Beispiel #1
    def atest_normalize_parse_tree(self):
        num_matches = 0
        for parse_tree, s, e in NVDParser.entryRegion.scanString(self.nvd_data1):
            num_matches = num_matches + 1
            nparse_tree = NVDParser.normalizeParseTree(parse_tree.asList())
        self.assertEqual(num_matches, 2)

        num_matches = 0
        for parse_tree, s, e in NVDParser.nvdRegion.scanString(self.nvd_data1):
            num_matches = num_matches + 1
            nparse_tree = NVDParser.normalizeParseTree(parse_tree.asList())
        self.assertEqual(num_matches, 1)
Beispiel #2
    def test_get_region_id(self):
        # Write NVD tests for entry and cpss and score
        parser = NVDParser()
        expected_ids = {'score': ['1', '2'],
                         'entry': ['CVE-2012-0001', 'CVE-2012-0002']}
        for region_type in expected_ids.keys():
            production = parser.getGrammarForUnit(region_type)

            match_forest = production.scanString(self.nvd_data1)
            ids = []

            subtree_idx = 0
            for subtree, s, e in match_forest:
                new_id = parser.getRegionID(subtree, region_type, subtree_idx)
                subtree_idx = subtree_idx + 1

            i = 0
            for id in ids:
                self.assertEqual(id, expected_ids[region_type][i])
                i = i + 1