Beispiel #1
def _initialize_array(global_grid, result_array):
    "Fill in starting values for the energy array."
    max_energies = global_grid['GM'].max(dim='points', skipna=False)
    len_comps = result_array.dims['component']
    if max_energies.isnull().any():
        raise ValueError('Input energy surface contains one or more NaNs.')
    result_array['GM'] = xray.broadcast_arrays(max_energies, result_array['GM'])[0].copy()
    result_array['MU'] = xray.broadcast_arrays(max_energies, result_array['MU'])[0].copy()
    result_array['MU'].values[:] = np.nan
    result_array['NP'] = xray.broadcast_arrays(xray.DataArray(np.nan), result_array['NP'])[0].copy()
    # Initial simplex for each target point in will be
    #     the fictitious hyperplane
    # This hyperplane sits above the system's energy surface
    # The reason for this is to guarantee our initial simplex contains
    #     the target point
    # Note: We're assuming that the max energy is in the first few, presumably
    # fictitious points instead of more rigorously checking with argmax.
    result_array['points'] = xray.broadcast_arrays(xray.DataArray(np.arange(len_comps),
Beispiel #2
def _initialize_array(global_grid, result_array):
    "Fill in starting values for the energy array."
    max_energies = global_grid['GM'].max(dim='points', skipna=False)
    len_comps = result_array.dims['component']
    if max_energies.isnull().any():
        raise ValueError('Input energy surface contains one or more NaNs.')
    result_array['GM'] = xray.broadcast_arrays(max_energies, result_array['GM'])[0].copy()
    result_array['MU'] = xray.broadcast_arrays(max_energies, result_array['MU'])[0].copy()
    result_array['MU'].values[:] = np.nan
    result_array['NP'] = xray.broadcast_arrays(xray.DataArray(np.nan), result_array['NP'])[0].copy()
    # Initial simplex for each target point in will be
    #     the fictitious hyperplane
    # This hyperplane sits above the system's energy surface
    # The reason for this is to guarantee our initial simplex contains
    #     the target point
    # Note: We're assuming that the max energy is in the first few, presumably
    # fictitious points instead of more rigorously checking with argmax.
    result_array['points'] = xray.broadcast_arrays(xray.DataArray(np.arange(len_comps),
Beispiel #3
    def test_broadcast_arrays(self):
        x = DataArray([1, 2], coords=[('a', [-1, -2])], name='x')
        y = DataArray([1, 2], coords=[('b', [3, 4])], name='y')
        x2, y2 = broadcast_arrays(x, y)
        expected_coords = [('a', [-1, -2]), ('b', [3, 4])]
        expected_x2 = DataArray([[1, 1], [2, 2]], expected_coords, name='x')
        expected_y2 = DataArray([[1, 2], [1, 2]], expected_coords, name='y')
        self.assertDataArrayIdentical(expected_x2, x2)
        self.assertDataArrayIdentical(expected_y2, y2)

        x = DataArray(np.random.randn(2, 3), dims=['a', 'b'])
        y = DataArray(np.random.randn(3, 2), dims=['b', 'a'])
        x2, y2 = broadcast_arrays(x, y)
        expected_x2 = x
        expected_y2 = y.T
        self.assertDataArrayIdentical(expected_x2, x2)
        self.assertDataArrayIdentical(expected_y2, y2)

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'cannot broadcast'):
            z = DataArray([1, 2], coords=[('a', [-10, 20])])
            broadcast_arrays(x, z)
Beispiel #4
    def test_broadcast_arrays(self):
        x = DataArray([1, 2], coords=[('a', [-1, -2])], name='x')
        y = DataArray([1, 2], coords=[('b', [3, 4])], name='y')
        x2, y2 = broadcast_arrays(x, y)
        expected_coords = [('a', [-1, -2]), ('b', [3, 4])]
        expected_x2 = DataArray([[1, 1], [2, 2]], expected_coords, name='x')
        expected_y2 = DataArray([[1, 2], [1, 2]], expected_coords, name='y')
        self.assertDataArrayIdentical(expected_x2, x2)
        self.assertDataArrayIdentical(expected_y2, y2)

        x = DataArray(np.random.randn(2, 3), dims=['a', 'b'])
        y = DataArray(np.random.randn(3, 2), dims=['b', 'a'])
        x2, y2 = broadcast_arrays(x, y)
        expected_x2 = x
        expected_y2 = y.T
        self.assertDataArrayIdentical(expected_x2, x2)
        self.assertDataArrayIdentical(expected_y2, y2)

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'cannot broadcast'):
            z = DataArray([1, 2], coords=[('a', [-10, 20])])
            broadcast_arrays(x, z)