Beispiel #1
def get_vars_non_recursive(f, include_select=False, include_indices=True):
    todo = [f]
    rs = set()
    seen = set()
    while todo:
        expr = todo.pop()
        if expr.get_id() in seen:
        if include_select and expr.decl().kind() == z3.Z3_OP_SELECT:
            arr, idx = expr.children()
            if z3.is_const(arr):
                if not include_indices or z3.z3util.is_expr_val(idx):
        elif z3.is_const(expr):
            if not z3.z3util.is_expr_val(expr):

    return rs
Beispiel #2
def get_vars(f, rs=set()):
    shameless copy of z3util.get_vars,
    but returning select-operations as well.
    >>> x = z3.Array('x', z3.IntSort(), z3.IntSort())
    >>> get_vars(x[5])
    >>> x = z3.Array('x', z3.IntSort(), z3.IntSort())
    >>> z3util.get_vars(x[5])
    if not rs:
        f = z3.simplify(f)

    if f.decl().kind() == z3.Z3_OP_SELECT:
        arr, idx = f.children()
        if z3.is_const(arr):
            if z3.z3util.is_expr_val(idx):
                return rs | {f}
                return rs | {f, idx}
    if z3.is_const(f):
        if z3.z3util.is_expr_val(f):
            return rs
        else:  # variable
            return rs | {f}

        for f_ in f.children():
            rs = get_vars(f_, rs)

        return set(rs)
Beispiel #3
 def _get_vars(cls, f, rs):
     Helper method to obtain variables from a formula f recursively.
     Results are stored in the list rs.
     assert z3.is_expr(f) or z3.is_const(f), f
     if z3.is_const(f):
         if cls.is_var(f):
         for c in f.children():
             cls._get_vars(c, rs)
Beispiel #4
def z3_vars_in_formula(fml):
    """ Return all the variables in a Z3 formula. Following that in Z3 official repo. """
    def visitor(e, seen):
        if e in seen:
        seen[e] = True
        yield e
        if is_app(e):
            for ch in e.children():
                for e in visitor(ch, seen):
                    yield e
        if is_quantifier(e):
            for e in visitor(e.body(), seen):
                yield e

    seen = {}
    res = []
    for e in visitor(fml, seen):
        if is_const(e) and e.decl().kind() == Z3_OP_UNINTERPRETED:
            #print("Variable", e)
    return res
Beispiel #5
        def f(_cache, e, seen):
            def f_cache(e):
                return _cache(f, e, seen)

            r = (z3.is_const(e) and e.decl().kind() == z3.Z3_OP_ANUM) or \
                (e.num_args() > 0 and all(f_cache(c) for c in e.children()))
            return r
Beispiel #6
def partial_leaf_substitution(expr, substitution_dict):
    """Replaces consts/vars in `expr` according to `substitution_dict`.

    If a const/var is not in `substitution_dict.keys()`, it remains

    >>> a, b, c = sl.list.locs("a b c")
    >>> subst = {b : c}
    >>> partial_leaf_substitution(sl.sepcon(sl.list("a"), sl.list("b")), subst)
    sl.sepcon(sl.list(a), sl.list(c))
    >>> i, j = Ints("i j")
    >>> subst = {sl.alpha : i, sl.beta : j}
    >>> partial_leaf_substitution(sl.alpha < sl.beta, subst)
    i < j

    if z3.is_const(expr) or z3.is_var(expr):
        return substitution_dict.get(expr, expr)
    elif z3.is_app(expr):
        new_args = [
            partial_leaf_substitution(child, substitution_dict)
            for child in expr.children()
        return replace_args(expr, new_args)
        assert (z3.is_quantifier(expr))
        new_arg = partial_leaf_substitution(expr.body(), substitution_dict)
        return replace_args(expr, new_arg)
Beispiel #7
def const(value):
    """Syntactic sugar for `z3.is_const(simplify(value))`.

    i.e., return True iff `value` statically simplifies to a constant value.

    return z3.is_const(simplify(value))
Beispiel #8
 def collect(f):
   if z3.is_const(f):
       if f.decl().kind() == z3.Z3_OP_UNINTERPRETED and not askey(f) in r:
       for c in f.children():
Beispiel #9
def is_term(a):
    Check if the input formula is a term. In FOL, terms are
    defined as term := const | var | f(t1,...,tn) where ti are terms.


