Beispiel #1
class TreeNode(object):
    Class for objects stored in Arbors.

    Each TreeNode represents a halo in a tree.  A TreeNode knows
    its halo ID, the level in the tree, and its global ID in the
    Arbor that holds it.  It also has a list of its ancestors.
    Fields can be queried for it, its progenitor list, and the
    tree beneath.
    def __init__(self, uid, arbor=None, root=False):
        Initialize a TreeNode with at least its halo catalog ID and
        its level in the tree.
        self.uid = uid
        self.arbor = weakref.proxy(arbor)
        if root:
            self.root = -1
            self.treeid = 0
            self.descendent = None
            self._field_data = FieldContainer(arbor)
            self.root = None

    def is_root(self):
        return self.root in [-1, self]

    def find_root(self):
        Find the root node.
        my_node = self
        while not my_node.is_root:
            if my_node.descendent == -1:
            my_node = my_node.descendent
        return my_node

    def clear_fields(self):
        If a root node, delete field data.
        If not root node, do nothing.

        if not self.is_root:

    def reset(self):
        Reset all data structures.

        attrs = ["_tfi", "_tn", "_pfi", "_pn"]
        if self.is_root:
            self.root = -1
            attrs.extend(["_nodes", "_desc_uids", "_uids"])
            self.root = None
        for attr in attrs:
            setattr(self, attr, None)

    def add_ancestor(self, ancestor):
        Add another TreeNode to the list of ancestors.

        ancestor : TreeNode
            The ancestor TreeNode.
        if self._ancestors is None:
            self._ancestors = []

    _ancestors = None
    def ancestors(self):
        if self.root == -1:
        return self._ancestors

    _uids = None
    def uids(self):
        if not self.is_root:
            return None
        if self._uids is None:
        return self._uids

    _desc_uids = None
    def desc_uids(self):
        if not self.is_root:
            return None
        if self._desc_uids is None:
        return self._desc_uids

    _tree_size = None
    def tree_size(self):
        if not self.is_root:
            return self["tree"].size
        if self._tree_size is None:
        return self._tree_size

    _nodes = None
    def nodes(self):
        if not self.is_root:
            return None
        return self._nodes

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if self.root == -1:
            root = self
            treeid = 0
            root = self.root
            treeid = self.treeid
        self.arbor._node_io.get_fields(self, fields=[key],
        data = root._field_data[key]
        data[treeid] = value

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.query(key)

    def query(self, key):
        Return field values for this TreeNode, progenitor list, or tree.

        key : string or tuple
            If a single string, it can be either a field to be queried or
            one of "tree" or "prog".  If a field, then return the value of
            the field for this TreeNode.  If "tree" or "prog", then return
            the list of TreeNodes in the tree or progenitor list.

            If a tuple, this can be either (string, string) or (string, int),
            where the first argument must be either "tree" or "prog".
            If second argument is a string, then return the field values
            for either the tree or the progenitor list.  If second argument
            is an int, then return the nth TreeNode in the tree or progenitor
            list list.

        >>> # virial mass for this halo
        >>> print (my_tree["mvir"].to("Msun/h"))

        >>> # all TreeNodes in the progenitor list
        >>> print (my_tree["prog"])
        >>> # all TreeNodes in the entire tree
        >>> print (my_tree["tree"])

        >>> # virial masses for the progenitor list
        >>> print (my_tree["prog", "mvir"].to("Msun/h"))

        >>> # the 3rd TreeNode in the progenitor list
        >>> print (my_tree["prog", 2])

        float, ndarray/YTArray, TreeNode

        arr_types = ("prog", "tree")
        if isinstance(key, tuple):
            if len(key) != 2:
                raise SyntaxError(
                    "Must be either 1 or 2 arguments.")
            ftype, field = key
            if ftype not in arr_types:
                raise SyntaxError(
                    "First argument must be one of %s." % str(arr_types))
            if not isinstance(field, str):
                raise SyntaxError("Second argument must be a string.")

            self.arbor._node_io.get_fields(self, fields=[field], root_only=False)
            indices = getattr(self, "_%s_field_indices" % ftype)
            return self.root._field_data[field][indices]

            if not isinstance(key, str):
                raise SyntaxError("Single argument must be a string.")

