async def play(self, ctx, url: str): ################################################################################################################################ guild_id = guild_n = str(ctx.guild) channel_id = channel_n = str( try: SQL.execute( f'select Song_Name from Music where Guild_ID = "{guild_id}" and Guild_Name = "{guild_n}" and Channel_ID = "{channel_id}" and Channel_Name = "{channel_n}"' ) n_song = SQL.fetchone() SQL.execute( f'select Guild_Name from Music where Guild_ID = "{guild_id}" and Guild_Name = "{guild_n}"' ) n_guild = SQL.fetchone() except: return ################################################################################################################################ def check_queue(self): ############################################################################################################################ DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(DIR, 'MultiBOT_DB.db')) SQL = db.cursor() SQL.execute( f'select Queue_Name from Music where Guild_ID = "{guild_id}" and Guild_Name = "{guild_n}"' ) name_q = SQL.fetchone() SQL.execute( f'select Guild_Name from Music where Guild_ID = "{guild_id}" and Guild_Name = "{guild_n}"' ) n_guild = SQL.fetchone() ############################################################################################################################ q_infile = os.path.isdir('./Queues') if q_infile is True: DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath('Queues')) q_main = os.path.join(DIR, name_q[0]) # length = len(os.listdir(q_main)) # still_q = length - 1 q_main_infile = os.path.isdir(q_main) if q_main_infile is True: length = len(os.listdir(q_main)) still_q = length - 1 try: first_file = os.listdir(q_main)[0] song_num = first_file.split('-')[0] except: print('[Log] Музыка: нет треков в очереди') db.commit() return main_location = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) song_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.realpath(q_main) + '\\' + first_file) if length != 0: print( '[Log] Музыка: трек закончился, играет следующий') print(f'[Log] Музыка: треков в очереди: {still_q}') track_exist = os.path.isfile( f'{n_song[0]}({n_guild[0]}).mp3') if track_exist: os.remove(f'{n_song[0]}({n_guild[0]}).mp3') shutil.move(song_path, main_location) for file in os.listdir('./'): if file == f'{song_num}-{n_song[0]}({n_guild[0]}).mp3': os.rename(file, f'{n_song[0]}({n_guild[0]}).mp3') f'{n_song[0]}({n_guild[0]}).mp3'), after=lambda e: check_queue(self)) voice.source = discord.PCMVolumeTransformer( voice.source) voice.source.volume = 0.05 else: SQL.execute( 'update Music set Queue_Next = 1 where Guild_ID = ? and Guild_Name = ?', (guild_id, guild_n)) db.commit() return else: SQL.execute( 'update Music set Queue_Next = 1 where Guild_ID = ? and Guild_Name = ?', (guild_id, guild_n)) db.commit() print( '[Log] Музыка: в очереди не появлялось никаких треков') else: SQL.execute( 'update Music set Queue_Next = 1 where Guild_ID = ? and Guild_Name = ?', (guild_id, guild_n)) db.commit() print('[Log] Музыка: в очереди не появлялось никаких треков') track_exist = os.path.isfile(f'{n_song[0]}({n_guild[0]}).mp3') try: if track_exist: os.remove(f'{n_song[0]}({n_guild[0]}).mp3') SQL.execute( 'update Music set Queue_Next = 1 where Guild_ID = ? and Guild_Name = ?', (guild_id, guild_n)) db.commit() print('[Log] Старый файл удалён') except PermissionError: print('[Log] Нельзя удалить трек, который проигрывается') await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed( description='Музыка: ошибка: трек проигрывается', color=0x0c0c0c)) return SQL.execute( f'select Queue_Name from Music where Guild_ID = "{guild_id}" and Guild_Name = "{guild_n}"' ) name_q = SQL.fetchone() q_infile = os.path.isdir('./Queues') if q_infile is True: DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath('Queues')) q_main = os.path.join(DIR, name_q[0]) q_main_infile = os.path.isdir(q_main) if q_main_infile is True: print('[Log] Музыка: старая папка удалена') shutil.rmtree(q_main) await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(description='Музыка: ожидайте...', color=0x0c0c0c)) voice = get(self.client.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild) song_path = f'./{n_song[0]}({n_guild[0]}).mp3' ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'quiet': True, 'outtmpl': song_path, 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': 'mp3', 'preferredquality': '192', }], } try: with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: print('[Log] Загружаем аудио')[url]) await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(description='Музыка: играет', color=0x0c0c0c)) print('[Log] Музыка: играет') except: await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed( description='Музыка: бот не поддерживает такие ссылки', color=0x0c0c0c))'{n_song[0]}({n_guild[0]}).mp3'), after=lambda e: check_queue(self)) voice.source = discord.PCMVolumeTransformer(voice.source) voice.source.volume = 0.05
def download_video(client, video, commentLimit=None, displayDownloadLink=False, creator=None): showVideo( client, video, commentLimit=5, # displayDownloadLink=displayDownloadLink, showRelatedVideos=True, showComments=True) dl_dir = dl_config[cfg_path] if cfg_path in dl_config else 'download' dl_dir_perms = int(dl_config[cfg_dir_perm], base=8) if cfg_dir_perm in dl_config else 0o755 dl_file_perms = int(dl_config[cfg_file_perm], base=8) if cfg_file_perm in dl_config else 0o644 if creator is None: creator = client.getCreatorInfo([0] val_subfolder = dl_config[cfg_subfolder].strip().lower() if val_subfolder == 'true' or val_subfolder == '1': creator_short = creator.urlname dl_dir = '{}/{}'.format(dl_dir, creator_short) if not os.path.isdir(dl_dir): os.makedirs(dl_dir, mode=dl_dir_perms, exist_ok=True) ending_video = 'mp4' ending_thumb = 'png' ending_info = 'info.json' basename = '{}-{}-{}'.format(video.guid, creator.title, video.title) basename = filter_basename(basename) output_template = '{}/{}.{}'.format(dl_dir, basename, ending_video) thumbnail_template = '{}/{}.{}'.format(dl_dir, basename, ending_thumb) if os.path.exists(output_template): print('This video is already downloaded ... skipping') for ending in [ending_video, ending_info, ending_thumb]: f_name = '{}/{}.{}'.format(dl_dir, basename, ending) if os.path.isfile(f_name): os.chmod(f_name, dl_file_perms) return if os.path.exists('{}.part'.format(output_template)): print('Download seems to be interrupted ... continuing') try: download_url = client.getDirectVideoURL(video.guid) print('Downloading Video from: {} to {}'.format(download_url, dl_dir)) download_thumbnail(client, video, thumbnail_template, perm=dl_file_perms) ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'call_home': False, 'outtmpl': output_template, 'continue_dl': True, # 'writeinfojson': True, # 'postprocessors': [{ # 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', # 'preferredcodec': 'mp3', # 'preferredquality': '192', # }], 'logger': MyLogger(), 'progress_hooks': [download_progress_hook], } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[download_url]) for ending in [ending_video, ending_info]: f_name = '{}/{}.{}'.format(dl_dir, basename, ending) if os.path.isfile(f_name): os.chmod(f_name, dl_file_perms) except Exception as err: print('Download Failed!: {}', err) sentry_sdk.capture_exception(err)