    >>> from z3 import *
    >>> assert is_term(TRUE)
    >>> assert is_term(Bool('x'))
    >>> assert not is_term(And(Bool('x'),Bool('y')))
    >>> assert not is_term(And(Bool('x'),Not(Bool('y'))))
    >>> assert is_term(IntVal(3))
    >>> assert is_term(Int('x'))
    >>> assert is_term(Int('x') + Int('y'))
    >>> assert not is_term(Int('x') + Int('y') > 3)
    >>> assert not is_term(And(Int('x')==0,Int('y')==3))
    >>> assert not is_term(Int('x')==0)
    >>> assert not is_term(3)
    >>> assert not is_term(Bool('x') == (Int('y')==Int('z')))

    if not is_expr(a):
        return False

    if is_const(a):  #covers both const value and var
        return True
    else:  #covers f(t1,..,tn)
        return not is_bool(a) and all(is_term(c) for c in a.children())
Beispiel #10
    def translate(self, expr, bound_variables=[]):
        if z3.is_const(expr):
            return self.mk_const(expr)
#                raise Z3_Unexpected_Expression('Unrecognized constant')
        elif z3.is_var(expr):    # a de Bruijn indexed bound variable
            bv_length = len(bound_variables)
            return bound_variables[bv_length - z3.get_var_index(expr) - 1]
        elif z3.is_app(expr):
            args = [self.translate(expr.arg(i), bound_variables)
                for i in range(expr.num_args())]
            return self.mk_fun(expr.decl())(*args)

#            else:
#                raise Z3_Unexpected_Expression(expr)
        elif z3.is_quantifier(expr):
            num_vars = expr.num_vars()
#            vars = [language.const_dict[expr.var_name(i)]
#                for i in range(num_vars)]
            vars = [const(expr.var_name(i), self.mk_sort(expr.var_sort(i))) \
                for i in range(num_vars)]
            new_bound_variables = bound_variables + vars
            body = self.translate(expr.body(), new_bound_variables)
            if expr.is_forall():
                return forall(vars, body)
                return exists(vars, body)

        elif z3.is_func_decl(expr):
            return self.mk_fun(expr)
            print expr.kind
            raise Z3_Unexpected_Expression(expr)
Beispiel #11
    def translate(self, expr, bound_variables=[]):
        if z3.is_const(expr):
            return self.mk_const(expr)
#                raise Z3_Unexpected_Expression('Unrecognized constant')
        elif z3.is_var(expr):    # a de Bruijn indexed bound variable
            bv_length = len(bound_variables)
            return bound_variables[bv_length - z3.get_var_index(expr) - 1]
        elif z3.is_app(expr):
            args = [self.translate(expr.arg(i), bound_variables)
                for i in range(expr.num_args())]
            return self.mk_fun(expr.decl())(*args)

#            else:
#                raise Z3_Unexpected_Expression(expr)
        elif z3.is_quantifier(expr):
            num_vars = expr.num_vars()
#            vars = [language.const_dict[expr.var_name(i)]
#                for i in range(num_vars)]
            vars = [const(expr.var_name(i), self.mk_sort(expr.var_sort(i))) \
                for i in range(num_vars)]
            new_bound_variables = bound_variables + vars
            body = self.translate(expr.body(), new_bound_variables)
            if expr.is_forall():
                return forall(vars, body)
                return exists(vars, body)

