Beispiel #1
def gl_check():
    #This is supposed to help py2exe
    #(must be done after we setup the sys.path in platform.win32.paths):
    from OpenGL.platform import win32  #@UnusedImport
    from xpra.platform.win32 import is_wine
    if is_wine():
        return "disabled when running under wine"
    return None
Beispiel #2
def gl_check():
    #This is supposed to help py2exe
    #(must be done after we setup the sys.path in platform.win32.paths):
    from OpenGL.platform import win32   #@UnusedImport
    from xpra.platform.win32 import is_wine
    if is_wine():
        return "disabled when running under wine"
    return None
Beispiel #3
def gl_check():
    #This is supposed to help py2exe
    #(must be done after we setup the sys.path in platform.win32.paths):
        from OpenGL.platform import win32  #@UnresolvedImport @UnusedImport
    except ImportError as e:
        get_util_logger().warn("gl_check()", exc_info=True)
        get_util_logger().warn("Warning: OpenGL bindings are missing")
        get_util_logger().warn(" %s", e)
        return False
    from xpra.platform.win32 import is_wine
    if is_wine():
        return "disabled when running under wine"
    return None