Beispiel #1
def EventMsg(data, name=None):
    """Format a Sever-Sent-Event message.
    :param data: message data, will be JSON-encoded.
    :param name: (optional) name of the event type.
    :rtype: str
    # We need to serialize the message data to a string.  SSE doesn't say that
    # we must use JSON for that, but it's a convenient choice.
    # print("sending sse data: %s" % data)
    if isinstance(data, int) or isinstance(data, float):
        jsonData = data
            jsonData = json.dumps(data)
            # print("sending sse jsonData1: %s" % jsonData)
            # assert '\n' not in jsonData
        except Exception as e:
            jsonData = unicode_to_bytes(data)
            # print("sending sse jsonData2: %s" % jsonData)
            # assert '\n' not in jsonData

    # Newlines make SSE messages slightly more complicated.  Fortunately for us,
    # we don't have any in the messages we're using.

    if name:
        output = 'event: %s\n' % (name,)
        output = ''

    output += 'data: %s\n\n' % (jsonData,)
    return unicode_to_bytes(output)
Beispiel #2
def WebBroadcastMsg(data, name=None):
    Format a Sever-Sent-Event message.

    :param data: message data, will be JSON-encoded.
    :param name: (optional) name of the event type.
    :rtype: str
    if isinstance(data, int) or isinstance(data, float):
        jsonData = data
            jsonData = json.dumps(data)
            # print("sending sse jsonData1: %s" % jsonData)
            # assert '\n' not in jsonData
        except Exception as e:
            jsonData = unicode_to_bytes(data)
            # print("sending sse jsonData2: %s" % jsonData)
            # assert '\n' not in jsonData

    if name:
        output = f"event: {name}\n"
        output = ""

    output += f"data: {jsonData}\n\n"
    return unicode_to_bytes(output)
Beispiel #3
    def decrypt(self,
                passphrase: Optional[str] = None,
                cipher: Optional[str] = None):
        Decrypt something, defaults aes256.

        Example: data = self._Encryption.decrypt("x831jsd91je", cipher="aes256")

        Ciphers available:

        :param data: Any type of data can be encrypted. Text, binary.
        :param passphrase: A passphrase to use. If missing, uses system passphrase.
        :return: String containing the encrypted content.
        if data is None:
            return None
        data = unicode_to_bytes(data)

        cipher = self.validate_cipher(cipher)

        if passphrase is None:
            passphrase = self.__aes_key

        if cipher.startswith("aes"):
            results = self.decrypt_aes(data, passphrase, cipher)

        return results
Beispiel #4
    def register_exchange_queue_binding(self, exchange_name: str, queue_name: str, routing_key: str,
                                        register_persist: bool):
        Request a new exchange->queue binding. Simply adds to the queue to be processed when the
        connection is fully established.

        :param exchange_name:
        :param queue_name:
        :param routing_key:
        :param register_persist:
        logger.debug("Factory:register_exchange_queue_binding - exchange_name:{exchange_name}, queue_name:{queue_name}",
                     exchange_name=exchange_name, queue_name=queue_name)
        eqb_name = sha256(unicode_to_bytes(exchange_name + queue_name + routing_key)).hexdigest()
        if eqb_name in self.exchange_queue_bindings:
            raise YomboWarning(
                f"AMQP Protocol:{self.AMQPClient.client_id} - Already has an exchange-queue-routing key binding: "
                f"{exchange_name}-{queue_name}-{routing_key}", 200, "register_exchange", "AMQPFactory")

        self.exchange_queue_bindings[exchange_name+queue_name] = {
            "registered": False,
            "queued": False,
            "exchange_name": exchange_name,
            "queue_name": queue_name,
            "routing_key": routing_key,
            "register_persist": register_persist,
Beispiel #5
    def generate_csr(self, args):
        This function shouldn't be called directly. Instead, use the queue
        "self.generate_csr_queue.put(request, callback, callback_args)" or
        Requests certs to be made. Will return right away with a request ID. A callback can be set to return
        the cert once it's complete.

