def m_ga1(func,nvar,varmin,varmax,maxit,npop,optimization,thread_it,selection_type,x_type,gamma=0.1,mu=0.1,sigma=0.1,beta=1,pc=1): if(len(res)>0): res.clear() global q problem = structure() #here in the elifs you can add the make the func what you added above if "x^" in func: p,q=func.split("^") problem.costfunc=sphere elif func=='@rastrigin':#it's your choice what you add here like i enter func name as @rastrigin and the function called is rastrigin problem.costfunc=rastrigin elif func =="@ackley": problem.costfunc=ackley_path elif func=="@schwefel": problem.costfunc=schwefel elif func=="@griewangk": problem.costfunc=griewangk else: problem.costfunc=func_eval problem.func_expr=func problem.nvar = nvar varmin=varmin.split(',') varmax=varmax.split(',') problem.varmin = [] problem.varmax=[] for item in varmin: problem.varmin.append(float(item)) for item in varmax: problem.varmax.append(float(item)) params = structure() params.maxit = maxit#the max iterations required params.npop = npop#the initial population params.pc = pc params.gamma = gamma = mu#mutation rate params.sigma = sigma params.beta=beta params.optimization=optimization params.selection_type=selection_type params.x_type=x_type # run ga if(thread_it=="Yes"): t=threading.Thread(target=wrapper,args=(ga.run_ga,(problem,params),res)) t.start() while(len(res)==0): pass t.join() print(res) result = res[0] else: result=ga.run_ga(problem,params) std=np.std([x['cost'] for x in result.pop]) print(f"execution time is {fin_time-in_it}") print(f"following are the last offsprings {result.bestsol['position']}") print(f"the cost is {result.bestsol['cost']}") return result,std,result.bestsol['position']
def singlePointCrossover(parentOne, parentTwo, nVar): singlePoint = nVar // 2 childOne = structure( list(parentOne.items())[:singlePoint] + list(parentTwo.items())[singlePoint:nVar]) childTwo = structure( list(parentOne.items())[singlePoint:nVar] + list(parentTwo.items())[:singlePoint]) return childOne, childTwo
def run(problem, params): # Problem information costfun = problem.costfun nvar = problem.nvar varmin = problem.varmin varmax = problem.varmax # Parameters maxit = params.maxit npop = params.npop pc = params.pc nc = np.round(pc * npop / 2) * 2 gama = params.gama # Empty Individual Template empty_individual = structure() empty_individual.position = None empty_individual.cost = None bestol = empty_individual.deepcopy() bestol.cost = np.inf # Initialise population pop = empty_individual.repeat(npop) for i in range(0, npop): pop[i].position = np.random.uniform(varmin, varmax, nvar) pop[i].cost = costfun(pop[i].position) if pop[i].cost < bestol.cost: bestol = pop[i].deepcopy() # Best cost of interations bestcost = np.empty(maxit) # Main loop for it in range(maxit): popc = [] for k in range(int(nc) // 2): # Select parents q = np.random.permutation(npop) p1 = pop[q[0]] p2 = pop[q[1]] # Perform crosssover c1, c2 = crosssover(p1, p2, gama) # Output out = structure() out.pop = pop return out
def load(self, path: str = "./kriging_model.npy"): if path[-4:] != ".npy": path += ".npy" model = np.load(path, allow_pickle=True)[()] optim_dict = model["optim"] optim = structure( var_min=optim_dict["var_min"], var_max=optim_dict["var_max"], num_iter=optim_dict["num_iter"], num_pop=optim_dict["num_pop"], mu=optim_dict["mu"], sigma=optim_dict["sigma"], child_factor=optim_dict["child_factor"], gamma=optim_dict["gamma"], ) self.parameters = model["parameters"] self.X = model["X"] self.n_feat = model["n_feat"] self.Psi = model["Psi"] self.y = model["y"] self.optim = optim print("Loaded parameters from saved model :\n {}".format(path))
def create_initial_population(cities, config): initial_population = structure() initial_population.cost = 0 initial_population.chromosome = list(range(0, 9)) initial_population = initial_population.repeat(config.population_size) min_cost = structure() min_cost.cost = float('inf') for i in range(config.population_size): random.shuffle(initial_population[i].chromosome) initial_population[i].chromosome.insert(0, 9) initial_population[i].chromosome.insert(10, 9) initial_population[i].cost = calc_fitness( cities, initial_population[i].chromosome) if initial_population[i].cost < min_cost.cost: min_cost = initial_population[i] return initial_population, min_cost
def main_run(generations): #problem defination problem = structure() problem.cost_func = cost_func problem.varmin = [-12, -6] problem.varmax = [12, 6] problem.var = 2 #GA paramters param = structure() param.npop = 1000 param.niter = generations #generations #Run GA #empty induvidual empty_induvidual = structure() empty_induvidual.cost = None empty_induvidual.value = None #best value best_value = structure() best_value.cost = 0 best_value.value = None pop_gen = empty_induvidual.repeat(param.npop) pop_gen1 = empty_induvidual.repeat(param.npop) pop_gen2 = empty_induvidual.repeat(param.npop) for i in range(param.npop): pop_gen[i].value = np.random.uniform(problem.varmin, problem.varmax, 2) pop_gen[i].cost = cost_func(pop_gen[i].value[0], pop_gen[i].value[1]) pop_gen1[i] = pop_gen[i].deepcopy() pop_gen2[i] = pop_gen[i].deepcopy() if pop_gen[i].cost > best_value.cost: best_value = pop_gen[i].deepcopy() print('first GA algorithm running----------') best_sol1, avg_list1, best_value1 = ga_first(pop_gen, best_value, problem, param) print('secound GA algorithm running----------') best_sol2, avg_list2, best_value2 = ga_sec(pop_gen1, best_value, problem, param) print('third GA algorithm running----------') best_sol3, avg_list3, best_value3 = ga_third(pop_gen2, best_value, problem, param) #best_value1=ga_sec(problem,params) return best_sol1, best_sol2, best_sol3, avg_list1, avg_list2, avg_list3, best_value1, best_value2, best_value3
def ga(ofun, optim: object, verbose: bool = True): optim = set_optim_defaults(optim) object_template = structure() object_template.variables = None object_template.cost = None best_individual = object_template.deepcopy() best_individual.cost = np.inf population = object_template.repeat(optim.num_pop) for individual in population: individual.variables = generate_random_variables(optim.var_min, optim.var_max) individual.cost = ofun(individual.variables)[0] if individual.cost < best_individual.cost: best_individual = individual.deepcopy() for iter in range(optim.num_iter): child_pop = [] for _ in range(int(np.round(optim.child_factor * optim.num_pop / 2) * 2)): perm = np.random.permutation(optim.num_pop) child_1, child_2 = crossover( population[perm[0]], population[perm[1]], optim.gamma ) child_1 = mutate(child_1,, optim.sigma) child_2 = mutate(child_2,, optim.sigma) child_1 = check_bounds(child_1, optim.var_min, optim.var_max) child_2 = check_bounds(child_2, optim.var_min, optim.var_max) child_1.cost = ofun(child_1.variables)[0] child_2.cost = ofun(child_2.variables)[0] if child_1.cost < best_individual.cost: best_individual = child_1.deepcopy() if child_2.cost < best_individual.cost: best_individual = child_2.deepcopy() child_pop += [child_1, child_2] population += child_pop population = sorted(population, key=lambda x: x.cost) population = population[: optim.num_pop] print(" >> Iter {} : cost = {} ".format(iter, best_individual.cost)) print(" >> Params : {} \n".format(best_individual.variables)) return best_individual.variables
def init_children(self, gene_list, params): num_turtles = params.npop turt_params = structure() turt_params.tilesize = self.tilesize turt_params.start = self.start for gene in gene_list: turt_params.gene = gene turt_params.path = gu.card_to_coords(self.start, gene) t_obj = turtle(turt_params) self.turtle_list.append(t_obj)
def init_turtles(self, params): num_turtles = params.npop turt_params = structure() turt_params.tilesize = self.tilesize turt_params.start = self.start for n in range(num_turtles): turt_params.path = self.create_random_path() turt_params.gene = gu.coords_to_cardinal(turt_params.path) t_obj = turtle(turt_params) self.turtle_list.append(t_obj)
def genChromosome(Ngen): """ generate a chromosome with N number of genes: -------------------------------------------- Ngen: int, number of genes in a chromosome -------------------------------------------- return: structure """ chromosome = structure() for i in range(Ngen): for y in range(Ngen): chromosome[f'{i},{y}'] = np.random.uniform(-1, 1) return chromosome
def crossover(cities, parent1, parent2, config): probability = np.random.randint(0, 100) offspring = structure() if probability < 50: chromosome = crossover_one_cut(parent1, parent2) else: chromosome = crossover_two_cut(parent1, parent2) chromosome = mutation(chromosome, config.mutation_probability) offspring.cost = calc_fitness(cities, chromosome) offspring.chromosome = chromosome return offspring
def filter_out_turtles(self): res_list = [] for turtle in self.turtle_list: pos = (turtle.rect.centerx, turtle.rect.centery) if turtle.stopped: # Get a red X redx = structure() = self.REDX redx.rect = self.redx_list.append(redx) # Calculate the cost of the turtle turtle.cost = self.calc_cost(turtle) # Add to retired turtles list self.retired_turtles.append(turtle) elif check = structure() = self.CHECK check.rect = self.check_list.append(check) turtle.cost = self.calc_cost(turtle) self.retired_turtles.append(turtle) else: res_list.append(turtle) self.turtle_list = res_list
def initialize(): cities = structure() = [ "SP", "BA", "RJ", "Lima", "Bog.", "Sant.", "Carac.", "BH", "PoA", "BsB" ] cities.distances = [[0, 17, 3, 35, 43, 26, 44, 5, 8, 9], [17, 0, 20, 31, 47, 11, 51, 22, 8, 23], [3, 20, 0, 38, 45, 29, 45, 3, 11, 9], [35, 31, 38, 0, 19, 25, 27, 36, 33, 32], [43, 47, 45, 19, 0, 43, 10, 43, 46, 37], [26, 11, 29, 25, 43, 0, 49, 30, 19, 30], [44, 51, 45, 27, 10, 49, 0, 42, 48, 35], [5, 22, 3, 36, 43, 30, 42, 0, 13, 6], [8, 8, 11, 33, 46, 19, 48, 13, 0, 16], [9, 23, 9, 32, 37, 30, 35, 6, 16, 0]] return cities
def sort_select(pop, popc): npop = len(pop) pop += popc pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda x: x.cost) pop = pop[0:npop] costs = [] for turtle in pop: costs.append(turtle.cost) best_cost = min(costs) avg_cost = np.mean(costs) out = structure() out.pop = pop out.avg_cost = avg_cost out.best_cost = best_cost return out
def spawn_car(self): top = random.randrange( 2) # Random chance that car starts at bottom or top spawnpoint = (None, None) car = structure() = gu.load_tilesz(self.car_picture, self.tilesize) if top == 1: spawnpoint = (self.car_spawn_top, 0) car.direction = 1 = pygame.transform.rotozoom(, 90, 1) else: spawnpoint = (self.car_spawn_bot, self.height * self.tilesize) car.direction = -1 = pygame.transform.rotozoom(, -90, 1) car.rect = self.car_list.append(car)
def run(problem, params): #Problem definition costfunc = problem.costfunc nvar = problem.nvar varmin = problem.varmin varmax = problem.varmax # Parameters maxit = params.maxit accep = params.accep npop = params.npop pc = params.pc nc = int(np.round(pc * npop / 2) * 2) gamma = params.gamma mu = sigma = params.sigma beta = params.beta # Empty Individual Template empty_individual = structure() empty_individual.position = None empty_individual.cost = None # BestSolution Ever Found bestsol = empty_individual.deepcopy() bestsol.cost = np.inf # Initialize Population pop = empty_individual.repeat(npop) for i in range(0, npop): pop[i].position = np.random.uniform(varmin, varmax, nvar) pop[i].cost = costfunc(pop[i].position) if pop[i].cost < bestsol.cost: bestsol = pop[i].deepcopy() # Best Cost of Interactions bestcost = [] it = 0 # Main Loop while bestsol.cost > accep and maxit > it: #for it in range(maxit): costs = np.array([x.cost for x in pop]) avg_cost = np.mean(costs) if avg_cost != 0: costs = costs / avg_cost probs = np.exp(-beta * costs) popc = [] for _ in range(nc // 2): # nc = number of children # select parents RANDOM SELECTION #q = np.random.permutation(npop) #p1 = pop[q[0]] #p2 = pop[q[1]] # Perform Roulette Wheel Selection p1 = pop[roulette_wheel_selection(probs)] p2 = pop[roulette_wheel_selection(probs)] # Perform Crossover c1, c2 = crossover(p1, p2, gamma) # Perform Mutation c1 = mutate(c1, mu, sigma) c2 = mutate(c2, mu, sigma) # Check limits apply_bound(c1, varmin, varmax) apply_bound(c2, varmin, varmax) # Evaluate First Offspring c1.cost = costfunc(c1.position) if c1.cost < bestsol.cost: bestsol = c1.deepcopy() # Evaluate Second Offspring c2.cost = costfunc(c2.position) if c2.cost < bestsol.cost: bestsol = c2.deepcopy() # Add Offsprings to population popc.append(c1) popc.append(c2) # Merge, sort and select pop = pop + popc pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda x: x.cost) pop = pop[0:npop] # Store best cost bestcost.append(bestsol.cost) # Show info each int print("Interation {}: best output/cost = {}".format(it, bestcost[it])) it = it + 1 # Output output = structure() output.pop = pop output.bestsol = bestsol output.bestcost = bestcost = it return output
