Beispiel #1
def certreport(req, *opts):
Generate a report of the certificates (optionally limited by expiration time or key size) found in the selection.

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (not used)
:return: always returns the unmodified working document


.. code-block:: yaml

    - certreport:
         error_seconds: 0
         warning_seconds: 864000
         error_bits: 1024
         warning_bits: 2048

For key size checking this will report keys with a size *less* than the size specified, defaulting to errors
for keys smaller than 1024 bits and warnings for keys smaller than 2048 bits. It should be understood as the
minimum key size for each report level, as such everything below will create report entries.

Remember that you need a 'publish' or 'emit' call after certreport in your plumbing to get useful output. PyFF
ships with a couple of xslt transforms that are useful for turning metadata with certreport annotation into

    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException("Your plumbing is missing a select statement.")

    if not req.args:
        req.args = {}

    if type(req.args) is not dict:
        raise PipeException("usage: certreport {warning: 864000, error: 0}")

    error_seconds = int(req.args.get('error_seconds', "0"))
    warning_seconds = int(req.args.get('warning_seconds', "864000"))
    error_bits = int(req.args.get('error_bits', "1024"))
    warning_bits = int(req.args.get('warning_bits', "2048"))

    seen = {}
    for eid in req.t.xpath("//md:EntityDescriptor/@entityID", namespaces=NS):
        for cd in req.t.xpath("md:EntityDescriptor[@entityID='%s']//ds:X509Certificate" % eid, namespaces=NS):
                cert_pem = cd.text
                cert_der = base64.b64decode(cert_pem)
                m = hashlib.sha1()
                fp = m.hexdigest()
                if not seen.get(fp, False):
                    seen[fp] = True
                    cdict = xmlsec.b642cert(cert_pem)
                    keysize = cdict['modulus'].bit_length()
                    if keysize < error_bits:
                        e = cd.getparent().getparent().getparent().getparent().getparent()
              , "certificate-error", "keysize too small",
                                        "%s has keysize of %s bits (less than %s)" % (cert.getSubject(), keysize, error_bits))
                        log.error("%s has keysize of %s" % (eid, keysize))
                    elif keysize < warning_bits:
                        e = cd.getparent().getparent().getparent().getparent().getparent()
              , "certificate-warning", "keysize small",
                                        "%s has keysize of %s bits (less than %s)" % (cert.getSubject(), keysize, warning_bits))
                        log.warn("%s has keysize of %s" % (eid, keysize))
                    cert = cdict['cert']
                    et = datetime.strptime("%s" % cert.getNotAfter(), "%y%m%d%H%M%SZ")
                    now =
                    dt = et - now
                    if total_seconds(dt) < error_seconds:
                        e = cd.getparent().getparent().getparent().getparent().getparent()
              , "certificate-error", "certificate has expired",
                                        "%s expired %s ago" % (cert.getSubject(), -dt))
                        log.error("%s expired %s ago" % (eid, -dt))
                    elif total_seconds(dt) < warning_seconds:
                        e = cd.getparent().getparent().getparent().getparent().getparent()
              , "certificate-warning", "certificate about to expire",
                                        "%s expires in %s" % (cert.getSubject(), dt))
                        log.warn("%s expires in %s" % (eid, dt))
            except Exception, ex:
Beispiel #2
def certreport(req, *opts):
Generate a report of the certificates (optionally limited by expiration time) found in the selection.

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (not used)
:return: always returns the unmodified working document


.. code-block:: yaml

    - certreport:
         error_seconds: 0
         warning_seconds: 864000

Remember that you need a 'publish' or 'emit' call after certreport in your plumbing to get useful output. PyFF
ships with a couple of xslt transforms that are useful for turning metadata with certreport annotation into

    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException("Your plumbing is missing a select statement.")

    if not req.args:
        req.args = {}

    if type(req.args) is not dict:
        raise PipeException("usage: certreport {warning: 864000, error: 0}")

    error_seconds = int(req.args.get('error', "0"))
    warning_seconds = int(req.args.get('warning', "864000"))

    seen = {}
    for eid in req.t.xpath("//md:EntityDescriptor/@entityID", namespaces=NS):
        for cd in req.t.xpath("md:EntityDescriptor[@entityID='%s']//ds:X509Certificate" % eid, namespaces=NS):
                cert_pem = cd.text
                cert_der = base64.b64decode(cert_pem)
                m = hashlib.sha1()
                fp = m.hexdigest()
                if not seen.get(fp, False):
                    seen[fp] = True
                    cdict = xmlsec.b642cert(cert_pem)
                    cert = cdict['cert']
                    et = datetime.strptime("%s" % cert.getNotAfter(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ")
                    now =
                    dt = et - now
                    if total_seconds(dt) < error_seconds:
                        e = cd.getparent().getparent().getparent().getparent().getparent()
              , "certificate-error", "certificate has expired",
                                        "%s expired %s ago" % (cert.getSubject(), -dt))
                        log.error("%s expired %s ago" % (eid, -dt))
                    elif total_seconds(dt) < warning_seconds:
                        e = cd.getparent().getparent().getparent().getparent().getparent()
              , "certificate-warning", "certificate about to expire",
                                        "%s expires in %s" % (cert.getSubject(), dt))
                        log.warn("%s expires in %s" % (eid, dt))
            except Exception, ex: