Beispiel #1
def baix(i, j, bd, pibg, xml, xml_id, coo_of):
    make the rectangle and text of a baix
    xml_id = xml_id + 1
    [x,y] = bd['baix_pos']
    xml += xml_position.substitute(_x=x, \
                                   _y=y, \
                                   _rx = bd['baix_rect_dim']['x'], \
                                   _ry = bd['baix_rect_dim']['y'], \
                                   _rw = bd['baix_rect_dim']['w'], \
                                   _rh = bd['baix_rect_dim']['h'], \
                                   _angle = bd['baix_rect_dim']['angle'], \
                                   #_xml_text = str([i,j]), \
                                   _xml_text=xml_id, \
                                   _class='baix', \
                                   _name=xml_id, \
    pibg[i,j] = dict([('xml_id', xml_id), \
                                      ('role', 'baix'), \
                                      #('xml_text', 'baix'), \
                                      ('xml_text', xml_id), \
                                      ('x', x), \
                                      ('y', y), \
                                      ('angle', bd['baix_rect_dim']['angle'])])
    coo_of[xml_id] = [x,y]
    return [xml, xml_id, pibg, coo_of]
Beispiel #2
def pc(i, j, index, pcd, pipcg, xml, xml_id, coo_of):
    make one portacrossa
    xml_id = xml_id + 1
    [x,y] = pcd[index + '_pos']
    dims  = pcd[index + '_dim']
    alpha = dims['angle']
    xml += xml_position.substitute(_x=x, \
                                   _y=y, \
                                   _rx = dims['x'], \
                                   _ry = dims['y'], \
                                   _rw = dims['w'], \
                                   _rh = dims['h'], \
                                   _angle = alpha, \
                                   #_xml_text = str([i,j]), \
                                   _xml_text=xml_id, \
                                   _class='portacrossa', \
                                   _name=xml_id, \
    pipcg[i,j] = dict([('xml_id', xml_id), \
                           ('role', 'portacrossa'), \
                           #('xml_text', 'portacrossa'), \
                           ('xml_text', xml_id), \
                           ('x', x), \
                           ('y', y), \
                           ('angle', alpha)])
    coo_of[xml_id] = [x,y]
    return [xml, xml_id, pipcg, coo_of]
Beispiel #3
def segon(i, x, y, angle, sd, pis, xml, xml_id, coo_of):
    make the rectangle and text of a segon
    xml_id = xml_id + 1
    xml += xml_position.substitute(_x=x, \
                                   _rx = sd['segon_rect_dim']['x'], \
                                   _ry = sd['segon_rect_dim']['y'], \
                                   _rw = sd['segon_rect_dim']['w'], \
                                   _rh = sd['segon_rect_dim']['h'], \
                                   _angle = angle, \
                                   #_xml_text = str([i,j]), \
                                   _xml_text=xml_id, \
                                   _class='segon', \
                                   _name=xml_id, \
    pis[i] = dict([('xml_id', xml_id), \
                       ('role', 'segon'), \
                       #('xml_text', 'agulla'), \
                       ('xml_text', xml_id), \
                       ('x', x), \
                       ('y', y), \
                       ('angle', angle)])
    coo_of[xml_id] = [x,y]
    return [xml, xml_id, pis, coo_of]
Beispiel #4
def lateral(i, j, bd, pibg, xml, xml_id, coo_of):
    make the rectangle and text of a lateral
    xml_id = xml_id + 1
    [x,y] = bd['lateral_pos']
    alpha = bd['lateral_rect_dim']['angle']
    if j[-1] == '2':
        y = -y
        alpha = -alpha
    xml += xml_position.substitute(_x=x, \
                                   _y=y, \
                                   _rx = bd['lateral_rect_dim']['x'], \
                                   _ry = bd['lateral_rect_dim']['y'], \
                                   _rw = bd['lateral_rect_dim']['w'], \
                                   _rh = bd['lateral_rect_dim']['h'], \
                                   _angle = alpha, \
                                   #_xml_text = str([i,j]), \
                                   _xml_text=xml_id, \
                                   _class='lateral', \
                                   _name=xml_id, \
    pibg[i,j] = dict([('xml_id', xml_id), \
                          ('role', 'lateral'), \
                          #('xml_text', 'crossa'), \
                          ('xml_text', xml_id), \
                          ('x', x), \
                          ('y', y), \
                          ('angle', alpha)])
    coo_of[xml_id] = [x,y]
    return [xml, xml_id, pibg, coo_of]
Beispiel #5
def ring(period, i, r, pinya_rect_dim, xml_id, position_in_ring, coo_of):
    create the xml elements in the outer rings of pinya.
    period = k if the ring has 2pi/k symmetry
    i: the index of the ring; also, how many people are between each of the rays at 2pi j / k
    r: the radius of the ring
    pinya_rect_dim: The dimensions of the box to place, of the form {w:20 h:30}
    init_xml_id: The first free id for an xml element

    xml: the string with the xml representation
    xml_id: the next free id number
    position_in_ring: The dictionary telling the id of an element at the position (j, s)
    coo_of: the coordinates of an element with a certain id
    xml = ''
    dyn_props = ''
    for j in range(2*period):
        for m in range(i+1):
            a = 2 * pi * ( j  + m / float(i + 1) ) / float(2*period)
            xml_id = xml_id + 1
            if m == 0:
                if j%2 == 0:
                    c = 'ma'  # Ma
                    role = 'ma'
                    c = 'vent'  # Vent
                    role = 'vent'
                c = 'pinya'       # Quesito
                role = 'pinya'
            x=round(r*cos(a), 2)
            y=round(r*sin(a), 2)
            angle = round(a*180/pi, 2)
            xml += xml_position.substitute(_x=x, _y=y, \
                                           _rx=-0.5*pinya_rect_dim['w'], _ry=-0.5*pinya_rect_dim['h'], \
                                           _rw=pinya_rect_dim['w'], _rh=pinya_rect_dim['h'], \
                                           _angle=angle, \
                                           #_xml_text = str([i,j,m]), \
                                           _xml_text=xml_id, \
                                           _class=c, \
                                           _name=xml_id, \
            position_in_ring[i,j,m] = dict([('xml_id', xml_id), \
                                                ('role', role), \
                                                #('xml_text', role), \
                                                ('xml_text', xml_id), \
                                                ('x', x), \
                                                ('y', y), \
                                                ('angle', angle)])
            coo_of[xml_id] = [x,y]
    return [xml, xml_id, position_in_ring, coo_of]