Beispiel #1
import yottadb

if __name__ == "__main__":
    yottadb.set("^hello", ["Python"], value="नमस्ते दुनिया")
Beispiel #2
def tpfn_stage1(parm_array: List[int]) -> int:
    # Extract parameters
    crash = parm_array[0]
    trigger = parm_array[1]
    istp = parm_array[2]
    fillid = parm_array[3]
    loop = parm_array[4]
    jobno = parm_array[5]
    i = parm_array[6]
    ztr = parm_array[7]

    assert val == yottadb.get("val")
    assert subs == yottadb.get("subs")
    assert subsMAX == yottadb.get("subsMAX")
    assert fillid == yottadb.get("fillid")
    # MCode: . set ^arandom(fillid,subsMAX)=val
    yottadb.set("^arandom", (fillid, subsMAX), val)

    # MCode: . if ((istp=1)&(crash)) do
    if crash and (1 == istp):
        # MCode: . . set rndm=$r(10)
        rand = random.randint(0, 9)

        # MCode: . . if rndm=1 if $TRESTART>2  do noop^imptp	; Just randomly hold crit for long time
        trestart = int(yottadb.get("$trestart").decode("utf-8"))
        if 2 < trestart:
            if 1 == rand:
            # MCode: . . if rndm=2 if $TRESTART>2  h $r(10)		; Just randomly hold crit for long time
            if 2 == rand:
                rand = random.randint(0, 9)

        # MCode: . . if $TRESTART set ^zdummy($TRESTART)=jobno	; In case of restart cause different TP transaction flow
        if trestart:
            yottadb.set("^zdummy", (str(trestart),), str(jobno))

    # MCode: . set ^brandomv(fillid,subsMAX)=valALT
    yottadb.set("^brandomv", (fillid, subsMAX), valALT)

    # MCode: . if 'trigger do
    if not trigger:
        # MCode: . . set ^crandomva(fillid,subsMAX)=valALT
        yottadb.set("^crandomva", (fillid, subsMAX), valALT)

    # MCode: . set ^drandomvariable(fillid,subs)=valALT
    yottadb.set("^drandomvariable", (fillid, subs), valALT)

    # MCode: . if 'trigger do
    if not trigger:
        # MCode: . . set ^erandomvariableimptp(fillid,subs)=valALT
        yottadb.set("^erandomvariableimptp", (fillid, subs), valALT)
        # MCode: . . set ^frandomvariableinimptp(fillid,subs)=valALT
        yottadb.set("^frandomvariableinimptp", (fillid, subs), valALT)

    # MCode: . set ^grandomvariableinimptpfill(fillid,subs)=val
    yottadb.set("^grandomvariableinimptpfill", (fillid, subs), val)

    # MCode: . if 'trigger do
    if not trigger:
        # MCode: . . set ^hrandomvariableinimptpfilling(fillid,subs)=val
        yottadb.set("^hrandomvariableinimptpfilling", (fillid, subs), val)
        # MCode: . . set ^irandomvariableinimptpfillprgrm(fillid,subs)=val
        yottadb.set("^irandomvariableinimptpfillprgrm", (fillid, subs), val)
        # MCode. if trigger xecute ztwormstr	; fill in $ztwormhole for below update that requires "subs"

    # MCode: . set ^jrandomvariableinimptpfillprogram(fillid,I)=val
    i = str(i)
    yottadb.set("^jrandomvariableinimptpfillprogr", (fillid, i), val)

    # MCode: . if 'trigger do
    if not trigger:
        # MCode: . . set ^jrandomvariableinimptpfillprogram(fillid,I,I)=val
        yottadb.set("^jrandomvariableinimptpfillprogr", (fillid, i, i), val)
        # MCode: . . set ^jrandomvariableinimptpfillprogram(fillid,I,I,subs)=val */
        yottadb.set("^jrandomvariableinimptpfillprogr", (fillid, i, i, subs), val)

    # MCode: . if istp'=0 xecute:ztr ztrcmd set ^lasti(fillid,jobno)=loop
    if istp:
        if ztr:
        yottadb.set("^lasti", (fillid, str(jobno)), str(loop))

    return yottadb.YDB_OK
Beispiel #3
def tpfn_stage3(parm_array: List[int]) -> int:
    # Extract parameters
    trigger = parm_array[1]
    istp = parm_array[2]
    fillid = parm_array[3]
    dztrig = parm_array[8]