        elif z3.is_func_decl(expr):
            return self.mk_fun(expr)
            print expr.kind
            raise Z3_Unexpected_Expression(expr)
Beispiel #12
 def collect(f):
     if z3.is_const(f):
         if f.decl().kind() == z3.Z3_OP_UNINTERPRETED and not askey(f) in r:
         for c in f.children():
Beispiel #13
 def rec(e):
     if not z3.is_ast(e):
     if z3.is_const(e) and e.decl().kind() == z3.Z3_OP_UNINTERPRETED:
     for child in e.children():
Beispiel #14
def _is_literal(z3ast):
    if z3.is_int(z3ast):
        return z3.is_int_value(z3ast)
    if z3.is_bool(z3ast):
        return z3.is_true(z3ast) or z3.is_false(z3ast)
    if z3ast.sort_kind() == z3.Z3_UNINTERPRETED_SORT:
        return z3.is_const(z3ast) and '!' in str(z3ast)
    raise NotImplementedError('Don\'t know how to literal-check %s' % z3ast)
Beispiel #15
def _is_literal(z3ast):
    if z3.is_int(z3ast):
        return z3.is_int_value(z3ast)
    if z3.is_bool(z3ast):
        return z3.is_true(z3ast) or z3.is_false(z3ast)
    if z3ast.sort_kind() == z3.Z3_UNINTERPRETED_SORT:
        return z3.is_const(z3ast) and '!' in str(z3ast)
    raise NotImplementedError('Don\'t know how to literal-check %s' % z3ast)
Beispiel #16
def _constify(struct, term):
    if isinstance(term, str):
        return struct.sort[term]
        assert z3.is_const(term), '{} : {} is no constant'.format(
        return term
Beispiel #17
 def rec(e):
     if not z3.is_ast(e):
     if z3.is_const(e) and e.decl().kind() == z3.Z3_OP_UNINTERPRETED:
     for child in e.children():
Beispiel #18
 def pp_app(self, a, d, xs):
     if z3.is_int_value(a):
         return self.pp_int(a)
     elif z3.is_rational_value(a):
         return self.pp_rational(a)
     elif z3.is_algebraic_value(a):
         return self.pp_algebraic(a)
     elif z3.is_bv_value(a):
         return self.pp_bv(a)
     elif z3.is_finite_domain_value(a):
         return self.pp_fd(a)
     elif z3.is_fprm_value(a):
         return self.pp_fprm_value(a)
     elif z3.is_fp_value(a):
         return self.pp_fp_value(a)
     elif z3.is_fp(a):
         return self.pp_fp(a, d, xs)
     elif z3.is_string_value(a):
         return self.pp_string(a)
     elif z3.is_const(a):
         return self.pp_const(a)
         f = a.decl()
         k = f.kind()
         if k == Z3_OP_POWER:
             return self.pp_power(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_DISTINCT:
             return self.pp_distinct(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_SELECT:
             return self.pp_select(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_SIGN_EXT or k == Z3_OP_ZERO_EXT or k == Z3_OP_REPEAT:
             return self.pp_unary_param(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_EXTRACT:
             return self.pp_extract(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_RE_LOOP:
             return self.pp_loop(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_DT_IS:
             return self.pp_is(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_ARRAY_MAP:
             return self.pp_map(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_CONST_ARRAY:
             return self.pp_K(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_PB_AT_MOST:
             return self.pp_atmost(a, d, f, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_PB_LE:
             return self.pp_pbcmp(a, d, f, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_PB_GE:
             return self.pp_pbcmp(a, d, f, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_PB_EQ:
             return self.pp_pbcmp(a, d, f, xs)
         elif z3.is_pattern(a):
             return self.pp_pattern(a, d, xs)
         elif self.is_infix(k):
             return self.pp_infix(a, d, xs)
         elif self.is_unary(k):
             return self.pp_unary(a, d, xs)
             return self.pp_prefix(a, d, xs)
Beispiel #19
def u_predicate(expr):
    if z3.is_const(expr) and expr.decl().kind() == z3.Z3_OP_UNINTERPRETED:
        return True
    decl = expr.decl()
    if decl is None or decl.kind() != z3.Z3_OP_UNINTERPRETED:
        return False
    for kid in expr.children():
    return True
Beispiel #20
def substitute_taint(z3_expr):
    decl = z3_expr.decl()
    taint = set()
    if decl.kind() == z3.Z3_OP_ITE:
        # we need to differentiate in the case of ite statements
        cond_expr = z3_expr.children()[0]
        then_expr = z3_expr.children()[1]
        else_expr = z3_expr.children()[2]
        cond_expr, cond_taint = substitute_taint(cond_expr)
        # check if the cond expr is an ite statement after substitution
        # if the condition is tainted, do not even bother to evaluate the rest
        if cond_expr.decl().kind() != z3.Z3_OP_ITE and cond_taint:
            taint_const = z3.FreshConst(z3_expr.sort(), "taint")
            return taint_const, set([taint_const])
        # evaluate the branches
        then_expr, then_taint = substitute_taint(then_expr)
        else_expr, else_taint = substitute_taint(else_expr)
        # check if the branches are an ite statement after substitution
        then_not_ite = then_expr.decl().kind() != z3.Z3_OP_ITE
        else_not_ite = else_expr.decl().kind() != z3.Z3_OP_ITE
        if (then_not_ite and else_not_ite) and (then_taint and else_taint):
            # both branches are fully tainted, replace and return
            taint_const = z3.FreshConst(z3_expr.sort(), "taint")
            return taint_const, set([taint_const])

        # merge taints and create a new ite statement
        taint |= cond_taint | then_taint | else_taint
        if taint:
            z3_expr = z3.If(cond_expr, then_expr, else_expr)
    elif z3.is_const(z3_expr) and str(z3_expr) == "undefined":
        # the expression is tainted replace it
        # really dumb check, do not need anything else
        z3_expr = z3.FreshConst(z3_expr.sort(), "taint")
        # remaining expressions are more complex, need to evaluate children
        child_list = z3_expr.children()
        for idx, child in enumerate(child_list):
            # iterate through members of the expr
            child, child_taint = substitute_taint(child)
            # replace entire expression if one non-ite member is tainted
            if child.decl().kind() != z3.Z3_OP_ITE and child_taint:
                # the expression is tainted replace it
                taint_const = z3.FreshConst(z3_expr.sort(), "taint")
                return taint_const, set([taint_const])
            # members might also have changed, so update
            taint |= child_taint
            child_list[idx] = child
        if taint:
            # these are unfortunately necessary because AND/OR are "special"
            if decl.kind() == z3.Z3_OP_AND:
                z3_expr = z3.And(*child_list)
            elif decl.kind() == z3.Z3_OP_OR:
                z3_expr = z3.Or(*child_list)
                z3_expr = decl(*child_list)
    return z3_expr, taint
Beispiel #21
def substitute_taint(z3_expr, taints):
    decl = z3_expr.decl()
    if decl.kind() == z3.Z3_OP_ITE:
        # we need to differentiate in the case of ite statements
        cond_expr = z3_expr.children()[0]
        then_expr = z3_expr.children()[1]
        else_expr = z3_expr.children()[2]
        cond_expr, _ = substitute_taint(cond_expr, taints)
        then_expr, then_has_undefined = substitute_taint(then_expr, taints)
        else_expr, else_has_undefined = substitute_taint(else_expr, taints)
        if then_has_undefined and else_has_undefined:
            # both possibilities are tainted, replace
            taint = z3.FreshConst(then_expr.sort(), "taint")
            return taint, True
        # return the updated ite statement
        return z3.If(cond_expr, then_expr, else_expr), False