os.mkdir("downloads") import threading import queue import requests import youtube_dl from config import DUR_LIMIT, SUDO_USERS from helpers import run, format_duration, generate_image ydl_opts = { "format": "bestaudio/best", "geo-bypass": True, "nocheckcertificate": True, "outtmpl": "downloads/%(id)s.%(ext)s", } ydl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) q = queue.Queue() def worker(): while True: item = q.get() try: info = ydl.extract_info(item["video"], download=False) if (int(info["duration"] / 60) > DUR_LIMIT and item["sender_id"] not in SUDO_USERS): if "on_duration_limit" in item: if item["on_duration_limit"]: item["on_duration_limit"]["args"][0] = item[
class YTDLSource(discord.PCMVolumeTransformer): YTDL_OPTIONS = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'extractaudio': True, 'audioformat': 'mp3', 'outtmpl': '%(extractor)s-%(id)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s', 'restrictfilenames': True, 'noplaylist': True, 'nocheckcertificate': True, 'ignoreerrors': False, 'logtostderr': False, 'quiet': True, 'no_warnings': True, 'default_search': 'auto', 'source_address': '', } FFMPEG_OPTIONS = { 'before_options': '-reconnect 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 5', 'options': '-vn', } ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(YTDL_OPTIONS) def __init__(self, ctx: commands.Context, source: discord.FFmpegPCMAudio, *, data: dict, volume: float = 0.5): super().__init__(source, volume) self.requester = = = data self.uploader = data.get('uploader') self.uploader_url = data.get('uploader_url') date = data.get('upload_date') self.upload_date = date[6:8] + '.' + date[4:6] + '.' + date[0:4] self.title = data.get('title') self.thumbnail = data.get('thumbnail') self.description = data.get('description') self.duration = self.parse_duration(int(data.get('duration'))) self.tags = data.get('tags') self.url = data.get('webpage_url') self.views = data.get('view_count') self.likes = data.get('like_count') self.dislikes = data.get('dislike_count') self.stream_url = data.get('url') def __str__(self): return '**{0.title}** by **{0.uploader}**'.format(self) @classmethod async def create_source(cls, ctx: commands.Context, search: str, *, loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop = None): loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() partial = functools.partial(cls.ytdl.extract_info, search, download=False, process=False) data = await loop.run_in_executor(None, partial) if data is None: raise YTDLError( 'Couldn\'t find anything that matches `{}`'.format(search)) if 'entries' not in data: process_info = data else: process_info = None for entry in data['entries']: if entry: process_info = entry break if process_info is None: raise YTDLError( 'Couldn\'t find anything that matches `{}`'.format(search)) webpage_url = process_info['webpage_url'] partial = functools.partial(cls.ytdl.extract_info, webpage_url, download=False) processed_info = await loop.run_in_executor(None, partial) if processed_info is None: raise YTDLError('Couldn\'t fetch `{}`'.format(webpage_url)) if 'entries' not in processed_info: info = processed_info else: info = None while info is None: try: info = processed_info['entries'].pop(0) except IndexError: raise YTDLError( 'Couldn\'t retrieve any matches for `{}`'.format( webpage_url)) return cls(ctx, discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(info['url'], **cls.FFMPEG_OPTIONS), data=info) @staticmethod def parse_duration(duration: int): minutes, seconds = divmod(duration, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) days, hours = divmod(hours, 24) duration = [] if days > 0: duration.append('{} days'.format(days)) if hours > 0: duration.append('{} hours'.format(hours)) if minutes > 0: duration.append('{} minutes'.format(minutes)) if seconds > 0: duration.append('{} seconds'.format(seconds)) return ', '.join(duration)
False, 'logtostderr': False, 'quiet': True, 'no_warnings': True, 'default_search': 'auto', 'source_address': '' # bind to ipv4 since ipv6 addresses cause issues sometimes } ffmpeg_options = {'options': '-vn'} ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ytdl_format_options) def getTitle(url): info_dict = ytdl.extract_info(url, download=False) title = info_dict.get('title', None) return title class YTDLSource(discord.PCMVolumeTransformer): def __init__(self, source, *, data, volume=0.5): super().__init__(source, volume) = data self.title = data.get('title')
def downloadVideo(self, ydlOpts): with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydlOpts) as ydl:[arguments.url])
async def play(ctx, url: str): def check_queue(): Queue_infile = os.path.isdir("./Queue") if Queue_infile is True: DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath("Queue")) length = len(os.listdir(DIR)) still_q = length - 1 try: first_file = os.listdir(DIR)[0] except: print("No more queued song(s)\n") queues.clear() return main_location = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) song_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.realpath("Queue") + "\\" + first_file) if length != 0: print("Song done, playing next queued\n") print(f"Songs still in queue: {still_q}") song_there = os.path.isfile("song.mp3") if song_there: os.remove("song.mp3") shutil.move(song_path, main_location) for file in os.listdir("./"): if file.endswith(".mp3"): os.rename(file, 'song.mp3')"song.mp3"), after=lambda e: check_queue()) voice.source = discord.PCMVolumeTransformer(voice.source) voice.source.volume = 0.07 else: queues.clear() return else: queues.clear() print("No songs were queued before the ending of the last song\n") song_there = os.path.isfile("song.mp3") try: if song_there: os.remove("song.mp3") queues.clear() print("Removed old song file") except PermissionError: print("Trying to delete song file, but it's being played") await ctx.send("ERROR: Music playing") return Queue_infile = os.path.isdir("./Queue") try: Queue_folder = "./Queue" if Queue_infile is True: print("Removed old Queue Folder") shutil.rmtree(Queue_folder) except: print("No old Queue folder") await ctx.send("Getting everything ready now") voice = get(bot.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild) ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'quiet': True, 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': 'mp3', 'preferredquality': '192', }], } try: with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: print("Downloading audio now\n")[url]) except: print( "FALLBACK: youtube-dl does not support this URL, using Spotify (This is normal if Spotify URL)" ) c_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) system("spotdl -f " + '"' + c_path + '"' + " -s " + url) for file in os.listdir("./"): if file.endswith(".mp3"): name = file print(f"Renamed File: {file}\n") os.rename(file, "song.mp3")"song.mp3"), after=lambda e: check_queue()) voice.source = discord.PCMVolumeTransformer(voice.source) voice.source.volume = 0.07 nname = name.rsplit("-", 2) await ctx.send(f"Playing: {nname[0]}") print("playing\n")
def downloadVideo(url): with ytd.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[url])
