def test_parameters(): """Test Yank parameters initialization.""" # Check that both Yank and Repex parameters are accepted Yank(store_directory='test', restraint_type='harmonic', nsteps_per_iteration=1)
def driver(): # Initialize command-line argument parser. verbose = True usage = """ USAGE %prog --ligand_prmtop PRMTOP --receptor_prmtop PRMTOP { {--ligand_crd CRD | --ligand_mol2 MOL2} {--receptor_crd CRD | --receptor_pdb PDB} | {--complex_crd CRD | --complex_pdb PDB} } [-v | --verbose] [-i | --iterations ITERATIONS] [-o | --online] [-m | --mpi] [--restraints restraint-type] [--doctests] [--randomize_ligand] EXAMPLES # Specify AMBER prmtop/crd files for ligand and receptor. %prog --ligand_prmtop ligand.prmtop --receptor_prmtop receptor.prmtop --ligand_crd ligand.crd --receptor_crd receptor.crd --iterations 1000 # Specify (potentially multi-conformer) mol2 file for ligand and (potentially multi-model) PDB file for receptor. %prog --ligand_prmtop ligand.prmtop --receptor_prmtop receptor.prmtop --ligand_mol2 ligand.mol2 --receptor_pdb receptor.pdb --iterations 1000 # Specify (potentially multi-model) PDB file for complex, along with flat-bottom restraints (instead of harmonic). %prog --ligand_prmtop ligand.prmtop --receptor_prmtop receptor.prmtop --complex_pdb complex.pdb --iterations 1000 --restraints flat-bottom # Specify (potentially multi-model) PDB file for complex, along with flat-bottom restraints (instead of harmonic); randomize ligand positions/orientations at start. %prog --ligand_prmtop ligand.prmtop --receptor_prmtop receptor.prmtop --complex_pdb complex.pdb --iterations 1000 --restraints flat-bottom --randomize_ligand NOTES In atom ordering, receptor comes before ligand atoms. """ # Parse command-line arguments. from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("--ligand_mol2", dest="ligand_mol2_filename", default=None, help="ligand mol2 file (can contain multiple conformations)", metavar="LIGAND_MOL2") parser.add_option("--receptor_pdb", dest="receptor_pdb_filename", default=None, help="receptor PDB file (can contain multiple MODELs)", metavar="RECEPTOR_PDB") parser.add_option("--complex_pdb", dest="complex_pdb_filename", default=None, help="complex PDB file (can contain multiple MODELs)", metavar="COMPLEX_PDB") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="verbosity flag") parser.add_option("-i", "--iterations", dest="niterations", default=None, help="number of iterations", metavar="ITERATIONS") parser.add_option("-o", "--online", dest="online_analysis", default=False, help="perform online analysis") parser.add_option("-m", "--mpi", action="store_true", dest="mpi", default=False, help="use mpi if possible") parser.add_option("--restraints", dest="restraint_type", default=None, help="specify ligand restraint type: 'harmonic' or 'flat-bottom' (default: 'harmonic')") parser.add_option("--output", dest="output_directory", default=None, help="specify output directory---must be unique for each calculation (default: current directory)") parser.add_option("--doctests", action="store_true", dest="doctests", default=False, help="run doctests first (default: False)") parser.add_option("--randomize_ligand", action="store_true", dest="randomize_ligand", default=False, help="randomize ligand positions and orientations (default: False)") parser.add_option("--ignore_signal", action="append", dest="ignore_signals", default=[], help="signals to trap and ignore (default: None)") parser.add_option("--platform", dest="platform", default="CPU",help="The platform to use when running simulations") parser.add_option("--gpus_per_node", dest="gpus_per_node", type='int', default=None, help="number of GPUs per node to use for complex simulations during MPI calculations") # Parse command-line arguments. (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.doctests: print "Running doctests for all modules..." import doctest # TODO: Test all modules import yank, oldrepex, alchemy, analyze, utils (failure_count, test_count) = doctest.testmod(verbose=options.verbose) if failure_count == 0: print "All doctests pass." sys.exit(0) else: print "WARNING: There were %d doctest failures." % failure_count sys.exit(1) # Check arguments for