# xs = np.array([[1.5, 1.7, 2, 3, 3.5, 5]]).T xs = np.linspace(1.5, 5, 15)[:, None] ys = ofun(xs) # Scale xs : xs = (xs - x.min()) / (x.max() - x.min()) x = (x - x.min()) / (x.max() - x.min()) varmin = np.array([1, 1]) varmax = np.array([3, 2]) n_feat = 1 numiter = 10 numpop = 10 mu = 0.1 sigma = 0.1 child_factor = 10 gamma = 0.1 optim = structure(n_feat=n_feat, var_min=varmin, var_max=varmax, num_iter=numiter, num_pop=numpop, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, child_factor=2, gamma=gamma) krigger = surmod.rbf.Kriging(optim=optim, verbose=True), ys.ravel())
[3, 20, 0, 38, 45, 29, 45, 3, 11, 9], [35, 31, 38, 0, 19, 25, 27, 36, 33, 32], [43, 47, 45, 19, 0, 43, 10, 43, 46, 37], [26, 11, 29, 25, 43, 0, 49, 30, 19, 30], [44, 51, 45, 27, 10, 49, 0, 42, 48, 35], [5, 22, 3, 36, 43, 30, 42, 0, 13, 6], [8, 8, 11, 33, 46, 19, 48, 13, 0, 16], [9, 23, 9, 32, 37, 30, 35, 6, 16, 0]] return cities # Iniicializa a estrutura das cidades cities = initialize() # Parametros do algoritmo config = structure() #Tamanho da populacao config.population_size = 20 # Numero de iteracoes que iram ser repetidas config.number_iterations = 1000 # Probabilidade de ocorrer uma mutacao em um dado gene dos cromossomos filhos # (0 a 100) config.mutation_probability = 3 # Numero que representa o total de ocorrencias aleatorias que ocorreram durante # a selecao de quem ira ou nao continuar na populacao # Quanto maior for o valor, mais eventos aleatorios acontecerao e em decorrencia # disso mais aleatorio sera o resultado # Quanto menor ele for definido maior sera as chances das novas populacoes serem # escolhidas na selecao dos mais fortes e propensos a continuar a reproducao config.cut_randomness = 30
def run(problem, params, verbose=False): # Problem Information func = problem.func nvar = problem.nvar varmin = problem.varmin varmax = problem.varmax # Parameters maxit = params.maxit npop = params.npop beta = params.beta pc = params.pc # Given the Population Count Increase Ratio, Calculate How Many Crossovers Will be Done In Each Iteration. # Let's also make sure it will always be an even Integer (so it will allign elegantly with the integer division # done in the crossover loop) nc = int(np.round(pc * npop / 2) * 2) gamma = params.gamma mu = sigma = params.sigma # Empty Individual Template empty_individual = structure() empty_individual.assignment = None empty_individual.reward = None # Best Solution Ever Found bestsol = empty_individual.deepcopy() bestsol.reward = -np.inf # Initialize Population pop = empty_individual.repeat(npop) for i in range(npop): pop[i].assignment = np.random.uniform(varmin, varmax, nvar) pop[i].reward = func(pop[i].assignment) # bestsol Needs to be Replaced. if pop[i].reward > bestsol.reward: bestsol = pop[i].deepcopy() # Best Costs of Iterations bestreward = np.empty(maxit) # Main Loop for it in range(maxit): rewards = np.array([x.reward for x in pop]) avg_reward = np.mean(rewards) if avg_reward != 0: rewards = rewards / avg_reward probs = np.exp(-beta * rewards) popc = [] for _ in range(nc // 2): # Perform Roulette Wheel Selection p1 = pop[__roulette_wheel_selection(probs)] p2 = pop[__roulette_wheel_selection(probs)] # Perform Crossover c1, c2 = __crossover(p1, p2, gamma) # Perform Mutation c1 = __mutate(c1, mu, sigma) c2 = __mutate(c2, mu, sigma) # Apply Bounds __apply_bound(c1, varmin, varmax) __apply_bound(c2, varmin, varmax) # Evaluate First Offspring c1.reward = func(c1.assignment) if c1.reward > bestsol.reward: bestsol = c1.deepcopy() # Evaluate Second Offspring c2.reward = func(c2.assignment) if c2.reward > bestsol.reward: bestsol = c2.deepcopy() # Add Offsprings to popc popc.append(c1) popc.append(c2) # Merge pop += popc # Sort pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda x: x.reward, reverse=True) # Select pop = pop[0:npop] # Store Best Reward bestreward[it] = bestsol.reward if verbose: # Show Iteration Information print("Iteration {}: Best Reward in Iteration = {}".format( it, bestreward[it])) # Output out = structure() out.pop = pop out.bestsol = bestsol out.bestreward = bestreward return out
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from ypstruct import structure import growingneuralgas as gng # Load Data data = np.loadtxt('data.jain.txt') # Neural Gas Parameters params = structure() params.N = 40 params.maxit = 50 params.L = 40 params.epsilon_b = 0.2 params.epsilon_n = 0.01 params.alpha = 0.5 = 0.995 params.T = 50 # Fit Neural Gas to Data print("Fitting Growing Neural Gas Network ...") net =, params) plt.figure() plt.grid() plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1], s=2) for i in range(0, params.N): for j in range(i+1, params.N): if net.C[i,j] == 1: plt.plot([net.w[i,0], net.w[j,0]], [net.w[i,1], net.w[j,1]], c='r')
