Beispiel #1
class GeneratorOutput:
    Main generator output options.

    :param max_line_length: Maximum line length
    :param package: Package name eg
    :param format: Code generator output format name
    :param structure: Select an output structure
    :param docstring_style: Select a docstring style
    :param compound_fields: Use compound fields for repeating choices.
        Enable if elements ordering matters for your case.

    max_line_length: int = attribute(default=79)
    package: str = element(default="generated")
    format: str = element(default="dataclasses")
    structure: OutputStructure = element(default=OutputStructure.FILENAMES)
    docstring_style: DocstringStyle = element(default=DocstringStyle.RST)
    compound_fields: bool = element(default=False)

    def __post_init__(self):
        if self.format == "pydata":
                "Output format 'pydata' renamed to 'dataclasses'",
            self.format = "dataclasses"
Beispiel #2
class Alternative(AnnotationBase):
    Model representation of a schema xs:alternative element.

    :param type: QName
    :param test: an XPath expression
    :param simple_type:
    :param complex_type:

    type: Optional[str] = attribute()
    test: Optional[str] = attribute()
    simple_type: Optional[SimpleType] = element(name="simpleType")
    complex_type: Optional[ComplexType] = element(name="complexType")

    def real_name(self) -> str:
        if self.test:
            return text.snake_case(self.test)
        return DEFAULT_ATTR_NAME

    def bases(self) -> Iterator[str]:
        if self.type:
            yield self.type
Beispiel #3
class GeneratorConfig:
    Generator configuration binding model.

    :cvar version: xsdata version number the config was created/updated
    :param output: output options
    :param conventions: generator conventions
    :param aliases: generator aliases
    class Meta:
        name = "Config"
        namespace = ""

    version: str = attribute(init=False,
    output: GeneratorOutput = element(default_factory=GeneratorOutput)
    conventions: GeneratorConventions = element(
    aliases: GeneratorAliases = element(default_factory=GeneratorAliases)

    def create(cls) -> "GeneratorConfig":
        obj = cls()
        obj.aliases.class_name.append(GeneratorAlias("fooType", "Foo"))
            GeneratorAlias("ABCSomething", "ABCSomething"))
            GeneratorAlias("ChangeofGauge", "change_of_gauge"))
            GeneratorAlias("", "xtml"))
        obj.aliases.module_name.append(GeneratorAlias("2010.1", "2020a"))
        return obj

    def read(cls, path: Path) -> "GeneratorConfig":
        ctx = XmlContext(
        config = ParserConfig(fail_on_unknown_properties=False)
        parser = XmlParser(context=ctx, config=config)
        return parser.from_path(path, cls)

    def write(cls, output: TextIO, obj: "GeneratorConfig"):
        ctx = XmlContext(
        config = SerializerConfig(pretty_print=True)
        serializer = XmlSerializer(context=ctx,
                         ns_map={None: ""})
Beispiel #4
class SimpleContent(AnnotationBase):
    Model representation of a schema xs:simpleContent element.

    :param restriction:
    :param extension:

    restriction: Optional[Restriction] = element()
    extension: Optional[Extension] = element()
Beispiel #5
class PortTypeOperation(WsdlElement):
    :param input:
    :param output:
    :param faults:

    input: PortTypeMessage = element()
    output: PortTypeMessage = element()
    faults: List[PortTypeMessage] = array_element(name="fault")
Beispiel #6
class BindingOperation(ExtensibleElement):
    :param input:
    :param output:
    :param faults:

    input: BindingMessage = element()
    output: BindingMessage = element()
    faults: List[BindingMessage] = array_element(name="fault")
Beispiel #7
class Annotation(ElementBase):
    Model representation of a schema xs:annotation element.

    :param appinfo:
    :param documentations:
    :param any_attribute: any attributes with non-schema namespace

    appinfo: Optional[Appinfo] = element()
    documentations: Array[Documentation] = array_element(name="documentation")
    any_attribute: Optional["AnyAttribute"] = element(name="anyAttribute")
Beispiel #8
class List(AnnotationBase):
    Model representation of a schema xs:list element.

