Beispiel #1
def action_discover(args, test_step, expected, params_list):
  if args.controller_type == 'c':
    # Can take up to 20 seconds to timeout entities which have disappeared
    yield base.sleep(20)

    print_title("Command: list")
    args.master.sendLine(args.controller_id, "list")

    yield base.sleep(2)

    print_title("Command: discover")
    args.master.sendLine(args.controller_id, "discover")

    yield args.master.expect(Expected(args.controller_id, "Found \d+ entities", 15))

  # Actually check that the right number of entities have been seen
  visible_endpoints = graph.get_endpoints_connected_to(state.get_current(), args.controller_id)
  controller = getActiveProcesses()[args.controller_id]
  if len(controller.entities) != len(visible_endpoints):
    base.testError("Found %d entities, expecting %d" % (len(controller.entities), len(visible_endpoints)), critical=True)
    log_info("Found %d entities" % len(controller.entities))

  yield args.master.expect(None)
Beispiel #2
def action_link_down(args, test_step, expected, params_list):
  analyzer_name = choose_analyzer(params_list, 0)

  checks = []
  affected_talkers = set()
  # Expect all the connections which cross the relay to be lost
  for c,n in state.get_current().active_connections.iteritems():
    if not n:

    path = graph.find_path(state.get_current(), c.talker.src, c.listener.dst)
    if path and analyzer_name in path:
      affected_talkers |= set([c.talker])
      checks += [Expected(c.listener.dst, "ADP: Removing entity who timed out -> GUID", 30)]
      checks += sequences.analyzer_listener_disconnect_seq(test_step,
                      c.talker.src, c.talker.src_stream,
                      c.listener.dst, c.listener.dst_stream)
      state.get_next().disconnect(c.talker.src, c.talker.src_stream, c.listener.dst, c.listener.dst_stream)

  for talker in affected_talkers:
    if not state.get_next().talker_active_count(talker.src, talker.src_stream):
      checks += [Expected(talker.src, "Talker stream #%d off" % talker.src_stream, 30)]

  # Send the command to close the relay '(r)elay (c)lose'
  args.master.sendLine(analyzer_name, "r o")

  if test_step.do_checks and checks:
    expected += [AllOf(checks)]
    yield args.master.expect(None)
    # At least allow time for the relay to actually be closed
    yield base.sleep(0.1)
Beispiel #3
def action_link_up(args, test_step, expected, params_list):
  analyzer_name = choose_analyzer(params_list, 0)

  # Send the command to close the relay '(r)elay (c)lose'
  args.master.sendLine(analyzer_name, "r c")

  # Always allow time for the relay to actually be opened
  yield base.sleep(0.1)
Beispiel #4
def runTest(args):
  """ The test program - needs to yield on each expect and be decorated
    with @inlineCallbacks
  for y in configure_generators():
    yield y

  for y in configure_analyzers():
    yield y

  for y in check_endpoint_startup():
    yield y

  expected = []
  for y in action_discover(args, generator.Command("discover"), expected, []):
    yield y
  for e in expected:
    yield args.master.expect(e)
  expected = []

  if not getEntities():
    base.testError("no entities found", critical=True)

  test_num = 1
  check_num = 1
  for test_step in test_steps:

    command = test_step.command
    print_title("Command %d: %s" % (test_num, command))
    test_num += 1

    action = command.split(' ')
    action_function = eval('action_%s' % action[0])
    for y in action_function(args, test_step, expected, action[1:]):
      yield y

    if test_step.checkpoint or test_step.checkpoint is None:
      print_title("Check: %d" % check_num)
      check_num += 1
      if expected:
        yield args.master.expect(AllOf(expected))
        expected = []

        # Ensure that any remaining output of a previous test step is flushed
        for process in getActiveProcesses():

  # Allow everything time to settle (in case an error is being generated)
  yield base.sleep(5)
Beispiel #5
def runTest(args):
  """ The test program - needs to yield on each expect and be decorated
    with @inlineCallbacks
  for y in configure_generators():
    yield y

  for y in configure_analyzers():
    yield y

  for y in check_endpoint_startup():
    yield y

  expected = []
  for y in action_discover(args, generator.Command("discover"), expected, []):
    yield y

  check_num = 1
  for test_step in test_steps:

    command = test_step.get_command()
    if command is None:

    action = command.split(' ')
    action_function = eval('action_%s' % action[0])
    expected = []
    for y in action_function(args, test_step, expected, action[1:]):
      yield y
    if expected:

    if (test_step.checkpoint or test_step.checkpoint is None) and args.master.nextExpected:
      print_title("Check: %d" % check_num)
      check_num += 1

      yield args.master.expect()

