def Danmuku(cid, path): path = path.replace('\\', '/') #############在这里改路径#################### #####PC端路径示例############################ path = 'C:/Users/xml/AppData/Roaming/Kodi/userdata/addon_data/' #####coreelec端路径示例############################ # path = '/storage/videos/ass' ############################################# if os.path.exists(path): # shutil.rmtree(path) # os.makedirs(path) deleteFile(path) else: os.makedirs(path) headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.122 Safari/537.36' } danmuku = requests.get('' + str(cid) + '.xml', headers=headers) danmuku.encoding = 'utf-8' # print(type(danmuku.text)) with + '/' + str(cid) + '.xml', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(danmuku.text) file.close() xml2ass.Danmaku2ASS(path + '/' + str(cid) + '.xml', path + '/' + str(cid) + '.ass', 1920, 540) os.remove(path + '/' + str(cid) + '.xml')
def get_danmu(self, oid, filename): danmu_url=danmu_url = '{}'.format(oid) danmu_name = os.path.join(self.dir, filename + '.xml') danmu_ass = os.path.join(self.dir, filename + '.ass') self.download_xml(danmu_url, danmu_name) time.sleep(0.5) xml2ass.Danmaku2ASS(danmu_name, danmu_ass, 1280, 720)
def get_danmu(self, oid, filename): """ 下载弹幕 Parameters: oid: 弹幕oid filename: 弹幕保存前缀名 Returns: 无 """ danmu_url = '{}'.format(oid) danmu_name = os.path.join(self.dir, filename + '.xml') danmu_ass = os.path.join(self.dir, filename + '.ass') self.download_xml(danmu_url, danmu_name) time.sleep(0.5) xml2ass.Danmaku2ASS(danmu_name, danmu_ass, 1280, 720)
def Danmuku(cid): path = 'D:/ass' if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) os.makedirs(path) else: os.makedirs(path) # 链接格式:******* (后面不能有/) # url = input('输入视频链接:') # bv = url[len(''):] headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.122 Safari/537.36' } # a = requests.get(''+ bv, headers = headers) # dict_aid = eval(a.text) # aid = dict_aid['data']['aid'] # # print(aid) # r = requests.get("" + str(aid),headers = headers) # # print(eval(r.text)) # cid = [] # for i in eval(r.text): # dict = i # every_cid = dict['cid'] # cid.append(every_cid) # print(len(cid)) # *******多P视频分P下载弹幕************ # for j in range(len(cid)): # p_cid = cid[j] # # print(p_cid) danmuku = requests.get('' + str(cid) + '.xml', headers=headers) danmuku.encoding = 'utf-8' # print(type(danmuku.text)) with'D:/ass/' + str(cid) + '.xml', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(danmuku.text) file.close() xml2ass.Danmaku2ASS('D:/ass/' + str(cid) + '.xml', 'D:/ass/' + str(cid) + '.ass', 1920, 540) os.remove('D:/ass/' + str(cid) + '.xml')
def Download(url): if not xbmcvfs.exists(__temp__.replace('\\', '/')): xbmcvfs.mkdirs(__temp__) dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(__temp__) for file in files: xbmcvfs.delete(os.path.join(__temp__, file.decode("utf-8"))) subtitle_list = [] try: #data = GetHttpData(url) if re.match('https://', url) == None: if re.match('http://', url) != None: url = 'https://' + url[7:] else: dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() ok = dialog.ok('错误提示', '非法url') ifbangumiurl = re.match('', url) ifvideourl = re.match('', url) if ifbangumiurl or ifvideourl != None: if ifbangumiurl != None: ssid ='ss[0-9]+', url) ssid = ssid = ssid[2:] r = GetHttpData( '' + ssid) j = json.loads(r) titles = [] cids = [] for p in range(len(j['result']['main_section']['episodes'])): titles.append( u'正片 - ' + j['result']['main_section']['episodes'][p]['title']) cids.append( j['result']['main_section']['episodes'][p]['cid']) for index in range(len(j['result']['section'])): duopname = j['result']['section'][index]['title'] for i in range( len(j['result']['section'][index]['episodes'])): titles.append(duopname + u' - ' + j['result']['section'][index]['episodes'] [i]['title']) cids.append(j['result']['section'][index]['episodes'] [i]['cid']) if ifvideourl != None: bvid = '' aid = '' if'[Bb]{1}[Vv]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]+', url): bvid ='[Bb]{1}[Vv]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]+', url) bvid = vurl = '' + bvid if'[aA]{1}[vV]{1}[0-9]+', url): aid ='[aA]{1}[vV]{1}[0-9]+', url) aid = aid = aid[2:] vurl = '' + aid r = GetHttpData(vurl) j = json.loads(r) #bvid = j['data']['pages'][0]['bvid'] titles = [] cids = [] for p in range(len(j['data']['pages'])): titles.append(j['data']['pages'][p]['part']) cids.append(j['data']['pages'][p]['cid']) if len(titles) > 1: sel = xbmcgui.Dialog().select('请选择分集的弹幕', titles) if sel == -1: sel = 0 else: sel = 0 r = requests.get('' + str(cids[sel])) r.encoding = 'utf-8' data = r.text pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() pDialog.create('获取弹幕', '初始化...') pDialog.update(50, '获取弹幕成功...') # dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() # dialog.textviewer('错误提示', str(data.encode('utf-8'))) except: return [] if len(data) < 1024: return [] tmpfile = os.path.join( __temp__, "cid%s%s.ass" % (str(cids[sel]), os.path.splitext(url)[1])).replace( '\\', '/') # dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() # dialog.textviewer('错误提示', str(tmpfile)) with open(tmpfile, "wb") as subFile: subFile.write(data.encode('utf-8')) pDialog.update(75, '写入xml成功...') xbmc.sleep(500) xml2ass.Danmaku2ASS(tmpfile, tmpfile, 960, 540, duration_marquee=10.0) pDialog.update(100, '转换ass成功...') pDialog.close() subtitle_list.append(tmpfile) return subtitle_list
for c in u'´☆<img draggable="false" data-mce-resize="false" data-mce-placeholder="1" data-wp-emoji="1" class="emoji" alt="❤" src="">◦\/:*?"<>| ': filename = filename.replace(c, '') save_video_name = filename + '.mp4' all_video[xunlei_video_name] = save_video_name addTasktoXunlei(download_url) # 弹幕下载 danmu_name = filename + '.xml' danmu_ass = filename + '.ass' oid = download_url.split('/')[6] danmu_url = '{}'.format(oid) danmu_header = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.167 Safari/537.36', 'Accept': '*/*', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9'} with closing(sess.get(danmu_url, headers=danmu_header, stream=True, verify=False)) as response: if response.status_code == 200: with open(danmu_name, 'wb') as file: for data in response.iter_content(): file.write(data) file.flush() else: print('链接异常') time.sleep(0.5) xml2ass.Danmaku2ASS(danmu_name, danmu_ass, 1280, 720) # 视频重命名 for key, item in all_video.items(): while key not in os.listdir('./'): time.sleep(1) os.rename(key, item)
def Download(url): if not xbmcvfs.exists(__temp__.replace('\\', '/')): xbmcvfs.mkdirs(__temp__) dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(__temp__) for file in files: xbmcvfs.delete(os.path.join(__temp__, file.decode("utf-8"))) subtitle_list = [] b = 1 if b == 1: #data = GetHttpData(url) if re.match('https://', url) == None: if re.match('http://', url) != None: url = 'https://' + url[7:] else: dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() ok = dialog.ok('错误提示', '非法url') ifbangumiurl = re.match('', url) ifvideourl = re.match('', url) if ifbangumiurl or ifvideourl != None: if ifbangumiurl != None: r = GetHttpData(url) str1 = r.find('window.bangumiList = ') str2 = r.find('window.abtestConfig =') cutjson = r[str1 + 21:str2] cutjson = cutjson.split(';')[0] # dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() # dialog.textviewer('错误提示', str(cutjson)) j = json.loads(cutjson) titles = [] cids = [] for p in range(len(j['items'])): titles.append(u'正片 - ' + j['items'][p]['episodeName']) cids.append(j['items'][p]['videoId']) if ifvideourl != None: r = GetHttpData(url) str1 = r.find('window.pageInfo = window.videoInfo = ') str2 = r.find('window.videoResource =') cutjson = r[str1 + 37:str2] cutjson = cutjson.split(';')[0] # dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() # dialog.textviewer('错误提示', str(cutjson)) j = json.loads(cutjson) #bvid = j['data']['pages'][0]['bvid'] titles = [] cids = [] for p in range(len(j['videoList'])): titles.append(j['videoList'][p]['title']) cids.append(j['videoList'][p]['id']) if len(titles) > 1: sel = xbmcgui.Dialog().select('请选择分集的弹幕', titles) if sel == -1: sel = 0 else: sel = 0 apiheaders = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.122 Safari/537.36', 'cookie': '_did=web_471136585E37DE05; uuid=00ac251daba2fd89f2cef9937df1662b; analytics=GA1.2.979500629.1590051501; ac__avi=101092823893b8e326abdc90e6850ae2886d0cde88b81067851cf6c2c6febafe3a364146315ef65213; Hm_lvt_2af69bc2b378fb58ae04ed2a04257ed1=1589465669,1590051312,1590243605,1590284267; sign_remind=1; csrfToken=oUoc3WbPlM29zqGXhVNsi7Vb; session_id=4045767301B5686B; webp_supported=%7B%22lossy%22%3Atrue%2C%22lossless%22%3Atrue%2C%22alpha%22%3Atrue%2C%22animation%22%3Atrue%7D; lsv_js_player_v1_main=f2c6e6; lsv_js_player_v2_main=9fa1b0; clientlanguage=zh_CN; safety_id=AAJHfMhNHgUr-jBjMz48azvJ; cur_req_id=5488657659848AC3_self_93a47343167a440b05e5119c339296db; cur_group_id=5488657659848AC3_self_93a47343167a440b05e5119c339296db_0' } apidata = {'videoId': cids[sel], 'lastFetchTime': 0} r = '', apidata, headers=apiheaders) r.encoding = 'utf-8' r = r.text j = json.loads(r) pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() pDialog.create('获取弹幕', '初始化...') pDialog.update(25, '获取弹幕成功...') data = '<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><i><chatserver></chatserver><chatid>72540443</chatid><mission>0</mission><maxlimit>%d</maxlimit><state>0</state><real_name>0</real_name><source>e-r</source>' % ( len(j['added'])) # str1 = r.find('\"added\":[') # str2 = r.find('],\"host-name\"') # data = '{' + r[str1+8:str2] + ']}' for i in range(len(j['added'])): data += '<d p=\"' + str( float(j['added'][i]['position']) / float(1000)) #弹幕开始显示时间 if'.\d+,', data): if len('.\d+,', data).group()[1:-1]) < 5: data += '0' * (5 - len('.\d+,', data).group()[1:-1])) data += ',' data += str(j['added'][i]['mode']) + ',' #模式 data += str(j['added'][i]['size']) + ',' #字体 data += str(j['added'][i]['color']) + ',' #颜色 data += str(int(float(j['added'][i]['createTime']) / 1000)) + ',' #时间戳 acfun 13位-> b站 10位 data += '0' + ',' #弹幕池 b站特有 data += hex(j['added'][i]['userId'])[2:] + ',' #发送者id b站特有 data += str(j['added'][i]['danmakuId']) #弹幕在数据库的rowid,b站特有 data += '\">' + j['added'][i]['body'] + '</d>' data += '</i>' pDialog.update(50, 'json转xml成功...') # dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() # dialog.textviewer('错误提示', str(data.encode('utf-8'))) #data = r # if data['info'] != 'OK': # return [] # url = data['data']['info']['file'] # data = GetHttpData(url) #except: #return [] if len(data) < 1024: return [] # t = time.time() # ts = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",time.localtime(t)) + str(int((t - int(t)) * 1000)) tmpfile = os.path.join( __temp__, "cid%s%s.ass" % (str(cids[sel]), os.path.splitext(url)[1])).replace( '\\', '/') # dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() # dialog.textviewer('错误提示', str(tmpfile)) with open(tmpfile, "wb") as subFile: subFile.write(data.encode('utf-8')) pDialog.update(75, '写入xml成功...') xbmc.sleep(500) xml2ass.Danmaku2ASS(tmpfile, tmpfile, 960, 540, duration_marquee=10.0) pDialog.update(100, '转换ass成功...') pDialog.close() subtitle_list.append(tmpfile) return subtitle_list