            # return the progenitor list or tree nodes in a list
            if key in arr_types:
                return getattr(self, "_%s_nodes" % key)

            # return field value for this node
            self.arbor._node_io.get_fields(self, fields=[key],
            if self.is_root:
                data_object = self
                data_object = self.root
            return data_object._field_data[key][self.treeid]

    def __repr__(self):
        return "TreeNode[%d]" % self.uid

    _tfi = None
    def _tree_field_indices(self):
        Return the field array indices for all TreeNodes in
        the tree beneath, starting with this TreeNode.
        if self._tfi is None:
        return self._tfi

    _tn = None
    def _tree_nodes(self):
        Return a list of all TreeNodes in the tree beneath,
        starting with this TreeNode.
        if self._tn is None:
        return self._tn

    def _set_tree_attrs(self):
        Prepare the TreeNode list and field indices.
        tfi = []
        tn = []
        for my_node in self.twalk():
        self._tfi = np.array(tfi)
        self._tn = np.array(tn)

    _pfi = None
    def _prog_field_indices(self):
        Return the field array indices for all TreeNodes in
        the progenitor list, starting with this TreeNode.
        if self._pfi is None:
        return self._pfi

    _pn = None
    def _prog_nodes(self):
        Return a list of all TreeNodes in the progenitor list, starting
        with this TreeNode.
        if self._pn is None:
        return self._pn

    def _set_prog_attrs(self):
        Prepare the progenitor list list and field indices.
        lfi = []
        ln = []
        for my_node in self.pwalk():
        self._pfi = np.array(lfi)
        self._pn = np.array(ln)

    def twalk(self):
        An iterator over all TreeNodes in the tree beneath,
        starting with this TreeNode.


        >>> for my_node in my_tree.twalk():
        ...     print (my_node)

        yield self
        if self.ancestors is None:
        for ancestor in self.ancestors:
            for a_node in ancestor.twalk():
                yield a_node

    def pwalk(self):
        An iterator over all TreeNodes in the progenitor list,
        starting with this TreeNode.


        >>> for my_node in my_tree.pwalk():
        ...     print (my_node)

        my_node = self
        while my_node is not None:
            yield my_node
            if my_node.ancestors is None:
                my_node = None
                my_node = my_node.arbor.selector(my_node.ancestors)

    def save_tree(self, filename=None, fields=None):
        Save the tree to a file.

        The saved tree can be re-loaded as an arbor.

        filename : optional, string
            Output file keyword.  Main header file will be named
            Default: "tree_<uid>".
        fields : optional, list of strings
            The fields to be saved.  If not given, all
            fields will be saved.

        filename : string
            The filename of the saved arbor.


        >>> import ytree
        >>> a = ytree.load("rockstar_halos/trees/tree_0_0_0.dat")
        >>> # save the first tree
        >>> fn = a[0].save_tree()
        >>> # reload it
        >>> a2 = ytree.load(fn)


        if filename is None:
            filename = "tree_%d" % self.uid

        return self.arbor.save_arbor(
            filename=filename, fields=fields,
Beispiel #2
class TreeNode:
    Class for objects stored in Arbors.

    Each TreeNode represents a halo in a tree.  A TreeNode knows
    its halo ID, the level in the tree, and its global ID in the
    Arbor that holds it.  It also has a list of its ancestors.
    Fields can be queried for it, its progenitor list, and the
    tree beneath.

