Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, execer, ctx=None, shell_type=None, **kwargs):
        execer : Execer
            An execer instance capable of running xonsh code.
        ctx : Mapping, optional
            The execution context for the shell (e.g. the globals namespace).
            If none, this is computed by loading the rc files. If not None,
            this no additional context is computed and this is used
        shell_type : str, optional
            The shell type to start, such as 'readline', 'prompt_toolkit',
            or 'random'.
        self.execer = execer
        self.ctx = {} if ctx is None else ctx
        env = builtins.__xonsh_env__
        # build history backend before creating shell
        builtins.__xonsh_history__ = hist = xhm.construct_history(
            env=env.detype(), ts=[time.time(), None], locked=True)

        # pick a valid shell -- if no shell is specified by the user,
        # shell type is pulled from env
        if shell_type is None:
            shell_type = env.get('SHELL_TYPE')
            if shell_type == 'none':
                # This bricks interactive xonsh
                # Can happen from the use of .xinitrc, .xsession, etc
                shell_type = 'best'
        if shell_type == 'best' or shell_type is None:
            shell_type = best_shell_type()
        elif shell_type == 'random':
            shell_type = random.choice(('readline', 'prompt_toolkit'))
        if shell_type == 'prompt_toolkit':
            if not has_prompt_toolkit():
                warnings.warn('prompt_toolkit is not available, using '
                              'readline instead.')
                shell_type = 'readline'
            elif not ptk_version_is_supported():
                warnings.warn('prompt-toolkit version < v1.0.0 is not '
                              'supported. Please update prompt-toolkit. Using '
                              'readline instead.')
                shell_type = 'readline'
        self.shell_type = env['SHELL_TYPE'] = shell_type
        # actually make the shell
        if shell_type == 'none':
            from xonsh.base_shell import BaseShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == 'prompt_toolkit':
            from import PromptToolkitShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == 'readline':
            from xonsh.readline_shell import ReadlineShell as shell_class
            raise XonshError('{} is not recognized as a shell type'.format(
                             shell_type)) = shell_class(execer=self.execer,
                                 ctx=self.ctx, **kwargs)
        # allows history garbage collector to start running
        if hist.gc is not None:
            hist.gc.wait_for_shell = False
Beispiel #2
 def choose_shell_type(init_shell_type=None, env=None):
     # pick a valid shell -- if no shell is specified by the user,
     # shell type is pulled from env
     # extracted for testability
     shell_type = init_shell_type
     if shell_type is None and env:
         shell_type = env.get("SHELL_TYPE")
         if shell_type == "none":
             # This bricks interactive xonsh
             # Can happen from the use of .xinitrc, .xsession, etc
             # odd logic.  We don't override if shell.__init__( shell_type="none"),
             # only if it come from environment?
             shell_type = "best"
     shell_type = Shell.shell_type_aliases.get(shell_type, shell_type)
     if shell_type == "best" or shell_type is None:
         shell_type = best_shell_type()
     elif env and env.get("TERM", "") == "dumb":
         shell_type = "dumb"
     elif shell_type == "random":
         shell_type = random.choice(("readline", "prompt_toolkit"))
     if shell_type == "prompt_toolkit":
         if not has_prompt_toolkit():
         elif not ptk_above_min_supported():
                 "Installed prompt-toolkit version < v{}.{}.{} is not ".
                 format(*minimum_required_ptk_version) +
                 "supported. Falling back to the builtin prompt-toolkit.")
         if init_shell_type in ("ptk1", "prompt_toolkit1"):
                 "$SHELL_TYPE='{}' now deprecated, please update your run control file'"
     return shell_type
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, execer, ctx=None, shell_type=None, **kwargs):
        execer : Execer
            An execer instance capable of running xonsh code.
        ctx : Mapping, optional
            The execution context for the shell (e.g. the globals namespace).
            If none, this is computed by loading the rc files. If not None,
            this no additional context is computed and this is used
        shell_type : str, optional
            The shell type to start, such as 'readline', 'prompt_toolkit',
            or 'random'.
        self.execer = execer
        self.ctx = {} if ctx is None else ctx
        env = builtins.__xonsh_env__
        # build history backend before creating shell
        builtins.__xonsh_history__ = hist = xhm.construct_history(
            env=env.detype(), ts=[time.time(), None], locked=True)

