def tuple_array_create(self, arr_type, fields, const_array, domain):
        # Two things this can be: a constant array where each element has the
        # provided value, or just an array of values. As it happens, this is
        # trivial to implement in Z3.
        arr_sort = self.convert_sort(arr_type)
        if const_array:
            ast = z3.K(arr_sort.dom_sort.sort, fields[0].ast)
            arr_ast = Z3ast(ast, self, arr_sort)
            # Generate a fresh array
            arr_name = "fresh_tuple_array_create_{}".format(self.fresh_arr_idx)
            self.fresh_arr_idx += 1
            arr = z3.Const(arr_name, arr_sort.sort)
            arr_ast = Z3ast(arr, self, arr_sort)

            # Save initial ast... it's not referred to anywhere, and passing
            # it into update method won't keep it alive.

            # Store at increasing indexes, the values from fields. Alas, there
            # isn't a python utility for easy constant int creation like C++.
            for x in range(len(fields)):
                intval = esbmc.BigInt(x)
                dom_type = esbmc.type.unsignedbv.make(
                intexpr = esbmc.expr.constant_int.make(dom_type, intval)
                arr_ast = arr_ast.update(self, fields[x], x, intexpr)

        return arr_ast
Beispiel #2
def createConstantArray(awidth, dwidth, mem_values):
    asize = z3.BitVecSort(awidth)
    arr = z3.K(asize, z3.BitVecVal(mem_values[-1], dwidth))

    for [a, d] in mem_values[:-1]:
        az3 = z3.BitVecVal(a, awidth)
        dz3 = z3.BitVecVal(d, dwidth)
        arr = z3.Update(arr, az3, dz3)
    return arr
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, domain: int, value_range: int, value: int):
        """Initializes an array with a default value.

        :param domain: The domain for the array (10 -> all the values that a bv of size 10 could take)
        :param value_range: The range for the values in the array (10 -> all the values that a bv of size 10 could take)
        :param value: The default value to use for this array
        self.domain = z3.BitVecSort(domain)
        self.value = z3.BitVecVal(value, value_range)
        self.raw = z3.K(self.domain, self.value)
    def convert_array_of(self, val, domain_width):
        # Z3 directly supports initialized constant arrays
        dom = z3.BitVecSort(domain_width, self.ctx)
        ast = z3.K(dom, val.ast)

        result_sort_ast = ast.sort()
        z3_result_sort = Z3sort(result_sort_ast,
                                val.sort.data_width, domain_width)

        return Z3ast(ast, self, z3_result_sort)
Beispiel #5
def mk_eqs_from_model(m, consts, model_completion=False):
    eqs = []
    for const in consts:
        # treat arrays specially due to the else_value
        sort = const.sort()
        if isinstance(sort, z3.ArraySortRef):
            val_interp = m[const]
            if (val_interp is not None) and isinstance(val_interp,
                idx_sort = sort.domain()
                val_sort = sort.range()
                val = z3.K(val_sort, val_interp.else_value())
                for i in range(val_interp.num_entries()):
                    entry = val_interp.entry(i)
                    val = z3.Store(val, entry.arg_value(0), entry.value())
                val = m.eval(const, model_completion=model_completion)
            val = m.eval(const, model_completion=model_completion)
        eqs.append(const == val)
    return eqs
Beispiel #6
def f2():
    a, b, c, d = z3.BitVecs('a b c d', 3)  # 4 bitvectors variable

    tuple = z3.Datatype('tuple')  # new data type 'tuple'
        'tuple', ('f1', z3.BitVecSort(3)),
        ('f2', z3.BitVecSort(3)))  # f1, f2 are for accessing element in tuples
    tuple = tuple.create()
    tuple1 = tuple.tuple(a, b)  # tuple1 -> (a, b)
    tuple2 = tuple.tuple(b, c)  # tuple2 -> (b, c)

    tuple1_f2 = tuple.f2(tuple1)  # a
    #tuple1_f2 = tuple.f2(tuple1) # b
    tuple2_f1 = tuple.f1(tuple2)  # c

    print(tuple1_f2, tuple2_f1)

    if (tuple1_f2 == tuple2_f1):

    arr0 = z3.K(tuple, False)  # arr0 -> arr0[tuple]  = false
    arr1 = z3.Store(arr0, tuple1, True)  # arr1 -> arr0[tuple1] = true
    arr2 = z3.Store(arr1, tuple2, True)  # arr  -> arr0[tuple2] = true



    s = z3.Solver()

    s.add(tuple1_f1 == tuple2_f2)  # a = c
    s.add(tuple1_f1 == tuple1_f2)  # a = b
Beispiel #7
def get_zero_array(index_size=VECTOR_LEN, value_size=VECTOR_LEN):
    return z3.K(z3.BitVecSort(index_size), z3.BitVecVal(0, value_size))
Beispiel #8
import z3
from z3.z3 import _to_expr_ref
import collections

MemorySort = z3.ArraySort(z3.BitVecSort(256), z3.BitVecSort(8))
StorageSort = z3.ArraySort(z3.BitVecSort(256), z3.BitVecSort(256))

MemoryEmpty = z3.K(z3.BitVecSort(256), z3.BitVecVal(0, 8))
StorageEmpty = z3.K(z3.BitVecSort(256), z3.BitVecVal(0, 256))

from . import mem

ContractState = collections.namedtuple('ContractState',
                                       'code storage balance nonce')
ContractState.__new__.__defaults__ = (None, None, None)

def cached(fn):
    def wrapper(self, *args):
        if fn.__name__ not in self._cache:
            self._cache[fn.__name__] = fn(self, *args)
        return self._cache[fn.__name__]

    return wrapper

def storage_empty_policy(name, addr):
    return StorageEmpty

def storage_any_policy(name, addr):