    _link = None

    def __init__(self, uid, arbor=None, root=False):
        Initialize a TreeNode with at least its halo catalog ID and
        its level in the tree.
        self.uid = uid
        self.arbor = weakref.proxy(arbor)
        if root:
            self.root = -1
            self._field_data = FieldContainer(arbor)
            self.root = None

    _tree_id = None  # used by CatalogArbor

    def tree_id(self):
        Return the index of this node in a list of all nodes in the tree.
        if self.is_root:
            return 0
        elif self._link is not None:
            return self._link.tree_id
            return self._tree_id

    def tree_id(self, value):
        Set the tree_id manually in CatalogArbors.
        self._tree_id = value

    def is_root(self):
        Is this node the last in the tree?
        return self.root in [-1, self]

    def find_root(self):
        Find the root node.

        if self.is_root:
            return self

        root = self.root
        if root is not None:
            return root

        return self.walk_to_root()

    def walk_to_root(self):
        Walk descendents until root.

        my_node = self
        while not my_node.is_root:
            if my_node.descendent in (-1, None):
            my_node = my_node.descendent
        return my_node

    def clear_fields(self):
        If a root node, delete field data.
        If not root node, do nothing.

        if not self.is_root:

    _descendent = None  # used by CatalogArbor

    def descendent(self):
        Return the descendent node.

        if self.is_root:
            return None

        # set in CatalogArbor._plant_trees
        if self._descendent is not None:
            return self._descendent

        # conventional Arbor object
        desc_link = self._link.descendent
        return self.arbor._generate_tree_node(self.root, desc_link)

    _ancestors = None  # used by CatalogArbor

    def ancestors(self):
        Return a generator of ancestor nodes.


        # conventional Arbor object
        if self._link is not None:
            for link in self._link.ancestors:
                yield self.arbor._generate_tree_node(self.root, link)

        # set in CatalogArbor._plant_trees
        if self._ancestors is not None:
            for ancestor in self._ancestors:
                yield ancestor
        return None

    _uids = None

    def uids(self):
        Array of uids for all nodes in the tree.
        if not self.is_root:
            return None
        if self._uids is None:
            self.arbor._build_attr("_uids", self)
        return self._uids

    _desc_uids = None

    def desc_uids(self):
        Array of descendent uids for all nodes in the tree.
        if not self.is_root:
            return None
        if self._desc_uids is None:
            self.arbor._build_attr("_desc_uids", self)
        return self._desc_uids

    _tree_size = None

    def tree_size(self):
        Number of nodes in the tree.
        if self._tree_size is not None:
            return self._tree_size
        if self.is_root:
            # pass back to the arbor to avoid calculating again
            self.arbor._store_node_info(self, '_tree_size')
            self._tree_size = len(list(self["tree"]))
        return self._tree_size

    _link_storage = None

    def _links(self):
        Array of NodeLink objects with the ancestor/descendent structure.

        This is only used by conventional Arbor objects, i.e., not
        CatalogArbor objects.
        if not self.is_root:
            return None
        if self._link_storage is None:
            self.arbor._build_attr("_link_storage", self)
        return self._link_storage

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        Set analysis field value for this node.

        if self.is_root:
            root = self
            tree_id = 0
            # if root, set the value in the arbor field storage
            self.arbor._field_data[key][self._arbor_index] = value
            root = self.root
            tree_id = self.tree_id
        self.arbor._node_io.get_fields(self, fields=[key], root_only=False)
        data = root._field_data[key]
        data[tree_id] = value

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        Return field values or tree/prog generators.
        return self.query(key)

    def query(self, key):
        Return field values for this TreeNode, progenitor list, or tree.

        key : string or tuple
            If a single string, it can be either a field to be queried or
            one of "tree" or "prog".  If a field, then return the value of
            the field for this TreeNode.  If "tree" or "prog", then return
            the list of TreeNodes in the tree or progenitor list.

            If a tuple, this can be either (string, string) or (string, int),
            where the first argument must be either "tree" or "prog".
            If second argument is a string, then return the field values
            for either the tree or the progenitor list.  If second argument
            is an int, then return the nth TreeNode in the tree or progenitor
            list list.