        # pick a valid shell -- if no shell is specified by the user,
        # shell type is pulled from env
        if shell_type is None:
            shell_type = env.get('SHELL_TYPE')
            if shell_type == 'none':
                # This bricks interactive xonsh
                # Can happen from the use of .xinitrc, .xsession, etc
                shell_type = 'best'
        if shell_type == 'best' or shell_type is None:
            shell_type = best_shell_type()
        elif shell_type == 'random':
            shell_type = random.choice(('readline', 'prompt_toolkit'))
        if shell_type == 'prompt_toolkit':
            if not has_prompt_toolkit():
                warnings.warn('prompt_toolkit is not available, using '
                              'readline instead.')
                shell_type = 'readline'
            elif not ptk_version_is_supported():
                warnings.warn('prompt-toolkit version < v1.0.0 is not '
                              'supported. Please update prompt-toolkit. Using '
                              'readline instead.')
                shell_type = 'readline'
        self.shell_type = env['SHELL_TYPE'] = shell_type
        # actually make the shell
        if shell_type == 'none':
            from xonsh.base_shell import BaseShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == 'prompt_toolkit':
            from import PromptToolkitShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == 'readline':
            from xonsh.readline_shell import ReadlineShell as shell_class
            raise XonshError(
                '{} is not recognized as a shell type'.format(shell_type)) = shell_class(execer=self.execer, ctx=self.ctx, **kwargs)
        # allows history garbage collector to start running
        if hist.gc is not None:
            hist.gc.wait_for_shell = False
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self,
     ctx : Mapping, optional
         The execution context for the shell (e.g. the globals namespace).
         If none, this is computed by loading the rc files. If not None,
         this no additional context is computed and this is used
     shell_type : str, optional
         The shell type to start, such as 'readline', 'prompt_toolkit',
         or 'random'.
     config : str, optional
         Path to configuration file.
     rc : list of str, optional
         Sequence of paths to run control files.
     self.login = kwargs.get('login', True)
     self.stype = shell_type
     self._init_environ(ctx, config, rc, kwargs.get('scriptcache', True),
                        kwargs.get('cacheall', False))
     env = builtins.__xonsh_env__
     # pick a valid shell -- if no shell is specified by the user,
     # shell type is pulled from env
     if shell_type is None:
         shell_type = env.get('SHELL_TYPE')
     if shell_type == 'best' or shell_type is None:
         shell_type = best_shell_type()
     elif shell_type == 'random':
         shell_type = random.choice(('readline', 'prompt_toolkit'))
     if shell_type == 'prompt_toolkit':
         if not has_prompt_toolkit():
             warnings.warn('prompt_toolkit is not available, using '
                           'readline instead.')
             shell_type = 'readline'
         elif not ptk_version_is_supported():
             warnings.warn('prompt-toolkit version < v1.0.0 is not '
                           'supported. Please update prompt-toolkit. Using '
                           'readline instead.')
             shell_type = 'readline'
     env['SHELL_TYPE'] = shell_type
     # actually make the shell
     if shell_type == 'none':
         from xonsh.base_shell import BaseShell as shell_class
     elif shell_type == 'prompt_toolkit':
         from import PromptToolkitShell as shell_class
     elif shell_type == 'readline':
         from xonsh.readline_shell import ReadlineShell as shell_class
         raise XonshError(
             '{} is not recognized as a shell type'.format(shell_type)) = shell_class(execer=self.execer, ctx=self.ctx, **kwargs)
     # allows history garbace colector to start running
     builtins.__xonsh_history__.gc.wait_for_shell = False
Beispiel #5
 def __init__(self,
     ctx : Mapping, optional
         The execution context for the shell (e.g. the globals namespace).
         If none, this is computed by loading the rc files. If not None,
         this no additional context is computed and this is used
     shell_type : str, optional
         The shell type to start, such as 'readline', 'prompt_toolkit',
         or 'random'.
     config : str, optional
         Path to configuration file.
     rc : list of str, optional
         Sequence of paths to run control files.
     self.login = kwargs.get('login', True)
     self.stype = shell_type
     self._init_environ(ctx, config, rc, kwargs.get('scriptcache', True),
                        kwargs.get('cacheall', False))
     env = builtins.__xonsh_env__
     # pick a valid shell
     if shell_type is not None:
         env['SHELL_TYPE'] = shell_type
     shell_type = env.get('SHELL_TYPE')
     if shell_type == 'best' or shell_type is None:
         shell_type = BEST_SHELL_TYPE