    if decl.kind() == z3.Z3_OP_DT_CONSTRUCTOR:
        # datatyperefs are not fully replaced, only their members
        child_list = z3_expr.children()
        for idx, child in enumerate(child_list):
            child, has_undefined = substitute_taint(child, taints)
            if has_undefined:
                # variabled is tainted, replace
                child = z3.FreshConst(child.sort(), "taint")
            # members might also have changed, so update
            child_list[idx] = child
        return decl(*child_list), False

    if z3.is_const(z3_expr):
        # check if variable
        if not z3.z3util.is_expr_val(z3_expr) and str(z3_expr) == "undefined":
            # the expression is tainted replace it
            taint = z3.FreshConst(z3_expr.sort(), "taint")
            return taint, True
        return z3_expr, False

    child_list = z3_expr.children()
    for idx, child in enumerate(child_list):
        # iterate through members of the expr
        # replace entire expression if one member is tainted
        child, has_undefined = substitute_taint(child, taints)
        if has_undefined:
            # the expression is tainted replace it
            taint = z3.FreshConst(z3_expr.sort(), "taint")
            return taint, has_undefined
        # members might also have changed, so update
        child_list[idx] = child
    if decl.kind() == z3.Z3_OP_AND:
        return z3.And(*child_list), False
    if decl.kind() == z3.Z3_OP_OR:
        return z3.Or(*child_list), False
    return decl(*child_list), False
Beispiel #22
 def pp_app(self, a, d, xs):
     if z3.is_int_value(a):
         return self.pp_int(a)
     elif z3.is_rational_value(a):
         return self.pp_rational(a)
     elif z3.is_algebraic_value(a):
         return self.pp_algebraic(a)        
     elif z3.is_bv_value(a):
         return self.pp_bv(a)
     elif z3.is_finite_domain_value(a):
         return self.pp_fd(a)
     elif z3.is_fprm_value(a):
         return self.pp_fprm_value(a)
     elif z3.is_fp_value(a):
         return self.pp_fp_value(a)
     elif z3.is_fp(a):
         return self.pp_fp(a, d, xs)
     elif z3.is_string_value(a):
         return self.pp_string(a)
     elif z3.is_const(a):
         return self.pp_const(a)
         f = a.decl()
         k = f.kind()
         if k == Z3_OP_POWER:
             return self.pp_power(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_DISTINCT:
             return self.pp_distinct(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_SELECT:
             return self.pp_select(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_SIGN_EXT or k == Z3_OP_ZERO_EXT or k == Z3_OP_REPEAT:
             return self.pp_unary_param(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_EXTRACT:
             return self.pp_extract(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_DT_IS:
             return self.pp_is(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_ARRAY_MAP:
             return self.pp_map(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_CONST_ARRAY:
             return self.pp_K(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_PB_AT_MOST:
             return self.pp_atmost(a, d, f, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_PB_LE:
             return self.pp_pbcmp(a, d, f, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_PB_GE:
             return self.pp_pbcmp(a, d, f, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_PB_EQ:
             return self.pp_pbcmp(a, d, f, xs)
         elif z3.is_pattern(a):
             return self.pp_pattern(a, d, xs)
         elif self.is_infix(k):
             return self.pp_infix(a, d, xs)
         elif self.is_unary(k):
             return self.pp_unary(a, d, xs)
             return self.pp_prefix(a, d, xs)
Beispiel #23
def expr_fold_stateful(smt_expr, leaf, inner, update, state):
    assert (isinstance(smt_expr, z3.ExprRef))
    if z3.is_const(smt_expr):
        return leaf(smt_expr, state)
        folding = [
            expr_fold_stateful(c, leaf, inner, update, update(state))
            for c in smt_expr.children()
        return inner(smt_expr, folding, state)
Beispiel #24
 def __init__(self, rand: random.Random, expr: z3.ExprRef,
              solver: z3.Solver):
     if not solver_is_sat(solver):
         debug("Solver unexpectedly unsat; solver state:", solver.sexpr())
         raise CrosshairInternal("Unexpected unsat from solver")
     self.condition_value = solver.model().evaluate(expr,
     self._stats_key = f"realize_{expr}" if z3.is_const(expr) else None
     WorstResultNode.__init__(self, rand, expr == self.condition_value,
Beispiel #25
def decl_to_string(decl):
    assert (isinstance(decl, z3.AstRef))
    if isinstance(decl, z3.FuncDeclRef):
        dom = [str(decl.domain(i)) for i in range(decl.arity())]
        dom_str = ' * '.join(dom)
        rng = decl.range()
        return '{} : {} -> {}'.format(decl, dom_str, rng)
        assert (z3.is_const(decl))
        return '{} : {} (const)'.format(decl, decl.sort())
Beispiel #26
def path_specific_expr(prefix, expr, var_mapping):
    """Creates a path specific copy of an expression, substituting all variables
    with path specific copies."""
    assert z3.is_expr(expr), expr
    if z3.is_const(expr):
        return path_specific_var(prefix, expr, var_mapping)
        sub_map = {}
        for var in get_all_vars(expr):
            sub_map[var] = path_specific_var(prefix, var, var_mapping)
        return z3.substitute(expr, list(sub_map.items()))
Beispiel #27
def get_all_vars(expr):
    """Returns all variables in the expression."""
    if z3.is_const(expr):
        if var_is_fixed(expr):
            return set()
            return {expr}
    assert expr.children()
    child_vars = set()
    for child_expr in expr.children():
        child_vars |= get_all_vars(child_expr)
    return child_vars
Beispiel #28
def path_specific_var(prefix, var, var_mapping):
    """If var is not fixed, returns a renamed copy that can be constrained
    without affecting the original var, or copies with different prefixes.
    var_mapping caches all path specific variables."""
    assert z3.is_const(var), var
    if var_is_fixed(var):
        # No ability or need to convert fixed values
        return var
    # Only currently need to support bitvecs, expand as needed.
    assert z3.is_bv(var), var
    return var_mapping.setdefault(var, z3.BitVec(prefix + str(var),
Beispiel #29
 def condition_addr(self, meta, addr, value):
     reg = self._addr_final_value_reg(addr)
     if isinstance(addr, int):
         name = f"*{hex(addr)}"
         name = addr
     expr = execution.final_register_value(f"Pf", reg, self.options.xlen)
     if isinstance(value, z3.BitVecRef) and not z3.is_const(value):
         addrs = {name}
         addrs = set()
     return expr == value, {name: expr}, addrs
Beispiel #30
 def condition_reg(self, meta, thread, reg, value):
     # Herd and rmem always use the x version of the register
     reg = execution.x_register(reg)
     name = f"{thread}:{reg}"
     expr = execution.final_register_value(
         f"P{thread}", reg, self.options.xlen
     if isinstance(value, z3.BitVecRef) and not z3.is_const(value):
         addrs = {name}
         addrs = set()
     return expr == value, {name: expr}, addrs
Beispiel #31
def collect_consts(smt_expr):
    """Returns list of all constants (as ExprRef instances) that appear in the given expression"""
    assert (isinstance(smt_expr, z3.ExprRef))
    non_unique_res = expr_fold(smt_expr, lambda t: [t]
                               if not z3.is_int_value(t) else [],
                               lambda _, cs: utils.flatten(cs))
    for c in non_unique_res:
        assert (z3.is_const(c))
    # Leaving the following in, in case conversion breaks again with strange z3 exceptions...[c.__class__ for c in non_unique_res])
    res = set(non_unique_res)"Consts in expr: {}".format(res))
    return [c for c in res if str(c) not in keywords]
Beispiel #32
    def pp_fp(self, a, d, xs):
        _z3_assert(isinstance(a, z3.FPRef), "type mismatch")
        k = a.decl().kind()
        op = '?'
        if (self.fpa_pretty and k in _z3_op_to_fpa_pretty_str):
            op = _z3_op_to_fpa_pretty_str[k]
        elif k in _z3_op_to_fpa_normal_str:
            op = _z3_op_to_fpa_normal_str[k]
        elif k in _z3_op_to_str:
            op = _z3_op_to_str[k]