        >>> # virial mass for this halo
        >>> print (my_tree["mvir"].to("Msun/h"))

        >>> # all TreeNodes in the progenitor list
        >>> print (my_tree["prog"])
        >>> # all TreeNodes in the entire tree
        >>> print (my_tree["tree"])

        >>> # virial masses for the progenitor list
        >>> print (my_tree["prog", "mvir"].to("Msun/h"))

        >>> # the 3rd TreeNode in the progenitor list
        >>> print (my_tree["prog", 2])

        float, ndarray/unyt_array, TreeNode

        arr_types = ("forest", "prog", "tree")
        if isinstance(key, tuple):
            if len(key) != 2:
                raise SyntaxError("Must be either 1 or 2 arguments.")
            ftype, field = key
            if ftype not in arr_types:
                raise SyntaxError("First argument must be one of %s." %
            if not isinstance(field, str):
                raise SyntaxError("Second argument must be a string.")

            indices = getattr(self, "_%s_field_indices" % ftype)

            data_object = self.find_root()
            return data_object._field_data[field][indices]

            if not isinstance(key, str):
                raise SyntaxError("Single argument must be a string.")

            # return the progenitor list or tree nodes in a list
            if key in arr_types:
                return getattr(self, "_%s_nodes" % key)

            # return field value for this node
            data_object = self.find_root()
            return data_object._field_data[key][self.tree_id]

    def __repr__(self):
        Call me TreeNode.
        return "TreeNode[%d]" % self.uid

    _ffi = slice(None)

    def _forest_field_indices(self):
        Return default slice to select the whole forest.
        return self._ffi

    def _forest_nodes(self):
        An iterator over all TreeNodes in the forest.

        This is different from _tree_nodes in that we don't walk
        through the ancestors lists. We just yield every TreeNode
        there is.

        root = self.root
        for link in root._links:
            yield self.arbor._generate_tree_node(self.root, link)

    def _tree_nodes(self):
        An iterator over all TreeNodes in the tree beneath,
        starting with this TreeNode.

        For internal use only. Use the following instead:

        >>> for my_node in my_tree['tree']:
        ...     print (my_node)


        >>> for my_node in my_tree._tree_nodes:
        ...     print (my_node)


        yield self
        if self.ancestors is None:
        for ancestor in self.ancestors:
            for a_node in ancestor._tree_nodes:
                yield a_node

    _tfi = None

    def _tree_field_indices(self):
        Return the field array indices for all TreeNodes in
        the tree beneath, starting with this TreeNode.

        if self._tfi is not None:
            return self._tfi

        self._tfi = np.array([node.tree_id for node in self._tree_nodes])
        return self._tfi

    def _prog_nodes(self):
        An iterator over all TreeNodes in the progenitor list,
        starting with this TreeNode.

        For internal use only. Use the following instead:

        >>> for my_node in my_tree['prog']:
        ...     print (my_node)


        >>> for my_node in my_tree._prog_nodes:
        ...     print (my_node)


        my_node = self
        while my_node is not None:
            yield my_node
            ancestors = list(my_node.ancestors)
            if ancestors:
                my_node = my_node.arbor.selector(ancestors)
                my_node = None

    _pfi = None

    def _prog_field_indices(self):
        Return the field array indices for all TreeNodes in
        the progenitor list, starting with this TreeNode.

        if self._pfi is not None:
            return self._pfi

        self._pfi = np.array([node.tree_id for node in self._prog_nodes])
        return self._pfi

    def save_tree(self, filename=None, fields=None):
        Save the tree to a file.

        The saved tree can be re-loaded as an arbor.

        filename : optional, string
            Output file keyword.  Main header file will be named
            Default: "tree_<uid>".
        fields : optional, list of strings
            The fields to be saved.  If not given, all
            fields will be saved.

        filename : string
            The filename of the saved arbor.


        >>> import ytree
        >>> a = ytree.load("rockstar_halos/trees/tree_0_0_0.dat")
        >>> # save the first tree
        >>> fn = a[0].save_tree()
        >>> # reload it
        >>> a2 = ytree.load(fn)


        if filename is None:
            filename = "tree_%d" % self.uid

        return self.arbor.save_arbor(filename=filename,
Beispiel #3
class TreeNode:
    Class for objects stored in Arbors.