     elif shell_type == 'random':
         shell_type = random.choice(('readline', 'prompt_toolkit'))
     if shell_type == 'prompt_toolkit':
         if not has_prompt_toolkit():
                 'prompt_toolkit is not available, using readline instead.')
             shell_type = env['SHELL_TYPE'] = 'readline'
     # actually make the shell
     if shell_type == 'none':
         from xonsh.base_shell import BaseShell as shell_class
     elif shell_type == 'prompt_toolkit':
         if ptk_version_info()[:2] < (0, 57) or \
                 ptk_version() == '<0.57':  # TODO: remove in future
             msg = ('prompt-toolkit version < v0.57 and may not work as '
                    'expected. Please update.')
             warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
         from import PromptToolkitShell as shell_class
     elif shell_type == 'readline':
         from xonsh.readline_shell import ReadlineShell as shell_class
         raise XonshError(
             '{} is not recognized as a shell type'.format(shell_type)) = shell_class(execer=self.execer, ctx=self.ctx, **kwargs)
     # allows history garbace colector to start running
     builtins.__xonsh_history__.gc.wait_for_shell = False
Beispiel #6
 def __init__(self, ctx=None, shell_type=None, config=None, rc=None,
     ctx : Mapping, optional
         The execution context for the shell (e.g. the globals namespace).
         If none, this is computed by loading the rc files. If not None,
         this no additional context is computed and this is used
     shell_type : str, optional
         The shell type to start, such as 'readline', 'prompt_toolkit',
         or 'random'.
     config : str, optional
         Path to configuration file.
     rc : list of str, optional
         Sequence of paths to run control files.
     self.login = kwargs.get('login', True)
     self.stype = shell_type
     self._init_environ(ctx, config, rc,
                        kwargs.get('scriptcache', True),
                        kwargs.get('cacheall', False))
     env = builtins.__xonsh_env__
     # pick a valid shell -- if no shell is specified by the user,
     # shell type is pulled from env
     if shell_type is None:
         shell_type = env.get('SHELL_TYPE')
     if shell_type == 'best' or shell_type is None:
         shell_type = best_shell_type()
     elif shell_type == 'random':
         shell_type = random.choice(('readline', 'prompt_toolkit'))
     if shell_type == 'prompt_toolkit':
         if not has_prompt_toolkit():
             warnings.warn('prompt_toolkit is not available, using '
                           'readline instead.')
             shell_type = 'readline'
         elif not ptk_version_is_supported():
             warnings.warn('prompt-toolkit version < v1.0.0 is not '
                           'supported. Please update prompt-toolkit. Using '
                           'readline instead.')
             shell_type = 'readline'
     env['SHELL_TYPE'] = shell_type
     # actually make the shell
     if shell_type == 'none':
         from xonsh.base_shell import BaseShell as shell_class
     elif shell_type == 'prompt_toolkit':
         from import PromptToolkitShell as shell_class
     elif shell_type == 'readline':
         from xonsh.readline_shell import ReadlineShell as shell_class
         raise XonshError('{} is not recognized as a shell type'.format(
                          shell_type)) = shell_class(execer=self.execer,
                              ctx=self.ctx, **kwargs)
     # allows history garbace colector to start running
     builtins.__xonsh_history__.gc.wait_for_shell = False
Beispiel #7
 def __init__(self, ctx=None, shell_type=None, config=None, rc=None,
     ctx : Mapping, optional
         The execution context for the shell (e.g. the globals namespace).
         If none, this is computed by loading the rc files. If not None,
         this no additional context is computed and this is used
     shell_type : str, optional
         The shell type to start, such as 'readline', 'prompt_toolkit',
         or 'random'.
     config : str, optional
         Path to configuration file.
     rc : list of str, optional
         Sequence of paths to run control files.
     self.login = kwargs.get('login', True)
     self.stype = shell_type
     self._init_environ(ctx, config, rc,
                        kwargs.get('scriptcache', True),
                        kwargs.get('cacheall', False))
     env = builtins.__xonsh_env__
     # pick a valid shell
     if shell_type is not None:
         env['SHELL_TYPE'] = shell_type
     shell_type = env.get('SHELL_TYPE')
     if shell_type == 'best' or shell_type is None:
         shell_type = BEST_SHELL_TYPE
     elif shell_type == 'random':
         shell_type = random.choice(('readline', 'prompt_toolkit'))
     if shell_type == 'prompt_toolkit':
         if not has_prompt_toolkit():
             warn('prompt_toolkit is not available, using readline instead.')
             shell_type = env['SHELL_TYPE'] = 'readline'
     # actually make the shell
     if shell_type == 'none':
         from xonsh.base_shell import BaseShell as shell_class
