Beispiel #1
    def transduce(self, sent: ExpressionSequence) -> ExpressionSequence:
        if self.pos_encoding_type == "trigonometric":
            if self.position_encoding_block is None or self.position_encoding_block.shape[
                    2] < len(sent):
                    int(len(sent) * 1.2),
                    self.input_dim if self.pos_encoding_combine == "add" else
            encoding = dy.inputTensor(
                self.position_encoding_block[0, :, :len(sent)])
        elif self.pos_encoding_type == "embedding":
            encoding = self.positional_embedder.embed_sent(
        if self.pos_encoding_type:
            if self.pos_encoding_combine == "add":
                sent = ExpressionSequence(expr_tensor=sent.as_tensor() +
            else:  # concat
                sent = ExpressionSequence(expr_tensor=dy.concatenate(
                    [sent.as_tensor(), encoding]),

        elif self.pos_encoding_type:
            raise ValueError(f"unknown encoding type {self.pos_encoding_type}")
        for module in self.modules:
            enc_sent = module.transduce(sent)
            sent = enc_sent
        self._final_states = [transducer.FinalTransducerState(sent[-1])]
        return sent
Beispiel #2
 def transduce(self, src: ExpressionSequence) -> ExpressionSequence:
   sent_len = len(src)
   embeddings = dy.strided_select(dy.parameter(self.embedder), [1,1], [0,0], [self.input_dim, sent_len])
   if self.op == 'sum':
     output = embeddings + src.as_tensor()
   elif self.op == 'concat':
     output = dy.concatenate([embeddings, src.as_tensor()])
     raise ValueError(f'Illegal op {op} in PositionalTransducer (options are "sum"/"concat")')
   output_seq = ExpressionSequence(expr_tensor=output, mask=src.mask)
   self._final_states = [FinalTransducerState(output_seq[-1])]
   return output_seq
Beispiel #3
  def transduce(self, src: ExpressionSequence) -> ExpressionSequence:
    src = src.as_tensor()

    src_height = src.dim()[0][0]
    src_width = src.dim()[0][1]
    # src_channels = 1
    batch_size = src.dim()[1]

    # convolution and pooling layers
    # src dim is ((40, 1000), 128)
    src = padding(src, self.filter_width[0]+3)
    l1 = dy.rectify(dy.conv2d(src, dy.parameter(self.filters1), stride = [self.stride[0], self.stride[0]], is_valid = True)) # ((1, 1000, 64), 128)
    pool1 = dy.maxpooling2d(l1, (1, 4), (1,2), is_valid = True) #((1, 499, 64), 128)

    pool1 = padding(pool1, self.filter_width[1]+3)
    l2 = dy.rectify(dy.conv2d(pool1, dy.parameter(self.filters2), stride = [self.stride[1], self.stride[1]], is_valid = True))# ((1, 499, 512), 128)
    pool2 = dy.maxpooling2d(l2, (1, 4), (1,2), is_valid = True)#((1, 248, 512), 128)

    pool2 = padding(pool2, self.filter_width[2])
    l3 = dy.rectify(dy.conv2d(pool2, dy.parameter(self.filters3), stride = [self.stride[2], self.stride[2]], is_valid = True))# ((1, 248, 1024), 128)
    pool3 = dy.max_dim(l3, d = 1)

    my_norm = dy.l2_norm(pool3) + 1e-6
    output = dy.cdiv(pool3,my_norm)
    output = dy.reshape(output, (self.num_filters[2],), batch_size = batch_size)

    return ExpressionSequence(expr_tensor=output)
Beispiel #4
    def transduce(self, embed_sent: ExpressionSequence) -> ExpressionSequence:
        src = embed_sent.as_tensor()

        sent_len = src.dim()[0][1]
        batch_size = src.dim()[1]
        pad_size = (self.window_receptor -
                    1) / 2  #TODO adapt it also for even window size

        src = dy.concatenate([
            dy.zeroes((self.input_dim, pad_size), batch_size=batch_size), src,
            dy.zeroes((self.input_dim, pad_size), batch_size=batch_size)
        padded_sent_len = sent_len + 2 * pad_size

        conv1 = dy.parameter(self.pConv1)
        bias1 = dy.parameter(self.pBias1)
        src_chn = dy.reshape(src, (self.input_dim, padded_sent_len, 1),
        cnn_layer1 = dy.conv2d_bias(src_chn, conv1, bias1, stride=[1, 1])

        hidden_layer = dy.reshape(cnn_layer1, (self.internal_dim, sent_len, 1),
        if self.non_linearity is 'linear':
            hidden_layer = hidden_layer
        elif self.non_linearity is 'tanh':
            hidden_layer = dy.tanh(hidden_layer)
        elif self.non_linearity is 'relu':
            hidden_layer = dy.rectify(hidden_layer)
        elif self.non_linearity is 'sigmoid':
            hidden_layer = dy.logistic(hidden_layer)