      # Ensure that any remaining output of a previous test step is flushed
      for process in getActiveProcesses():

  # Allow everything time to settle (in case an error is being generated)
  yield base.sleep(5)
Beispiel #6
def action_link_downup(args, test_step, expected, params_list):
  """ Expect all connections which bridge the relay to be lost and restored if there
      is a quick link down/up event. The first argument is the analyzer controlling
      the relay. The second is the time to sleep before restoring the link.
  analyzer_name = choose_analyzer(params_list, 0)
  sleep_time = int(params_list[1])

  lost = []
  # Expect all the connections which cross the relay to be lost
  for c,n in state.get_current().active_connections.iteritems():
    if n and analyzer_name in graph.find_path(state.get_current(), c.talker.src, c.listener.dst):
      lost += sequences.analyzer_listener_disconnect_seq(test_step,
                      c.talker.src, c.talker.src_stream,
                      c.listener.dst, c.listener.dst_stream)

  # Send the command to open the relay '(r)elay (o)pen'
  args.master.sendLine(analyzer_name, "r o")

  if test_step.do_checks and lost:
    expected += [AllOf(lost)]

  # Perform a sleep as defined by the second argument
  yield base.sleep(sleep_time)

  found = []
  # Expect all the connections which cross the relay to be restored
  for c,n in state.get_current().active_connections.iteritems():
    if n and analyzer_name in graph.find_path(state.get_current(), c.talker.src, c.listener.dst):
      found += sequences.analyzer_listener_connect_seq(test_step,
                      c.talker.src, c.talker.src_stream,
                      c.listener.dst, c.listener.dst_stream)

  # Send the command to close the relay '(r)elay (c)lose'
  args.master.sendLine(analyzer_name, "r c")

  if test_step.do_checks and found:
    expected += [AllOf(found)]

  yield args.master.expect(None)
Beispiel #7
def action_sleep(args, test_step, expected, params_list):
  """ Do nothing for the defined time.
  yield base.sleep(int(params_list[0]))
Beispiel #8
def runTest(args):
  master = xmos.test.master.Master()

  analysis_bin = os.path.join(rootDir, 'sw_audio_analyzer', 'app_audio_analyzer_avb',
                             'bin', 'audio_analyzer.xe')
  xrun = xrunProcess(master, args.adapter_id, "xrun", analysis_bin)

  controller_path = os.path.join(rootDir, 'sw_audio_analyzer', 'host_audio_analyzer')
  controller_id = 'controller'
  controller = process.Process(controller_id, master, output_file="controller.log", verbose=True)
  reactor.spawnProcess(controller, './audio_analyzer', ['./audio_analyzer'],
    env=os.environ, path=controller_path)

  # Wait for the controller to have started
  yield master.expect(Expected(controller_id, "^Starting I2S$", 10)) 

  # Allow time for everything to settle
  yield base.sleep(5)

  master.sendLine(controller_id, "d a")
  yield master.expect(Expected(controller_id, "Channel 0: disabled", 15))

  # There needs to be small delays to allow the audio signals to settle, otherwise
  # spurious glitches are detected.
  delay = 0.5
  test_frequencies = [1000, 2000, 4000, 8000]

  # Ensure that there is no glitch by default
  for freq in test_frequencies:
    master.sendLine(controller_id, "d 0")
    yield master.expect(Expected(controller_id, "Channel 0: disabled", 15))
    yield base.sleep(delay)
    master.sendLine(controller_id, "c 0 {freq}".format(freq=freq))
    yield master.expect(Expected(controller_id, "Generating sine table for chan 0", 15))
    yield base.sleep(delay)
    master.sendLine(controller_id, "e 0")
    yield master.expect(Sequence([
        Expected(controller_id, "Channel 0: enabled", 5),
        Expected(controller_id, "Channel 0: Signal detected", 10),
        Expected(controller_id, "Channel 0: Frequency %d" % freq, 5)]))
    yield master.expect(NoneOf([Expected(controller_id, "ERROR: Channel 0: glitch detected", 30)]))

  offset = 5000
  for freq in test_frequencies:
    log_info("Test %d Hz" % freq)
    num_points = int(48000/freq);
    for period in range(0, num_points):
      log_info("Test for glitch at %d (%d/%d)" % (freq, period + 1, num_points))

      # Disable all channels
      master.sendLine(controller_id, "d 0")
      yield master.expect(Expected(controller_id, "Channel 0: disabled", 15))
      yield base.sleep(delay)
      master.sendLine(controller_id, "c 0 {freq} -1 0 {period}".format(freq=freq, period=period+offset))
      yield master.expect(Expected(controller_id, "Generating sine table for chan 0", 15))
      yield base.sleep(delay)
      master.sendLine(controller_id, "e 0")
      yield master.expect(Sequence([
          Expected(controller_id, "Channel 0: enabled", 5),
          Expected(controller_id, "Channel 0: Signal detected", 10),
          Expected(controller_id, "Channel 0: Frequency %d" % freq, 5)]))
      yield master.expect(Expected(controller_id, "ERROR: Channel 0: glitch detected", 15))
      yield base.sleep(delay)