def run(problem,params): temp = 0 # Problem Bilgisinin alınması costfunc = problem.costfunc nvar = problem.nvar varmin = problem.varmin varmax = problem.varmax # Parametreler maxit = params.maxit npop = params.npop pc = params.pc nc = np.round(pc*npop/2)*2 # Üretilecek olan çocuk sayısı gamma = params.gamma mu = sigma = params.sigma # Boş birey şablonu empty_individual = structure() empty_individual.hedef = None empty_individual.yenidenSiparis = None empty_individual.cost = None # En iyi birey şablonu bestsol = empty_individual.deepcopy() # Eğer deepcopy() kullanılmazsa bestsol değiştiğinde empty_ind değeri de değişir bestsol.cost = np.inf # Önceden en iyi çözümün maliyetini sonsuz bir değere eşitliyoruz # Popülasyonun (Boş bireylerden oluşan bir array) oluşturulması, bu kısım ilk iterasyon için hazırlandı, sonrasında 2,3,4.... n iterasyona kadar alttaki döngü çalışacak pop = empty_individual.repeat(npop) # önceden belirlenmiş büyüklükte bir popülasyon oluşturulması for i in range(0,npop): pop[i].yenidenSiparis = np.random.uniform(varmin, varmax, nvar) # önceden belirlenmiş sınırlar içerisinde, önceden belirlenmiş büyüklüğe göre pop[i].hedef = np.random.uniform(pop[i].yenidenSiparis[0], varmax, nvar) pop[i].cost = costfunc(pop[i].yenidenSiparis[0], pop[i].hedef[0]) #rastgele pozisyonların oluşturulması if pop[i].cost < bestsol.cost: # eğer popülasyondaki i. bireyin (kromozomun) maliyet değeri bestsol = pop[i].deepcopy() #en iyi bireyin maliyetinden küçükse en iyi değer değiştirilir # En iyi yineleme maliyeti bestcost = np.empty(maxit) # Her iterasyonun sonunda en iyi maliyeti tutan içi boş array # Ana döngü for it in range(maxit): # Bu döngü içerisinde her iterasyon için mutasyon, crossover, vb. gibi işlemler uygulanacak popc = [] # Üretilecek çocukların listesi (ilk başta boş) for k in range (int(nc//2)): # Yeni çocukların üretilmesi için for döngüsü # Ebeveynlerin seçimi q = np.random.permutation(npop) # 0'dan npop değerine kadar bütün sayıları rastgele bir sırayla içeren (her birinden 1 tane) array p1 = pop[q[0]] p2 = pop[q[1]] # Çocukların seçimi c1, c2 = crossover(p1,p2, gamma) # Rastgele oluşuturulan 2 ebeveynden crossover ile 2 çocuk üretiliyor # Mutasyon c1 = mutate(c1, mu, sigma) c2 = mutate(c2, mu, sigma) # Sınırların eklenmesi # apply_bound(c1, varmin, varmax) # apply_bound(c2, varmin, varmax) # Sonuçların değerlendirilmesi # Birinci çocuğun değerlendirilmesi c1.yenidenSiparis.sort() c1.hedef.sort() c1.cost = costfunc(c1.yenidenSiparis[0], c1.hedef[0]) if c1.cost < bestsol.cost: bestsol = c1.deepcopy() # İkinci çocuğun değerlendirilmesi c2.yenidenSiparis.sort() c2.hedef.sort() c2.cost = costfunc(c2.yenidenSiparis[0], c2.hedef[0]) if c2.cost < bestsol.cost: bestsol = c2.deepcopy() # Üretilen çocukların popülasyona dahil edilmesi popc.append(c1) popc.append(c2) # yeni popülasyonun eski popülasyona eklenmesi pop += popc # en iyi sonuçların bulunması için sıralama sorted(pop, key = lambda x: x.cost) # popülasyon büyüklüğüne kadar olan (öreneğin ilk 50) kromozomun seçilip yeni iterasyon için popülasyon haline getirilmesi pop = pop[0:npop] # En iyi maliyetin hafızaya aktarılması bestcost[it] = bestsol.cost # Iterasyon bilgisinin print edilmesi, sadece iyileştirme olduğunda ve son iterasyonun sonucunu print eder if bestsol.yenidenSiparis[0] != temp: print("{}. İterasyondaki yeniden sipariş noktası = {}, hedef = {},en iyi maliyet = {}".format(it + 1,bestsol.yenidenSiparis[0],bestsol.hedef[0],bestcost[it])) temp = bestsol.yenidenSiparis[0] if it == (maxit-1): print("\n---------------------------------------------------\n\n{} dönem uygulanan optimizasyon sonucunda bulunan minimum maliyet = {}\nYeniden Sipariş Noktası = {}\nHedef = {}".format(maxit,bestcost[it],bestsol.yenidenSiparis[0],bestsol.hedef[0]))
# Bir sonraki döneme geçiş yapılıyor kacinciDonem += 1 baslangic_stok = kalan_stok # elde_bulundurma_ortalamasi = hesapArrayi[0] # yoksatma_maliyeti_ortalamasi = hesapArrayi[1] hesapArrayi = np.sum(maliyetler, axis=0) Toplam = np.sum(hesapArrayi) # Ortalama maliyeti döndürüyoruz return Toplam / donem # Problem Tanımı problem = structure( ) # Problem değişkeni içerisinde 1den fazla veri gönderebilmek için problem.costfunc = simulasyon # Maliyet fonksiyonunun tanımlanması problem.nvar = 1 # Değişken sayısı (popülasyonun her elemanı 5 değişkene sahip bir array olacak) problem.varmin = 0 # Değişkeşerin alt sınırı problem.varmax = 150 # Değişkenin üst sınırı # GA parametreleri params = structure() params.maxit = 100 # Maksimum iterasyon sayısı params.npop = 50 # Popülasyon büyüklüğü (kromozom sayısı) params.pc = 1 # Üretilecek olan çocuk sayısının popülasyona oranı params.gamma = 0.1 = 0.1 params.sigma = 0.1 # GA çalıştır
def run(problem, params): # Problem Information costfunc = problem.costfunc nvar = problem.nvar varmin = problem.varmin varmax = problem.varmax # Parameters maxit = params.maxit npop = params.npop beta = params.beta pc = params.pc nc = int(np.round(pc*npop/2)*2) gamma = params.gamma mu = sigma = params.sigma # Empty Individual Template empty_individual = structure() empty_individual.position = None empty_individual.cost = None # Best Solution Ever Found bestsol = empty_individual.deepcopy() bestsol.cost = np.inf # Initialize Population pop = empty_individual.repeat(npop) for i in range(npop): pop[i].position = np.random.uniform(varmin, varmax, nvar) pop[i].cost = costfunc(pop[i].position) if pop[i].cost < bestsol.cost: bestsol = pop[i].deepcopy() # Best Cost of Iterations bestcost = np.empty(maxit) # Main Loop for it in range(maxit): costs = np.array([x.cost for x in pop]) avg_cost = np.mean(costs) if avg_cost != 0: costs = costs/avg_cost probs = np.exp(-beta*costs) popc = [] for _ in range(nc//2): # Select Parents #q = np.random.permutation(npop) #p1 = pop[q[0]] #p2 = pop[q[1]] # Perform Roulette Wheel Selection p1 = pop[roulette_wheel_selection(probs)] p2 = pop[roulette_wheel_selection(probs)] # Perform Crossover c1, c2 = crossover(p1, p2, gamma) # Perform Mutation c1 = mutate(c1, mu, sigma) c2 = mutate(c2, mu, sigma) # Apply Bounds apply_bound(c1, varmin, varmax) apply_bound(c2, varmin, varmax) # Evaluate First Offspring c1.cost = costfunc(c1.position) if c1.cost < bestsol.cost: bestsol = c1.deepcopy() # Evaluate Second Offspring c2.cost = costfunc(c2.position) if c2.cost < bestsol.cost: bestsol = c2.deepcopy() # Add Offsprings to popc popc.append(c1) popc.append(c2) # Merge, Sort and Select pop += popc pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda x: x.cost) pop = pop[0:npop] # Store Best Cost bestcost[it] = bestsol.cost # Show Iteration Information print("Iteration {}: Best Cost = {}".format(it, bestcost[it])) # Output out = structure() out.pop = pop out.bestsol = bestsol out.bestcost = bestcost return out
