)) # 刊例总价 if sale_type_cn == u"配送": temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_NUM, float(DISCOUNT_GIFT) / 100, StyleTypes.gift_discount)) elif sale_type_cn == u"补量": temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_NUM, float(DISCOUNT_ADD) / 100, else: temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_NUM, float( / 100, formula = '%s*%s' % ( Utils.rowcol_to_cell( data_start_row + len(excel_table) - 2, len(temp_row) - 2), Utils.rowcol_to_cell(data_start_row + len(excel_table) - 2, len(temp_row) - 1)) temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_FORMULA, formula, item_type)) # 净价 excel_table.append(temp_row) index += 1 temp_row = [] # totle temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_STR, "total", StyleTypes.base, 0, 3)) temp_row.append(ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_MERGE)) temp_row.append(ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_MERGE)) temp_row.append(ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_MERGE)) for i in range(0, len(items_info['dates']) + 1): formula = 'SUM(%s:%s)' % ( Utils.rowcol_to_cell(data_start_row, data_start_col + i), Utils.rowcol_to_cell(len(excel_table) - 1, data_start_col + i)) temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_FORMULA, formula, StyleTypes.base)) temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_STR, "/", StyleTypes.base)) formula = 'SUM(%s:%s)' % ( Utils.rowcol_to_cell(data_start_row, len(temp_row)), Utils.rowcol_to_cell(len(excel_table) - 1, len(temp_row))) temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_FORMULA, formula, StyleTypes.base)) temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_STR, "/", StyleTypes.base)) formula = 'SUM(%s:%s)' % ( Utils.rowcol_to_cell(data_start_row, len(temp_row)), Utils.rowcol_to_cell(len(excel_table) - 1, len(temp_row))) temp_row.append( ExcelCellItem(EXCEL_DATA_TYPE_FORMULA, formula, StyleTypes.base)) excel_table.append(temp_row) return excel_table
def prepare_each_day(wb,start_date,end_date): sheet = wb.add_sheet('일별 Feed 개수(기간 내)') sheet.write(0,0,'시작',easyxf('font: bold True, height 220;' 'alignment: horizontal center;')) sheet.write(0,1,str(start_date)) sheet.write(1,0,'종료',easyxf('font: bold True, height 220;' 'alignment: horizontal center;')) sheet.write(1,1,str(end_date)) header_style=easyxf( 'font: name Arial, bold True, height 220;' 'border: bottom thin;' 'pattern: pattern solid, fore_color light_green;') header_style2=easyxf( 'font: name Arial, bold True, height 220;' 'border: top thin;' 'pattern: pattern solid, fore_color light_green;') header_style3=easyxf( 'font: name Arial, bold True, height 220;' 'pattern: pattern solid, fore_color light_green;') sheet.write(3,0,'시간',header_style3) sheet.write(3,1,'사용자',header_style3) sheet.write(4,0,'날짜',header_style) user_profiles = UserProfile.objects.filter(is_deactivated=False) row=4 col=0 for user_profile in user_profiles: try: user = user_profile.user col+=1 if col != 1: sheet.write(row-1,col,'',header_style3) sheet.write(row,col,user.last_name,header_style) except Exception as e: print str(e) pass col+=1 sheet.write(row-1,col,'',header_style3) sheet.write(row,col,'합계',header_style) time = start_date row=4 col=0 while time < end_date: next_time = time + dt.timedelta(1) - dt.timedelta(seconds=1) col=0 row+=1 sheet.write(row,col,time.strftime('%Y.%m.