        n = a.num_args()

        if self.fpa_pretty:
            if self.is_infix(k) and n >= 3:
                rm = a.arg(0)
                if z3.is_fprm_value(rm) and z3.get_default_rounding_mode(
                    arg1 = to_format(self.pp_expr(a.arg(1), d + 1, xs))
                    arg2 = to_format(self.pp_expr(a.arg(2), d + 1, xs))
                    r = []
                    r.append(to_format(' '))
                    r.append(to_format(' '))
                    return compose(r)
            elif k == Z3_OP_FPA_NEG:
                return compose([
                    to_format(self.pp_expr(a.arg(0), d + 1, xs))

        if k in _z3_op_to_fpa_normal_str:
            op = _z3_op_to_fpa_normal_str[k]

        r = []
        if not z3.is_const(a):
            first = True
            for c in a.children():
                if first:
                    first = False
                    r.append(to_format(', '))
                r.append(self.pp_expr(c, d + 1, xs))
            return compose(r)
            return to_format(a.as_string())
Beispiel #33
def variables_in_expression(expression):
    expressions = [expression]
    variables = []
    while len(expressions) > 0:
        expression = expressions.pop(0)
        if z3.is_const(expression):
            if not z3.is_bool_or_int_value(expression):
        elif z3.is_app(expression):
            if expression.decl().kind() == z3.Z3_OP_UNINTERPRETED:
            for i in range(expression.num_args()):
    return variables
Beispiel #34
def expr_fold(smt_expr, leaf, inner):
    """Folding the given expression (sexpr tree) by applying the leaf function to each leaf and the inner function at each inner node.