def run(problem, params): # informações do problama costfunc = problem.costfunc nvar = problem.nvar varmin = problem.varmin varmax = problem.varmax # parâmetros maxit = params.maxit npop = params.npop beta = params.beta pc = params.pc nc = int(np.round(pc * npop / 2) * 2) gamma = params.gamma mu = sigma = params.sigma # modelo individual vazio empty_individual = structure() empty_individual.position = None empty_individual.cost = None # melhor solução já encontrada bestsol = empty_individual.deepcopy() bestsol.cost = np.inf # população inicial pop = empty_individual.repeat(npop) for i in range(npop): pop[i].position = np.random.uniform(varmin, varmax, nvar) pop[i].cost = costfunc(pop[i].position) if pop[i].cost < bestsol.cost: bestsol = pop[i].deepcopy() # melhor custo de iterações bestcost = np.empty(maxit) # loop principal for it in range(maxit): costs = np.array([x.cost for x in pop]) avg_cost = np.mean(costs) if avg_cost != 0: costs = costs / avg_cost probs = np.exp(-beta * costs) popc = [] for _ in range(nc // 2): # seleção proporcional de aptidão p1 = pop[roulette_wheel_selection(probs)] p2 = pop[roulette_wheel_selection(probs)] # executar cruzamento c1, c2 = crossover(p1, p2, gamma) # executar mutação c1 = mutate(c1, mu, sigma) c2 = mutate(c2, mu, sigma) # aplicar limites apply_bound(c1, varmin, varmax) apply_bound(c2, varmin, varmax) # avaliação do primeiro descendente c1.cost = costfunc(c1.position) if c1.cost < bestsol.cost: bestsol = c1.deepcopy() # valiação do segundo descendente c2.cost = costfunc(c2.position) if c2.cost < bestsol.cost: bestsol = c2.deepcopy() # adicionar descendente ao popc popc.append(c1) popc.append(c2) # combinar, classificar e selecionar pop += popc pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda x: x.cost) pop = pop[0:npop] # melhor custo armazenado bestcost[it] = bestsol.cost # mostar as informações de iterações print("Iter {}: fun = {}".format(it, bestcost[it])) # output out = structure() out.pop = pop out.bestsol = bestsol out.bestcost = bestcost return out
def breed_turtles(problem, params): # Extracting Problem information nvar = problem.nvar varmin = problem.varmin varmax = problem.varmax turtle_list = problem.turtle_list # Extracting Parameters maxit = params.maxit npop = params.npop beta = params.beta pc = params.pc nc = int(np.round(pc * npop / 2) * 2) # a ratio times total pop, rounded to make sure it is an integer value gamma = params.gamma mu = sigma = params.sigma it = nelites = params.nelites # Best Solution found best_solution = structure() best_solution.gene = [] best_solution.cost = np.inf # This is the default value, which should be the worst case scenario pop = turtle_list # Sorting by best cost. the more positive the better pop.sort(key=lambda x: x.cost, reverse=False) elite_genes = [] for turtle in pop: if turtle.cost < best_solution.cost: best_solution.gene = turtle.gene.copy() best_solution.cost = turtle.cost elite_genes.append(turtle.gene) elite_genes = elite_genes[len(elite_genes)-nelites:] # Best cost of Iterations best_cost_over_iterations = np.empty(maxit) # array of maxit empty spots costs = np.array([turtle.cost for turtle in pop]) # List of costs for every member in population avg_cost = np.mean(costs) if avg_cost != 0: costs = costs / avg_cost children_gene_pool = [] for k in range(nc // 2): # nc is the number of children, a control variable, divided by 2 # Selecting Parents here p1_gene = pop[k].gene.copy() p2_gene = pop[k+1].gene.copy() # Perform Crossover c1, c2 = crossover(p1_gene, p2_gene, mu) # Add children to population of children children_gene_pool.append(c1) children_gene_pool.append(c2) children_gene_pool.extend(elite_genes) return children_gene_pool
def run_ga(problem, params): # problem func_expr = problem.func_expr costfunc = problem.costfunc nvar = problem.nvar varmin = problem.varmin varmax = problem.varmax # params maxit = params.maxit npop = params.npop gamma = params.gamma mu = sigma = params.sigma beta = params.beta flag = params.optimization selection_type = params.selection_type xtype = params.x_type # empty individual template empty_ind = structure() empty_ind.position = None empty_ind.cost = None # bestsolution best_sol = empty_ind.deepcopy() if (flag == "min"): best_sol.cost = np.inf else: best_sol.cost = -np.inf pc = float(params.pc) nc = int(np.round(pc * maxit / 2) * 2) # population init pop = empty_ind.repeat(npop) for i in range(0, npop): pop[i].position = np.random.uniform(varmin, varmax, nvar) pop[i].cost = costfunc(func_expr, pop[i].position) try: if (flag == "min"): if (pop[i].cost < best_sol.cost): best_sol = pop[i].deepcopy() else: if (pop[i].cost > best_sol.cost): best_sol = pop[i].deepcopy() except Exception as e: raise (e) # best cost bestcost = np.empty(maxit) if selection_type == "Tournament" or selection_type == "Elitism": if flag == "min": pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda x: x.cost) else: pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda x: x.cost, reverse=True) # main loop for it in range(maxit): popc = [] costs = np.array([x.cost for x in pop]) avg_cost = np.mean(costs) if avg_cost != 0: costs = costs / avg_cost probs = np.exp(-beta * costs) for _ in range(nc // 2): # number of childrens we want if (selection_type == "Random"): q = np.random.permutation(npop) p1 = pop[q[0]] p2 = pop[q[1]] p3 = pop[q[1]] elif (selection_type == "Tournament"): q_all = np.random.randint(0, npop) p1 = pop[0] p2 = pop[q_all] p2 = pop[np.random.randint(0, npop)] elif selection_type == "Elitism": p1 = pop[np.random.randint(0, int(npop * 0.1))] p2 = pop[np.random.randint(0, int(npop * 0.1))] p2 = pop[np.random.randint(0, int(npop * 0.1))] else: p1 = pop[roullete(probs)] p2 = pop[roullete(probs)] p3 = pop[roullete(probs)] #crossover c1, c2 = crossover(p1, p2, p3, xtype, gamma) # mutation c1 = mutate(c1, mu, sigma) c2 = mutate(c2, mu, sigma) # bounds to the positions apply_bound(c1, varmin, varmax) apply_bound(c2, varmin, varmax) c1.cost = costfunc(func_expr, c1.position) c2.cost = costfunc(func_expr, c2.position) if flag == "min": if c1.cost < best_sol.cost: best_sol = c1.deepcopy() if c2.cost < best_sol.cost: best_sol = c2.deepcopy() else: if c1.cost > best_sol.cost: best_sol = c1.deepcopy() if c2.cost > best_sol.cost: best_sol = c2.deepcopy() popc.append(c1) popc.append(c2) pop += popc if flag == "min": pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda x: x.cost) else: pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda x: x.cost, reverse=True) pop = pop[0:maxit] bestcost[it] = best_sol.cost out = structure() out.pop = pop out.bestsol = best_sol out.bestcost = bestcost out_file = open("Results/math/res.txt", "wt") out_file.write(f"best soln {best_sol} ,best cost = {bestcost}") out_file.close() return out