%d'),easyxf('font: bold False, height 220;', num_format_str='YYYY.MM.DD')) row_total=0 for user_profile in user_profiles: try: user = user_profile.user col+=1 count = Message.objects.filter(is_deleted=False, reg_date__range=(time,next_time), author=user).count() row_total+=count if count != 0: sheet.write(row,col,count,font_style) except Exception as e: print str(e) pass col+=1 start = Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row,1) end = Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row,col-1) sheet.write(row,col,Formula("SUM("+start+":"+end+")"),font_style) time = time + dt.timedelta(1) row+=1 col=0 sheet.write(row,col,'합계',header_style2) for user_profile in user_profiles: try: col+=1 start = Utils.rowcol_to_cell(5,col) end = Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row-1,col) count = Formula("SUM("+start+":"+end+")") sheet.write(row,col,count,header_style2) except Exception as e: print str(e) pass col+=1 start = Utils.rowcol_to_cell(5,col) end = Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row-1,col) count = Formula("SUM("+start+":"+end+")") sheet.write(row,col,count,header_style2)
from xlwt import Utils print 'AA ->', Utils.col_by_name('AA') print 'A ->', Utils.col_by_name('A') print 'A1 ->', Utils.cell_to_rowcol('A1') print '$A$1 ->', Utils.cell_to_rowcol('$A$1') print 'A1 ->', Utils.cell_to_rowcol2('A1') print(0, 0), '->', Utils.rowcol_to_cell(0, 0) print(0, 0, False, True), '->', print Utils.rowcol_to_cell(0, 0, False, True) print(0, 0, True, True), '->', print Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row=0, col=0, row_abs=True, col_abs=True) print '1:3 ->', Utils.cellrange_to_rowcol_pair('1:3') print 'B:G ->', Utils.cellrange_to_rowcol_pair('B:G') print 'A2:B7 ->', Utils.cellrange_to_rowcol_pair('A2:B7') print 'A1 ->', Utils.cellrange_to_rowcol_pair('A1') print(0, 0, 100, 100), '->', print Utils.rowcol_pair_to_cellrange(0, 0, 100, 100) print(0, 0, 100, 100, True, False, False, False), '->', print Utils.rowcol_pair_to_cellrange(row1=0, col1=0, row2=100, col2=100, row1_abs=True, col1_abs=False, row2_abs=False,
def export_events(events, out_file, user=None, encoding='utf-8'): book = Workbook(encoding=encoding) sheet1 = book.add_sheet('Events') style_head = easyxf('font: bold true; borders: bottom thin') style_italic = easyxf('font: italic true') style_bold = easyxf('font: bold true') sheet1.write(0, 0, 'Event', style_head) #sheet1.col(0).width = 256 * 10 #doesn't work #sheet1.col(0).width = 0x0d00 + 15 # doesn't work sheet1.write(0, 1, 'Date', style_head) sheet1.write(0, 2, 'Days', style_head) sheet1.write(0, 3, 'Hours', style_head) sheet1.write(0, 4, 'Description', style_head) row = 1 days_spent = defaultdict(float) hours_spent = defaultdict(float) for event in events: sheet1.write(row, 0, event['title']) sheet1.write(row, 1, event['start'], easyxf(num_format_str='YYYY-MM-DD')) #sheet1.row(row).write(1, event['start']) #sheet1.row(row).set_cell_date(1, event['start']) if event['all_day']: days = event['end'] - event['start'] sheet1.write(row, 2, days.days + 1) sheet1.write(row, 3, '') for tag in event['tags']: days_spent[tag] += days.days + 1 if not event['tags']: days_spent[''] += days.days + 1 else: sheet1.write(row, 2, '') hours = (event['end'] - event['start']).seconds / 3600.0 sheet1.write(row, 3, round(hours, 1)) for tag in event['tags']: hours_spent[tag] += hours if not event['tags']: hours_spent[''] += hours sheet1.write(row, 4, event['description']) row += 1 if row > 1: style_bold = easyxf('font: bold true') days_cell_range = Utils.rowcol_pair_to_cellrange(row1=1, col1=2, row2=row - 1, col2=2) sheet1.write(row, 2, Formula('SUM(%s)' % days_cell_range), style_bold) days_cell_range = Utils.rowcol_pair_to_cellrange(row1=1, col1=3, row2=row - 1, col2=3) sheet1.write(row, 3, Formula('SUM(%s)' % days_cell_range), style_bold) ## Now write the summations by tags if '' in days_spent: days_spent['Untagged'] = days_spent.pop('') days_spent = days_spent.items() days_spent.