    :param simple_type:
    :param item_type: QName

    simple_type: Optional[SimpleType] = element(name="simpleType")
    item_type: str = attribute(name="itemType", default="")

    def is_attribute(self) -> bool:
        return True

    def real_name(self) -> str:
        return "value"

    def real_type(self) -> str:
        return self.item_type

    def get_restrictions(self) -> Dict[str, Anything]:
        return {"tokens": True}
Beispiel #9
class SimpleType(AnnotationBase):
    Model representation of a schema xs:simpleType element.

    :param name: NCName
    :param restriction:
    :param list:
    :param union:

    name: Optional[str] = attribute()
    restriction: Optional["Restriction"] = element()
    list: Optional["List"] = element()
    union: Optional["Union"] = element()

    def is_attribute(self) -> bool:
        return True

    def is_enumeration(self) -> bool:
        return self.restriction is not None and len(
            self.restriction.enumerations) > 0

    def real_name(self) -> str:
        return "value"

    def real_type(self) -> str:
        if not self.is_enumeration and self.restriction:
            return self.restriction.real_type
        if self.list:
            return self.list.real_type
        if self.union and self.union.member_types:
            return self.union.member_types

        return ""

    def get_restrictions(self) -> Dict[str, Anything]:
        if self.restriction:
            return self.restriction.get_restrictions()
        if self.list:
            return self.list.get_restrictions()
        return {}
Beispiel #10
class Attribute(AnnotationBase):
    Model representation of a schema xs:attribute element.

    :param default: string
    :param fixed: string
    :param form: qualified | unqualified
    :param name: NCName
    :param ref: QName
    :param type: QName
    :param target_namespace: anyURI
    :param simple_type:
    :param use: (optional | prohibited | required) : optional

    default: Optional[str] = attribute()
    fixed: Optional[str] = attribute()
    form: Optional[FormType] = attribute()
    name: Optional[str] = attribute()
    ref: Optional[str] = attribute()
    type: Optional[str] = attribute()
    target_namespace: Optional[str] = attribute(name="targetNamespace")
    simple_type: Optional[SimpleType] = element(name="simpleType")
    use: Optional[UseType] = attribute(default=UseType.OPTIONAL)

    def is_attribute(self) -> bool:
        return True

    def real_type(self) -> str:
        if self.simple_type:
            return self.simple_type.real_type
        if self.type:
            return self.type
        if self.ref:
            return self.ref

        return ""

    def get_restrictions(self) -> Dict[str, Anything]:
        restrictions = {}
        if self.use == UseType.REQUIRED:
                "min_occurs": 1,
                "max_occurs": 1,
                "required": True
        elif self.use == UseType.PROHIBITED:
            restrictions.update({"prohibited": True})

        if self.simple_type:

        if self.type and self.type in self.token_types:
            restrictions["tokens"] = True

        return restrictions
Beispiel #11
class WsdlElement:
    :param name:
    :param documentation:

    name: str = attribute()
    documentation: Optional[Documentation] = element()
    ns_map: Dict = field(default_factory=dict, init=False)
Beispiel #12
class Types:
    :param schemas:
    :param documentation:

    schemas: List[Schema] = array_element(name="schema",
    documentation: Optional[Documentation] = element()
Beispiel #13
class SimpleType(AnnotationBase):
    Model representation of a schema xs:simpleType element.

    :param name: NCName
    :param restriction:
    :param list:
    :param union:

    name: Optional[str] = attribute()
    restriction: Optional["Restriction"] = element()
    list: Optional["List"] = element()
    union: Optional["Union"] = element()

    def is_attribute(self) -> bool:
        return True

    def is_enumeration(self) -> bool:
        return self.restriction is not None and len(self.restriction.enumerations) > 0

    def real_name(self) -> str:
        return DEFAULT_ATTR_NAME

    def attr_types(self) -> Iterator[str]:
        if not self.is_enumeration and self.restriction:
            yield from self.restriction.attr_types
        elif self.list:
            yield from self.list.attr_types
        elif self.union:
            yield from self.union.bases

    def get_restrictions(self) -> Dict[str, Anything]:
        if self.restriction:
            return self.restriction.get_restrictions()
        if self.list:
            return self.list.get_restrictions()
        return {}
Beispiel #14
class ComplexType(AnnotationBase):
    Model representation of a schema xs:complexType element.