        """"Generate_CSR called with args: {args}", args=args)
        kwargs = self.check_csr_input(args)

        if kwargs['key_type'] == 'rsa':
            kwargs['key_type'] = crypto.TYPE_RSA
            kwargs['key_type'] = crypto.TYPE_DSA

        gwid = "gw_%s" % self.gateway_id[0:10]
        req = crypto.X509Req()
        req.get_subject().CN = kwargs['cn']
        req.get_subject().countryName = 'US'
        req.get_subject().stateOrProvinceName = 'California'
        req.get_subject().localityName = 'Sacramento'
        req.get_subject().organizationName = 'Yombo'
        req.get_subject().organizationalUnitName = gwid

        # Appends SAN to have 'DNS:'
        if kwargs['sans'] is not None:
            san_string = []
            for i in kwargs['sans']:
                san_string.append("DNS: %s" % i)
            san_string = ", ".join(san_string)

            x509_extensions = [
                crypto.X509Extension(b'subjectAltName', False,

        key = yield threads.deferToThread(
            self._generate_key, **{
                'key_type': kwargs['key_type'],
                'key_size': kwargs['key_size']

        req.sign(key, "sha256")

        csr = crypto.dump_certificate_request(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, req)
        key_file = crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key)

        if kwargs['csr_file'] is not None:
            save_file(kwargs['csr_file'], csr)
        if kwargs['key_file'] is not None:
            save_file(kwargs['key_file'], key_file)

        return {'csr': csr, 'key': key_file}
Beispiel #6
 def encrypt_aes(cls, data, passphrase, cipher):
     Encrypt data with passphrase. Currently, only supporting aes 156.
     passphrase = cls._aes_expand_key(passphrase, cipher)
     iv =
     aescipher =
         passphrase, AES.MODE_CBC,
         iv)  # Create a AES cipher object with the key using the mode CBC
     raw = unicode_to_bytes(data)
     ciphered_data = aescipher.encrypt(aespad(raw, AES.block_size))
     return aescipher.iv + ciphered_data
Beispiel #7
 def import_trust(self, trust_string):
     Sets the trust of a key.
     #TODO: This function is blocking! Adjust to non-blocking. See below.
     # print("SEtting trust level: %s" % trust_string)
     p = yield Popen([f"gpg --import-ownertrust --homedir {self.working_dir}/etc/gpg"], shell=True,
                     stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)
     (child_stdout, child_stdin) = (p.stdout, p.stdin)
     result ="GPG Trust change: {result}", result=result)
Beispiel #8
    def display_encrypted(self, in_text):
        Makes an input field friend version of an input. If encrypted, returns
        "-----ENCRYPTED DATA-----", otherwise returns the text unchanged.

        :param in_text:
        in_text_search = unicode_to_bytes(in_text)
        if in_text_search.startswith(b"-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----"):
            return "-----ENCRYPTED DATA-----"
            return in_text
Beispiel #9
    def _aes_expand_key(passphrase, cipher):
        Internal function to standardize the key size. Uses sha256 to generate a hash from the key, and then trims
        as needed.

        :param passphrase: passphrase to use.
        :param cipher: 16, 24, 32
        cipher = int(cipher[3:])
        passphrase = hashlib.sha256(unicode_to_bytes(passphrase)).digest()
        if cipher == 128:
            passphrase = passphrase[:16]
        elif cipher == 192:
            passphrase = passphrase[:24]
        # Remaining is 256, or 32 bytes.
        return passphrase
Beispiel #10
    def sha512_compact(value, encoder: Optional[str] = None, convert_to_unicode: Optional[bool] = True):
        Returns a shorter sha512 - 86 characters long instead of 128.

        This uses a base62 encoding which uses the entire alphabet, with mixed case.

        Returned length is 86 characters.

        :param value:
        if encoder is None:
            encoder = "base62"
        if convert_to_unicode is None:
            convert_to_unicode = True

        if value is None:
            return None
        return encode_binary(sha512(unicode_to_bytes(value)).digest(), encoder, convert_to_unicode)
Beispiel #11
    def render_encode_output(self, request, content):
        Checks the request headers for the encoding string. If it's gzip, it will be compressed.