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(y[1], x[1])) if '' in hours_spent: hours_spent['Untagged'] = hours_spent.pop('') hours_spent = hours_spent.items() hours_spent.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(y[1], x[1])) sheet2 = book.add_sheet('Report') sheet2.write(0, 0, 'Days', style_head) row = 1 if days_spent: row += 1 sheet2.write(row, 0, 'Tag', style_bold) sheet2.write(row, 1, 'Days', style_bold) total = 0.0 for tag, days in days_spent: row += 1 if tag == 'Untagged': sheet2.write(row, 0, tag, style_italic) else: sheet2.write(row, 0, tag) sheet2.write(row, 1, days) total += days row += 1 sheet2.write(row, 0, 'Total', style_bold) sheet2.write(row, 1, total, style_bold) row += 1 if hours_spent: row += 1 sheet2.write(row, 0, 'Tag', style_bold) sheet2.write(row, 1, 'Hours', style_bold) total = 0.0 for tag, hours in hours_spent: row += 1 if tag == 'Untagged': sheet2.write(row, 0, tag, style_italic) else: sheet2.write(row, 0, tag) sheet2.write(row, 1, hours) total += hours row += 1 sheet2.write(row, 0, 'Total', style_bold) sheet2.write(row, 1, total, style_bold) row += 1
from xlwt import Utils print 'AA ->',Utils.col_by_name('AA') print 'A ->',Utils.col_by_name('A') print 'A1 ->',Utils.cell_to_rowcol('A1') print '$A$1 ->',Utils.cell_to_rowcol('$A$1') print 'A1 ->',Utils.cell_to_rowcol2('A1') print (0,0),'->',Utils.rowcol_to_cell(0,0) print (0,0,False,True),'->', print Utils.rowcol_to_cell(0,0,False,True) print (0,0,True,True),'->', print Utils.rowcol_to_cell( row=0,col=0,row_abs=True,col_abs=True ) print '1:3 ->',Utils.cellrange_to_rowcol_pair('1:3') print 'B:G ->',Utils.cellrange_to_rowcol_pair('B:G') print 'A2:B7 ->',Utils.cellrange_to_rowcol_pair('A2:B7') print 'A1 ->',Utils.cellrange_to_rowcol_pair('A1') print (0,0,100,100),'->', print Utils.rowcol_pair_to_cellrange(0,0,100,100) print (0,0,100,100,True,False,False,False),'->', print Utils.rowcol_pair_to_cellrange( row1=0,col1=0,row2=100,col2=100, row1_abs=True,col1_abs=False, row2_abs=False,col2_abs=True )
from xlwt import Utils print Utils.col_by_name('AA') print Utils.col_by_name('A') print Utils.cell_to_rowcol('A1') print Utils.cell_to_rowcol('$A$1') print Utils.cell_to_rowcol2('A1') print Utils.rowcol_to_cell(0, 0) print Utils.rowcol_to_cell(0, 0, False, True) print Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row=0, col=0, row_abs=True, col_abs=True) print Utils.cellrange_to_rowcol_pair('1:3') print Utils.cellrange_to_rowcol_pair('B:G') print Utils.cellrange_to_rowcol_pair('A2:B7') print Utils.cellrange_to_rowcol_pair('A1') print Utils.valid_sheet_name('') print Utils.valid_sheet_name("'quoted'") print Utils.valid_sheet_name("O'hare") print Utils.valid_sheet_name("X" * 32) print Utils.valid_sheet_name("[]:\\?/*\x00")