''' First install youtobe downloader pip install youtube_dl ''' import youtube_dl url = [''] with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL() as ydl:
def __init__(self, init_data, opts=dict()): yid = init_data['yid'] # it must be here. if self.rickastley: yid = "dQw4w9WgXcQ" #trolololo if not isinstance(yid, str) or len(yid) != 11: raise ValueError( "yid expected to be valid Youtube movie identifier") #FIXME = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() self.fds = set() self.closing = False self.lock = Lock() # lock to prevent threads from colliding self.avail = range_t() self.safe_range = range_t() self.processing_range = range_t() self.filesize = 4096 self.disk = 0 self.extension = ".mp4" # FIXME self.atime = int(time()) try: # convert from iso 8601 self.ctime = timegm( datetime.strptime(init_data['pub_date'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").timetuple()) except KeyError: self.ctime = self.atime self.r_session = requests.Session() self.yid = yid _pref = deepcopy( self.preferences) # new object, just to not affect other intances. try: _pref['audio'] = opts['audio'] except KeyError: pass try: _pref['video'] = opts['video'] except KeyError: pass try: _pref['format'] = opts['format'] except KeyError: pass try: _pref['stream'] = opts['stream'] except KeyError: pass try: _pref['get_info_on_init'] = opts['get_info_on_init'] except KeyError: pass self.preferences = _pref self.ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({ "quiet": True, "format": "bestvideo+bestaudio" }) self.ytdl.add_info_extractor(self.ytdl.get_info_extractor("Youtube"))
def download(link, data): try: with dl.YoutubeDL(data) as ydl:[link]) except dl.utils.DownloadError as err: print("[!] " + err)
def song(client, message): user_id = user_name = message.from_user.first_name rpk = "[" + user_name + "](tg://user?id=" + str(user_id) + ")" query = "" for i in message.command[1:]: query += " " + str(i) print(query) m = message.reply("🔎 Finding the song...") ydl_opts = {"format": "bestaudio[ext=m4a]"} try: results = YoutubeSearch(query, max_results=1).to_dict() link = f"{results[0]['url_suffix']}" # print(results) title = results[0]["title"][:40] thumbnail = results[0]["thumbnails"][0] thumb_name = f"thumb{title}.jpg" thumb = requests.get(thumbnail, allow_redirects=True) open(thumb_name, "wb").write(thumb.content) duration = results[0]["duration"] results[0]["url_suffix"] results[0]["views"] except Exception as e: m.edit( "❌ Found Nothing.\n\nTry another keywork or maybe spell it properly." ) print(str(e)) return m.edit("Downloading the song ") try: with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: info_dict = ydl.extract_info(link, download=False) audio_file = ydl.prepare_filename(info_dict) ydl.process_info(info_dict) rep = "**🎵 Uploaded by @Joker_prorobot**" secmul, dur, dur_arr = 1, 0, duration.split(":") for i in range(len(dur_arr) - 1, -1, -1): dur += int(dur_arr[i]) * secmul secmul *= 60 message.reply_audio( audio_file, caption=rep, thumb=thumb_name, parse_mode="md", title=title, duration=dur, ) m.delete() except Exception as e: m.edit("❌ Error") print(e) try: os.remove(audio_file) os.remove(thumb_name) except Exception as e: print(e)
async def ytmusic(client, message: Message): global is_downloading if is_downloading: await message.reply_text( "Another download is in progress, try again after sometime.") return urlissed = get_text(message) pablo = await client.send_message(, f"`Getting {urlissed} From Youtube Servers. Please Wait.`") if not urlissed: await pablo.edit( "Invalid Command Syntax, Please Check Help Menu To Know More!") return search = SearchVideos(f"{urlissed}", offset=1, mode="dict", max_results=1) mi = search.result() mio = mi["search_result"] mo = mio[0]["link"] thum = mio[0]["title"] fridayz = mio[0]["id"] thums = mio[0]["channel"] kekme = f"{fridayz}/hqdefault.jpg" await asyncio.sleep(0.6) url = mo sedlyf = opts = { "format": "best", "addmetadata": True, "key": "FFmpegMetadata", "prefer_ffmpeg": True, "geo_bypass": True, "nocheckcertificate": True, "postprocessors": [{ "key": "FFmpegVideoConvertor", "preferedformat": "mp4" }], "outtmpl": "%(id)s.mp4", "logtostderr": False, "quiet": True, } try: is_downloading = True with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(opts) as ytdl: infoo = ytdl.extract_info(url, False) duration = round(infoo["duration"] / 60) if duration > DURATION_LIMIT: await pablo.edit( f"❌ Videos longer than {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) aren't allowed, the provided video is {duration} minute(s)" ) is_downloading = False return ytdl_data = ytdl.extract_info(url, download=True) except Exception: # await pablo.edit(event, f"**Failed To Download** \n**Error :** `{str(e)}`") is_downloading = False return c_time = time.time() file_stark = f"{ytdl_data['id']}.mp4" capy = f"**Video Name ➠** {thum} \n**Requested For :** {urlissed} \n**Channel :** {thums} \n**Link :** {mo}" await client.send_video(, video=open(file_stark, "rb"), duration=int(ytdl_data["duration"]), file_name=str(ytdl_data["title"]), thumb=sedlyf, caption=capy, supports_streaming=True, progress=progress, progress_args=( pablo, c_time, f"`Uploading {urlissed} Song From YouTube Music!`", file_stark, ), ) await pablo.delete() is_downloading = False for files in (sedlyf, file_stark): if files and os.path.exists(files): os.remove(files)
async def queue(self, ctx, url: str): ################################################################################################################################ guild_id = guild_n = str(ctx.guild) try: SQL.execute( f'select Queue_Name from Music where Guild_ID = "{guild_id}" and Guild_Name = "{guild_n}"' ) name_q = SQL.fetchone() SQL.execute( f'select Song_Name from Music where Guild_ID = "{guild_id}" and Guild_Name = "{guild_n}"' ) n_song = SQL.fetchone() SQL.execute( f'select Queue_Next from Music where Guild_ID = "{guild_id}" and Guild_Name = "{guild_n}"' ) q_num = SQL.fetchone() except: return ################################################################################################################################ q_infile = os.path.isdir('./Queues') if q_infile is False: os.mkdir('Queues') DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath('Queues')) q_main = os.path.join(DIR, name_q[0]) q_main_infile = os.path.isdir(q_main) if q_main_infile is False: os.mkdir(q_main) SQL.execute( f'select Guild_Name from Music where Guild_ID = "{guild_id}" and Guild_Name = "{guild_n}"' ) n_guild = SQL.fetchone() queue_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.realpath(q_main) + f'\\{q_num[0]}-{n_song[0]}({n_guild[0]}).mp3') ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'quiet': True, 'outtmpl': queue_path, 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': 'mp3', 'preferredquality': '192', }], } try: with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: print('[Log] Загружаем аудио')[url]) await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed( description='Музыка: трек добавлен в очередь под номером ' + str(q_num[0]), color=0x0c0c0c)) print('[Log] Музыка: трек добавлен в очередь') except: await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed( description='Музыка: бот не поддерживает такие ссылки', color=0x0c0c0c)) SQL.execute( 'update Music set Queue_Next = Queue_Next + 1 where Guild_ID = ? and Guild_Name = ?', (guild_id, guild_n))