        for conv_hid, bias_hid in self.builder_layers:
            hidden_layer = dy.conv2d_bias(hidden_layer,
                                          stride=[1, 1])
            hidden_layer = dy.reshape(hidden_layer,
                                      (self.internal_dim, sent_len, 1),
            if self.non_linearity is 'linear':
                hidden_layer = hidden_layer
            elif self.non_linearity is 'tanh':
                hidden_layer = dy.tanh(hidden_layer)
            elif self.non_linearity is 'relu':
                hidden_layer = dy.rectify(hidden_layer)
            elif self.non_linearity is 'sigmoid':
                hidden_layer = dy.logistic(hidden_layer)
        last_conv = dy.parameter(self.last_conv)
        last_bias = dy.parameter(self.last_bias)
        output = dy.conv2d_bias(hidden_layer,
                                stride=[1, 1])
        output = dy.reshape(output, (sent_len, self.output_dim),
        output_seq = ExpressionSequence(expr_tensor=output)
        self._final_states = [FinalTransducerState(output_seq[-1])]
        return output_seq
Beispiel #5
 def transduce(self, seq: ExpressionSequence) -> ExpressionSequence:
   seq_tensor = self.child.transduce(seq).as_tensor() + seq.as_tensor()
   if self.layer_norm:
     d = seq_tensor.dim()
     seq_tensor = dy.reshape(seq_tensor, (d[0][0],), batch_size=d[0][1]*d[1])
     seq_tensor = dy.layer_norm(seq_tensor, self.ln_g, self.ln_b)
     seq_tensor = dy.reshape(seq_tensor, d[0], batch_size=d[1])
   return ExpressionSequence(expr_tensor=seq_tensor)
Beispiel #6
 def exprseq_pooling(self, exprseq):
   # Reduce to vector
   exprseq = ExpressionSequence(expr_tensor=exprseq.mask.add_to_tensor_expr(exprseq.as_tensor(),-1e10), mask=exprseq.mask)
   if exprseq.expr_tensor != None:
     if len(exprseq.expr_tensor.dim()[0]) > 1:
       return dy.max_dim(exprseq.expr_tensor, d=1)
       return exprseq.expr_tensor
     return dy.emax(exprseq.expr_list)
Beispiel #7
 def transduce(self, x: ExpressionSequence) -> ExpressionSequence:
   x_T = x.as_transposed_tensor()
   scores = x_T * dy.parameter(self.W)
   if x.mask is not None:
     scores = x.mask.add_to_tensor_expr(scores, multiplicator=-100.0, time_first=True)
   if self.pos_enc_max:
     seq_len = x_T.dim()[0][0]
     pos_enc = self.pos_enc[:seq_len,:]
     scores = dy.cmult(scores, dy.inputTensor(pos_enc))
   attention = dy.softmax(scores)
   output_expr = x.as_tensor() * attention
   return expression_sequence.ExpressionSequence(expr_tensor=output_expr, mask=None)
Beispiel #8
  def transduce(self, src: ExpressionSequence) -> ExpressionSequence:
    src = src.as_tensor()

    src_height = src.dim()[0][0]
    src_width = 1
    batch_size = src.dim()[1]

    W = dy.parameter(self.pW)
    b = dy.parameter(self.pb)

    src = dy.reshape(src, (src_height, src_width), batch_size=batch_size) # ((276, 80, 3), 1)
    # convolution and pooling layers
    l1 = (W*src)+b
    output = dy.cdiv(l1,dy.sqrt(dy.squared_norm(l1)))
    return ExpressionSequence(expr_tensor=output)
Beispiel #9
 def transduce(self, src: ExpressionSequence) -> ExpressionSequence:
   src = src.as_tensor()
   # convolutional layer
   src = padding(src, src.dim()[0][0], src.dim()[0][1], self.filter_width, self.stride, src.dim()[1])
   l1 = dy.rectify(dy.conv2d(src, dy.parameter(self.filter_conv), stride = [self.stride, self.stride], is_valid = True))
   timestep = l1.dim()[0][1]
   features = l1.dim()[0][2]
   batch_size = l1.dim()[1]
   # transpose l1 to be (timesetp, dim), but keep the batch_size.
   rhn_in = dy.reshape(l1, (timestep, features), batch_size = batch_size)
   rhn_in = [dy.pick(rhn_in, i) for i in range(timestep)]
   for l in range(self.rhn_num_hidden_layers):
     rhn_out = []
     # initialize a random vector for the first state vector, keep the same batch size.
     prev_state = dy.parameter(self.init[l])
     # begin recurrent high way network
     for t in range(timestep):
       for m in range(0, self.rhn_microsteps):
         H = dy.affine_transform([dy.parameter(self.recur[l][m][1]), dy.parameter(self.recur[l][m][0]),  prev_state])
         T = dy.affine_transform([dy.parameter(self.recur[l][m][3]), dy.parameter(self.recur[l][m][2]),  prev_state])
         if m == 0:
           H += dy.parameter(self.linear[l][0]) * rhn_in[t]
           T += dy.parameter(self.linear[l][1]) * rhn_in[t]
         H = dy.tanh(H)
         T = dy.logistic(T)
         prev_state = dy.cmult(1 - T, prev_state) + dy.cmult(T, H) # ((1024, ), batch_size)
     if self.residual and l>0:
       rhn_out = [sum(x) for x in zip(rhn_out, rhn_in)]
     rhn_in = rhn_out
   # Compute the attention-weighted average of the activations
   rhn_in = dy.concatenate_cols(rhn_in)
   scores = dy.transpose(dy.parameter(self.attention[0][1]))*dy.tanh(dy.parameter(self.attention[0][0])*rhn_in) # ((1,510), batch_size)
   scores = dy.reshape(scores, (scores.dim()[0][1],), batch_size = scores.dim()[1])
   attn_out = rhn_in*dy.softmax(scores) # # rhn_in.as_tensor() is ((1024,510), batch_size) softmax is ((510,), batch_size)
   return ExpressionSequence(expr_tensor = attn_out)
Beispiel #10
 def transduce(self, src: ExpressionSequence) -> ExpressionSequence:
     output = self.transform(src.as_tensor())
     output_seq = ExpressionSequence(expr_tensor=output)
     self._final_states = [FinalTransducerState(output_seq[-1])]
     return output_seq