    :param smt_expr: z3 ExprRef
    :param leaf: Function from (constants) ExprRef to rtype
    :param inner: Function from (non-const) ExpRef and list of rtype to rtype
    assert (isinstance(smt_expr, z3.ExprRef))
    if z3.is_const(smt_expr):
        res = leaf(smt_expr)
        return res
        folding = [expr_fold(c, leaf, inner) for c in smt_expr.children()]
        return inner(smt_expr, folding)
 def toDimacs(self, clause, neg=False):
     variables = []
     if z3.is_const(clause):
         if not isinstance(clause, IntNumRef):
             sys.exit("shouldn't get here")
     for c in clause.children():
         if is_not(c):
         variables = variables + self.toDimacs(c)
     return variables
Beispiel #36
    def rec(e):
        if isinstance(e, z3.QuantifierRef):
            for n in range(e.num_vars()):
                mkvar(e.var_name(n), e.var_sort(n))
        elif z3.is_algebraic_value(e) or \
             z3.is_bv_value(e) or \
             z3.is_int_value(e) or \
        elif z3.is_const(e):
            mkvar(str(e), e.sort())

        for sub in e.children():
Beispiel #37
def is_function_symbol(s: z3.ExprRef) -> bool:
    if not z3.is_app(s):
        return False
    if z3.is_const(s):
        return False

    func = s.decl()
    if func.range() == z3.BoolSort():
        # predicate symbol
        return False

    if == 'if':
        return False

    return True
Beispiel #38
    def pp_fp(self, a, d, xs):
        z3._z3_assert(isinstance(a, z3.FPRef), "type mismatch")
        k = a.decl().kind()
        op = '?'
        if (self.fpa_pretty and k in _z3_op_to_fpa_pretty_str):
            op = _z3_op_to_fpa_pretty_str[k]
        elif k in _z3_op_to_fpa_normal_str:
            op = _z3_op_to_fpa_normal_str[k]
        elif k in _z3_op_to_str:
            op = _z3_op_to_str[k]        

        n = a.num_args()

        if self.fpa_pretty:
            if self.is_infix(k) and n >= 3:            
                rm = a.arg(0)
                if z3.is_fprm_value(rm) and z3._dflt_rm(a.ctx).eq(rm):
                    arg1 = to_format(self.pp_expr(a.arg(1), d+1, xs))
                    arg2 = to_format(self.pp_expr(a.arg(2), d+1, xs))
                    r = []
                    r.append(to_format(' '))
                    r.append(to_format(' '))
                    return compose(r)
            elif k == Z3_OP_FPA_NEG:
                return compose([to_format('-') , to_format(self.pp_expr(a.arg(0), d+1, xs))])

        if k in _z3_op_to_fpa_normal_str:
            op = _z3_op_to_fpa_normal_str[k]
        r = []        
        if not z3.is_const(a):
            first = True
            for c in a.children():                
                if first:
                    first = False
                    r.append(to_format(', '))
                r.append(self.pp_expr(c, d+1, xs))
            return compose(r)
            return to_format(a.as_string())
Beispiel #39
 def pp_app(self, a, d, xs):
     if z3.is_int_value(a):
         return self.pp_int(a)
     elif z3.is_rational_value(a):
         rat = self.pp_rational(a)
         return rat
     elif z3.is_algebraic_value(a):
         return self.pp_algebraic(a)
     elif z3.is_bv_value(a):
         return self.pp_bv(a)
     elif z3.is_const(a):
         return self.pp_const(a)
         f = a.decl()
         k = f.kind()
         if k == Z3_OP_POWER:
             return self.pp_power(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_DISTINCT:
             return self.pp_distinct(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_SELECT:
             return self.pp_select(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_SIGN_EXT or k == Z3_OP_ZERO_EXT or k == Z3_OP_REPEAT:
             return self.pp_unary_param(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_EXTRACT:
             return self.pp_extract(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_ARRAY_MAP:
             return self.pp_map(a, d, xs)
         elif k == Z3_OP_CONST_ARRAY:
             return self.pp_K(a, d, xs)
         elif z3.is_pattern(a):
             return self.pp_pattern(a, d, xs)
         elif self.is_infix(k):
             return self.pp_infix(a, d, xs)
         elif self.is_unary(k):
             return self.pp_unary(a, d, xs)
             return self.pp_prefix(a, d, xs)
Beispiel #40
    def _back_single_term(self, expr, args, model=None):
        assert z3.is_expr(expr)

        if z3.is_quantifier(expr):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Quantified back conversion is currently not supported")

        assert not len(args) > 2 or \
            (z3.is_and(expr) or z3.is_or(expr) or
             z3.is_add(expr) or z3.is_mul(expr) or
             (len(args) == 3 and (z3.is_ite(expr) or z3.is_array_store(expr)))),\
            "Unexpected n-ary term: %s" % expr

        res = None
            decl = z3.Z3_get_app_decl(expr.ctx_ref(), expr.as_ast())
            kind = z3.Z3_get_decl_kind(expr.ctx.ref(), decl)
            # Try to get the back-conversion function for the given Kind
            fun = self._back_fun[kind]
            return fun(args, expr)
        except KeyError as ex:

        if z3.is_const(expr):
            # Const or Symbol
            if z3.is_rational_value(expr):
                n = expr.numerator_as_long()
                d = expr.denominator_as_long()
                f = Fraction(n, d)
                return self.mgr.Real(f)
            elif z3.is_int_value(expr):
                n = expr.as_long()
                return self.mgr.Int(n)
            elif z3.is_bv_value(expr):
                n = expr.as_long()
                w = expr.size()
                return self.mgr.BV(n, w)
            elif z3.is_as_array(expr):
                if model is None:
                    raise NotImplementedError("As-array expressions cannot be" \
                                              " handled as they are not " \
                    interp_decl = z3.get_as_array_func(expr)
                    interp = model[interp_decl]
                    default = self.back(interp.else_value(), model=model)
                    assign = {}
                    for i in xrange(interp.num_entries()):
                        e = interp.entry(i)
                        assert e.num_args() == 1
                        idx = self.back(e.arg_value(0), model=model)
                        val = self.back(e.value(), model=model)
                        assign[idx] = val
                    arr_type = self._z3_to_type(expr.sort())
                    return self.mgr.Array(arr_type.index_type, default, assign)
            elif z3.is_algebraic_value(expr):
                # Algebraic value
                return self.mgr._Algebraic(Numeral(expr))
                # it must be a symbol
                    return self.mgr.get_symbol(str(expr))
                except UndefinedSymbolError:
                    import warnings
                    symb_type = self._z3_to_type(expr.sort())
                    warnings.warn("Defining new symbol: %s" % str(expr))
                    return self.mgr.FreshSymbol(symb_type,
        elif z3.is_function(expr):
            # This needs to be after we try to convert regular Symbols
            fsymbol = self.mgr.get_symbol(expr.decl().name())
            return self.mgr.Function(fsymbol, args)

        # If we reach this point, we did not manage to translate the expression
        raise ConvertExpressionError(message=("Unsupported expression: %s" %
Beispiel #41
    def _back_single_term(self, expr, args, model=None):
        assert z3.is_expr(expr)

        if z3.is_quantifier(expr):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Quantified back conversion is currently not supported")

        res = None
        if z3.is_and(expr):
            res = self.mgr.And(args)
        elif z3.is_or(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Or(args)
        elif z3.is_add(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Plus(args)
        elif z3.is_div(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Div(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_eq(expr):
            if self._get_type(args[0]).is_bool_type():
                res = self.mgr.Iff(args[0], args[1])
                res = self.mgr.Equals(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_iff(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Iff(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_xor(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Xor(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_false(expr):
            res = self.mgr.FALSE()
        elif z3.is_true(expr):
            res = self.mgr.TRUE()
        elif z3.is_gt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.GT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_ge(expr):
            res = self.mgr.GE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_lt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.LT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_le(expr):
            res = self.mgr.LE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_mul(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Times(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_uminus(expr):
            tp = self._get_type(args[0])
            if tp.is_real_type():
                minus_one = self.mgr.Real(-1)
                assert tp.is_int_type()
                minus_one = self.mgr.Int(-1)
            res = self.mgr.Times(args[0], minus_one)
        elif z3.is_sub(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Minus(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_not(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Not(args[0])
        elif z3.is_implies(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Implies(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_quantifier(expr):
            raise NotImplementedError
        elif z3.is_const(expr):
            if z3.is_rational_value(expr):
                n = expr.numerator_as_long()
                d = expr.denominator_as_long()
                f = Fraction(n, d)
                res = self.mgr.Real(f)
            elif z3.is_int_value(expr):
                n = expr.as_long()
                res = self.mgr.Int(n)
            elif z3.is_bv_value(expr):
                n = expr.as_long()
                w = expr.size()
                res = self.mgr.BV(n, w)
            elif z3.is_as_array(expr):
                if model is None:
                    raise NotImplementedError("As-array expressions cannot be" \
                                              " handled as they are not " \
                    interp_decl = z3.get_as_array_func(expr)
                    interp = model[interp_decl]
                    default = self.back(interp.else_value(), model=model)
                    assign = {}
                    for i in xrange(interp.num_entries()):
                        e = interp.entry(i)
                        assert e.num_args() == 1
                        idx = self.back(e.arg_value(0), model=model)
                        val = self.back(e.value(), model=model)
                        assign[idx] = val
                    arr_type = self._z3_to_type(expr.sort())
                    res = self.mgr.Array(arr_type.index_type, default, assign)
            elif z3.is_algebraic_value(expr):
                # Algebraic value
                return self.mgr._Algebraic(Numeral(expr))
                # it must be a symbol
                res = self.mgr.get_symbol(str(expr))
        elif z3.is_ite(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Ite(args[0], args[1], args[2])
        elif z3.is_function(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Function(self.mgr.get_symbol(expr.decl().name()), args)
        elif z3.is_to_real(expr):
            res = self.mgr.ToReal(args[0])
        elif z3.is_bv_and(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVAnd(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_or(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVOr(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_xor(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVXor(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_not(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVNot(args[0])
        elif z3.is_bv_neg(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVNeg(args[0])
        elif z3.is_bv_concat(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVConcat(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_ult(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVULT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_uleq(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVULE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_slt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSLT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sleq(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSLE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_ugt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVUGT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_ugeq(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVUGE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sgt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSGT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sgeq(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSGE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_extract(expr):
            end = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            start = z3.get_payload(expr, 1)
            res = self.mgr.BVExtract(args[0], start, end)
        elif z3.is_bv_add(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVAdd(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_mul(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVMul(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_udiv(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVUDiv(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sdiv(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSDiv(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_urem(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVURem(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_srem(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSRem(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_lshl(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVLShl(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_lshr(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVLShr(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_ashr(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVAShr(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sub(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSub(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_rol(expr):
            amount = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            res = self.mgr.BVRol(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_ror(expr):
            amount = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            res = self.mgr.BVRor(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_ext_rol(expr):
            amount = args[1].bv_unsigned_value()
            res = self.mgr.BVRol(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_ext_ror(expr):
            amount = args[1].bv_unsigned_value()
            res = self.mgr.BVRor(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_sext(expr):
            amount = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            res = self.mgr.BVSExt(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_zext(expr):
            amount = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            res = self.mgr.BVZExt(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_array_select(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Select(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_array_store(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Store(args[0], args[1], args[2])
        elif z3.is_const_array(expr):
            arr_ty = self._z3_to_type(expr.sort())
            k = args[0]
            res = self.mgr.Array(arr_ty.index_type, k)
        elif z3.is_power(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Pow(args[0], args[1])
        if res is None:
            raise ConvertExpressionError(message=("Unsupported expression: %s" %
        return res
Beispiel #42
    print "error = {}".format(error)