def download_video(title_url_list, playlist_title): # create directories if not existing already directory_text = os.getcwd() + '/output/' + playlist_title + '/text/' directory_audio = os.getcwd() + '/output/' + playlist_title + '/audio/' directory_video = os.getcwd() + '/output/' + playlist_title + '/video/' directory_archive = os.getcwd() + '/output/' + playlist_title + '/archive/' if not os.path.exists(directory_video): os.makedirs(directory_video) if not os.path.exists(directory_audio): os.makedirs(directory_audio) if not os.path.exists(directory_text): os.makedirs(directory_text) if not os.path.exists(directory_archive): os.makedirs(directory_archive) video_count = len(title_url_list) faulty_entries = [] for idx, val in enumerate(title_url_list[1:]): # start at second element print('\nCurrent Youtube Video = ', val) title = val[0] url = val[1] print('Output Directory: ', directory_audio) ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'outtmpl': directory_audio + '/' + title + '.%(ext)s', 'download_archive': directory_archive + '/' + title + '.%(ext)s', 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': 'mp3', 'preferredquality': '192', }], } try: with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[url]) print('{} of {} already processed'.format(idx + 1, video_count)) except: faulty_entries.append(title_url_list.index(val)) print("!!!! Error downloading with youtube-dl !!!!") print('Faulty Youtube Videos, (deleted, copyright issues etc.): ', faulty_entries) filename = directory_text + playlist_title + '_faulty.txt' # create text file containing the faulty video list f = open(filename, 'a', encoding='utf-8') f.truncate(0) # clear file for item in sorted( faulty_entries, reverse=True ): # remove faulty entries from the list containing all playlist video information temp = title_url_list[item][0] + ' ' + title_url_list[item][1] f.write("%s\n" % temp) # add faulty video to text file del title_url_list[item] # delete faulty entry from list f.close filename = directory_text + playlist_title + '_cleaned.txt' # create text file containing only succesfully downloaded playlist entries f = open(filename, 'a', encoding='utf-8') f.truncate(0) # clear file for item in title_url_list: temp = item[0] + ' ' + item[1] f.write("%s\n" % temp) f.close
def download_button(vid: str, body: bool = False): try: vid_data = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({ "no-playlist": True }).extract_info(BASE_YT_URL + vid, download=False) except ExtractorError: vid_data = {"formats": []} buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("BEST - 📹 MKV", callback_data=f"ytdl_download_{vid}_mkv_v"), InlineKeyboardButton( "BEST - 📹 WebM/MP4", callback_data=f"ytdl_download_{vid}_mp4_v", ), ]] # ------------------------------------------------ # qual_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) qual_list = ["144p", "240p", "360p", "480p", "720p", "1080p", "1440p"] audio_dict = {} # ------------------------------------------------ # for video in vid_data["formats"]: fr_note = video.get("format_note") fr_id = int(video.get("format_id")) fr_size = video.get("filesize") if video.get("ext") == "mp4": for frmt_ in qual_list: if fr_note in (frmt_, frmt_ + "60"): qual_dict[frmt_][fr_id] = fr_size if video.get("acodec") != "none": bitrrate = int(video.get("abr", 0)) if bitrrate != 0: audio_dict[ bitrrate] = f"{bitrrate}Kbps ({humanbytes(fr_size) or 'N/A'})" video_btns = [] for frmt in qual_list: frmt_dict = qual_dict[frmt] if len(frmt_dict) != 0: frmt_id = sorted(list(frmt_dict))[-1] frmt_size = humanbytes(frmt_dict.get(frmt_id)) or "N/A" video_btns.append( InlineKeyboardButton( f"video{frmt} ({frmt_size})", callback_data=f"ytdl_download_{vid}_{frmt_id}_v", )) buttons += sublists(video_btns, width=2) buttons += [[ InlineKeyboardButton("BEST - 320Kbps - MP3", callback_data=f"ytdl_download_{vid}_mp3_a") ]] buttons += sublists( [ InlineKeyboardButton(audio_dict.get(key_), callback_data=f"ytdl_download_{vid}_{key_}_a") for key_ in sorted(audio_dict.keys()) ], width=2, ) if body: vid_body = f"<b>[{vid_data.get('title')}]({vid_data.get('webpage_url')})</b>" return vid_body, InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) return InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)
def video_download(url: str, download_dir: str) -> Path: """Download video from ad url""" class MyLogger: def __init__(self): self.ad_filepath: Optional[Path] = None def debug(self, msg): print(msg) new_download_match ='Merging formats into \"(.*)\"$', msg) already_downloaded_match = "\[download\] (.*) has already been downloaded and merged.*", msg) if new_download_match: final_path = # This log msg occurs after any status messages from youtube-dl # This field will not be updated again for a video download. self.ad_filepath = Path(final_path) return elif already_downloaded_match: filepath = self.ad_filepath = Path(filepath) return def warning(self, msg): print(msg) def error(self, msg): print(msg) def info(self, msg): print(msg) def my_hook(d): pass mylogger = MyLogger() ydl_opts = { # Pick best audio and video format and combine them OR pick the file with the best combination # Need to capture filename of merged ffmpeg file # Best doesn't return the highest video, only the highest pair. # So 360p video may have the highest audio # 'format': 'best', # 'format': 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/bestvideo[ext=webm]+bestaudio[ext=webm]/best', 'format': 'bestvideo+bestaudio/best', 'nooverwrites': True, # 'continuedl': True, 'progress_hooks': [my_hook], 'logger': mylogger, } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: # Extract info about video to determine where to download the file to try: result = ydl.extract_info(url, download=False) except youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError as e: if "video is unavailable" in e.args[0]: raise MissingVideoError("Missing video", url=url) from e elif "video is private" in e.args[0]: raise PrivateVideoError("Private video", url=url) from e elif "removed by the user" in e.args[0]: raise UserRemovedVideoError("User removed video", url=url) from e elif "account associated with this video has been terminated" in e.args[ 0]: raise AccountTerminationVideoError( "Missing video due to account termination", url=url) from e else: raise e extractor = result["extractor"] if extractor == "generic": filename = extract_base_identifier(url) ydl_opts["outtmpl"] = download_dir + f'/{filename}.%(ext)s' elif extractor == "youtube": ydl_opts["outtmpl"] = download_dir + f'/%(id)s.%(ext)s' print(extractor) with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[url]) saved_ad_filepath = mylogger.ad_filepath if saved_ad_filepath == download_dir: raise ValueError( f"`No video path was saved? Was the video downloaded?`, for url={url}" ) else: return saved_ad_filepath