    :param name: NCName
    :param block: (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
    :param final: (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
    :param simple_content:
    :param complex_content:
    :param group:
    :param all:
    :param choice:
    :param sequence:
    :param any_attribute:
    :param open_content:
    :param attributes:
    :param attribute_groups:
    :param assertion:
    :param abstract:
    :param mixed:
    :param default_attributes_apply:

    name: Optional[str] = attribute()
    block: Optional[str] = attribute()
    final: Optional[str] = attribute()
    simple_content: Optional[SimpleContent] = element(name="simpleContent")
    complex_content: Optional[ComplexContent] = element(name="complexContent")
    group: Optional[Group] = element()
    all: Optional[All] = element()
    choice: Optional[Choice] = element()
    sequence: Optional[Sequence] = element()
    any_attribute: Optional[AnyAttribute] = element(name="anyAttribute")
    open_content: Optional[OpenContent] = element(name="openContent")
    attributes: Array[Attribute] = array_element(name="attribute")
    attribute_groups: Array[AttributeGroup] = array_element(
    assertion: Array[Assertion] = array_element(name="assert")
    abstract: bool = attribute(default=False)
    mixed: bool = attribute(default=False)
    default_attributes_apply: bool = attribute(default=True,

    def is_mixed(self) -> bool:
        if self.mixed:
            return True

        if self.complex_content:
            return self.complex_content.mixed

        return False
Beispiel #15
class Attribute(AnnotationBase):
    Model representation of a schema xs:attribute element.

    :param default: string
    :param fixed: string
    :param form: qualified | unqualified
    :param name: NCName
    :param ref: QName
    :param type: QName
    :param target_namespace: anyURI
    :param simple_type:
    :param use: (optional | prohibited | required) : optional

    default: Optional[str] = attribute()
    fixed: Optional[str] = attribute()
    form: Optional[FormType] = attribute()
    name: Optional[str] = attribute()
    ref: Optional[str] = attribute()
    type: Optional[str] = attribute()
    target_namespace: Optional[str] = attribute(name="targetNamespace")
    simple_type: Optional[SimpleType] = element(name="simpleType")
    use: Optional[UseType] = attribute(default=UseType.OPTIONAL)

    def bases(self) -> Iterator[str]:
        if self.type:
            yield self.type

    def is_attribute(self) -> bool:
        return True

    def attr_types(self) -> Iterator[str]:
        if self.simple_type:
            yield from self.simple_type.attr_types
        elif self.type:
            yield self.type
        elif self.ref:
            yield self.ref

    def get_restrictions(self) -> Dict[str, Anything]:
        restrictions = {}
        if self.use == UseType.REQUIRED:
            restrictions.update({"required": True})
        elif self.use == UseType.PROHIBITED:
            restrictions.update({"prohibited": True})

        if self.simple_type:

        return restrictions
Beispiel #16
class OpenContent(AnnotationBase):
    Model representation of a schema xs:openContent element.

    :param applies_to_empty: default false
    :param mode: (none | interleave | suffix) : interleave
    :param any:

    applies_to_empty: bool = attribute(default=False, name="appliesToEmpty")
    mode: Mode = attribute(default=Mode.INTERLEAVE)
    any: Any = element()
Beispiel #17
class GeneratorConventions:
    Generator global naming conventions.

    :param class_name: Class naming conventions.
    :param field_name: Field naming conventions.
    :param module_name: Module naming conventions.
    :param package_name: Package naming conventions.

    class_name: NameConvention = element(
        default_factory=lambda: NameConvention(NameCase.PASCAL, "type"))
    field_name: NameConvention = element(
        default_factory=lambda: NameConvention(NameCase.SNAKE, "value"))
    constant_name: NameConvention = element(
        default_factory=lambda: NameConvention(NameCase.SCREAMING_SNAKE,
    module_name: NameConvention = element(
        default_factory=lambda: NameConvention(NameCase.SNAKE, "mod"))
    package_name: NameConvention = element(
        default_factory=lambda: NameConvention(NameCase.SNAKE, "pkg"))
Beispiel #18
class GeneratorOutput:
    Main generator output options.

