def core_Tool(case_doc, toolType=Missing(), vendor=Missing()):
	:param toolType: Any number of type string.
	:param vendor: Any number of type string.
	:return: A CoreCategory object.

	if not isinstance(toolType, Missing):
		assert isinstance(toolType, list),\
		"[core_Tool] toolType must be of type List of string."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(toolType, "string", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[core_Tool] toolType must be of type List of string."

	if not isinstance(vendor, Missing):
		assert isinstance(vendor, list),\
		"[core_Tool] vendor must be of type List of string."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(vendor, "string", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[core_Tool] vendor must be of type List of string."

	return case_doc.create_CoreCategory('Tool', toolType=toolType, vendor=vendor)
def core_Relationship(case_doc, bidirectional=Missing(), kindOfRelationship=Missing(), target=Missing()):
	:param bidirectional: Any number of type boolean.
	:param kindOfRelationship: Any number of type string.
	:param target: Any number of type UcoObject.
	:return: A CoreCategory object.

	if not isinstance(bidirectional, Missing):
		assert isinstance(bidirectional, list),\
		"[core_Relationship] bidirectional must be of type List of boolean."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(bidirectional, "boolean", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[core_Relationship] bidirectional must be of type List of boolean."

	if not isinstance(kindOfRelationship, Missing):
		assert isinstance(kindOfRelationship, list),\
		"[core_Relationship] kindOfRelationship must be of type List of string."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(kindOfRelationship, "string", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[core_Relationship] kindOfRelationship must be of type List of string."

	if not isinstance(target, Missing):
		assert isinstance(target, list),\
		"[core_Relationship] target must be of type List of UcoObject."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(target, "UcoObject", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[core_Relationship] target must be of type List of UcoObject."

	return case_doc.create_CoreCategory('Relationship', bidirectional=bidirectional, kindOfRelationship=kindOfRelationship, target=target)
def duck_sub_FilePath(case_doc, parent_object, delimiter=Missing(), filePathSegments=Missing()):
	:param delimiter: Any number of type string.
	:param filePathSegments: Any number of type OrderedList.
	:return: A SubCategory object.

	assert (isinstance(parent_object, case.DuckCategory) and parent_object.type=='SupportingClasses')),\
	"[duck_sub_FilePath] parent_object must be of type SupportingClasses."

	if not isinstance(delimiter, Missing):
		assert isinstance(delimiter, list),\
		"[duck_sub_FilePath] delimiter must be of type List of string."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(delimiter, "string", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[duck_sub_FilePath] delimiter must be of type List of string."

	if not isinstance(filePathSegments, Missing):
		assert isinstance(filePathSegments, list),\
		"[duck_sub_FilePath] filePathSegments must be of type List of OrderedList."
		assert all(isinstance(i, case.DuckCategory)) and (i.type=="OrderedList") for i in filePathSegments),\
		"[duck_sub_FilePath] filePathSegments must be of type List of OrderedList."

	return case_doc.create_SubCategory('FilePath', delimiter=delimiter, filePathSegments=filePathSegments)
def duck_sub_ConfigurationSetting(case_doc, parent_object, itemDescription=Missing(), itemName=Missing(), itemType=Missing(), itemValue=Missing()):
	:param itemDescription: Any number of type string.
	:param itemName: Any number of type string.
	:param itemType: Any number of type string.
	:param itemValue: Any number of type string.
	:return: A SubCategory object.

	assert (isinstance(parent_object, case.DuckCategory) and parent_object.type=='SupportingClasses')),\
	"[duck_sub_ConfigurationSetting] parent_object must be of type SupportingClasses."

	if not isinstance(itemDescription, Missing):
		assert isinstance(itemDescription, list),\
		"[duck_sub_ConfigurationSetting] itemDescription must be of type List of string."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(itemDescription, "string", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[duck_sub_ConfigurationSetting] itemDescription must be of type List of string."

	if not isinstance(itemName, Missing):
		assert isinstance(itemName, list),\
		"[duck_sub_ConfigurationSetting] itemName must be of type List of string."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(itemName, "string", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[duck_sub_ConfigurationSetting] itemName must be of type List of string."

	if not isinstance(itemType, Missing):
		assert isinstance(itemType, list),\
		"[duck_sub_ConfigurationSetting] itemType must be of type List of string."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(itemType, "string", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[duck_sub_ConfigurationSetting] itemType must be of type List of string."