    Each TreeNode represents a halo in a tree.  A TreeNode knows
    its halo ID, the level in the tree, and its global ID in the
    Arbor that holds it.  It also has a list of its ancestors.
    Fields can be queried for it, its progenitor list, and the
    tree beneath.

    _link = None

    def __init__(self, uid, arbor=None, root=False):
        Initialize a TreeNode with at least its halo catalog ID and
        its level in the tree.
        self.uid = uid
        self.arbor = weakref.proxy(arbor)
        if root:
            self.root = -1
            self.field_data = FieldContainer(arbor)
            self.root = None

    _tree_id = None  # used by CatalogArbor

    def tree_id(self):
        Return the index of this node in a list of all nodes in the tree.
        if self.is_root:
            return 0
        elif self._link is not None:
            return self._link.tree_id
            return self._tree_id

    def tree_id(self, value):
        Set the tree_id manually in CatalogArbors.
        self._tree_id = value

    def is_root(self):
        Is this node the last in the tree?
        return self.root in [-1, self]

    def find_root(self):
        Find the root node.

        if self.is_root:
            return self

        root = self.root
        if root is not None:
            return root

        return self.walk_to_root()

    def walk_to_root(self):
        Walk descendents until root.

        my_node = self
        while not my_node.is_root:
            if my_node.descendent in (-1, None):
            my_node = my_node.descendent
        return my_node

    def clear_fields(self):
        If a root node, delete field data.
        If not root node, do nothing.

        if not self.is_root:

    _descendent = None  # used by CatalogArbor

    def descendent(self):
        Return the descendent node.

        if self.is_root:
            return None

        # set in CatalogArbor._plant_trees
        if self._descendent is not None:
            return self._descendent

        # conventional Arbor object
        desc_link = self._link.descendent
        if desc_link is None:
            return None
        return self.arbor._generate_tree_node(self.root, desc_link)

    _ancestors = None  # used by CatalogArbor

    def ancestors(self):
        Return a generator of ancestor nodes.


        # conventional Arbor object
        if self._link is not None:
            for link in self._link.ancestors:
                yield self.arbor._generate_tree_node(self.root, link)

        # If tree is not setup yet, the ancestor nodes will not have
        # root pointers yet.
        need_root = not self.arbor.is_setup(self)
        if need_root:
            root = self.walk_to_root()

        # set in CatalogArbor._plant_trees
        if self._ancestors is not None:
            for ancestor in self._ancestors:
                if need_root:
                    ancestor.root = root
                yield ancestor
        return None

    _uids = None

    def uids(self):
        Array of uids for all nodes in the tree.
        if not self.is_root:
            return None
        if self._uids is None:
            self.arbor._build_attr("_uids", self)
        return self._uids

    _desc_uids = None

    def desc_uids(self):
        Array of descendent uids for all nodes in the tree.
        if not self.is_root:
            return None
        if self._desc_uids is None:
            self.arbor._build_attr("_desc_uids", self)
        return self._desc_uids

    _tree_size = None

    def tree_size(self):
        Number of nodes in the tree.
        if self._tree_size is not None:
            return self._tree_size
        if self.is_root:
            # pass back to the arbor to avoid calculating again
            self.arbor._store_node_info(self, '_tree_size')
            self._tree_size = len(list(self["tree"]))
        return self._tree_size

    _link_storage = None

    def _links(self):
        Array of NodeLink objects with the ancestor/descendent structure.

        This is only used by conventional Arbor objects, i.e., not
        CatalogArbor objects.
        if not self.is_root:
            return None
        if self._link_storage is None:
            self.arbor._build_attr("_link_storage", self)
        return self._link_storage

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        Set analysis field value for this node.