validity. if not (options.ligand_mol2_filename): parser.error("Please supply a ligand in mol2 format") if not (options.receptor_pdb_filename): parser.error("Please supply the receptor in pdb format") if not (options.complex_pdb_filename): print("Will combine ligand and receptor") # Initialize MPI if requested. if options.mpi: # Initialize MPI. try: from mpi4py import MPI # MPI wrapper hostname = os.uname()[1] options.mpi = MPI.COMM_WORLD if not MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: options.verbose = False MPI.COMM_WORLD.barrier() if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: print "Initialized MPI on %d processes." % (MPI.COMM_WORLD.size) except Exception as e: print e parser.error("Could not initialize MPI.") # Select simulation parameters. # TODO: Allow user selection or intelligent automated selection of simulation parameters. # NOTE: Simulation paramters are hard-coded for now. # NOTE: Simulation parameters will be different for explicit solvent. import as app nonbondedMethod = app.NoCutoff implicitSolvent = app.OBC2 constraints = app.HBonds removeCMMotion = False #make ligand, receptor, complex objects ligand = Mol2SystemBuilder(options.ligand_mol2_filename, "ligand") receptor = BiomoleculePDBSystemBuilder(options.receptor_pdb_filename,"receptor") complex = ComplexSystemBuilder(ligand,receptor,"complex") # DEBUG: Write out ligand, receptor, and complex system objects. debug = False if debug: def write_file(outfile, contents): outfile = open(outfile, 'w') outfile.write(contents) outfile.close() for name in ['receptor', 'ligand', 'complex']: system = vars()[name].system serialized_system = system.__getstate__() filename = name + '.system.xml' print "Writing serialized %s to %s..." % (name, filename) write_file(filename, serialized_system) # Initialize YANK object. from yank import Yank yank = Yank(receptor=receptor.system, ligand=ligand.system, complex=complex.system, complex_positions=[complex.coordinates_as_quantity], output_directory=options.output_directory, verbose=options.verbose) # Configure YANK object with command-line parameter overrides. if options.niterations is not None: yank.niterations = int(options.niterations) if options.verbose: yank.verbose = options.verbose if options.online_analysis: yank.online_analysis = options.online_analysis if options.restraint_type is not None: yank.restraint_type = options.restraint_type if options.randomize_ligand: yank.randomize_ligand = True if options.platform: yank.platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName(options.platform) # Hard-coded cpuid:gpuid for Exxact 4xGPU nodes # TODO: Replace this with something automated # cpuid_gpuid_mapping = { 0:0, 1:1, 2:2, 3:3 } #ncpus_per_node = None # Run calculation.brbz if options.mpi: # Run MPI version. yank.run_mpi(options.mpi, options.gpus_per_node) else: # Run serial version. # Run analysis. results = yank.analyze() # Print/write results. print results
def driver(): # Initialize command-line argument parser. usage = """ USAGE %prog --ligand_prmtop PRMTOP --receptor_prmtop PRMTOP { {--ligand_crd CRD | --ligand_mol2 MOL2} {--receptor_crd CRD | --receptor_pdb PDB} | {--complex_crd CRD | --complex_pdb PDB} } [-v | --verbose] [-i | --iterations ITERATIONS] [-o | --online] [-m | --mpi] [--restraints restraint-type] [--doctests] [--randomize_ligand] EXAMPLES # Specify AMBER prmtop/crd files for ligand and receptor. %prog --ligand_prmtop ligand.prmtop --receptor_prmtop receptor.prmtop --ligand_crd ligand.crd --receptor_crd receptor.crd --iterations 1000 # Specify (potentially multi-conformer) mol2 file for ligand and (potentially multi-model) PDB file for receptor. %prog --ligand_prmtop ligand.prmtop --receptor_prmtop receptor.prmtop --ligand_mol2 ligand.mol2 --receptor_pdb receptor.pdb --iterations 1000 # Specify (potentially multi-model) PDB file for complex, along with flat-bottom restraints (instead of harmonic). %prog --ligand_prmtop ligand.prmtop --receptor_prmtop receptor.prmtop --complex_pdb complex.pdb --iterations 1000 --restraints flat-bottom # Specify (potentially multi-model) PDB file for complex, along with flat-bottom restraints (instead of harmonic); randomize ligand