Beispiel #1
    def create_path(self,
        r"""Create a interpolated camera path from keyframes.

        npoints : integer
            Number of points to interpolate from keyframes
        path_time : array_like, optional
            Times of interpolated points.  Default: Linearly spaced
        tension : float, optional
            Controls how sharp of a curve the spline takes.  A higher tension
            allows for more sharp turns.  Default: 0.5
        shortest_path : boolean, optional
            If true, estimate the shortest path between the keyframes.
            Default: False

        path : dict
            Dictionary (time, position, north_vectors, up_vectors) of camera
            path.  Also saved to self.path.
        self.npoints = npoints
        self.path = {
            "time": np.zeros(npoints),
            "position": np.zeros((npoints, 3)),
            "north_vectors": np.zeros((npoints, 3)),
            "up_vectors": np.zeros((npoints, 3)),
        if shortest_path:
        if path_time is None:
            path_time = np.linspace(0, self.nframes, npoints)
        self.path["time"] = path_time
        for dim in range(3):
            self.path["position"][:, dim] = create_spline(self.times,
                                                          self.pos[:, dim],
            if self.north_vectors is not None:
                self.path["north_vectors"][:, dim] = create_spline(
                    self.north_vectors[:, dim],
            if self.up_vectors is not None:
                self.path["up_vectors"][:, dim] = create_spline(
                    self.up_vectors[:, dim],
        return self.path
Beispiel #2
    def render_path(self, views, times, N):
        # Assume that path comes in as a list of matrice
        # Assume original vector is (0., 0., 1.), up is (0., 1., 0.)

        views = [np.array(view).transpose() for view in views]

        times = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, len(times))

        # This is wrong.
        reflect = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -1]])

        rots = np.array([R[0:3, 0:3] for R in views])

        rots = np.array([, rot) for rot in rots])

        centers = np.array(
            [, R[0:3, 3]) for R, rot in zip(views, rots)])

        ups = np.array([, R[0:3, 1]) for R, rot in zip(views, rots)])

        #print 'views'
        #for view in views: print view
        #print 'rots'
        #for rot in rots: print rot
        #print 'centers'
        #for center in centers: print center
        #print 'ups'
        #for up in ups: print up

        pos = np.empty((N, 3), dtype="float64")
        uv = np.empty((N, 3), dtype="float64")
        f = np.zeros((N, 3), dtype="float64")
        for i in range(3):
            pos[:, i] = create_spline(times, centers[:, i],
                                      np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, N))
            uv[:, i] = create_spline(times, ups[:, i],
                                     np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, N))

        path = [pos.tolist(), f.tolist(), uv.tolist()]

        ph = PayloadHandler()
        ph.widget_payload(self, {
            'ptype': 'camerapath',
            'data': path,

    def render_path(self, views, times, N):
        # Assume that path comes in as a list of matrice
        # Assume original vector is (0., 0., 1.), up is (0., 1., 0.)
        views = [np.array(view).transpose() for view in views]

        times = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,len(times))
        # This is wrong.
        reflect = np.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,-1]])

        rots = np.array([R[0:3,0:3] for R in views])

        rots = np.array([,rot) for rot in rots])

        centers = np.array([,R[0:3,3]) for R,rot in zip(views,rots)])

        ups = np.array([,R[0:3,1]) for R,rot in zip(views,rots)])

        #print 'views'
        #for view in views: print view
        #print 'rots'
        #for rot in rots: print rot
        #print 'centers'
        #for center in centers: print center
        #print 'ups'
        #for up in ups: print up

        pos = np.empty((N,3), dtype="float64")
        uv = np.empty((N,3), dtype="float64")
        f = np.zeros((N,3), dtype="float64")
        for i in range(3):
            pos[:,i] = create_spline(times, centers[:,i], np.linspace(0.0,1.0,N))
            uv[:,i] = create_spline(times, ups[:,i], np.linspace(0.0,1.0,N))
        path = [pos.tolist(), f.tolist(), uv.tolist()]
        ph = PayloadHandler()
        ph.widget_payload(self, {'ptype':'camerapath',