async def add_playlist(self, url, message, type='y'): if len(self.playlist) > self.playlist_cap: await self.client.send_message(, ":notes: The playlist is at capacity (" + self.playlist_cap + " songs). Please try again later.") else: if type == 'y': startpos = 1 endpos = 2 if '&index=' in url: isPlaylist = True temp = url.split('&') for i in range(0, (len(temp))): if 'index=' in temp[i]: sstart = temp[i].replace('index=', '') startpos = int(sstart) endpos = startpos + self.max_playlist_length - 1 break ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({ 'playliststart': startpos, 'playlistend': endpos }) try: result = ytdl.extract_info(url, download=False) cont = True except youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError as e: cont = False if 'Incomplete YouTube ID' in str(e): msg = '{} : Not a valid Youtube video' self.client.send_message(, msg.format(message)) if cont: user_occurance = 0 # Checks if the message author is an admin admin = False for role in if settings['BOTSETTINGS'][ 'botadmin'] in or "Loser" in or "Admin" in admin = True if 'entries' in result: queued = 0 for i in range(0, len(result['entries'])): # Get video url, title and set requester url = result['entries'][i]['webpage_url'] title = result['entries'][i]['title'] video_already_present = False user = name = id = for item in self.playlist: if item['user'] == user: user_occurance += 1 if item['title'] == title: video_already_present = True if user_occurance > self.max_song_requests and ( admin == False): await self.client.send_message(, ":notes: You currently have " + str(self.max_song_requests + 1) + " songs in the playlist. Please try again later." ) elif video_already_present: await self.client.send_message(, ":notes: A song with the title `" + title + "` is already in this playlist.") else: if '`' in title: title = title.replace('`', '\'') self.playlist.append({ 'url': url, 'title': title, 'user': user, 'name': name, 'id': id }) print(title + ' Added to queue') queued = queued + 1 # Tell user the amount of playlist songs queued msg = 'Queued: `' + str(queued) + ' song(s)`' await self.client.send_message(, msg.format(message)) # Else it is a single video else: user_occurance = 0 video_already_present = False url = result['webpage_url'] title = result['title'] user = name = id = for item in self.playlist: if item['user'] == user: user_occurance += 1 if item['title'] == title: video_already_present = True if user_occurance > self.max_song_requests and ( admin == False): await self.client.send_message(, ":notes: You currently have " + str(self.max_song_requests + 1) + " songs in the playlist. Please try again later." ) elif video_already_present: await self.client.send_message(, ":notes: A song with the title `" + title + "` is already in this playlist.") else: if '`' in title: title = title.replace('`', '\'') # Add info to playlist self.playlist.append({ 'url': url, 'title': title, 'user': user, 'name': name, 'id': id }) print(title + ' Added to queue') # Tell user the song has been queued msg = 'Added to queue: `' + title + '`' await self.client.send_message(, msg.format(message)) # Soundcloud Section elif type == 's': # Set youtube_dl to use max_playlist_length to set the end of a set ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL( {'playlistend': self.max_playlist_length}) # Get SC song info cont = True try: result = ytdl.extract_info(url, download=False) cont = True # Invalid Link except youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError as e: cont = False if 'Unable to download JSON metadata' in str(e): print('Invalid Soundcloud link') msg = '{} : Not a valid Soundcloud song' await self.client.send_message(, msg.format(message)) if cont: # If SC set if 'entries' in result: for i in range(0, len(result['entries'])): # Get song url, title and set requester url = result['entries'][i]['webpage_url'] title = result['entries'][i]['title'] user = name = id = # Make sure the video title cannot break code box in message if '`' in title: title = title.replace('`', '\'') # Add info to playlist self.playlist.append({ 'url': url, 'title': title, 'user': user, 'name': name, 'id': id }) print(title + ' Added to queue') # Tell the user how many songs have been queued msg = 'Queued: `' + str(len( result['entries'])) + ' songs`' await self.clientlient.send_message(, msg.format(message)) # Else it is a single song else: # Get song url, title and set requester url = result['webpage_url'] title = result['title'] user = name = id = # Make sure the video title cannot break code box in message if '`' in title: title = title.replace('`', '\'') # Add info to playlist self.playlist.append({ 'url': url, 'title': title, 'user': user, 'name': name, 'id': id }) print(title + ' Added to queue') # Tell the user the song has been queued msg = 'Queued: `' + title + '`' await self.client.send_message(, msg.format(message)) # Soundcloud Section elif type == 'b': ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL( {'playlistend': self.max_playlist_length}) try: result = ytdl.extract_info(url, download=False) cont = True except youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError as e: cont = False if 'Unable to download JSON metadata' in str(e): print('Invalid Bandcamp link') msg = '{} : Not a valid Bandcamp song' await self.client.send_message(, msg.format(message)) if cont == True: url = result['webpage_url'] title = result['title'] user = name = id = if '`' in title: title = title.replace('`', '\'') self.playlist.append({ 'url': url, 'title': title, 'user': user, 'name': name, 'id': id }) print(title + ' Added to queue') msg = 'Queued: `' + title + '`' await self.client.send_message(, msg.format(message))
def main(): url_video = '' with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[url_video])
try: config = json.load(open(me + "/config.json")) except Exception as error: print("config.json failed to load\n\n" + str(error)) while True: time.sleep(1) api_key = config["youtube_data_api_key"] channel_id = str(input("Please input the *channel id* here > ")) ydl = None try: if config["directory"] == "default": ydl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL( {'outtmpl': me + '/videos/' + config["video_format"]}) else: ydl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL( {'outtmpl': config["directory"] + config["video_format"]}) except Exception as error: print("There was an error loading config directory\n\n" + str(error)) while True: time.sleep(1) # Yoinked from StackOverflow # def get_all_video_in_channel(channel_id):
def play(video_uri): ydl_opts = {} with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[video_uri])
def dl(self): with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(self.ydl_opts) as ydl:[self.url])
s3 = boto3.resource('s3') transcribe = boto3.client('transcribe') current_dir = os.getcwd() video = "" extension = '\\video_temp\\%(title)s.%(ext)s' ydl_opts = {'outtmpl': current_dir + extension, 'forcefilename': True, } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[video]) info = ydl.extract_info(video, download=False) extension = os.getcwd() + '\\video_temp\\{}.{}'.format(info['title'], 'mp4') print("Uploading") aws_title = info['title'].replace(" ","-") s3.meta.client.upload_file(extension, 'amp-video-storage', aws_title + ".mp4") objects = s3.meta.client.list_objects_v2(
async def inline_answer(_, inline_query: InlineQuery): results = [] i_q = inline_query.query string = i_q.lower() # All lower str_x = i_q.split(" ", 2) # trigger @username Text str_y = i_q.split(" ", 1) # trigger and Text string_split = string.split() # All lower and Split each word if == Config.OWNER_ID or in Config.SUDO_USERS: if string == "syntax": owner = [[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="Contact", url="") ]] results.append( InlineQueryResultPhoto( photo_url= "", caption="Hey I solved **𝚂𝚢𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚡's ░ Σrr♢r**", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(owner))) if str_y[0] == "ytdl": if len(str_y) == 2: link = str_y[1] x = ytdl.YoutubeDL({ 'no-playlist': True }).extract_info(link, download=False) formats = x.get('formats', [x]) ytlink_code = x.get('id', None) #uploader = x.get('uploader', None) #channel_url = x.get('channel_url', None) vid_title = x.get('title', None) #upload_date = date_formatter(str(x.get('upload_date', None))) vid_thumb = get_ytthumb(ytlink_code) buttons = ytdl_btn_generator(formats, ytlink_code) caption_text = f"**{vid_title}**" #caption_text += f"🔗 [Link]({link}) | 📅 : {upload_date}" #caption_text += f"📹 : [{uploader}]({channel_url})" results.append( InlineQueryResultPhoto( photo_url=vid_thumb, title=vid_title, description="⬇️ Click to Download", caption=caption_text, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons))) if string == "age_verification_alert": buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton( text="Yes I'm 18+", callback_data="age_verification_true"), InlineKeyboardButton( text="No I'm Not", callback_data="age_verification_false") ]] results.append( InlineQueryResultPhoto( photo_url="", caption="**ARE YOU OLD ENOUGH FOR THIS ?**", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons))) if str_y[0] == "reddit": reddit_api = "" if len(str_y) == 2: subreddit_regex = r"^([a-zA-Z]+)\.$" match =, str_y[1]) if match: subreddit_name = reddit_api += f"{subreddit_name}/30" else: return else: reddit_api += "30" cn = requests.get(reddit_api) r = cn.json() if "code" in r: bool_is_gallery = False code = r['code'] code_message = r['message'] results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( title=str(code), input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent( f"**Error Code: {code}**\n`{code_message}`"), description="Enter A Valid Subreddit Name !", thumb_url="")) else: bool_is_gallery = True for post in r['memes']: if 'url' in post: postlink = post['postLink'] subreddit = post['subreddit'] title = post['title'] media_url = post['url'] author = post['author'] upvote = post['ups'] captionx = f"<b>{title}</b>\n" captionx += f"`Posted by u/{author}`\n" captionx += f"↕️ <code>{upvote}</code>\n" thumbnail = reddit_thumb_link(post['preview']) if post['spoiler']: captionx += "⚠️ Post marked as SPOILER\n" if post['nsfw']: captionx += "🔞 Post marked Adult \n" buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton(f"Source: r/{subreddit}", url=postlink) ]] if media_url.endswith(".gif"): results.append( InlineQueryResultAnimation( animation_url=media_url, thumb_url=thumbnail, caption=captionx, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( buttons))) else: results.append( InlineQueryResultPhoto( photo_url=media_url, thumb_url=thumbnail, caption=captionx, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( buttons))) await inline_query.answer(results=results, cache_time=1, is_gallery=bool_is_gallery, switch_pm_text="Available Commands", switch_pm_parameter="inline") return if string == "rick": rick = [[ InlineKeyboardButton( text="🔍", url="") ]] results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( title="Not a Rick Roll", input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent( "Search Results"), description="Definately Not a Rick Roll", thumb_url="", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(rick))) if string == "alive": buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("🔧 SETTINGS", callback_data="settings_btn"), InlineKeyboardButton(text="⚡️ REPO", url=Config.UPSTREAM_REPO) ]] alive_info = f""" **[USERGE-X]( is Up and Running** • 🐍 Python : `v{versions.__python_version__}` • 🔥 Pyrogram : `v{versions.__pyro_version__}` • 🧬 𝑿 : `v{get_version()}` 🕔 Uptime : {userge.uptime} """ if not MEDIA_URL: await get_alive_() if MEDIA_URL: if MEDIA_TYPE == 'url_gif': results.append( InlineQueryResultAnimation( animation_url=MEDIA_URL, caption=alive_info, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons))) elif MEDIA_TYPE == 'url_image': results.append( InlineQueryResultPhoto( photo_url=MEDIA_URL, caption=alive_info, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons))) elif MEDIA_TYPE == 'tg_image': results.append( InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto( file_id=MEDIA_URL[0], file_ref=MEDIA_URL[1], caption=alive_info, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons))) else: results.append( InlineQueryResultCachedDocument( title="USERGE-X", file_id=MEDIA_URL[0], file_ref=MEDIA_URL[1], caption=alive_info, description="ALIVE", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons))) else: #default random_alive = random.choice(ALIVE_IMGS) results.append( InlineQueryResultPhoto( photo_url=random_alive, caption=alive_info, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons))) if string == "geass": results.append( InlineQueryResultAnimation( animation_url="", caption="To defeat evil, I must become a greater evil", )) if string == "gapps": buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("Open GApps", callback_data="open_gapps"), InlineKeyboardButton("Flame GApps", callback_data="flame_gapps") ], [ InlineKeyboardButton("Nik GApps", callback_data="nik_gapps") ]] results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( title="GApps", input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent( "[\u200c]( **LATEST Android 10 arm64 GApps**" ), description= "Get Latest GApps Download Links Directly from SF", thumb_url="", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons))) if len(string_split) == 2: #workaround for list index out of range if string_split[0] == "ofox": codename = string_split[1] t = TelegraphPoster(use_api=True) t.create_api_token('Userge-X') photo = "" api_host = '' try: cn = requests.get(f"{api_host}{codename}") r = cn.json() except ValueError: return s = requests.get( f"{api_host}{codename}/releases/stable/last").json() info = f"📱 **Device**: {r['fullname']}\n" info += f"👤 **Maintainer**: {r['maintainer']['name']}\n\n" recovery = f"🦊 <code>{s['file_name']}</code>\n" recovery += f"📅 {s['date']}\n" recovery += f"ℹ️ **Version:** {s['version']}\n" recovery += f"📌 **Build Type:** {s['build_type']}\n" recovery += f"🔰 **Size:** {s['size_human']}\n\n" recovery += "📍 **Changelog:**\n" recovery += f"<code>{s['changelog']}</code>\n\n" msg = info msg += recovery notes_ = s.get('notes') if notes_: notes ='READ Notes', author="", text=notes_) buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("🗒️ NOTES", url=notes['url']), InlineKeyboardButton("⬇️ DOWNLOAD", url=s['url']) ]] else: buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="⬇️ DOWNLOAD", url=s['url']) ]] results.append( InlineQueryResultPhoto( photo_url=photo, thumb_url="", title="Latest OFOX RECOVERY", description=f"For device : {codename}", caption=msg, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons))) if string == "repo": results.append(REPO_X) if str_x[0].lower() == "op" and len(str_x) > 1: txt = i_q[3:] opinion = os.path.join(PATH, "emoji_data.txt") try: view_data = json.load(open(opinion)) except: view_data = False if view_data: # Uniquely identifies an inline message new_id = {int( [{}]} view_data.update(new_id) json.dump(view_data, open(opinion, 'w')) else: d = {int( [{}]} json.dump(d, open(opinion, 'w')) buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton( "👍", callback_data=f"op_y_{}"), InlineKeyboardButton( "👎", callback_data=f"op_n_{}") ]] results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( title="Ask For Opinion", input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent(txt), description=f"Q. {txt}", thumb_url="", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons))) if string == "buttonnn": async for data in BUTTON_BASE.find(): button_data = data['msg_data'] text, buttons = pb(button_data) try: photo_url = data['photo_url'] except KeyError: photo_url = None if photo_url: results.append( InlineQueryResultPhoto(photo_url=photo_url, caption=text, reply_markup=buttons)) else: results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( title=text, input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent( text), reply_markup=buttons)) if str_y[0].lower() == "stylish": if len(str_y) == 2: results = [] input_text = str_y[1] font_names = [ 'serif', 'sans', 'sans_i', 'serif_i', 'medi_b', 'medi', 'double', 'cursive_b', 'cursive', 'bigsmall', 'reverse', 'circle', 'circle_b', 'mono', 'square_b', 'square', 'smoth', 'goth', 'wide', 'web', 'weeb', 'weeeb' ] for f_name in font_names: styled_str = await font_gen(f_name, input_text) results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( title=f_name.upper(), input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent( styled_str), description=styled_str)) await inline_query.answer( results=results, cache_time=1, switch_pm_text="Available Commands", switch_pm_parameter="inline") return if str_x[0].lower() == "secret": if len(str_x) == 3: user_name = str_x[1] msg = str_x[2] try: a = await userge.get_users(user_name) user_id = except: return secret = os.path.join(PATH, "secret.txt") try: view_data = json.load(open(secret)) except: view_data = False if view_data: # Uniquely identifies an inline message new_id = { str( { 'user_id': user_id, 'msg': msg } } view_data.update(new_id) json.dump(view_data, open(secret, 'w')) else: d = { str( { 'user_id': user_id, 'msg': msg } } json.dump(d, open(secret, 'w')) buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton( "🔐 SHOW", callback_data=f"secret_{}") ]] results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( title="Send A Secret Message", input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent( f"📩 <b>Secret Msg</b> for {user_name}. Only he/she can open it." ), description=f"Send Secret Message to: {user_name}", thumb_url="", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons))) MAIN_MENU = InlineQueryResultArticle( title="Main Menu", input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent( " 𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐄-𝐗 𝗠𝗔𝗜𝗡 𝗠𝗘𝗡𝗨 "), url="", description="Userge-X Main Menu", thumb_url="", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(main_menu_buttons())) results.append(MAIN_MENU) if len(results) != 0: await inline_query.answer(results=results, cache_time=1, switch_pm_text="Available Commands", switch_pm_parameter="inline") else: results.append(REPO_X) owner_name = (await userge.get_me()).first_name await inline_query.answer( results=results, cache_time=1, switch_pm_text=f"This bot is only for {owner_name}", switch_pm_parameter="start")
transcript_li # In[11]: len(transcript_list) # In[102]: ydl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({'outtmpl': '%(id)s%(ext)s'}) def metaData(element): if(str(element['url'])=='AaImCn4a-bI'): result ={} else: with ydl: result = ydl.extract_info( ''+str(element['url']), download=False # We just want to extract the info ) return result # In[4]:
import youtube_dl import inspect print(inspect.getdoc(youtube_dl.YoutubeDL())) """ YoutubeDL class. YoutubeDL objects are the ones responsible of downloading the actual video file and writing it to disk if the user has requested it, among some other tasks. In most cases there should be one per program. As, given a video URL, the downloader doesn't know how to extract all the needed information, task that InfoExtractors do, it has to pass the URL to one of them. For this, YoutubeDL objects have a method that allows InfoExtractors to be registered in a given order. When it is passed a URL, the YoutubeDL object handles it to the first InfoExtractor it finds that reports being able to handle it. The InfoExtractor extracts all the information about the video or videos the URL refers to, and YoutubeDL process the extracted information, possibly using a File Downloader to download the video. YoutubeDL objects accept a lot of parameters. In order not to saturate the object constructor with arguments, it receives a dictionary of options instead. These options are available through the params attribute for the InfoExtractors to use. The YoutubeDL also registers itself as the downloader in charge for the InfoExtractors that are added to it, so this is a "mutual registration". Available options:
def grabData(self): if pl_url = '' + self.search_term.replace( ' ', '+') else: # allow start page to be set by url rather than search term pl_url = self.search_term data = { 'urls': [], 'titles': [], 'thumb_urls': [], 'thumb_paths': [], 'durations': [], 'views': [], 'ratings': [], 'dates': [], 'playlist_url': pl_url, 'total_videos': 0, 'page_title': '' } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(self.meta_opts) as ydl: meta = ydl.extract_info(pl_url, download=False) for e in meta['entries']: title = e.get('title') data['urls'].append('' + e.get('url')) data['titles'].append(title) data['total_videos'] = len(data['urls']) data['page_title'] = meta['title'] data['urls'] = data['urls'][self.limit[0]:self.limit[1]] data['titles'] = data['titles'][self.limit[0]:self.limit[1]] date = time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y--%H-%M-%S") image_dir = '/tmp/qt/yt-thumbs/' + date + '/' mktmpdir(image_dir) = data thread_dict = {} for i, u in enumerate(data['urls']): idx = str(i) worker = Worker(idx, u, image_dir=image_dir) thread = QThread() thread.setObjectName('thread_' + idx) worker.moveToThread(thread) worker.sig_data.connect(self.on_individ_data_received) thread.started.connect(worker.indiv_video_data) thread.start() self.__threads.append((thread, worker)) thread_dict[idx] = thread for x in thread_dict: thread_dict[x].wait()