def export_events(events, out_file, user=None, encoding='utf-8'): book = Workbook(encoding=encoding) sheet1 = book.add_sheet('Events') style_head = easyxf('font: bold true; borders: bottom thin') style_italic = easyxf('font: italic true') style_bold = easyxf('font: bold true') sheet1.write(0,0,'Event', style_head) #sheet1.col(0).width = 256 * 10 #doesn't work #sheet1.col(0).width = 0x0d00 + 15 # doesn't work sheet1.write(0,1,'Date', style_head) sheet1.write(0,2,'Days', style_head) sheet1.write(0,3,'Hours', style_head) sheet1.write(0,4,'Description', style_head) row = 1 days_spent = defaultdict(float) hours_spent = defaultdict(float) for event in events: sheet1.write(row, 0, event['title']) sheet1.write(row, 1, event['start'], easyxf( num_format_str='YYYY-MM-DD' )) #sheet1.row(row).write(1, event['start']) #sheet1.row(row).set_cell_date(1, event['start']) if event['all_day']: days = event['end'] - event['start'] sheet1.write(row, 2, days.days + 1) sheet1.write(row, 3, '') for tag in event['tags']: days_spent[tag] += days.days + 1 if not event['tags']: days_spent[''] += days.days + 1 else: sheet1.write(row, 2, '') hours = (event['end'] - event['start']).seconds / 3600.0 sheet1.write(row, 3, round(hours,1)) for tag in event['tags']: hours_spent[tag] += hours if not event['tags']: hours_spent[''] += hours sheet1.write(row, 4, event['description']) row += 1 if row > 1: style_bold = easyxf('font: bold true') days_cell_range = Utils.rowcol_pair_to_cellrange(row1=1, col1=2, row2=row - 1, col2=2) sheet1.write(row, 2, Formula('SUM(%s)' % days_cell_range), style_bold) days_cell_range = Utils.rowcol_pair_to_cellrange(row1=1, col1=3, row2=row - 1, col2=3) sheet1.write(row, 3, Formula('SUM(%s)' % days_cell_range), style_bold) ## Now write the summations by tags if '' in days_spent: days_spent['Untagged'] = days_spent.pop('') days_spent = days_spent.items() days_spent.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(y[1], x[1])) if '' in hours_spent: hours_spent['Untagged'] = hours_spent.pop('') hours_spent = hours_spent.items() hours_spent.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(y[1], x[1])) sheet2 = book.add_sheet('Report') sheet2.write(0,0,'Days', style_head) row = 1 if days_spent: row += 1 sheet2.write(row,0, 'Tag', style_bold) sheet2.write(row,1, 'Days', style_bold) total = 0.0 for tag, days in days_spent: row += 1 if tag == 'Untagged': sheet2.write(row, 0, tag, style_italic) else: sheet2.write(row, 0, tag) sheet2.write(row, 1, days) total += days row += 1 sheet2.write(row, 0, 'Total', style_bold) sheet2.write(row, 1, total, style_bold) row += 1 if hours_spent: row += 1 sheet2.write(row,0, 'Tag', style_bold) sheet2.write(row,1, 'Hours', style_bold) total = 0.0 for tag, hours in hours_spent: row += 1 if tag == 'Untagged': sheet2.write(row, 0, tag, style_italic) else: sheet2.write(row, 0, tag) sheet2.write(row, 1, hours) total += hours row += 1 sheet2.write(row, 0, 'Total', style_bold) sheet2.write(row, 1, total, style_bold) row += 1
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- #!/bin/python import re from xlrd import open_workbook from xlwt import Utils #WCDMA xiaoqu DATABASE print 'loading xiaoqu' wdb_book = open_workbook("xiaoqu.xlsx") wdb = wdb_book.sheet_by_index(0) wdb_names = [] for i in range(1, wdb.nrows): new_id = wdb.cell(i, Utils.col_by_name('D') ).value new_record = {} new_record["line_number"] = i new_record["nodebid"] = int(new_id) wdb_names.append( new_record) print `len(wdb_names)` + " xiaoqu" #WCDMA automatch print 'loading automatch' wbbu_book = open_workbook("automatch.xls") wbbu = wbbu_book.sheet_by_index(0) wbbu_names = [] for i in range(1, wbbu.nrows): new_id = wbbu.cell(i, Utils.col_by_name('C') ).value new_record = {} new_record["line_number"] = i new_record["nodebid"] = int(new_id)