def Download(url): if not xbmcvfs.exists(__temp__.replace('\\','/')): xbmcvfs.mkdirs(__temp__) dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(__temp__) for file in files: xbmcvfs.delete(os.path.join(__temp__, file.decode("utf-8"))) subtitle_list = [] b = 1 if b == 1: #data = GetHttpData(url) if re.match('https://',url) == None: if re.match('http://',url) != None: url = 'https://'+url[7:] else: dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() ok = dialog.ok('错误提示', '非法url') ifbangumiurl = re.match('',url) ifvideourl = re.match('',url) if ifbangumiurl or ifvideourl != None: if ifbangumiurl != None: ssid ='ss[0-9]+', url) ssid = ssid = ssid[2:] r = GetHttpData('' + ssid) j = json.loads(r) titles = [] cids = [] for p in range(len(j['result']['main_section']['episodes'])): titles.append(u'正片 - ' + j['result']['main_section']['episodes'][p]['title']) cids.append(j['result']['main_section']['episodes'][p]['cid']) for index in range(len(j['result']['section'])): duopname = j['result']['section'][index]['title'] for i in range(len(j['result']['section'][index]['episodes'])): titles.append(duopname + u' - ' + j['result']['section'][index]['episodes'][i]['title']) cids.append(j['result']['section'][index]['episodes'][i]['cid']) if ifvideourl != None: bvid = '' aid = '' if'[Bb]{1}[Vv]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]+', url): bvid ='[Bb]{1}[Vv]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]+', url) bvid = vurl = ''+bvid if'[aA]{1}[vV]{1}[0-9]+', url): aid ='[aA]{1}[vV]{1}[0-9]+', url) aid = aid = aid[2:] vurl = ''+aid r = GetHttpData(vurl) j = json.loads(r) #bvid = j['data']['pages'][0]['bvid'] titles = [] cids = [] for p in range(len(j['data']['pages'])): titles.append(j['data']['pages'][p]['part']) cids.append(j['data']['pages'][p]['cid']) if len(titles) > 1: sel = xbmcgui.Dialog().select('请选择分集的字幕', titles) if sel == -1: sel = 0 else: sel = 0 r = requests.get('' + str(cids[sel])) r.encoding = 'utf-8' data = r.text dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.textviewer('错误提示', str(data.encode('utf-8'))) # if data['info'] != 'OK': # return [] # url = data['data']['info']['file'] # data = GetHttpData(url) #except: #return [] if len(data) < 1024: return [] # t = time.time() # ts = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",time.localtime(t)) + str(int((t - int(t)) * 1000)) tmpfile = os.path.join(__temp__, "cid%s%s.ass" % (str(cids[sel]), os.path.splitext(url)[1])).replace('\\','/') dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.textviewer('错误提示', str(tmpfile)) with open(tmpfile, "wb") as subFile: subFile.write(data.encode('utf-8')) xbmc.sleep(500) xml2ass.Danmaku2ASS(tmpfile,tmpfile,960,540,duration_marquee=10.0) # archive = urllib.quote_plus(tmpfile) # if data[:4] == 'Rar!': # path = 'rar://%s' % (archive) # else: # path = 'zip://%s' % (archive) # dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(path) # if ('__MACOSX') in dirs: # dirs.remove('__MACOSX') # if len(dirs) > 0: # path = path + '/' + dirs[0].decode('utf-8') # dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(path) # list = [] # for subfile in files: # if (os.path.splitext( subfile )[1] in exts): # list.append(subfile.decode('utf-8')) # if len(list) == 1: # subtitle_list.append(path + '/' + list[0]) # elif len(list) > 1: # sel = xbmcgui.Dialog().select('请选择压缩包中的字幕', list) # if sel == -1: # sel = 0 # subtitle_list.append(path + '/' + list[sel]) subtitle_list.append(tmpfile) return subtitle_list
bv, headers=headers) dict_aid = eval(a.text) aid = dict_aid['data']['aid'] # print(aid) r = requests.get("" + str(aid), headers=headers) # print(eval(r.text)) cid = [] for i in eval(r.text): dict = i every_cid = dict['cid'] cid.append(every_cid) # print(len(cid)) # *******多P视频分P下载弹幕************ for j in range(len(cid)): p_cid = cid[j] # print(p_cid) danmuku = requests.get('' + str(p_cid) + '.xml', headers=headers) danmuku.encoding = 'utf-8' # print(type(danmuku.text)) with open('./' + str(j) + '.xml', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(danmuku.text) file.close() xml2ass.Danmaku2ASS('./' + str(j) + '.xml', './' + str(j) + '.ass', 1920, 540) os.remove('./' + str(j) + '.xml')