    :param wsdl: Enable wsdl mode
    :param max_line_length: Maximum line length
    :param package: Package name eg
    :param format: Select an output format
    :param structure: Select an output structure
    :param docstring_style: Select a docstring style
    :param compound_fields: Use compound fields for repeating choices.
        Enable if elements ordering matters for your case.

    wsdl: bool = attribute(default=False)
    max_line_length: int = attribute(default=79)
    package: str = element(default="generated")
    format: OutputFormat = element(default=OutputFormat.DATACLASS)
    structure: OutputStructure = element(default=OutputStructure.FILENAMES)
    docstring_style: DocstringStyle = element(default=DocstringStyle.RST)
    compound_fields: bool = element(default=False)
Beispiel #19
class Extension(AnnotationBase):
    Model representation of a schema xs:extension element.

    :param base: QName
    :param group:
    :param all:
    :param choice:
    :param sequence:
    :param any_attribute: any attributes with non-schema namespace
    :param open_content:
    :param attributes:
    :param attribute_groups:
    :param assertions:

    base: Optional[str] = attribute()
    group: Optional[Group] = element()
    all: Optional[All] = element()
    choice: Optional[Choice] = element()
    sequence: Optional[Sequence] = element()
    any_attribute: Optional[AnyAttribute] = element(name="anyAttribute")
    open_content: Optional[OpenContent] = element(name="openContent")
    attributes: Array[Attribute] = array_element(name="attribute")
    attribute_groups: Array[AttributeGroup] = array_element(
    assertions: Array[Assertion] = array_element(name="assert")

    def extensions(self) -> Iterator[str]:
        if self.base:
            yield self.base
Beispiel #20
class Definitions(ExtensibleElement, ModuleMixin):
    :param types:
    :param imports:
    :param messages:
    :param port_types:
    :param bindings:
    :param services:
    :param extended:
    class Meta:
        name = "definitions"
        namespace = ""

    target_namespace: Optional[str] = attribute(name="targetNamespace")
    types: Optional[Types] = element()
    imports: List[Import] = array_element(name="import")
    messages: List[Message] = array_element(name="message")
    port_types: List[PortType] = array_element(name="portType")
    bindings: List[Binding] = array_element(name="binding")
    services: List[Service] = array_element(name="service")
    location: Optional[str] = field(default=None)

    def schemas(self):
        if self.types:
            yield from self.types.schemas

    def find_binding(self, name: str) -> Binding:
        return find_or_die(self.bindings, name, "Binding")

    def find_message(self, name: str) -> Message:
        return find_or_die(self.messages, name, "Message")

    def find_port_type(self, name: str) -> PortType:
        return find_or_die(self.port_types, name, "PortType")

    def merge(self, source: "Definitions"):
        if not self.types:
            self.types = source.types
        elif source.types:


    def included(self) -> Iterator[Import]:
        yield from self.imports
Beispiel #21
class Key(AnnotationBase):
    Model representation of a schema xs:key element.

    :param name: NCName
    :param ref: QName
    :param selector:
    :param fields:

    name: Optional[str] = attribute()
    ref: Optional[str] = attribute()
    selector: Optional[Selector] = element()
    fields: Array[Selector] = array_element(name="field")
Beispiel #22
class Appinfo(ElementBase):
    Model representation of a schema xs:appinfo element.

    :param lang: language
    :param source: anyURI
    :param attributes: any attributes with non-schema namespace
    class Meta:
        mixed = True

    source: Optional[str] = attribute()
    elements: Array[object] = array_any_element()
    any_attribute: Optional["AnyAttribute"] = element(name="anyAttribute")
Beispiel #23
class Group(AnnotationBase):
    Model representation of a schema xs:group element.