	if not isinstance(itemValue, Missing):
		assert isinstance(itemValue, list),\
		"[duck_sub_ConfigurationSetting] itemValue must be of type List of string."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(itemValue, "string", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[duck_sub_ConfigurationSetting] itemValue must be of type List of string."

	return case_doc.create_SubCategory('ConfigurationSetting', itemDescription=itemDescription, itemName=itemName, itemType=itemType, itemValue=itemValue)
def core_Action(case_doc, actionStatus=Missing(), environment=Missing(), error=Missing(), subAction=Missing()):
	:param actionStatus: Any number of type ActionStatus.
	:param environment: Any number of type UcoObject.
	:param error: Any number of type UcoObject.
	:param subAction: Any number of type Action.
	:return: A CoreCategory object.

	if not isinstance(actionStatus, Missing):
		assert isinstance(actionStatus, list),\
		"[core_Action] actionStatus must be of type List of ActionStatus."
		assert all(isinstance(i, case.DuckCategory)) and (i.type=="ActionStatus") for i in actionStatus),\
		"[core_Action] actionStatus must be of type List of ActionStatus."

	if not isinstance(environment, Missing):
		assert isinstance(environment, list),\
		"[core_Action] environment must be of type List of UcoObject."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(environment, "UcoObject", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[core_Action] environment must be of type List of UcoObject."

	if not isinstance(error, Missing):
		assert isinstance(error, list),\
		"[core_Action] error must be of type List of UcoObject."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(error, "UcoObject", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[core_Action] error must be of type List of UcoObject."

	if not isinstance(subAction, Missing):
		assert isinstance(subAction, list),\
		"[core_Action] subAction must be of type List of Action."
		assert all(isinstance(i, case.CoreCategory)) and (i.type=="Action") for i in subAction),\
		"[core_Action] subAction must be of type List of Action."

	return case_doc.create_CoreCategory('Action', actionStatus=actionStatus, environment=environment, error=error, subAction=subAction)
def duck_UcoObject(case_doc, createdBy=Missing(), propertyBundle=Missing(), specVersion=Missing(), type=Missing()):
	:param createdBy: Any number of type Identity.
	:param propertyBundle: Any number of type PropertyBundle.
	:param specVersion: Any number of type string.
	:param type: Any number of type string.
	:return: A DuckCategory object.

	if not isinstance(createdBy, Missing):
		assert isinstance(createdBy, list),\
		"[duck_UcoObject] createdBy must be of type List of Identity."
		assert all(isinstance(i, case.CoreCategory)) and (i.type=="Identity") for i in createdBy),\
		"[duck_UcoObject] createdBy must be of type List of Identity."

	if not isinstance(propertyBundle, Missing):
		assert isinstance(propertyBundle, list),\
		"[duck_UcoObject] propertyBundle must be of type List of PropertyBundle."
		assert all(isinstance(i, case.DuckCategory)) and (i.type=="PropertyBundle") for i in propertyBundle),\
		"[duck_UcoObject] propertyBundle must be of type List of PropertyBundle."

	if not isinstance(specVersion, Missing):
		assert isinstance(specVersion, list),\
		"[duck_UcoObject] specVersion must be of type List of string."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(specVersion, "string", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[duck_UcoObject] specVersion must be of type List of string."

	if not isinstance(type, Missing):
		assert isinstance(type, list),\
		"[duck_UcoObject] type must be of type List of string."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(type, "string", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[duck_UcoObject] type must be of type List of string."

	return case_doc.create_DuckCategory('UcoObject', createdBy=createdBy, propertyBundle=propertyBundle, specVersion=specVersion, type=type)
def core_ProvenanceRecord(case_doc, exhibitNumber=Missing()):
	:param exhibitNumber: Any number of type string.
	:return: A CoreCategory object.

	if not isinstance(exhibitNumber, Missing):
		assert isinstance(exhibitNumber, list),\
		"[core_ProvenanceRecord] exhibitNumber must be of type List of string."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(exhibitNumber, "string", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[core_ProvenanceRecord] exhibitNumber must be of type List of string."

	return case_doc.create_CoreCategory('ProvenanceRecord', exhibitNumber=exhibitNumber)
def duck_sub_ReceivedEvent(case_doc, parent_object, receivedTime=Missing(), receiver=Missing()):
	:param receivedTime: Any number of type dateTimeStamp.
	:param receiver: Any number of type Trace.
	:return: A SubCategory object.