     elif shell_type == 'prompt_toolkit':
         if ptk_version_info()[:2] < (0, 57) or \
                 ptk_version() == '<0.57':  # TODO: remove in future
             msg = ('prompt-toolkit version < v0.57 and may not work as '
                    'expected. Please update.')
             warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
         from import PromptToolkitShell as shell_class
     elif shell_type == 'readline':
         from xonsh.readline_shell import ReadlineShell as shell_class
         raise XonshError('{} is not recognized as a shell type'.format(
                          shell_type)) = shell_class(execer=self.execer,
                              ctx=self.ctx, **kwargs)
     # allows history garbace colector to start running
     builtins.__xonsh_history__.gc.wait_for_shell = False
Beispiel #8
 def __init__(self, ctx=None, shell_type=None, config=None, rc=None, **kwargs):
     ctx : Mapping, optional
         The execution context for the shell (e.g. the globals namespace).
         If none, this is computed by loading the rc files. If not None,
         this no additional context is computed and this is used
     shell_type : str, optional
         The shell type to start, such as 'readline', 'prompt_toolkit',
         or 'random'.
     config : str, optional
         Path to configuration file.
     rc : list of str, optional
         Sequence of paths to run control files.
     self.login = kwargs.get("login", True)
     self.stype = shell_type
     self._init_environ(ctx, config, rc, kwargs.get("scriptcache", True), kwargs.get("cacheall", False))
     env = builtins.__xonsh_env__
     # pick a valid shell -- if no shell is specified by the user,
     # shell type is pulled from env
     if shell_type is None:
         shell_type = env.get("SHELL_TYPE")
     if shell_type == "best" or shell_type is None:
         shell_type = best_shell_type()
     elif shell_type == "random":
         shell_type = random.choice(("readline", "prompt_toolkit"))
     if shell_type == "prompt_toolkit":
         if not has_prompt_toolkit():
             warn("prompt_toolkit is not available, using readline instead.")
             shell_type = "readline"
     env["SHELL_TYPE"] = shell_type
     # actually make the shell
     if shell_type == "none":
         from xonsh.base_shell import BaseShell as shell_class
     elif shell_type == "prompt_toolkit":
         if ptk_version_info()[:2] < (1, 0):
             msg = (
                 "prompt-toolkit version < v1.0.0 is not supported, "
                 "xonsh may not work as expected. Please update."
             warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
         from import PromptToolkitShell as shell_class
     elif shell_type == "readline":
         from xonsh.readline_shell import ReadlineShell as shell_class
         raise XonshError("{} is not recognized as a shell type".format(shell_type)) = shell_class(execer=self.execer, ctx=self.ctx, **kwargs)
     # allows history garbace colector to start running
     builtins.__xonsh_history__.gc.wait_for_shell = False
Beispiel #9
def expand_gray_colors_for_cmd_exe(style_map):
    """ Expand the style's gray scale color range.
        All gray scale colors has a tendency to map to the same default GRAY
        in cmd.exe.
    modified_style = {}
    stype = builtins.__xonsh_env__.get('SHELL_TYPE')
    if (not ON_WINDOWS or (stype not in ('prompt_toolkit', 'best'))
            or (stype == 'best' and not has_prompt_toolkit())):
        return modified_style
    for token, idx, rgb in _get_color_indexes(style_map):
        if idx == 7 and rgb:
            if sum(rgb) <= 306:
                # Equal and below '#666666 is reset to dark gray
                modified_style[token] = '#444444'
            elif sum(rgb) >= 408:
                # Equal and above 0x888888 is reset to white
                modified_style[token] = '#ffffff'
    return modified_style
Beispiel #10
def expand_gray_colors_for_cmd_exe(style_map):
    """ Expand the style's gray scale color range.
        All gray scale colors has a tendency to map to the same default GRAY
        in cmd.exe.
    modified_style = {}
    stype = builtins.__xonsh_env__.get('SHELL_TYPE')
    if (not ON_WINDOWS or
            (stype not in ('prompt_toolkit', 'best')) or
            (stype == 'best' and not has_prompt_toolkit())):
        return modified_style
    for token, idx, rgb in _get_color_indexes(style_map):
        if idx == 7 and rgb:
            if sum(rgb) <= 306:
                # Equal and below '#666666 is reset to dark gray
                modified_style[token] = '#444444'
            elif sum(rgb) >= 408:
                # Equal and above 0x888888 is reset to white
                modified_style[token] = '#ffffff'
    return modified_style
Beispiel #11
def COORD():
    if platform.has_prompt_toolkit():
        # turns out that PTK has a separate ctype wrapper
        # for this struct and also wraps similar function calls
        # we need to use the same struct to prevent clashes.
        import prompt_toolkit.win32_types
        return prompt_toolkit.win32_types.COORD