def run(problem, params): """ :param problem: estructura con datos del proble a optimizar :param params: parametros para la optimizacion :return: optimizacion por algoritmo genetico en formato diciconario y guarda en formato pkl codigo basado en el siguiente recurso: Debugging -------- problem = problem params = params """ # informar que se inicia la optimización print('------------------------') print('Optimizacion del ratio de sharpe') print('------------------------') # Problem Information costfunc = problem.costfunc hist = investment = problem.init_invest backtest = problem.backtest nvar = problem.nvar varmin = problem.varmin varmax = problem.varmax # Parameters maxit = params.maxit # Iterations npop = params.npop # Population size beta = params.beta # pc = params.pc # proportion of children nc = int(np.round(pc * npop / 2) * 2) # Number of children as even number gamma = params.gamma # Exploration space mu = # Mutarion chance sigma = params.sigma # Step size # Empty Individual Template empty_individual = structure() empty_individual.position = None empty_individual.cost = None # Best Solution Ever Found bestsol = empty_individual.deepcopy() bestsol.cost = np.NINF # Initialize Population pop = empty_individual.repeat(npop) for i in range(npop): pop[i].position = np.random.randint(varmin, varmax, nvar) df_backtest = backtest(pop[i].position, hist, investment) pop[i].cost = costfunc(df_backtest) if pop[i].cost > bestsol.cost: bestsol = pop[i].deepcopy() # Best Cost of Iterations bestcost = np.empty(maxit) # Main Loop for it in range(maxit): ini = time.time() costs = np.array([x.cost for x in pop]) avg_cost = np.mean(costs) if avg_cost != 0: costs = costs / avg_cost probs = np.exp(-beta * costs) popc = [] for _ in range(nc // 2): # Select Parents # q = np.random.permutation(npop) # p1 = pop[q[0]] # p2 = pop[q[1]] # Perform Roulette Wheel Selection p1 = pop[roulette_wheel_selection(probs)] p2 = pop[roulette_wheel_selection(probs)] # Perform Crossover c1, c2 = crossover(p1, p2, gamma) # Perform Mutation c1 = mutate(c1, mu, sigma) c2 = mutate(c2, mu, sigma) # Apply Bounds apply_bound(c1, varmin, varmax) apply_bound(c2, varmin, varmax) # Evaluate First Offspring c1.cost = costfunc(backtest(c1.position, hist, investment)) if c1.cost > bestsol.cost: bestsol = c1.deepcopy() # Evaluate Second Offspring c2.cost = costfunc(backtest(c2.position, hist, investment)) if c2.cost > bestsol.cost: bestsol = c2.deepcopy() # Add Offsprings to popc popc.append(c1) popc.append(c2) # Merge, Sort and Select pop += popc pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda x: x.cost, reverse=True) pop = pop[0:npop] # Store Best Cost bestcost[it] = bestsol.cost # Show Iteration Information fin = time.time() print("Iteration {}: Best Sharpe = {}\n" " -Time: {:.2f} minutos".format(it, bestcost[it], (fin - ini) / 60)) if it % 100 == 0 and it != 0: out = structure() out.pop = pop out.bestsol = bestsol out.bestcost = bestcost f_struct2dict(out, True) # Output out = structure() out.pop = pop out.bestsol = bestsol out.bestcost = bestcost modelo = f_struct2dict(out, True) return modelo
class game: pygame.init() """ DEFINE TILES """ tilesize = 60 W = 0 # WATER G = 1 # GRASS R = 2 # ROAD F = 3 # FOREST M = 4 # MUD X = 5 # CLIFF/FENCE - IMPASSABLE AREA # Defining tiles that should autopopulate in the map Tiles = (G, F, M) """DEFINE TILE COLORS/TEXTURES""" img_path = "assets/" WATER = gu.image_to_tile(img_path + "water.png", tilesize) GRASS = gu.image_to_tile(img_path + "grass.png", tilesize) ROAD = gu.image_to_tile(img_path + "road.png", tilesize) FOREST = gu.image_to_tile(img_path + "forest.png", tilesize) MUD = gu.image_to_tile(img_path + "mud.png", tilesize) IMPASSE = gu.image_to_tile(img_path + "cliff.png", tilesize) """ OTHER TEXTURES AND THINGS """ REDX = None """LINK TILES AND TEXTURES/COLORS""" TileTexture = {W: WATER, G: GRASS, R: ROAD, F: FOREST, M: MUD, X: IMPASSE} """DEFINE MAP""" # map1 = np.array([[F, G, F, G, G, G, G, G, R, R, G, G, G, G, G, G, W], # [G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, R, R, G, G, G, G, G, G, W], # [G, G, F, G, G, G, G, G, R, R, G, G, G, G, G, G, W], # [G, G, F, M, M, G, G, G, R, R, G, G, X, G, G, G, W], # [G, G, F, M, M, G, G, G, R, R, G, G, G, G, G, G, W], # [G, G, F, M, M, G, G, G, R, R, G, G, G, G, G, G, W], # [G, M, F, G, G, X, G, G, R, R, G, G, X, G, G, G, W], # [G, G, F, G, G, X, G, G, R, R, G, G, G, G, G, G, W], # [G, G, F, M, G, G, G, G, R, R, G, G, G, G, G, G, W], # [G, G, F, M, G, G, G, G, R, R, G, G, F, F, G, G, W], # [G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, R, R, G, G, G, G, G, G, W], # [G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, R, R, G, G, G, G, G, G, W]]) map1 = np.array([ random.choices(Tiles, k=17), random.choices(Tiles, k=17), random.choices(Tiles, k=17), random.choices(Tiles, k=17), random.choices(Tiles, k=17), random.choices(Tiles, k=17), random.choices(Tiles, k=17), random.choices(Tiles, k=17), random.choices(Tiles, k=17), random.choices(Tiles, k=17), random.choices(Tiles, k=17), random.choices(Tiles, k=17) ]) # Creating the road and left water edge in the randomized map for i in range(12): map1[i, 8] = R map1[i, 9] = R map1[i, 16] = W """ DEFINE TILE SPEEDS """ # Will multiply the movement by these numbers TileSpeed = {W: 4, G: 3, R: 3, F: 1, M: 2, X: 1} """ GAME VARIABLES """ # Map width = len(map1[0]) height = len(map1) # print("MAP1 is {} long and {} high".format(width, height)) start = (tilesize // 2, (height * tilesize) // 2 - tilesize // 2) end = (width * tilesize, (height * tilesize) // 2) game_active = True wall_list = [] redx_list = [] check_list = [] water_list = [] # Car road_edge_left = 8 road_edge_right = 10 car_spawn_top = road_edge_left * tilesize + (tilesize // 2) car_spawn_bot = road_edge_right * tilesize - (tilesize // 2) car_speed = 5 car_picture = img_path + "car3.png" # print("THESE", road_edge_left, road_edge_right) # Bridge bridge_params = structure() = height - 1 = 0 bridge_params.left = 8 bridge_params.tilesize = tilesize brg = bridge(bridge_params) """ GAME OBJECTS """ turtle_list = [] retired_turtles = [] # Put turtles here once they are dead or stuck car_list = [] clock = pygame.time.Clock() """ EVENTS """ SPAWNCAR = pygame.USEREVENT pygame.time.set_timer( SPAWNCAR, 2000) # Will probably make this a lot slower in the actual game """ HELPER FUNCTIONS """ def init_turtles(self, params): num_turtles = params.npop turt_params = structure() turt_params.tilesize = self.tilesize turt_params.start = self.start for n in range(num_turtles): turt_params.path = self.create_random_path() turt_params.gene = gu.coords_to_cardinal(turt_params.path) t_obj = turtle(turt_params) self.turtle_list.append(t_obj) def init_children(self, gene_list, params): num_turtles = params.npop turt_params = structure() turt_params.tilesize = self.tilesize turt_params.start = self.start for gene in gene_list: turt_params.gene = gene turt_params.path = gu.card_to_coords(self.start, gene) t_obj = turtle(turt_params) self.turtle_list.append(t_obj) def calc_cost(self, turtle): cost = 1000 # for coord in positioning: # if coord[0] > x_pos_old: # reward += 10 # elif coord[0] == x_pos_old: # reward += 2 # elif coord[0] < x_pos_old: # reward -= 5 # x_pos_old = coord[0] # Simpler to do it this way? With pixels instead of tiles cost -= 0.5 * turtle.rect.centerx cost += 0.3 * turtle.effort if turtle.bridge: cost -= 300 if turtle.dead: cost += 600 if turtle.stopped: cost += 200 if cost -= 1000 return cost # Assumes a road of width 2 that vertically bisects the map in a straight line def spawn_car(self): top = random.randrange( 2) # Random chance that car starts at bottom or top spawnpoint = (None, None) car = structure() = gu.load_tilesz(self.car_picture, self.tilesize) if top == 1: spawnpoint = (self.car_spawn_top, 0) car.direction = 1 = pygame.transform.rotozoom(, 90, 1) else: spawnpoint = (self.car_spawn_bot, self.height * self.tilesize) car.direction = -1 = pygame.transform.rotozoom(, -90, 1) car.rect = self.car_list.append(car) def move_cars(self): for car in self.car_list: # Check if car is out of map if car.direction == -1 and car.rect.centery < 0: self.car_list.remove(car) continue elif car.direction == 1 and car.rect.centery > (self.height * self.tilesize): self.car_list.remove(car) continue car.rect.centery += self.car_speed * car.direction self.screen.blit(, car.rect) def get_tile_speed(self, turtle): pos = (turtle.rect.centerx, turtle.rect.centery) x, y = self.which_tile(pos) y = self.height - y if x > self.width or y > self.height: turtle.stop() return 0 tile_type = self.map1[y - 1, x - 1] # print("On tile {} {} which is a tile of type {}".format(x,y,tile_type)) return self.TileSpeed[tile_type] def create_random_path(self): tile_size = self.tilesize lower_bound = 0 - 1 # Remember this is the top of the screen in pygame high_bound = self.height + 1 # And this is the bottom left_bound = 0 - 1 right_bound = self.width + 1 game_map = self.map1 start = self.which_tile(self.start) end = self.which_tile(self.end) tile_wise_path = [] def is_end_path(pos): return pos[0] < left_bound or pos[0] > right_bound \ or pos[1] < lower_bound or pos[1] > high_bound \ or pos == end def remove_tile(tile, choices): for i in range(len(choices)): if tile[0] == choices[i][0] and tile[1] == choices[i][1]: return np.delete(choices, i, 0) return choices # Create a tile-by-tile path current_tile = start prev_tile = current_tile while True: x, y = current_tile choices = np.array([[x + 1, y], [x - 1, y], [x, y + 1], [x, y - 1], [x + 1, y + 1], [x + 1, y - 1], [x - 1, y + 1], [x - 1, y - 1]]) # Make sure to not travel back to previous tile choices = remove_tile(prev_tile, choices) # Randomly choose the next tile next_ind = random.randrange(len(choices)) prev_tile = current_tile tile_wise_path.append(prev_tile) if is_end_path(prev_tile): break current_tile = (choices[next_ind][0], choices[next_ind][1]) #print("\nCHOSE THIS PATH: ", tile_wise_path) return tile_wise_path def which_tile(self, pos): x = pos[0] y = pos[1] x_ind = x // self.tilesize y_ind = (self.height - 1) - (y // self.tilesize) return (x_ind, y_ind) def move_turtles(self): for turtle in self.turtle_list: path_ind = turtle.iteration tilesize = self.tilesize posx = turtle.rect.centerx # Pixel posy = turtle.rect.centery current_tile = self.which_tile((posx, posy)) # Check if turtle has reached goal if path_ind >= len(turtle.path) - 1: self.screen.blit(, turtle.rect) continue if turtle.path[path_ind] == current_tile: path_ind += 1 turtle.iteration = path_ind elif turtle.path[path_ind] == current_tile and path_ind >= len( turtle.path): turtle.stop() continue # print("\nGoing to ", turtle.path[path_ind]) diffx = turtle.path[path_ind][0] - current_tile[0] diffy = turtle.path[path_ind][1] - current_tile[1] movex = 1 movey = 1 if not diffy: movey = 0 if diffy > 0: movey *= -1 if not diffx: movex = 0 elif diffx < 0: movex *= -1 speed = self.get_tile_speed(turtle) turtle.rect.centerx += speed * movex turtle.rect.centery += speed * movey turtle.animate(movex, movey) # print("\nMoved to ", which_tile((turtle.rect.centerx,turtle.rect.centery),game)) turtle.effort += 1 self.screen.blit(, turtle.rect) def pop_special_tiles_lists(self): for row in range(self.height): for col in range(self.width): if self.map1[row][col] == self.X: surface = self.TileTexture[self.map1[row][col]] rect = surface.get_rect(topleft=(col * self.tilesize, row * self.tilesize)) self.wall_list.append(rect) elif self.map1[row][col] == self.W: surface = self.TileTexture[self.map1[row][col]] rect = surface.get_rect(topleft=(col * self.tilesize, row * self.tilesize)) self.water_list.append(rect) # Call this function when a turtle dies or is stopped. # This does several things # Puts the stopped turtles in a retired list # Adds a red x to represent each turtle. def filter_out_turtles(self): res_list = [] for turtle in self.turtle_list: pos = (turtle.rect.centerx, turtle.rect.centery) if turtle.stopped: # Get a red X redx = structure() = self.REDX redx.rect = self.redx_list.append(redx) # Calculate the cost of the turtle turtle.cost = self.calc_cost(turtle) # Add to retired turtles list self.retired_turtles.append(turtle) elif check = structure() = self.CHECK check.rect = self.check_list.append(check) turtle.cost = self.calc_cost(turtle) self.retired_turtles.append(turtle) else: res_list.append(turtle) self.turtle_list = res_list def display_markers(self): for x in self.redx_list: self.screen.blit(, x.rect) for x in self.check_list: self.screen.blit(, x.rect) def in_map(self, turtle): high = self.height * self.tilesize right = self.width * self.tilesize low = 0 left = 0 posx = turtle.rect.centerx posy = turtle.rect.centery if posx > right or posx < left: return False elif posy > high or posy < low: return False else: return True def check_collision(self): # Check for wall and car collisions for turtle in self.turtle_list: if not self.in_map(turtle): turtle.stop() for wall in self.wall_list: if turtle.rect.colliderect(wall): # print("HIT WALL") turtle.stop() for water in self.water_list: if turtle.rect.colliderect(water): for car in self.car_list: if turtle.rect.colliderect(car): if turtle.rect.colliderect(self.brg.rect): turtle.bridge = True continue # print("HIT CAR") turtle.kill() def display_bridge(self): self.screen.blit(, self.brg.rect) """MAIN GAME FUNCTIONS""" def init_game(self): pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (self.width * self.tilesize, self.height * self.tilesize)) self.REDX = gu.load_half_tilesz(self.img_path + "redx.png", self.tilesize) self.CHECK = gu.load_half_tilesz(self.img_path + "check.png", self.tilesize) self.pop_special_tiles_lists() self.brg.load_pic(self.img_path + "bridge.jpeg", self.tilesize) def set_turtle_list(self, turtles): self.turtle_list = turtles def reset_turtles(self): for turtle in self.turtle_list: turtle.reset() = self.start def run_game(self): def display_map(): """ DRAW MAP TO SCREEN """ for row in range(self.height): for col in range(self.width): surface = self.TileTexture[self.map1[row][col]] rect = surface.get_rect(topleft=(col * self.tilesize, row * self.tilesize)) self.screen.blit(surface, rect) """ MAIN LOOP """ while True: if not self.turtle_list: # This ends the round return for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == self.SPAWNCAR: self.spawn_car() display_map() if self.turtle_list: self.move_turtles() if self.car_list: self.move_cars() self.check_collision() self.filter_out_turtles() if self.redx_list: self.display_markers() self.display_bridge() pygame.display.update() self.clock.tick(120) def reset(self): self.redx_list.clear() self.car_list.clear() self.check_list.clear() for turtle in self.turtle_list: turtle.reset() = self.start
random_permutation = np.random.permutation(letters) #print(random_permutation) open_text = 'helloworld' cipher = encode_open_text(open_text, random_permutation) print("Endcoded text: {}".format(cipher)) decoded_text = decode_chiper(cipher, random_permutation) print("Decoded text: {}".format(decoded_text)) prob_open_text = costfunction(decoded_text, letters) # print(prob_open_text) # prob_cipher = costfunction(cipher, random_permutation) # print(prob_cipher) # print('over') #Problem problem = structure() problem.costfunction = costfunction problem.key = letters problem.encoded_text = cipher #Parameters params = structure() params.max_iterations = 10 params.npop = 100 #Precentage of population in the offspring params.pc = 1 #Probability of mutation = 0.1 #Number of positions in a crossover params.crossover_positions = 8 #Probability of selecting the individual with better fitness in tournament selection
def fit(data, params): # Data Size and Dimension ndata = data.shape[0] ndim = data.shape[1] # Shuffle Data Points np.random.shuffle(data) # Find Min. and Max. of Data Points xmin = np.amin(data, axis=0) xmax = np.amax(data, axis=0) # Parameters N = params.N maxit = params.maxit L = params.L epsilon_b = params.epsilon_b epsilon_n = params.epsilon_n alpha = params.alpha delta = T = params.T # Initialization w = np.zeros((N,ndim)) E = np.zeros(N) C = np.zeros((N,N)) t = np.zeros((N,N)) tt = 0 K = 2 for i in range(K): w[i] = np.random.uniform(xmin, xmax, (1,ndim)) # Main Loop nx = 0 for it in range(maxit): for l in range(ndata): # Get Input Vector nx += 1 x = data[l] # Calculate Distance and Sort Neurons d = np.sum((x-w[0:K])**2, axis=1) # Squared Distance sortorder = np.argsort(d) # Find 2 Best Neurons i = sortorder[0] j = sortorder[1] # Aging t[i,0:K] += 1 t[0:K,i] += 1 # Update Error E[i] += d[i] # Adaptation for k in range(K): if k == i: eps = epsilon_b else: if C[i,k] == 0: continue eps = epsilon_n w[k] += eps*(x-w[k]) # Create Link between 1st and 2nd Neurons C[i,j] = 1 C[j,i] = 1 t[i,j] = 0 t[j,i] = 0 # Remove Old Links old_links = t > T C[old_links] = 0 nNeighbor = np.sum(C,axis=0) keeporder = np.argsort(-nNeighbor).tolist() C = C[keeporder,:][:,keeporder] t = t[keeporder,:][:,keeporder] w = w[keeporder,:] E = E[keeporder] K = np.where(nNeighbor>0)[0].size # Add New Nodes if K < N and nx % L == 0: q = np.argmax(E) f = np.argmax(C[q,:]*E) w[K] = (w[q]+w[f])/2 C[K,:] = 0 C[:,K] = 0 t[K,:] = 0 t[:,K] = 0 C[q,f] = 0 C[f,q] = 0 C[q,K] = 1 C[K,q] = 1 C[f,K] = 1 C[K,f] = 1 E[q] *= alpha E[f] *= alpha E[K] = E[q] # Decrease Errors E *= delta # Display Iteration Info print("Iteration {0}".format(it)) net = structure() net.w = w net.C = C net.t = t net.E = E return net