        :param request:
        :param content:
        if content is not None and len(
                content) > 500:  # don't bother compressing small data
            response_content_encoding_headers = b','.join(
                request.responseHeaders.getRawHeaders(b'content-encoding', []))
            if bool(
                    response_content_encoding_headers)) is False:
                request_accept_encoding_headers = b','.join(
                        b'accept-encoding', []))
                    encoding = request.responseHeaders.getRawHeaders(
                    if encoding:
                        encoding = b','.join(encoding + [b'gzip'])
                        encoding = b'gzip'
                        b'content-encoding', [encoding])
                    content = gzip.compress(unicode_to_bytes(content))

        # print(f"render_encode_output: content type: {type(content)}")
        # print(f"REO: {request.responseHeaders._rawHeaders}")
        if content is None:
            request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders(b'content-length', [str(0)])
        # print(f"REO: {request.responseHeaders._rawHeaders}")
        return content
Beispiel #12
def sha512_crypt_mosquitto(password, salt_base64=None, rounds=None):
    Used for generating a crypted version for mosquitto pasword file.

    :param password:
    :param salt_base64:
    :param rounds:
    if salt_base64 is None:
        rand = random.SystemRandom()
        salt_base64 = ''.join([
            rand.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits)
            for _ in range(16)
    salt = base64.b64decode(salt_base64)

    m = hashlib.sha512()
    hashed_password = m.digest()
    encoded_password = bytes_to_unicode(base64.b64encode(hashed_password))

    return '$6$' + salt_base64 + "$" + encoded_password
    def update_attributes(self, attributes):
        Update various attributes. Should only be used by the SQLCerts system when loading updated things from
        a library or module.

        The attributes have already been screened by the parent.

        :param attributes:
        if "update_callback" in attributes:
            self.update_callback = attributes["update_callback"]
        if "update_callback_type" in attributes:
            self.update_callback_type = attributes["update_callback_type"]
        if "update_callback_component" in attributes:
            self.update_callback_component = attributes["update_callback_component"]
        if "update_callback_function" in attributes:
            self.update_callback_function = attributes["update_callback_function"]

        if "key_size" in attributes:
            self.key_size = int(attributes["key_size"]) if attributes["key_size"] else None
        if "key_type" in attributes:
            self.key_type = attributes["key_type"]

        if "current_cert" in attributes:
            self.current_cert = attributes["current_cert"]
        if "current_chain" in attributes:
            self.current_chain = attributes["current_chain"]
        if "current_key" in attributes:
            self.current_key = attributes["current_key"]

        if "current_status" in attributes:
            self.current_status = attributes["current_status"]
        if "current_status_msg" in attributes:
            self.current_status_msg = attributes["current_status_msg"]
        if "current_csr_hash" in attributes:
            self.current_csr_hash = attributes["current_csr_hash"]
        if "current_created_at" in attributes:
            self.current_created_at = int(attributes["current_created_at"]) if attributes["current_created_at"] else None
        if "current_expires_at" in attributes:
            self.current_expires_at = int(attributes["current_expires_at"]) if attributes["current_expires_at"] else None
        if "current_signed_at" in attributes:
            self.current_signed_at = int(attributes["current_signed_at"]) if attributes["current_signed_at"] else None
        if "current_submitted_at" in attributes:
            self.current_submitted_at = int(attributes["current_submitted_at"]) if attributes["current_submitted_at"] else None
        if "current_fqdn" in attributes:
            self.current_fqdn = attributes["current_fqdn"]
        if "current_is_valid" in attributes:
            self.current_is_valid = attributes["current_is_valid"]