    :param name: NCName
    :param ref: QName
    :param min_occurs: nonNegativeInteger : 1
    :param max_occurs: (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)  : 1
    :param all:
    :param choice:
    :param sequence:

    name: Optional[str] = attribute()
    ref: str = attribute(default="")
    min_occurs: int = attribute(default=1, name="minOccurs")
    max_occurs: UnionType[int, str] = attribute(default=1, name="maxOccurs")
    all: Optional[All] = element()
    choice: Optional[Choice] = element()
    sequence: Optional[Sequence] = element()

    def is_attribute(self) -> bool:
        return True

    def attr_types(self) -> Iterator[str]:
        if self.ref:
            yield self.ref

    def get_restrictions(self) -> Dict[str, Anything]:
        max_occurs = sys.maxsize if self.max_occurs == "unbounded" else self.max_occurs

        return {
            "min_occurs": self.min_occurs,
            "max_occurs": max_occurs,
Beispiel #24
class Documentation(ElementBase):
    Model representation of a schema xs:documentation element.

    :param lang: language
    :param source: anyURI
    :param elements: ({any})*
    :param attributes: any attributes with non-schema namespace

    lang: Optional[str] = attribute()
    source: Optional[str] = attribute()
    elements: Array[object] = array_any_element(mixed=True)
    attributes: Optional["AnyAttribute"] = element()

    def tostring(self) -> Optional[str]:
        xml = docstring_serializer.render(Docstring(self.elements)).split(
            "\n", 1)
        return textwrap.dedent(clean_html(xml[1])[5:-7]).strip()
Beispiel #25
class AnnotationBase(ElementBase):
    Base Class for elements that can contain annotations.

    :param id: ID
    :param annotations:
    :param any_attribute: any attributes with non-schema namespace

    id: Optional[str] = attribute()
    annotations: Array[Annotation] = array_element(name="annotation")
    any_attribute: Optional["AnyAttribute"] = element(name="anyAttribute")

    def display_help(self) -> Optional[str]:
        help_str = "\n".join(
            documentation.tostring() or "" for annotation in self.annotations
            for documentation in annotation.documentations).strip()

        return help_str or None
Beispiel #26
class Documentation(ElementBase):
    Model representation of a schema xs:documentation element.

    :param lang: language
    :param source: anyURI
    :param elements: ({any})*
    :param attributes: any attributes with non-schema namespace

    lang: Optional[str] = attribute()
    source: Optional[str] = attribute()
    elements: Array[object] = array_any_element(mixed=True)
    attributes: Optional["AnyAttribute"] = element()

    def tostring(self) -> Optional[str]:
        obj = Docstring(self.elements)
        ns_map = {None: ""}
        xml = docstring_serializer.render(obj, ns_map=ns_map)
        start = xml.find(">") + 1
        end = xml.rfind("<")
        return textwrap.dedent(xml[start:end]).strip()
Beispiel #27
class Restriction(AnnotationBase):
    Model representation of a schema xs:restriction element.

    :param base: QName
    :param group:
    :param all:
    :param choice:
    :param sequence:
    :param open_content:
    :param attributes:
    :param attribute_groups:
    :param enumerations:
    :param asserts:
    :param assertions:
    :param any_element:
    :param min_exclusive:
    :param min_inclusive:
    :param min_length:
    :param max_exclusive:
    :param max_inclusive:
    :param max_length:
    :param total_digits:
    :param fraction_digits:
    :param length:
    :param white_space:
    :param patterns:
    :param explicit_timezone:
    :param simple_type:

    base: Optional[str] = attribute()
    group: Optional[Group] = element()
    all: Optional[All] = element()
    choice: Optional[Choice] = element()
    sequence: Optional[Sequence] = element()
    open_content: Optional[OpenContent] = element(name="openContent")
    attributes: Array[Attribute] = array_element(name="attribute")
    attribute_groups: Array[AttributeGroup] = array_element(
    enumerations: Array[Enumeration] = array_element(name="enumeration")
    asserts: Array[Assertion] = array_element(name="assert")
    assertions: Array[Assertion] = array_element(name="assertion")
    any_element: Array[object] = array_any_element()
    min_exclusive: Optional[MinExclusive] = element(name="minExclusive")
    min_inclusive: Optional[MinInclusive] = element(name="minInclusive")
    min_length: Optional[MinLength] = element(name="minLength")
    max_exclusive: Optional[MaxExclusive] = element(name="maxExclusive")
    max_inclusive: Optional[MaxInclusive] = element(name="maxInclusive")
    max_length: Optional[MaxLength] = element(name="maxLength")
    total_digits: Optional[TotalDigits] = element(name="totalDigits")
    fraction_digits: Optional[FractionDigits] = element(name="fractionDigits")
    length: Optional[Length] = element()
    white_space: Optional[WhiteSpace] = element(name="whiteSpace")
    patterns: Array[Pattern] = array_element(name="pattern")
    explicit_timezone: Optional[ExplicitTimezone] = element(
    simple_type: Optional[SimpleType] = element(name="simpleType")

    def real_type(self) -> str:
        if self.simple_type:
            return self.simple_type.real_type
        if self.enumerations:
            return ""
        if self.base:
            return self.base

        return ""

    def real_name(self) -> str:
        return "value"

    def extensions(self) -> Iterator[str]:
        if self.base:
            yield self.base

    def get_restrictions(self) -> Dict[str, Anything]:
        restrictions = {}
        if self.simple_type:

        keys = (
            key: getattr(self, key).value
            for key in keys if getattr(self, key) is not None

        if self.patterns:
            restrictions["pattern"] = "|".join(
                [pattern.value for pattern in self.patterns])

        if self.base and self.base in self.token_types:
            restrictions["tokens"] = True

        return restrictions
Beispiel #28
class Schema(SchemaLocation, ModuleMixin):
    Model representation of a schema xs:schema element.

    :param target:
    :param block_default: (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))
    :param default_attributes: QName
    :param final_default: (#all | List of extension | restriction | list | union) : ''
    :param target_namespace: anyURI
    :param version: token
    :param xmlns:
    :param element_form_default: (qualified | unqualified) : unqualified
    :param attribute_form_default:  (qualified | unqualified) : unqualified
    :param default_open_content:
    :param imports:
    :param redefines:
    :param overrides:
    :param annotations:
    :param simple_types:
    :param complex_types:
    :param groups:
    :param attribute_groups:
    :param elements:
    :param attributes:
    :param notations:
    class Meta:
        name = "schema"
        namespace = Namespace.XS.uri

    target: Optional[str] = attribute()
    block_default: Optional[str] = attribute(name="blockDefault")
    default_attributes: Optional[str] = attribute(name="defaultAttributes")
    final_default: Optional[str] = attribute(name="finalDefault")
    target_namespace: Optional[str] = attribute(name="targetNamespace")
    version: Optional[str] = attribute()
    xmlns: Optional[str] = attribute()
    element_form_default: FormType = attribute(default=FormType.UNQUALIFIED,
    attribute_form_default: FormType = attribute(default=FormType.UNQUALIFIED,
    default_open_content: Optional[DefaultOpenContent] = element(
    includes: Array[Include] = array_element(name="include")
    imports: Array[Import] = array_element(name="import")
    redefines: Array[Redefine] = array_element(name="redefine")
    overrides: Array[Override] = array_element(name="override")
    annotations: Array[Annotation] = array_element(name="annotation")
    simple_types: Array[SimpleType] = array_element(name="simpleType")
    complex_types: Array[ComplexType] = array_element(name="complexType")
    groups: Array[Group] = array_element(name="group")
    attribute_groups: Array[AttributeGroup] = array_element(
    elements: Array[Element] = array_element(name="element")
    attributes: Array[Attribute] = array_element(name="attribute")
    notations: Array[Notation] = array_element(name="notation")

    def included(
            self) -> Iterator[UnionType[Import, Include, Redefine, Override]]:
        yield from self.imports

        yield from self.includes

        yield from self.redefines

        yield from self.overrides
Beispiel #29
 class Root:
     item: Union[int, Item] = element()
Beispiel #30
 class Root:
     item: Union[str, int, Item2, Item] = element()