Beispiel #1
def get_headers(params, boundary):
    """Returns a dictionary with Content-Type and Content-Length headers
    for the multipart/form-data encoding of ``params``."""
    headers = {}
    boundary = urllib.quote_plus(boundary)
    headers['Content-Type'] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=%s" % boundary
    headers['Content-Length'] = str(get_body_size(params, boundary))
    return headers
Beispiel #2
def encode_and_quote(data):
    """If ``data`` is unicode, return urllib.quote_plus(data.encode("utf-8"))
    otherwise return urllib.quote_plus(data)"""
    if data is None:
        return None

    if isinstance(data, unicode):
        data = data.encode("utf-8")
    return urllib.quote_plus(data)
Beispiel #3
def multipart_encode(params, boundary=None, cb=None):
    """Encode ``params`` as multipart/form-data.

    ``params`` should be a sequence of (name, value) pairs or MultipartParam
    objects, or a mapping of names to values.
    Values are either strings parameter values, or file-like objects to use as
    the parameter value.  The file-like objects must support .read() and either
    .fileno() or both .seek() and .tell().

    If ``boundary`` is set, then it as used as the MIME boundary.  Otherwise
    a randomly generated boundary will be used.  In either case, if the
    boundary string appears in the parameter values a ValueError will be

    If ``cb`` is set, it should be a callback which will get called as blocks
    of data are encoded.  It will be called with (param, current, total),
    indicating the current parameter being encoded, the current amount encoded,
    and the total amount to encode.

    Returns a tuple of `datagen`, `headers`, where `datagen` is a
    generator that will yield blocks of data that make up the encoded
    parameters, and `headers` is a dictionary with the associated
    Content-Type and Content-Length headers.


    >>> datagen, headers = multipart_encode( [("key", "value1"), ("key", "value2")] )
    >>> s = "".join(datagen)
    >>> assert "value2" in s and "value1" in s

    >>> p = MultipartParam("key", "value2")
    >>> datagen, headers = multipart_encode( [("key", "value1"), p] )
    >>> s = "".join(datagen)
    >>> assert "value2" in s and "value1" in s

    >>> datagen, headers = multipart_encode( {"key": "value1"} )
    >>> s = "".join(datagen)
    >>> assert "value2" not in s and "value1" in s

    if boundary is None:
        boundary = gen_boundary()
        boundary = urllib.quote_plus(boundary)

    headers = get_headers(params, boundary)
    params = MultipartParam.from_params(params)

    return multipart_yielder(params, boundary, cb), headers