	assert (isinstance(parent_object, case.DuckCategory) and parent_object.type=='SupportingClasses')),\
	"[duck_sub_ReceivedEvent] parent_object must be of type SupportingClasses."

	if not isinstance(receivedTime, Missing):
		assert isinstance(receivedTime, list),\
		"[duck_sub_ReceivedEvent] receivedTime must be of type List of dateTimeStamp."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(receivedTime, "dateTimeStamp", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[duck_sub_ReceivedEvent] receivedTime must be of type List of dateTimeStamp."
def core_Investigation(case_doc, endAction=Missing(), forensicActions=Missing(), investigator=Missing(), startAction=Missing(), suspectedOffense=Missing(), victim=Missing()):
	:param endAction: Any number of type Action.
	:param forensicActions: Any number of type OrderedList.
	:param startAction: Any number of type Action.
	:param suspectedOffense: Any number of type string.
	:return: A CoreCategory object.

	if not isinstance(endAction, Missing):
		assert isinstance(endAction, list),\
		"[core_Investigation] endAction must be of type List of Action."
		assert all(isinstance(i, case.CoreCategory)) and (i.type=="Action") for i in endAction),\
		"[core_Investigation] endAction must be of type List of Action."

	if not isinstance(forensicActions, Missing):
		assert isinstance(forensicActions, list),\
		"[core_Investigation] forensicActions must be of type List of OrderedList."
		assert all(isinstance(i, case.DuckCategory)) and (i.type=="OrderedList") for i in forensicActions),\
		"[core_Investigation] forensicActions must be of type List of OrderedList."

	if not isinstance(startAction, Missing):
		assert isinstance(startAction, list),\
		"[core_Investigation] startAction must be of type List of Action."
		assert all(isinstance(i, case.CoreCategory)) and (i.type=="Action") for i in startAction),\
		"[core_Investigation] startAction must be of type List of Action."

	if not isinstance(suspectedOffense, Missing):
		assert isinstance(suspectedOffense, list),\
		"[core_Investigation] suspectedOffense must be of type List of string."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(suspectedOffense, "string", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[core_Investigation] suspectedOffense must be of type List of string."

	return case_doc.create_CoreCategory('Investigation', endAction=endAction, forensicActions=forensicActions, investigator=investigator, startAction=startAction, suspectedOffense=suspectedOffense, victim=victim)
Beispiel #10
def duck_sub_DomainName(case_doc, parent_object, isTLD=Missing()):
	:param isTLD: Any number of type boolean.
	:return: A SubCategory object.

	assert (isinstance(parent_object, case.DuckCategory) and parent_object.type=='SupportingClasses')),\
	"[duck_sub_DomainName] parent_object must be of type SupportingClasses."

	if not isinstance(isTLD, Missing):
		assert isinstance(isTLD, list),\
		"[duck_sub_DomainName] isTLD must be of type List of boolean."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(isTLD, "boolean", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[duck_sub_DomainName] isTLD must be of type List of boolean."

	return case_doc.create_SubCategory('DomainName', isTLD=isTLD)
Beispiel #11
def duck_sub_DictionaryItem(case_doc, parent_object, key=Missing()):
	:param key: Any number of type string.
	:return: A SubCategory object.

	assert (isinstance(parent_object, case.DuckCategory) and parent_object.type=='SupportingClasses')),\
	"[duck_sub_DictionaryItem] parent_object must be of type SupportingClasses."

	if not isinstance(key, Missing):
		assert isinstance(key, list),\
		"[duck_sub_DictionaryItem] key must be of type List of string."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(key, "string", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[duck_sub_DictionaryItem] key must be of type List of string."

	return case_doc.create_SubCategory('DictionaryItem', key=key)
Beispiel #12
def core_sub_Annotation(case_doc, parent_object, tag=Missing()):
	:param tag: Any number of type string.
	:return: A SubCategory object.

	assert (isinstance(parent_object, case.CoreCategory) and parent_object.type=='Assertion')),\
	"[core_sub_Annotation] parent_object must be of type Assertion."

	if not isinstance(tag, Missing):
		assert isinstance(tag, list),\
		"[core_sub_Annotation] tag must be of type List of string."
		assert XSDValidator.validateXSD(tag, "string", autogenerated_xsd),\
		"[core_sub_Annotation] tag must be of type List of string."

	return case_doc.create_SubCategory('Annotation', tag=tag)