    # MCode: . do:dztrig ^imptpdztrig(2,istp<2)
    if dztrig:

    # MCode: . set ^entp(fillid,subs)=val
    # MCode: subscr[0] already has <fillid> value in it
    yottadb.set("^entp", (fillid, subs), val)

    # MCode: . if 'trigger do
    if not trigger:
        # MCode: . . set ^fntp(fillid,subs)=val
        yottadb.set("^fntp", (fillid, subs), val)
        # MCode: . if trigger do
        # MCode: . . set ^fntp(fillid,subs)=$extract(^fntp(fillid,subs),1,$length(^fntp(fillid,subs))-$length("suffix"))
        fntp = yottadb.get("^fntp", (fillid, subs))
        fntp_len = len(fntp)
        if 6 <= fntp_len:
            fntp = fntp[: fntp_len - 6]  # 6 is $length("suffix")
            assert istp
            return yottadb.YDB_TP_RESTART
        yottadb.set("^fntp", (fillid, subs), fntp)

    # MCode: . set ^gntp(fillid,subsMAX)=valMAX
    yottadb.set("^gntp", (fillid, subsMAX), valMAX)

    # MCode: . if 'trigger do
    if not trigger:
        # MCode: . . set ^hntp(fillid,subsMAX)=valMAX
        yottadb.set("^hntp", (fillid, subsMAX), valMAX)
        # MCode: . . set ^intp(fillid,subsMAX)=valMAX
        yottadb.set("^intp", (fillid, subsMAX), valMAX)
        # MCode: . . set ^bntp(fillid,subsMAX)=valMAX
        yottadb.set("^bntp", (fillid, subsMAX), valMAX)

    return yottadb.YDB_OK
Beispiel #4
    pid = os.getpid()
        jobid = os.environ["gtm_test_jobid"]
    except KeyError:
        jobid = "0"

    # Redirect stdin and stdout to files
    # --> NEED ydb_stdout_stderr_adjust()???
    outfile = open(f"impjob_imptp{jobid}.mjo{childnum}", "w")
    errfile = open(f"impjob_imptp{jobid}.mje{childnum}", "w")
    newout = os.dup2(outfile.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno())
    newerr = os.dup2(errfile.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())

    # MCode: set jobindex=index
    yottadb.set("jobindex", value=str(childnum))

    # 5% chance we use M call-in else we use YDBPython
    rand = random.randint(1, 20)
        is_gtm8086_subtest = ("gtm8086" == os.environ["test_subtest_name"])
    except KeyError:
        is_gtm8086_subtest = False
    # If the caller is the "gtm8086" subtest, it creates a situation where JNLEXTEND or JNLSWITCHFAIL
    # errors can happen in the imptp child process and that is expected. This is easily handled if we
    # invoke the entire child process using impjob^imptp. If we use simpleAPI for this, all the ydb_*_s()
    # calls need to be checked for return status to allow for JNLEXTEND/JNLSWITCHFAIL and it gets clumsy.
    # Since simpleAPI gets good test coverage through imptp in many dozen tests, we choose to use call-ins
    # only for this specific test.
    if is_gtm8086_subtest:
        rand = 0
Beispiel #5
import yottadb

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # remove existing global variable trees

    # set initial values for ^Crab and ^Horse
    yottadb.set("^Crab", ("0", ), "0")
    yottadb.set("^Horse", ("0", ), "0")
Beispiel #6
import os
import subprocess
import datetime
import random
import sys
import time

import yottadb

if __name__ == '__main__':
        jobcnt = os.environ["gtm_test_jobcnt"]
    except KeyError:
        # If this test is run outside of YDBTest, need to set `jobcnt` manually
        jobcnt = "5"
    yottadb.set("jobcnt", value=jobcnt)

    print(f"jobcnt = {jobcnt}")
    print(f"Start time of parent: {}")
    print(f"PID: {os.getpid()}")

    # Start processing test system parameters
    # istp = 0 non-tp
    # istp = 1 TP
    # istp = 2 ZTP
    # MCode: set fillid=+$ztrnlnm("gtm_test_dbfillid")
        fillid = os.environ["gtm_test_dbfillid"]