        fi = self.arbor.field_info[key]
        ftype = fi.get('type')
        if ftype not in ['analysis', 'analysis_saved']:
            raise ArborUnsettableField(key, self.arbor)

        vector_fieldname = fi.get("vector_fieldname", None)
        has_vector_field = vector_fieldname is not None

        if self.is_root:
            root = self
            tree_id = 0
            # if root, set the value in the arbor field storage
            self.arbor[key][self._arbor_index] = value
            if has_vector_field and vector_fieldname in self.arbor.field_data:
                del self.arbor.field_data[vector_fieldname]
            root = self.root
            tree_id = self.tree_id
        self.arbor._node_io.get_fields(self, fields=[key], root_only=False)
        data = root.field_data[key]
        data[tree_id] = value
        if has_vector_field and vector_fieldname in root.field_data:
            del root.field_data[vector_fieldname]

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        Return field values or tree/prog generators.
        return self.query(key)

    def query(self, key):
        Return field values for this TreeNode, progenitor list, or tree.

        key : string or tuple
            If a single string, it can be either a field to be queried or
            one of "tree" or "prog".  If a field, then return the value of
            the field for this TreeNode.  If "tree" or "prog", then return
            the list of TreeNodes in the tree or progenitor list.

            If a tuple, this can be either (string, string) or (string, int),
            where the first argument must be either "tree" or "prog".
            If second argument is a string, then return the field values
            for either the tree or the progenitor list.  If second argument
            is an int, then return the nth TreeNode in the tree or progenitor
            list list.

        >>> # virial mass for this halo
        >>> print (my_tree["mvir"].to("Msun/h"))

        >>> # all TreeNodes in the progenitor list
        >>> print (my_tree["prog"])
        >>> # all TreeNodes in the entire tree
        >>> print (my_tree["tree"])

        >>> # virial masses for the progenitor list
        >>> print (my_tree["prog", "mvir"].to("Msun/h"))

        >>> # the 3rd TreeNode in the progenitor list
        >>> print (my_tree["prog", 2])

        float, ndarray/unyt_array, TreeNode

        arr_types = ("forest", "prog", "tree")
        if isinstance(key, tuple):
            if len(key) != 2:
                raise SyntaxError("Must be either 1 or 2 arguments.")
            ftype, field = key
            if ftype not in arr_types:
                raise SyntaxError(
                    f"First argument must be one of {str(arr_types)}.")
            if not isinstance(field, str):
                raise SyntaxError("Second argument must be a string.")

            indices = getattr(self, f"_{ftype}_field_indices")

            data_object = self.find_root()
            return data_object.field_data[field][indices]

            if not isinstance(key, str):
                raise SyntaxError("Single argument must be a string.")

            # return the progenitor list or tree nodes in a list
            if key in arr_types:
                return getattr(self, f"_{key}_nodes")

            # return field value for this node
            data_object = self.find_root()
            return data_object.field_data[key][self.tree_id]

    def __repr__(self):
        Call me TreeNode.
        return f"TreeNode[{self.uid}]"

    def get_node(self, selector, index):
        Get a single TreeNode from a tree.

        Use this to get the nth TreeNode from a forest, tree, or
        progenitor list for which the calling TreeNode is the head.

        selector : str ("forest", "tree", or "prog")
            The tree selector from which to get the TreeNode. This
            should be "forest", "tree", or "prog".
        index : int
            The index of the desired TreeNode in the forest, tree,
            or progenitor list.

        node: :class:`~ytree.data_structures.tree_node.TreeNode`


        >>> import ytree
        >>> a = ytree.load("tiny_ctrees/locations.dat")
        >>> my_tree = a[0]
        >>> # get 6th TreeNode in the progenitor list
        >>> my_node = my_tree.get_node('prog', 5)


        indices = getattr(self, f"_{selector}_field_indices", None)
        if indices is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Bad selector.")

        my_link = self.root._links[indices][index]
        return self.arbor._generate_tree_node(self.root, my_link)

    def get_leaf_nodes(self, selector=None):
        Get all leaf nodes from the tree of which this is the head.

        This returns a generator of all leaf nodes belonging to this
        tree. A leaf node is a node that has no ancestors.

        selector : optional, str ("forest", "tree", or "prog")
            The tree selector from which leaf nodes will be found.
            If none given, this will be set to "forest" if the
            calling node is a root node and "tree" otherwise.

        leaf_nodes : a generator of
            :class:`~ytree.data_structures.tree_node.TreeNode` objects.


        >>> import ytree
        >>> a = ytree.load("tiny_ctrees/locations.dat")
        >>> my_tree = a[0]
        >>> for leaf in my_tree.get_leaf_nodes():
        ...     print (leaf["mass"])


        if selector is None:
            if self.is_root:
                selector = "forest"
                selector = "tree"

        uids = self[selector, "uid"]
        desc_uids = self[selector, "desc_uid"]
        lids = np.where(~np.in1d(uids, desc_uids))[0]
        for lid in lids:
            yield self.get_node(selector, lid)

    def get_root_nodes(self):
        Get all root nodes from the forest to which this node belongs.

        This returns a generator of all root nodes in the forest. A root
        node is a node that has no descendents.

        root_nodes : a generator of
            :class:`~ytree.data_structures.tree_node.TreeNode` objects.


        >>> import ytree
        >>> a = ytree.load("consistent_trees_hdf5/soa/forest.h5",
        ...                access="forest")
        >>> my_tree = a[0]
        >>> for root in my_tree.get_root_nodes():
        ...     print (root["mass"])


        selector = "forest"
        desc_uids = self[selector, "desc_uid"]
        rids = np.where(desc_uids == -1)[0]
        for rid in rids:
            yield self.get_node(selector, rid)

    _ffi = slice(None)

    def _forest_field_indices(self):
        Return default slice to select the whole forest.
        return self._ffi

    def _forest_nodes(self):
        An iterator over all TreeNodes in the forest.

        This is different from _tree_nodes in that we don't walk
        through the ancestors lists. We just yield every TreeNode
        there is.

        root = self.root
        for link in root._links:
            yield self.arbor._generate_tree_node(self.root, link)

    def _tree_nodes(self):
        An iterator over all TreeNodes in the tree beneath,
        starting with this TreeNode.

        For internal use only. Use the following instead:

        >>> for my_node in my_tree['tree']:
        ...     print (my_node)


        >>> for my_node in my_tree._tree_nodes:
        ...     print (my_node)


        yield self
        if self.ancestors is None:
        for ancestor in self.ancestors:
            for a_node in ancestor._tree_nodes:
                yield a_node

    _tfi = None

    def _tree_field_indices(self):
        Return the field array indices for all TreeNodes in
        the tree beneath, starting with this TreeNode.

        if self._tfi is not None:
            return self._tfi

        self._tfi = np.array([node.tree_id for node in self._tree_nodes])
        return self._tfi

    def _prog_nodes(self):
        An iterator over all TreeNodes in the progenitor list,
        starting with this TreeNode.

        For internal use only. Use the following instead:

        >>> for my_node in my_tree['prog']:
        ...     print (my_node)


        >>> for my_node in my_tree._prog_nodes:
        ...     print (my_node)


        my_node = self
        while my_node is not None:
            yield my_node
            ancestors = list(my_node.ancestors)
            if ancestors:
                my_node = my_node.arbor.selector(ancestors)
                my_node = None

    _pfi = None

    def _prog_field_indices(self):
        Return the field array indices for all TreeNodes in
        the progenitor list, starting with this TreeNode.

        if self._pfi is not None:
            return self._pfi

        self._pfi = np.array([node.tree_id for node in self._prog_nodes])
        return self._pfi

    def save_tree(self, filename=None, fields=None):
        Save the tree to a file.

        The saved tree can be re-loaded as an arbor.

        filename : optional, string
            Output file keyword.  Main header file will be named
            Default: "tree_<uid>".
        fields : optional, list of strings
            The fields to be saved.  If not given, all
            fields will be saved.

        filename : string
            The filename of the saved arbor.


        >>> import ytree
        >>> a = ytree.load("rockstar_halos/trees/tree_0_0_0.dat")
        >>> # save the first tree
        >>> fn = a[0].save_tree()
        >>> # reload it
        >>> a2 = ytree.load(fn)


        if filename is None:
            filename = f"tree_{self.uid}"

        return self.arbor.save_arbor(filename=filename,