def _ytDownload(url, location=None, checkFunc=None, resultsList=None, maxEntries=-1): """ this is the lower level downloading func it shouldn't be used directly """ dirAtFunStart = Easy.Cwd if location is None: location = Easy.Cwd nowStr = Easy.NowLocalStr() workDir = Easy.TmpDir(dir=location, prefix='01--working--' + nowStr) Easy.Cd(workDir) urlsExtarctedToDownload = [] if resultsList is None: resultsList = [] ret = YtResult() ret.attempStartTimeStr = nowStr ret.url = url ret.workDir = workDir try: ## Check for early skip if True: ##'v=' in url: ## easiest checks are for id as parts after 'v=' ## or just as part after last slash uEnd = url.split('/')[-1] uEnd = uEnd.split('?v=')[-1] uEnd = uEnd.split('&v=')[-1] ## if we've chopped off the end via slash or v= ## then if it's a simple video, it shouldn't have '?' ## in it if checkFunc is not None and not '?' in uEnd: if not checkFunc(uEnd): #print( f'early skip: {url}' ) raise CheckerError('Early skip! check failed on id: ' + str(uEnd)) tmpUrl = url if '&' in url: urlSplit = url.split('&') loopI = len(urlSplit) - 1 while loopI >= 0: listPart = urlSplit[loopI] if loopI > 0 and urlSplit[loopI].startswith('list='): del urlSplit[loopI] loopI -= 1 tmpUrl = '&'.join(urlSplit) print(tmpUrl) ydl_opts = { #'merge_output_format':'mkv', #'extract_flat':True, 'extractaudio': True, 'noplaylist': True, #'audio_only':True, 'restrict_filenames': True, #'no_overwrites':True, #'no_post_overwrites':True, 'keepvideo': False, #'extract-audio' : True, 'quiet': False, #'noplaylist':True, #'get_filename':True, #'progress_hooks': [my_hook], #def my_hook(d): } ydl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) #pdb.set_trace() result = ydl.extract_info( tmpUrl, download=False) ## tmpUrl to ensure not a list! #pdb.set_trace() ret.resultEx = result if 'entries' in result: raise "handling of playlists/channels is disabled currently" ## old playlist handling code was here, moved to end of this file for reference else: fname = ydl.prepare_filename(result) title = result['title'] id = result['id'] acodec = result['acodec'] ext = result['acodec'] if checkFunc is not None: if not checkFunc(id): raise CheckerError('Check failed on id: ' + str(id)) else: ret.check = True ## This is a hack to prevent youtube_dl from running sys.exit oldSysExit = sys.exit def fakeExit(arg): raise FakeExitError sys.exit = fakeExit try: youtube_dl.main([ url, '--extract-audio', '--no-playlis', ]) except KeyboardInterrupt as err: oldSysExit(1) raise err except FakeExitError: 'pass' #print( 'sys.exit was prevented' ) sys.exit = oldSysExit ## if we were able to dl a file ## find name, fix name, move files files = Easy.Ls(Easy.Cwd) if not len(files): print(f'Error, unable to download url: {url}') else: dlFname = files[0] ret.dlFname = dlFname #print( f'dlFname: {dlFname}' ) fixedName ='[^\x00-\x7f]', r'', dlFname) if dlFname != fixedName: os.rename(dlFname, fixedName) ## make Easy.Rename os.rename(fixedName, os.path.join(location, fixedName)) ret.fname = fixedName ret.txtFile = os.path.join( location, fixedName) + '.alreadyDownloaded.txt' if not os.path.exists(ret.txtFile): with open(ret.txtFile, 'w') as txtFh: import json metadata = {} metadata['date_of_dl'] = Easy.NowLocalStr() metadata['title'] = title json.dump(metadata, txtFh) #txtFh.write( 'already downloaded' ) ## This gets triggered if the checkFails, ## in which case most of the above code never runs ## since it would be after the CheckerError except CheckerError as err: pass ## Really important to handle keyboard errors! For quit with Ctrl-c except KeyboardInterrupt as err: raise err ## On most other errors we just continue after printing a warning except: Easy.PrintTraceback() print('continuing anyway...') finally: ## really important we go back to original directory! Easy.Cd(dirAtFunStart) try: os.rmdir(workDir) except: ## something is really wrong in this case, so we don't continue on print(f"Couldn't delete tmp dir: {workDir}") ## regardless of whether our result has much useful data in it, we add the result resultsList.append(ret) ## return the same list we were given, but modifed, with YtResult added return resultsList
async def play(self, ctx, arg_1='/', arg_2='/', arg_3='/'): channel = music_urls = config.MUSIC_URL if not channel: await ctx.send("You are not connected to a voice channel") return voice = get(, guild=ctx.guild) if voice and voice.is_connected(): await voice.move_to(channel) else: voice = await channel.connect() await[0].disconnect() if voice and voice.is_connected(): await voice.move_to(channel) else: voice = await channel.connect() song = '' if arg_1 == '/': keys = random.sample(music_urls.keys(), len(music_urls)) song = random.choice(keys) print(song) elif arg_2 == '/': song = arg_1 elif arg_3 == '/': name = [arg_1, arg_2] song = '_'.join(name) else: name = [arg_1, arg_2, arg_3] song = '_'.join(name) song.title() for urls in music_urls: if song == urls: url = music_urls[urls] break song_there = os.path.isfile("song.wav") try: if song_there: os.remove("song.wav") print("Removed old song file") except PermissionError: print("Trying to delete song file, but it's being played") await ctx.send("ERROR: Music playing") return ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': 'wav', 'preferredquality': '192', }], } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: print("Downloading audio now\n")[url]) for file in os.listdir("./"): if file.endswith(".wav"): name = file print(f"Renamed File: {file}\n") os.rename(file, "song.wav") source = FFmpegPCMAudio('song.wav') player =
def download(URLs, proxy_url): mkdirs(os.path.expanduser('~/.DMArchive')) mkdirs(os.path.expanduser('~/.DMArchive/downloads')) ydl_opts = { 'outtmpl': os.path.expanduser('~/.DMArchive/downloads/%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s'), 'download_archive': os.path.expanduser( '~/.DMArchive/.ytdlarchive' ), ## I guess we will avoid doing this because it prevents failed uploads from being redone in our current system. Maybe when we turn it into an OOP library? 'restrictfilenames': True, 'verbose': True, ## We only care about errors not successes, anything else is pollution 'progress_with_newline': True, 'forcetitle': True, 'continuedl': True, 'retries': 9001, 'fragment_retries': 9001, 'forcejson': True, 'writeinfojson': True, 'writedescription': True, 'writethumbnail': True, 'writeannotations': True, 'writesubtitles': True, 'allsubtitles': True, 'ignoreerrors': True, ## Geo-blocked, copyrighted/private/deleted will be printed to STDOUT and channel ripping will continue uninterupted, use with verbose off 'fixup': 'warn', ## Slightly more verbosity for debugging problems 'nooverwrites': True, ## Don't touch what's already been downloaded, speeds things 'consoletitle': True, ## Download percentage in console title 'prefer_ffmpeg': True, ## ffmpeg is better than avconv, let's prefer it's use 'call_home': True, ## Warns on out of date youtube-dl script, helps debugging for youtube-dl devs 'logger': MyLogger(), 'progress_hooks': [my_hook] } if proxy_url is not None: # use proxy url as argument ydl_opts['proxy'] = proxy_url # format: We don't set a default format. Youtube-dl will choose the best option for us automatically. # Since the end of April 2015 and version 2015.04.26 youtube-dl uses -f bestvideo+bestaudio/best as default format selection (see #5447, #5456). # If ffmpeg or avconv are installed this results in downloading bestvideo and bestaudio separately and muxing them together into a single file giving the best overall quality available. # Otherwise it falls back to best and results in downloading best available quality served as a single file. # best is also needed for videos that don't come from YouTube because they don't provide the audio and video in two different files. with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: