Beispiel #1
    def test_mock_httpresponse_stream(self):
        # Mock out a HTTP Request that does enough to make it through urllib3's
        # read() and close() calls, and also exhausts and underlying file
        # object.
        class MockHTTPRequest(object):
            self.fp = None

            def read(self, amt=None):
                data = yield From(
                if not data:
                    self.fp = None

                raise Return (data)

            def close(self):
                self.fp = None

        #bio = BytesIO(b'foo')
        bio = self._fake_fp(b'foo')
        fp = MockHTTPRequest()
        fp.fp = bio
        resp = HTTPResponse(fp, preload_content=False)
        stream = yield From(

        self.assertEqual(next(stream), b'fo')
        self.assertEqual(next(stream), b'o')
        self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, stream)
Beispiel #2
    def test_streaming(self):
        fp = BytesIO(b'foo')
        resp = HTTPResponse(fp, preload_content=False)
        stream = yield From(, decode_content=False))

        self.assertEqual(next(stream), b'fo')
        self.assertEqual(next(stream), b'o')
        self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, stream)
Beispiel #3
    def test_empty_stream(self):

        fp = self._fake_fp(b'')
        #fp = BytesIO(b'')
        resp = HTTPResponse(fp, preload_content=False)
        stream = yield From(, decode_content=False))

        self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, stream)
Beispiel #4
    def test_deflate_streaming(self):
        import zlib
        data = zlib.compress(b'foo')

        fp = self._fake_fp(data)
        resp = HTTPResponse(fp, headers={'content-encoding': 'deflate'},
        stream = yield From(

        self.assertEqual(next(stream), b'fo')
        self.assertEqual(next(stream), b'o')
        self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, stream)
Beispiel #5
    def test_deflate2_streaming(self):
        import zlib
        compress = zlib.compressobj(6, zlib.DEFLATED, -zlib.MAX_WBITS)
        data = compress.compress(b'foo')
        data += compress.flush()

        fp = self._fake_fp(data)
        resp = HTTPResponse(fp, headers={'content-encoding': 'deflate'},
        stream = yield From(

        self.assertEqual(next(stream), b'fo')
        self.assertEqual(next(stream), b'o')
        self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, stream)
Beispiel #6
    def test_streaming_tell(self):

        fp = self._fake_fp(b'foo')
        #fp = BytesIO(b'foo')
        resp = HTTPResponse(fp, preload_content=False)
        stream = yield From(, decode_content=False))

        position = 0

        position += len(next(stream))
        self.assertEqual(2, position)
        self.assertEqual(position, resp.tell())

        position += len(next(stream))
        self.assertEqual(3, position)
        self.assertEqual(position, resp.tell())

        self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, stream)
Beispiel #7
    def test_gzipped_streaming_tell(self):
        import zlib
        compress = zlib.compressobj(6, zlib.DEFLATED, 16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS)
        uncompressed_data = b'foo'
        data = compress.compress(uncompressed_data)
        data += compress.flush()

        #fp = BytesIO(data)
        fp = self._fake_fp(data)
        resp = HTTPResponse(fp, headers={'content-encoding': 'gzip'},
        stream = yield From(

        # Read everything
        payload = next(stream)
        self.assertEqual(payload, uncompressed_data)

        self.assertEqual(len(data), resp.tell())

        self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, stream)
Beispiel #8
    def tst_deflate_streaming_tell_intermediate_point(self):

        # test not relevant any longer, now that 'stream' is just a cached
        #  set of blocks

        # Ensure that ``tell()`` returns the correct number of bytes when
        # part-way through streaming compressed content.
        import zlib

        NUMBER_OF_READS = 10

        class MockCompressedDataReading(BytesIO):
            A ByteIO-like reader returning ``payload`` in ``NUMBER_OF_READS``
            calls to ``read``.

            def __init__(self, payload, payload_part_size):
                self.payloads = [
                             for i in range(NUMBER_OF_READS+1)]

                assert b"".join(self.payloads) == payload

            def read(self, _=None):
                # Amount is unused.
                yield None

                raise Return (b''.join(self.payloads))

                #if len(self.payloads) > 0:
                #    return self.payloads.pop(0)
                #return b""

        uncompressed_data = zlib.decompress(ZLIB_PAYLOAD)

        payload_part_size = len(ZLIB_PAYLOAD) // NUMBER_OF_READS
        fp = MockCompressedDataReading(ZLIB_PAYLOAD, payload_part_size)
        resp = HTTPResponse(fp, headers={'content-encoding': 'deflate'},
        stream = yield From(

        parts_positions = []
        for part in stream:
            _t = resp.tell()
            parts_positions.append((part, _t))
        end_of_stream = resp.tell()

        self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, stream)

        parts, positions = zip(*parts_positions)

        # Check that the payload is equal to the uncompressed data
        payload = b"".join(parts)
        self.assertEqual(uncompressed_data, payload)

        # Check that the positions in the stream are correct
        expected = [(i+1)*payload_part_size for i in range(NUMBER_OF_READS)]
        self.assertEqual(expected, list(positions))

        # Check that the end of the stream is in the correct place
        self.assertEqual(len(ZLIB_PAYLOAD), end_of_stream)