positions/orientations at start. %prog --ligand_prmtop ligand.prmtop --receptor_prmtop receptor.prmtop --complex_pdb complex.pdb --iterations 1000 --restraints flat-bottom --randomize_ligand NOTES In atom ordering, receptor comes before ligand atoms. """ # Parse command-line arguments. from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("--ligand_prmtop", dest="ligand_prmtop_filename", default=None, help="ligand Amber parameter file", metavar="LIGAND_PRMTOP") parser.add_option("--receptor_prmtop", dest="receptor_prmtop_filename", default=None, help="receptor Amber parameter file", metavar="RECEPTOR_PRMTOP") parser.add_option("--ligand_crd", dest="ligand_crd_filename", default=None, help="ligand Amber crd file", metavar="LIGAND_CRD") parser.add_option("--receptor_crd", dest="receptor_crd_filename", default=None, help="receptor Amber crd file", metavar="RECEPTOR_CRD") parser.add_option("--ligand_mol2", dest="ligand_mol2_filename", default=None, help="ligand mol2 file (can contain multiple conformations)", metavar="LIGAND_MOL2") parser.add_option("--receptor_pdb", dest="receptor_pdb_filename", default=None, help="receptor PDB file (can contain multiple MODELs)", metavar="RECEPTOR_PDB") parser.add_option("--complex_prmtop", dest="complex_prmtop_filename", default=None, help="complex Amber parameter file", metavar="COMPLEX_PRMTOP") parser.add_option("--complex_crd", dest="complex_crd_filename", default=None, help="complex Amber crd file", metavar="COMPLEX_CRD") parser.add_option("--complex_pdb", dest="complex_pdb_filename", default=None, help="complex PDB file (can contain multiple MODELs)", metavar="COMPLEX_PDB") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="verbosity flag") parser.add_option("-i", "--iterations", dest="niterations", default=None, help="number of iterations", metavar="ITERATIONS") parser.add_option("-o", "--online", dest="online_analysis", default=False, help="perform online analysis") parser.add_option("-m", "--mpi", action="store_true", dest="mpi", default=False, help="use mpi if possible") parser.add_option("--restraints", dest="restraint_type", default=None, help="specify ligand restraint type: 'harmonic' or 'flat-bottom' (default: 'harmonic')") parser.add_option("--output", dest="output_directory", default=None, help="specify output directory---must be unique for each calculation (default: current directory)") parser.add_option("--doctests", action="store_true", dest="doctests", default=False, help="run doctests first (default: False)") parser.add_option("--randomize_ligand", action="store_true", dest="randomize_ligand", default=False, help="randomize ligand positions and orientations (default: False)") parser.add_option("--ignore_signal", action="append", dest="ignore_signals", default=[], help="signals to trap and ignore (default: None)") # Parse command-line arguments. (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.doctests: print "Running doctests for all modules..." import doctest # TODO: Test all modules import yank, oldrepex, alchemy, analyze, utils (failure_count, test_count) = doctest.testmod(verbose=options.verbose) if failure_count == 0: print "All doctests pass." sys.exit(0) else: print "WARNING: There were %d doctest failures." % failure_count sys.exit(1) # Check arguments for validity. if not (options.ligand_prmtop_filename and options.receptor_prmtop_filename): parser.error("ligand and receptor prmtop files must be specified") if not (bool(options.ligand_mol2_filename) ^ bool(options.ligand_crd_filename) ^ bool(options.complex_pdb_filename) ^ bool(options.complex_crd_filename)): parser.error("Ligand coordinates must be specified through only one of --ligand_crd, --ligand_mol2, --complex_crd, or --complex_pdb.") if not (bool(options.receptor_pdb_filename) ^ bool(options.receptor_crd_filename) ^ bool(options.complex_pdb_filename) ^ bool(options.complex_crd_filename)): parser.error("Receptor coordinates must be specified through only one of --receptor_crd, --receptor_pdb, --complex_crd, or --complex_pdb.") if not (options.complex_prmtop_filename): parser.error("Please specify --complex_prmtop [complex_prmtop_filename] argument.") # Initialize MPI if requested. if options.mpi: # Initialize MPI. try: from mpi4py import MPI # MPI wrapper hostname = os.uname()[1] options.mpi = MPI.COMM_WORLD if not MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: options.verbose = False MPI.COMM_WORLD.barrier() if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: print "Initialized MPI on %d processes." % (MPI.COMM_WORLD.size) except Exception as e: print e parser.error("Could not initialize MPI.") # Select simulation parameters. # TODO: Allow user selection or intelligent automated selection of simulation parameters. # NOTE: Simulation paramters are hard-coded for now. # NOTE: Simulation parameters will be different for explicit solvent. import as app nonbondedMethod = app.NoCutoff implicitSolvent = app.OBC2 constraints = app.HBonds removeCMMotion = False # Create System objects for ligand and receptor. ligand_system = app.AmberPrmtopFile(options.ligand_prmtop_filename).createSystem(nonbondedMethod=nonbondedMethod, implicitSolvent=implicitSolvent, constraints=constraints, removeCMMotion=removeCMMotion) receptor_system = app.AmberPrmtopFile(options.receptor_prmtop_filename).createSystem(nonbondedMethod=nonbondedMethod, implicitSolvent=implicitSolvent, constraints=constraints, removeCMMotion=removeCMMotion) complex_system = app.AmberPrmtopFile(options.complex_prmtop_filename).createSystem(nonbondedMethod=nonbondedMethod, implicitSolvent=implicitSolvent, constraints=constraints, removeCMMotion=removeCMMotion) # Determine number of atoms for each system. natoms_receptor = receptor_system.getNumParticles() natoms_ligand = ligand_system.getNumParticles() natoms_complex = complex_system.getNumParticles() if (natoms_complex != natoms_ligand + natoms_receptor): raise Exception("Number of complex atoms must equal sum of ligand and receptor atoms.") # Read ligand and receptor coordinates. ligand_coordinates = list() receptor_coordinates = list() complex_coordinates = list() if (options.complex_crd_filename or options.complex_pdb_filename): # Read coordinates for whole complex. if options.complex_crd_filename: coordinates = read_amber_crd(options.complex_crd_filename, natoms_complex, options.verbose) complex_coordinates.append(coordinates) else: try: coordinates_list = read_openeye_crd(options.complex_pdb_filename, natoms_complex, options.verbose) except: coordinates_list = read_pdb_crd(options.complex_pdb_filename, natoms_complex, options.verbose) complex_coordinates += coordinates_list elif options.ligand_crd_filename: coordinates = read_amber_crd(options.ligand_crd_filename, natoms_ligand, options.verbose) coordinates = units.Quantity(numpy.array(coordinates / coordinates.unit), coordinates.unit) ligand_coordinates.append(coordinates) elif options.ligand_mol2_filename: coordinates_list = read_openeye_crd(options.ligand_mol2_filename, natoms_ligand, options.verbose) ligand_coordinates += coordinates_list elif options.receptor_crd_filename: coordinates = read_amber_crd(options.receptor_crd_filename, natoms_receptor, options.verbose) coordinates = units.Quantity(numpy.array(coordinates / coordinates.unit), coordinates.unit) receptor_coordinates.append(coordinates) elif options.receptor_pdb_filename: try: coordinates_list = read_openeye_crd(options.receptor_pdb_filename, natoms_receptor, options.verbose) except: coordinates_list = read_pdb_crd(options.receptor_pdb_filename, natoms_receptor, options.verbose) receptor_coordinates += coordinates_list # Assemble complex coordinates if we haven't read any. if len(complex_coordinates)==0: for x in receptor_coordinates: for y in ligand_coordinates: z = units.Quantity(numpy.zeros([natoms_complex,3]), units.angstroms) z[0:natoms_receptor,:] = x[:,:] z[natoms_receptor:natoms_complex,:] = y[:,:] complex_coordinates.append(z) # Initialize YANK object. from yank import Yank yank = Yank(receptor=receptor_system, ligand=ligand_system, complex=complex_system, complex_coordinates=complex_coordinates, output_directory=options.output_directory, verbose=options.verbose) # Configure YANK object with command-line parameter overrides. if options.niterations is not None: yank.niterations = int(options.niterations) if options.verbose: yank.verbose = options.verbose if options.online_analysis: yank.online_analysis = options.online_analysis if options.restraint_type is not None: yank.restraint_type = options.restraint_type if options.randomize_ligand: yank.randomize_ligand = True # Hard-coded cpuid:gpuid for Exxact 4xGPU nodes # TODO: Replace this with something automated cpuid_gpuid_mapping = { 0:0, 1:1, 2:2, 3:3 } ncpus_per_node = None # Run calculation. if options.mpi: # Run MPI version. yank.run_mpi(options.mpi, cpuid_gpuid_mapping=cpuid_gpuid_mapping, ncpus_per_node=ncpus_per_node) else: # Run serial version. # Run analysis. results = yank.analyze() # Print/write results. print results
#receptor_system.addForce(force) # Create complex coordinates. import simtk.unit as units complex_coordinates = units.Quantity(numpy.zeros([2, 3], numpy.float64), units.angstroms) complex_coordinates[1, 0] = 10.0 * units.angstroms # Create temporary directory for testing. import tempfile output_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Initialize YANK object. from yank import Yank yank = Yank(receptor=receptor_system, ligand=ligand_system, complex_coordinates=[complex_coordinates], output_directory=output_directory) yank.solvent_protocol = yank.vacuum_protocol yank.complex_protocol = yank.vacuum_protocol yank.restraint_type = 'flat-bottom' yank.temperature = temperature yank.niterations = 100 yank.platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName("Reference") # Run the simulation. # # Analyze the data. #
def notest_LennardJonesPair(box_width_nsigma=6.0): """ Compute binding free energy of two Lennard-Jones particles and compare to numerical result. Parameters ---------- box_width_nsigma : float, optional, default=6.0 Box width is set to this multiple of Lennard-Jones sigma. """ NSIGMA_MAX = 6.0 # number of standard errors tolerated for success # Create Lennard-Jones pair. thermodynamic_state = ThermodynamicState(temperature=300.0*unit.kelvin) kT = kB * thermodynamic_state.temperature sigma = 3.5 * unit.angstroms epsilon = 6.0 * kT test = testsystems.LennardJonesPair(sigma=sigma, epsilon=epsilon) system, positions = test.system, test.positions binding_free_energy = test.get_binding_free_energy(thermodynamic_state) # Create temporary directory for testing. import tempfile store_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Initialize YANK object. options = dict() options['restraint_type'] = None options['number_of_iterations'] = 10 options['platform'] = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName("Reference") # use Reference platform for speed options['mc_rotation'] = False options['mc_displacement'] = True options['mc_displacement_sigma'] = 1.0 * unit.nanometer options['timestep'] = 2 * unit.femtoseconds options['nsteps_per_iteration'] = 50 # Override receptor mass to keep it stationary. #system.setParticleMass(0, 0) # Override box vectors. box_edge = 6*sigma a = unit.Quantity((box_edge, 0 * unit.angstrom, 0 * unit.angstrom)) b = unit.Quantity((0 * unit.angstrom, box_edge, 0 * unit.angstrom)) c = unit.Quantity((0 * unit.angstrom, 0 * unit.angstrom, box_edge)) system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(a, b, c) # Override positions positions[0,:] = box_edge/2 positions[1,:] = box_edge/4 phase = 'complex-explicit' # Alchemical protocol. from yank.alchemy import AlchemicalState alchemical_states = list() lambda_values = [0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0] for lambda_value in lambda_values: alchemical_state = AlchemicalState() alchemical_state['lambda_electrostatics'] = lambda_value alchemical_state['lambda_sterics'] = lambda_value alchemical_states.append(alchemical_state) protocols = dict() protocols[phase] = alchemical_states # Create phases. systems = { phase : system } positions = { phase : positions } phases = [phase] atom_indices = { 'complex-explicit' : { 'ligand' : [1] } } # Create new simulation. yank = Yank(store_dir) yank.create(phases, systems, positions, atom_indices, thermodynamic_state, options=options, protocols=protocols) # Run the simulation. # Analyze the data. results = yank.analyze() standard_state_correction = results[phase]['standard_state_correction'] Delta_f = results[phase]['Delta_f_ij'][0,1] - standard_state_correction dDelta_f = results[phase]['dDelta_f_ij'][0,1] nsigma = abs(binding_free_energy/kT - Delta_f) / dDelta_f # Check results against analytical results. # TODO: Incorporate standard state correction output = "\n" output += "Analytical binding free energy : %10.5f +- %10.5f kT\n" % (binding_free_energy / kT, 0) output += "Computed binding free energy (with standard state correction) : %10.5f +- %10.5f kT (nsigma = %3.1f)\n" % (Delta_f, dDelta_f, nsigma) output += "Computed binding free energy (without standard state correction): %10.5f +- %10.5f kT (nsigma = %3.1f)\n" % (Delta_f + standard_state_correction, dDelta_f, nsigma) output += "Standard state correction alone : %10.5f kT\n" % (standard_state_correction) print output #if (nsigma > NSIGMA_MAX): # output += "\n" # output += "Computed binding free energy differs from true binding free energy.\n" # raise Exception(output) return [Delta_f, dDelta_f]
#force.addGlobalParameter('Kext', kT / sigma**2) #force.addParticle(0, []) #receptor_system.addForce(force) # Create complex coordinates. import simtk.unit as units complex_coordinates = units.Quantity(numpy.zeros([2,3], numpy.float64), units.angstroms) complex_coordinates[1,0] = 10.0 * units.angstroms # Create temporary directory for testing. import tempfile output_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Initialize YANK object. from yank import Yank yank = Yank(receptor=receptor_system, ligand=ligand_system, complex_coordinates=[complex_coordinates], output_directory=output_directory) yank.solvent_protocol = yank.vacuum_protocol yank.complex_protocol = yank.vacuum_protocol yank.restraint_type = 'flat-bottom' yank.temperature = temperature yank.niterations = 100 yank.platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName("Reference") # Run the simulation. # # Analyze the data. # results = yank.analyze()
def notest_LennardJonesPair(box_width_nsigma=6.0): """ Compute binding free energy of two Lennard-Jones particles and compare to numerical result. Parameters ---------- box_width_nsigma : float, optional, default=6.0 Box width is set to this multiple of Lennard-Jones sigma. """ NSIGMA_MAX = 6.0 # number of standard errors tolerated for success # Create Lennard-Jones pair. thermodynamic_state = ThermodynamicState(temperature=300.0 * unit.kelvin) kT = kB * thermodynamic_state.temperature sigma = 3.5 * unit.angstroms epsilon = 6.0 * kT test = testsystems.LennardJonesPair(sigma=sigma, epsilon=epsilon) system, positions = test.system, test.positions binding_free_energy = test.get_binding_free_energy(thermodynamic_state) # Create temporary directory for testing. import tempfile store_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Initialize YANK object. options = dict() options['restraint_type'] = None options['number_of_iterations'] = 10 options['platform'] = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName( "Reference") # use Reference platform for speed options['mc_rotation'] = False options['mc_displacement'] = True options['mc_displacement_sigma'] = 1.0 * unit.nanometer options['timestep'] = 2 * unit.femtoseconds options['nsteps_per_iteration'] = 50 # Override receptor mass to keep it stationary. #system.setParticleMass(0, 0) # Override box vectors. box_edge = 6 * sigma a = unit.Quantity((box_edge, 0 * unit.angstrom, 0 * unit.angstrom)) b = unit.Quantity((0 * unit.angstrom, box_edge, 0 * unit.angstrom)) c = unit.Quantity((0 * unit.angstrom, 0 * unit.angstrom, box_edge)) system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(a, b, c) # Override positions positions[0, :] = box_edge / 2 positions[1, :] = box_edge / 4 phase = 'complex-explicit' # Alchemical protocol. from yank.alchemy import AlchemicalState alchemical_states = list() lambda_values = [0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0] for lambda_value in lambda_values: alchemical_state = AlchemicalState() alchemical_state['lambda_electrostatics'] = lambda_value alchemical_state['lambda_sterics'] = lambda_value alchemical_states.append(alchemical_state) protocols = dict() protocols[phase] = alchemical_states # Create phases. systems = {phase: system} positions = {phase: positions} phases = [phase] atom_indices = {'complex-explicit': {'ligand': [1]}} # Create new simulation. yank = Yank(store_dir, **options) yank.create(phases, systems, positions, atom_indices, thermodynamic_state, protocols=protocols) # Run the simulation. # Analyze the data. results = yank.analyze() standard_state_correction = results[phase]['standard_state_correction'] Delta_f = results[phase]['Delta_f_ij'][0, 1] - standard_state_correction dDelta_f = results[phase]['dDelta_f_ij'][0, 1] nsigma = abs(binding_free_energy / kT - Delta_f) / dDelta_f # Check results against analytical results. # TODO: Incorporate standard state correction output = "\n" output += "Analytical binding free energy : %10.5f +- %10.5f kT\n" % ( binding_free_energy / kT, 0) output += "Computed binding free energy (with standard state correction) : %10.5f +- %10.5f kT (nsigma = %3.1f)\n" % ( Delta_f, dDelta_f, nsigma) output += "Computed binding free energy (without standard state correction): %10.5f +- %10.5f kT (nsigma = %3.1f)\n" % ( Delta_f + standard_state_correction, dDelta_f, nsigma) output += "Standard state correction alone : %10.5f kT\n" % ( standard_state_correction) print output #if (nsigma > NSIGMA_MAX): # output += "\n" # output += "Computed binding free energy differs from true binding free energy.\n" # raise Exception(output) return [Delta_f, dDelta_f]
def test_unknown_parameters(): """Test whether Yank raises exception on wrong initialization.""" Yank(store_directory='test', wrong_parameter=False)
def driver(): # Initialize command-line argument parser. verbose = True usage = """ USAGE %prog --ligand_prmtop PRMTOP --receptor_prmtop PRMTOP { {--ligand_crd CRD | --ligand_mol2 MOL2} {--receptor_crd CRD | --receptor_pdb PDB} | {--complex_crd CRD | --complex_pdb PDB} } [-v | --verbose] [-i | --iterations ITERATIONS] [-o | --online] [-m | --mpi] [--restraints restraint-type] [--doctests] [--randomize_ligand] EXAMPLES # Specify AMBER prmtop/crd files for ligand and receptor. %prog --ligand_prmtop ligand.prmtop --receptor_prmtop receptor.prmtop --ligand_crd ligand.crd --receptor_crd receptor.crd --iterations 1000 # Specify (potentially multi-conformer) mol2 file for ligand and (potentially multi-model) PDB file for receptor. %prog --ligand_prmtop ligand.prmtop --receptor_prmtop receptor.prmtop --ligand_mol2 ligand.mol2 --receptor_pdb receptor.pdb --iterations 1000 # Specify (potentially multi-model) PDB file for complex, along with flat-bottom restraints (instead of harmonic). %prog --ligand_prmtop ligand.prmtop --receptor_prmtop receptor.prmtop --complex_pdb complex.pdb --iterations 1000 --restraints flat-bottom # Specify (potentially multi-model) PDB file for complex, along with flat-bottom restraints (instead of harmonic); randomize ligand positions/orientations at start. %prog --ligand_prmtop ligand.prmtop --receptor_prmtop receptor.prmtop --complex_pdb complex.pdb --iterations 1000 --restraints flat-bottom --randomize_ligand NOTES In atom ordering, receptor comes before ligand atoms. """ # Parse command-line arguments. from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option( "--ligand_mol2", dest="ligand_mol2_filename", default=None, help="ligand mol2 file (can contain multiple conformations)", metavar="LIGAND_MOL2") parser.add_option("--receptor_pdb", dest="receptor_pdb_filename", default=None, help="receptor PDB file (can contain multiple MODELs)", metavar="RECEPTOR_PDB") parser.add_option("--complex_pdb", dest="complex_pdb_filename", default=None, help="complex PDB file (can contain multiple MODELs)", metavar="COMPLEX_PDB") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="verbosity flag") parser.add_option("-i", "--iterations", dest="niterations", default=None, help="number of iterations", metavar="ITERATIONS") parser.add_option("-o", "--online", dest="online_analysis", default=False, help="perform online analysis") parser.add_option("-m", "--mpi", action="store_true", dest="mpi", default=False, help="use mpi if possible") parser.add_option( "--restraints", dest="restraint_type", default=None, help= "specify ligand restraint type: 'harmonic' or 'flat-bottom' (default: 'harmonic')" ) parser.add_option( "--output", dest="output_directory", default=None, help= "specify output directory---must be unique for each calculation (default: current directory)" ) parser.add_option("--doctests", action="store_true", dest="doctests", default=False, help="run doctests first (default: False)") parser.add_option( "--randomize_ligand", action="store_true", dest="randomize_ligand", default=False, help="randomize ligand positions and orientations (default: False)") parser.add_option("--ignore_signal", action="append", dest="ignore_signals", default=[], help="signals to trap and ignore (default: None)") parser.add_option("--platform", dest="platform", default="CPU", help="The platform to use when running simulations") parser.add_option( "--gpus_per_node", dest="gpus_per_node", type='int', default=None, help= "number of GPUs per node to use for complex simulations during MPI calculations" ) # Parse command-line arguments. (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.doctests: print "Running doctests for all modules..." import doctest # TODO: Test all modules import yank, oldrepex, alchemy, analyze, utils (failure_count, test_count) = doctest.testmod(verbose=options.verbose) if failure_count == 0: print "All doctests pass." sys.exit(0) else: print "WARNING: There were %d doctest failures." % failure_count sys.exit(1) # Check arguments for validity. if not (options.ligand_mol2_filename): parser.error("Please supply a ligand in mol2 format") if not (options.receptor_pdb_filename): parser.error("Please supply the receptor in pdb format") if not (options.complex_pdb_filename): print("Will combine ligand and receptor") # Initialize MPI if requested. if options.mpi: # Initialize MPI. try: from mpi4py import MPI # MPI wrapper hostname = os.uname()[1] options.mpi = MPI.COMM_WORLD if not MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: options.verbose = False MPI.COMM_WORLD.barrier() if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: print "Initialized MPI on %d processes." % ( MPI.COMM_WORLD.size) except Exception as e: print e parser.error("Could not initialize MPI.") # Select simulation parameters. # TODO: Allow user selection or intelligent automated selection of simulation parameters. # NOTE: Simulation paramters are hard-coded for now. # NOTE: Simulation parameters will be different for explicit solvent. import as app nonbondedMethod = app.NoCutoff implicitSolvent = app.OBC2 constraints = app.HBonds removeCMMotion = False #make ligand, receptor, complex objects ligand = Mol2SystemBuilder(options.ligand_mol2_filename, "ligand") receptor = BiomoleculePDBSystemBuilder(options.receptor_pdb_filename, "receptor") complex = ComplexSystemBuilder(ligand, receptor, "complex") # DEBUG: Write out ligand, receptor, and complex system objects. debug = False if debug: def write_file(outfile, contents): outfile = open(outfile, 'w') outfile.write(contents) outfile.close() for name in ['receptor', 'ligand', 'complex']: system = vars()[name].system serialized_system = system.__getstate__() filename = name + '.system.xml' print "Writing serialized %s to %s..." % (name, filename) write_file(filename, serialized_system) # Initialize YANK object. from yank import Yank yank = Yank(receptor=receptor.system, ligand=ligand.system, complex=complex.system, complex_positions=[complex.coordinates_as_quantity], output_directory=options.output_directory, verbose=options.verbose) # Configure YANK object with command-line parameter overrides. if options.niterations is not None: yank.niterations = int(options.niterations) if options.verbose: yank.verbose = options.verbose if options.online_analysis: yank.online_analysis = options.online_analysis if options.restraint_type is not None: yank.restraint_type = options.restraint_type if options.randomize_ligand: yank.randomize_ligand = True if options.platform: yank.platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName(options.platform) # Hard-coded cpuid:gpuid for Exxact 4xGPU nodes # TODO: Replace this with something automated # cpuid_gpuid_mapping = { 0:0, 1:1, 2:2, 3:3 } #ncpus_per_node = None # Run calculation.brbz if options.mpi: # Run MPI version. yank.run_mpi(options.mpi, options.gpus_per_node) else: # Run serial version. # Run analysis. results = yank.analyze() # Print/write results. print results