    class _COORD(ctypes.Structure):
        """Struct from the winapi, representing coordinates in the console.

        X : int
            Column position
        Y : int
            Row position
        _fields_ = [("X", SHORT), ("Y", SHORT)]

    return _COORD
Beispiel #12
    if platform.has_prompt_toolkit():
        # turns out that PTK has a separate ctype wrapper
        # for this struct and also wraps kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo
        # we need to use the same struct to prevent clashes.
        import prompt_toolkit.win32_types

        return prompt_toolkit.win32_types.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO

    # Otherwise we should wrap it ourselves
    COORD()  # force COORD to load

    class _CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO(ctypes.Structure):
        """Struct from in wincon.h. See Windows API docs
        for more details.

        dwSize : COORD
            Size of
        dwCursorPosition : COORD
            Current cursor location.
        wAttributes : WORD
            Flags for screen buffer.
        srWindow : SMALL_RECT
            Actual size of screen
        dwMaximumWindowSize : COORD
            Maximum window scrollback size.

        _fields_ = [
            ("dwSize", COORD),
            ("dwCursorPosition", COORD),
            ("wAttributes", WORD),
            ("srWindow", SMALL_RECT),
            ("dwMaximumWindowSize", COORD),

Beispiel #13
    if platform.has_prompt_toolkit():
        # turns out that PTK has a separate ctype wrapper
        # for this struct and also wraps kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo
        # we need to use the same struct to prevent clashes.
        import prompt_toolkit.win32_types

        return prompt_toolkit.win32_types.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO

    # Otherwise we should wrap it ourselves
    COORD()  # force COORD to load

    class _CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO(ctypes.Structure):
        """Struct from in wincon.h. See Windows API docs
        for more details.

        dwSize : COORD
            Size of
        dwCursorPosition : COORD
            Current cursor location.
        wAttributes : WORD
            Flags for screen buffer.
        srWindow : SMALL_RECT
            Actual size of screen
        dwMaximumWindowSize : COORD
            Maximum window scrollback size.

        _fields_ = [
            ("dwSize", COORD),
            ("dwCursorPosition", COORD),
            ("wAttributes", WORD),
            ("srWindow", SMALL_RECT),
            ("dwMaximumWindowSize", COORD),

Beispiel #14
def COORD():
    if platform.has_prompt_toolkit():
        # turns out that PTK has a separate ctype wrapper
        # for this struct and also wraps similar function calls
        # we need to use the same struct to prevent clashes.
        import prompt_toolkit.win32_types
        return prompt_toolkit.win32_types.COORD

    class _COORD(ctypes.Structure):
        """Struct from the winapi, representing coordinates in the console.