        if "next_status" in attributes:
            self.next_status = attributes["next_status"]
        if "next_status_msg" in attributes:
            self.next_status_msg = attributes["next_status_msg"]
        if "next_csr_hash" in attributes:
            self.next_csr_hash = attributes["next_csr_hash"]
        if "next_csr" in attributes:
            self.next_csr = attributes["next_csr"]
        if "next_cert" in attributes:
            self.next_cert = attributes["next_cert"]
        if "next_chain" in attributes:
            self.next_chain = attributes["next_chain"]
        if "next_key" in attributes:
            self.next_key = attributes["next_key"]
        if "next_created_at" in attributes:
            self.next_created_at = int(attributes["next_created_at"]) if attributes["next_created_at"] else None
        if "next_expires_at" in attributes:
            self.next_expires_at = int(attributes["next_expires_at"]) if attributes["next_expires_at"] else None
        if "next_signed_at" in attributes:
            self.next_signed_at = int(attributes["next_signed_at"]) if attributes["next_signed_at"] else None
        if "next_submitted_at" in attributes:
            self.next_submitted_at = int(attributes["next_submitted_at"]) if attributes["next_submitted_at"] else None
        if "next_fqdn" in attributes:
            self.next_fqdn = attributes["next_fqdn"]
        if "next_is_valid" in attributes:
            self.next_is_valid = attributes["next_is_valid"]

        # do some back checks.
        if self.next_csr is not None and self.next_csr_hash is None:
            self.next_csr_hash = sha256_compact(unicode_to_bytes(self.next_csr))
        self.dirty = True
Beispiel #14
        def page_restore_details(webinterface, request, session):
            Prompts user to upload the configuration file to restore the gateway.

            :param webinterface:
            :param request:
            :param session:
                restorefile = request.args.get("restorefile")[0]
                    restorefile = json.loads(restorefile)
          "Received configuration backup file.")
                        if restorefile["hash"] != hashlib.sha256(
                                "Backup file appears to be corrupt: Invalid checksum."
                            return webinterface.redirect("/setup_wizard/start")
                        restorefile["data"] = base64.b64decode(
                    except Exception as e:
                        logger.warn("Unable to b64decode data: {e}", e=e)
                            "Unable to properly decode pass 1 of data segment of restore file."
                        return webinterface.redirect("/setup_wizard/start")

                    session.set("restore_backup_file", restorefile)
                except Exception as e:
                    logger.warn("Unable to parse JSON phase 2: {e}", e=e)
                    webinterface.add_alert("Invalid restore file contents.")
                    return webinterface.redirect("/setup_wizard/start")
            except Exception:
                restorefile = session.get("restore_backup_file", None)
                if restorefile is None:
                    webinterface.add_alert("No restore file found.")
                    return webinterface.redirect("/setup_wizard/start")

            required_keys = ("encrypted", "time", "file_type", "created",
            if all(required in restorefile
                   for required in required_keys) is False:
                    "Backup file appears to be missing important parts.")
                return webinterface.redirect("/setup_wizard/start")

            if restorefile["encrypted"] is True:
                    password = request.args.get("password", )[0]
                except Exception:
                    password = session.get("restorepassword", None)

                if password is None:
                    page = webinterface.get_template(
                        request, webinterface.wi_dir +
                    return page.render(alerts=session.get_alerts(),

                    decrypted = yield webinterface._Tools.data_unpickle(
                    restorefile["data_processed"] = json.loads(
                except Exception as e:
                    logger.warn("Unable to decrypt restoration file: {e}", e=e)
                        "It appears the password is incorrect.", "danger")
                    page = webinterface.get_template(
                        request, webinterface.wi_dir +
                    return page.render(alerts=session.get_alerts(),
            else:  #no password
                restorefile["data_processed"] = json.loads(

            session.set("restore_backup_file", restorefile)

            page = webinterface.get_template(
                webinterface.wi_dir + "/pages/restore/restore_ready.html")
            return page.render(alerts=session.get_alerts(),
Beispiel #15
    def data_unpickle(cls,
                      data: Any,
                      content_type: Optional[str] = None,
                      passphrase: Optional[str] = None,
                      use_decimal: Optional[bool] = None):
        Unpack data packed with data_pickle. See data_pickle() for content_type options.

        :param data:
        :param content_type:
        :param passphrase: Passphrase will be sent to the encryption function.

        if data is None:
            return None
        data = bytes_to_unicode(data)

        if content_type is None:
            content_type = "msgpack_base85"
        elif content_type == "string":
            return str(data)
        elif content_type == "bool":
            return bool(data)
        content_type = content_type.lower()

        # Sometimes empty dictionaries are encoded...  This is a simple shortcut.
        if content_type == "msgpack_base85_zip" and data == "cwTD&004mifd":
            return {}
        elif content_type == "msgpack_base85" and data == "fB":
            return {}

        if "json" in content_type and "msgack" in content_type:
            raise YomboWarning(
                "Unpickle data can only have json or msgpack, not both.")

        encoder_count = 0
        for encoder_check in ("base32", "base62", "base64", "base85"):
            if encoder_check in content_type:
                encoder_count += 1
        if encoder_count > 1:
            raise YomboWarning(
                "Pickle data can only one of: base32, base62, base64 or base85, not multiple."

        if "base32" in content_type:
            data = base64.b32decode(data)
        if "base62" in content_type:
            data = base62.decodebytes(data)
        if "base64" in content_type:
            data = data + "=" * (-len(data) % 4)
            data = base64.b64decode(data)
        elif "base85" in content_type:
            data = base64.b85decode(data)

        for cipher in AVAILABLE_CIPHERS:
            if cipher in content_type:
                    print(f"tools.unpickle, about to decrypt: {data}")
                    data = cls._Encryption.decrypt_aes(data,
                    print(f"tools.unpickle, about to decrypt, done: {data}")
                except Exception:

        if "lz4" in content_type:
                data = lz4.frame.decompress(data, passphrase=passphrase)
            except Exception as e:
                raise YomboWarning(f"Error lz4 decompress {content_type}: {e}")
        elif "gzip" in content_type or "zip" in content_type:
                data = zlib.decompress(data)
            except Exception as e:
                raise YomboWarning(
                    f"Error zlib decompress {content_type}: {e}")

            data = zlib.decompress(data)
        except Exception as e:

        if isinstance(data, str) or isinstance(data, bytes):
            if "json" in content_type:
                data = unicode_to_bytes(data)
                    data = bytes_to_unicode(
                        json.loads(data, use_decimal=use_decimal))
                except Exception as e:
                    raise YomboWarning(
                        f"data_unpickle received non-json content: {data}")
            elif "msgpack" in content_type:
                data = unicode_to_bytes(data)
                    data = bytes_to_unicode(msgpack.unpackb(data))
                except Exception as e:
                    raise YomboWarning(
                        f"data_unpickle received non-msgpack content: {data}")
        return data
Beispiel #16
    def data_pickle(cls,
                    data: Any,
                    content_type: Optional[str] = None,
                    compression_level: Optional[int] = None,
                    local: Optional[bool] = None,
                    passphrase: Optional[str] = None,
                    use_decimal: Optional[bool] = None) -> Union[str, bytes]:
        Encodes data based on value of the content_type type. The default is "msgpack_base85". This easily allows data
        to be sent externally or even the database. The ordering of the content_type does not matter.

        Format of the content_type:
        {pickle-method}_{compress method}_{encode-method}.

        Pickle methods:
        * msgpack - Use msgpack to pickle the data. More space efficient than json.
        * json - Use JSON to pickle the data.

        Compression can also be applied, simply append:
        * lz4 - Use the lz4 compression
        * zip - Use the gzip compression

        Encryption is also supported:
        * aes256, aes192, aes128

        Encode methods:
        * base32 - Encode with base32 - Biggest size.
        * base62 - Encode with base62 - Like base64, but URL safe.
        * base64 - Encode with base64
        * base85 - Encode with base85

        * msgpack_zip - Pickle with msgpack, then compress with gzip.
        * zip_msgpack - Same as above, just different order.
        * msgpack_base85_zip - Pickle with msgpack, then compress with gzip, then encode with base85
        * msgpack_zip_aes256_base85 - Pickle with msgpack, compress with gzip, encrypt with aes, then encode with base85
        * json_lz4 - Pickle with json, then compress with z-standard.

        Non-encoded results typically return bytes, while encoded results return strings.

        :param data: String, list, or dictionary to be encoded.
        :param content_type: Optional encode method.
        :param compression_level: Sets a compression level - default depends on compressor.
        :param passphrase: Passphrase will be sent to the encryption function.

        :return: bytes of the encoded data that can be used with data_unpickle.
        if data is None:
            return None

        if content_type is None:
            content_type = "msgpack_base85"
        elif content_type == "string":
            return str(data)
        elif content_type == "bool":
            return bool(data)
        content_type = content_type.lower()

        if "json" in content_type and "msgack" in content_type:
            raise YomboWarning(
                "Pickle data can only have json or msgpack, not both.")

        encoder_count = 0
        for encoder_check in ("base32", "base62", "base64", "base85"):
            if encoder_check in content_type:
                encoder_count += 1
        if encoder_count > 1:
            raise YomboWarning(
                "Pickle data can only one of: base32, base62, base64 or base85, not multiple."

        if "json" in content_type:
                data = json.dumps(data,
                                  separators=(",", ":"),
            except Exception as e:
                raise YomboWarning(f"Error encoding json: {e}")
        elif "msgpack" in content_type:
                data = msgpack.packb(data)
            except Exception as e:
                raise YomboWarning(f"Error encoding msgpack: {e}")

        if "lz4" in content_type:
            if compression_level is None:
                compression_level = 2
            elif compression_level > 1 or compression_level < 9:
                compression_level = 2
                data = lz4.frame.compress(unicode_to_bytes(data),
            except Exception as e:
                raise YomboWarning(f"Error encoding {content_type}: {e}")
        elif "gzip" in content_type or "zip" in content_type:
            if compression_level is None:
                compression_level = 5
            elif compression_level > 1 or compression_level < 9:
                compression_level = 5
                data = zlib.compress(unicode_to_bytes(data), compression_level)
            except Exception as e:
                raise YomboWarning(f"Error encoding {content_type}: {e}")

        for cipher in AVAILABLE_CIPHERS:
            if cipher in content_type:
                    data = cls._Encryption.encrypt_aes(data,
                except Exception:

        if "base32" in content_type:
            data = bytes_to_unicode(base64.b32encode(data))
            if local is True:
                data = data.rstrip("=")
        elif "base62" in content_type:
            data = bytes_to_unicode(base62.encodebytes(data))
            if local is True:
                data = data.rstrip("=")
        elif "base64" in content_type:
            data = bytes_to_unicode(base64.b64encode(data))
            if local is True:
                data = data.rstrip("=")
        elif "base85" in content_type:
            data = bytes_to_unicode(base64.b85encode(data))
        return data
    def generate_csr(self, args):
        This function shouldn't be called directly. Instead, use the queue
        "self.generate_csr_queue.put(request, callback, callback_args)" or
        Requests certs to be made. Will return right away with a request ID. A callback can be set to return
        the cert once it's complete.

        logger.debug("Generate_CSR called with args: {args}", args=args)
        kwargs = self.check_csr_input(args)

        if kwargs["key_type"] == "rsa":
            kwargs["key_type"] = crypto.TYPE_RSA
            kwargs["key_type"] = crypto.TYPE_DSA

        req = crypto.X509Req()
        req.get_subject().CN = kwargs["cn"]
        req.get_subject().countryName = "US"
        req.get_subject().stateOrProvinceName = "California"
        req.get_subject().localityName = "Sacramento"
        req.get_subject().organizationName = "Yombo"
        ).organizationalUnitName = "Gateway " + self.gateway_id[0:15]

        # Appends SAN to have "DNS:"
        if kwargs["sans"] is not None:
            san_string = []
            for i in kwargs["sans"]:
                san_string.append(f"DNS: {i}")
            san_string = ", ".join(san_string)
            x509_extensions = [
                crypto.X509Extension(b"subjectAltName", False,

        start = time()
        key = yield threads.deferToThread(
            self._generate_key, **{
                "key_type": kwargs["key_type"],
                "key_size": kwargs["key_size"]
        duration = round(float(time()) - start, 4)"sslcerts", "generate_new",
                         (args["sslname"], kwargs["cn"], san_string, duration))


        req.sign(key, "sha256")

        csr = crypto.dump_certificate_request(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, req)
        key_file = crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key)

        if kwargs["csr_file"] is not None:
            yield save_file(kwargs["csr_file"], csr)
        if kwargs["key_file"] is not None:
            yield save_file(kwargs["key_file"], key_file)

        return {
            "csr": csr,
            "csr_hash": sha256_compact(unicode_to_bytes(csr)),
            "key": key_file