        X : int
            Column position
        Y : int
            Row position
        _fields_ = [("X", SHORT),
                    ("Y", SHORT)]

    return _COORD
Beispiel #15
def intensify_colors_for_cmd_exe(style_map, replace_colors=None):
    """Returns a modified style to where colors that maps to dark
       colors are replaced with brighter versions. Also expands the
       range used by the gray colors
    modified_style = {}
    stype = builtins.__xonsh_env__.get('SHELL_TYPE')
    if (not ON_WINDOWS or (stype not in ('prompt_toolkit', 'best'))
            or (stype == 'best' and not has_prompt_toolkit())):
        return modified_style
    if replace_colors is None:
        replace_colors = {
            1: '#44ffff',  # subst blue with bright cyan
            2: '#44ff44',  # subst green with bright green
            4: '#ff4444',  # subst red with bright red
            5: '#ff44ff',  # subst magenta with bright magenta
            6: '#ffff44',  # subst yellow with bright yellow
            9: '#00aaaa',  # subst intense blue (hard to read)
            # with dark cyan (which is readable)
    for token, idx, _ in _get_color_indexes(style_map):
        if idx in replace_colors:
            modified_style[token] = replace_colors[idx]
    return modified_style
Beispiel #16
def intensify_colors_for_cmd_exe(style_map, replace_colors=None):
    """Returns a modified style to where colors that maps to dark
       colors are replaced with brighter versions. Also expands the
       range used by the gray colors
    modified_style = {}
    stype = builtins.__xonsh_env__.get('SHELL_TYPE')
    if (not ON_WINDOWS or
            (stype not in ('prompt_toolkit', 'best')) or
            (stype == 'best' and not has_prompt_toolkit())):
        return modified_style
    if replace_colors is None:
        replace_colors = {1: '#44ffff',  # subst blue with bright cyan
                          2: '#44ff44',  # subst green with bright green
                          4: '#ff4444',  # subst red with bright red
                          5: '#ff44ff',  # subst magenta with bright magenta
                          6: '#ffff44',  # subst yellow with bright yellow
                          9: '#00aaaa',  # subst intense blue (hard to read)
                                         # with dark cyan (which is readable)
    for token, idx, _ in _get_color_indexes(style_map):
        if idx in replace_colors:
            modified_style[token] = replace_colors[idx]
    return modified_style
Beispiel #17
    def __init__(self, execer, ctx=None, shell_type=None, **kwargs):
        execer : Execer
            An execer instance capable of running xonsh code.
        ctx : Mapping, optional
            The execution context for the shell (e.g. the globals namespace).
            If none, this is computed by loading the rc files. If not None,
            this no additional context is computed and this is used
        shell_type : str, optional
            The shell type to start, such as 'readline', 'prompt_toolkit1',
            or 'random'.
        self.execer = execer
        self.ctx = {} if ctx is None else ctx
        env = builtins.__xonsh__.env
        # build history backend before creating shell
        builtins.__xonsh__.history = hist = xhm.construct_history(
            env=env.detype(), ts=[time.time(), None], locked=True)

        # pick a valid shell -- if no shell is specified by the user,
        # shell type is pulled from env
        if shell_type is None:
            shell_type = env.get("SHELL_TYPE")
            if shell_type == "none":
                # This bricks interactive xonsh
                # Can happen from the use of .xinitrc, .xsession, etc
                shell_type = "best"
        shell_type = self.shell_type_aliases.get(shell_type, shell_type)
        if shell_type == "best" or shell_type is None:
            shell_type = best_shell_type()
        elif env.get("TERM", "") == "dumb":
            shell_type = "dumb"
        elif shell_type == "random":
            shell_type = random.choice(("readline", "prompt_toolkit"))
        if shell_type == "prompt_toolkit":
            if not has_prompt_toolkit():
                warnings.warn("prompt_toolkit is not available, using "
                              "readline instead.")
                shell_type = "readline"
            elif not ptk_above_min_supported():
                warnings.warn("prompt-toolkit version < v1.0.0 is not "
                              "supported. Please update prompt-toolkit. Using "
                              "readline instead.")
                shell_type = "readline"
                shell_type = ptk_shell_type()
        self.shell_type = env["SHELL_TYPE"] = shell_type
        # actually make the shell
        if shell_type == "none":
            from xonsh.base_shell import BaseShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "prompt_toolkit2":
            from import PromptToolkit2Shell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "prompt_toolkit1":
            from import PromptToolkitShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "readline":
            from xonsh.readline_shell import ReadlineShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "jupyter":
            from xonsh.jupyter_shell import JupyterShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "dumb":
            from xonsh.dumb_shell import DumbShell as shell_class
            raise XonshError(
                "{} is not recognized as a shell type".format(shell_type)) = shell_class(execer=self.execer, ctx=self.ctx, **kwargs)
        # allows history garbage collector to start running
        if hist.gc is not None:
            hist.gc.wait_for_shell = False
Beispiel #18
    def __init__(self, execer, ctx=None, shell_type=None, **kwargs):
        execer : Execer
            An execer instance capable of running xonsh code.
        ctx : Mapping, optional
            The execution context for the shell (e.g. the globals namespace).
            If none, this is computed by loading the rc files. If not None,
            this no additional context is computed and this is used
        shell_type : str, optional
            The shell type to start, such as 'readline', 'prompt_toolkit1',
            or 'random'.
        self.execer = execer
        self.ctx = {} if ctx is None else ctx
        env = builtins.__xonsh__.env
        # build history backend before creating shell
        builtins.__xonsh__.history = hist = xhm.construct_history(
            env=env.detype(), ts=[time.time(), None], locked=True

        # pick a valid shell -- if no shell is specified by the user,
        # shell type is pulled from env
        if shell_type is None:
            shell_type = env.get("SHELL_TYPE")
            if shell_type == "none":
                # This bricks interactive xonsh
                # Can happen from the use of .xinitrc, .xsession, etc
                shell_type = "best"
        shell_type = self.shell_type_aliases.get(shell_type, shell_type)
        if shell_type == "best" or shell_type is None:
            shell_type = best_shell_type()
        elif env.get("TERM", "") == "dumb":
            shell_type = "dumb"
        elif shell_type == "random":
            shell_type = random.choice(("readline", "prompt_toolkit"))
        if shell_type == "prompt_toolkit":
            if not has_prompt_toolkit():
                    "prompt_toolkit is not available, using " "readline instead."
                shell_type = "readline"
            elif not ptk_above_min_supported():
                    "prompt-toolkit version < v1.0.0 is not "
                    "supported. Please update prompt-toolkit. Using "
                    "readline instead."
                shell_type = "readline"
                shell_type = ptk_shell_type()
        self.shell_type = env["SHELL_TYPE"] = shell_type
        # actually make the shell
        if shell_type == "none":
            from xonsh.base_shell import BaseShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "prompt_toolkit2":
            from import PromptToolkit2Shell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "prompt_toolkit1":
            from import PromptToolkitShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "readline":
            from xonsh.readline_shell import ReadlineShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "jupyter":
            from xonsh.jupyter_shell import JupyterShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "dumb":
            from xonsh.dumb_shell import DumbShell as shell_class
            raise XonshError("{} is not recognized as a shell type".format(shell_type)) = shell_class(execer=self.execer, ctx=self.ctx, **kwargs)
        # allows history garbage collector to start running
        if hist.gc is not None:
            hist.gc.wait_for_shell = False
Beispiel #19
import string
import ctypes
import builtins
import subprocess
import threading
import traceback
from warnings import warn
from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import OrderedDict, Sequence, Set

# adding further imports from xonsh modules is discouraged to avoid cirular
# dependencies
from xonsh.platform import (has_prompt_toolkit, scandir, win_unicode_console,
                            DEFAULT_ENCODING, ON_LINUX, ON_WINDOWS,
if has_prompt_toolkit():
    import prompt_toolkit
    prompt_toolkit = None

IS_SUPERUSER = ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() != 0 if ON_WINDOWS else os.getuid() == 0

class XonshError(Exception):

class DefaultNotGivenType(object):
    """Singleton for representing when no default value is given."""
Beispiel #20
import string
import ctypes
import builtins
import subprocess
import threading
import traceback
from warnings import warn
from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import OrderedDict, Sequence, Set

# adding further imports from xonsh modules is discouraged to avoid cirular
# dependencies
from xonsh.platform import (has_prompt_toolkit, win_unicode_console,
                            DEFAULT_ENCODING, ON_LINUX, ON_WINDOWS)

if has_prompt_toolkit():
    import prompt_toolkit
    prompt_toolkit = None

IS_SUPERUSER = ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() != 0 if ON_WINDOWS else os.getuid() == 0

class XonshError(Exception):

class DefaultNotGivenType(object):
    """Singleton for representing when no default value is given."""