    axioms += forward_clauses(axioms,inflex)

    init_z3 = sv.clauses_to_z3(init)
    print "init_z3 = {}".format(init_z3)
    for a in updates:
        print lu.simplify_clauses(a[1])
    rho_z3 = z3.Or(*[sv.clauses_to_z3(lu.simplify_clauses(a[1])) for a in updates])
    print "rho_z3 = {}".format(rho_z3)
    bad_z3 = sv.clauses_to_z3(error)
    print "bad_z3 = {}".format(bad_z3)
    background_z3 = sv.clauses_to_z3(axioms)
    print "background_z3 = {}".format(background_z3)
    #relations_z3 = [ns(rel) for rel in sig.relations if tr.is_new(rel) or rel in inflex]
    relations_z3 =  [ x for x in gsyms if not z3.is_const(x) or (z3.is_const(x) and x.sort() == z3.BoolSort()) ]
    relations_z3 += [ x for _,x in lsyms if not z3.is_const(x) or (z3.is_const(x) and x.sort() == z3.BoolSort()) ]
    print "relations_z3 = {}".format(relations_z3)

    ### HACK: remove skolem predicates from the list of predicate symbols
    #relations_z3 = [ x for x in relations_z3 if not x in skolems ]

    pdr = pd.PDR(init_z3, rho_z3, bad_z3, background_z3, gsyms, lsyms, relations_z3, True)

    watch = Stopwatch()

    with watch:
        outcome =
    if outcome:
        status = "valid"
        if hasattr(pdr, 'verify') and not pdr.verify(outcome):
Beispiel #43
    def _back_single_term(self, expr, args):
        assert z3.is_expr(expr)

        if z3.is_quantifier(expr):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Quantified back conversion is currently not supported")

        res = None
        if z3.is_and(expr):
            res = self.mgr.And(args)
        elif z3.is_or(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Or(args)
        elif z3.is_add(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Plus(args)
        elif z3.is_div(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Div(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_eq(expr):
            if self._get_type(args[0]).is_bool_type():
                res = self.mgr.Iff(args[0], args[1])
                res = self.mgr.Equals(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_iff(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Iff(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_xor(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Xor(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_false(expr):
            res = self.mgr.FALSE()
        elif z3.is_true(expr):
            res = self.mgr.TRUE()
        elif z3.is_gt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.GT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_ge(expr):
            res = self.mgr.GE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_lt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.LT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_le(expr):
            res = self.mgr.LE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_mul(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Times(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_uminus(expr):
            tp = self._get_type(args[0])
            if tp.is_real_type():
                minus_one = self.mgr.Real(-1)
                assert tp.is_int_type()
                minus_one = self.mgr.Int(-1)
            res = self.mgr.Times(args[0], minus_one)
        elif z3.is_sub(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Minus(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_not(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Not(args[0])
        elif z3.is_implies(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Implies(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_quantifier(expr):
            raise NotImplementedError
        elif z3.is_const(expr):
            if z3.is_rational_value(expr):
                n = expr.numerator_as_long()
                d = expr.denominator_as_long()
                f = Fraction(n, d)
                res = self.mgr.Real(f)
            elif z3.is_int_value(expr):
                n = expr.as_long()
                res = self.mgr.Int(n)
            elif z3.is_bv_value(expr):
                n = expr.as_long()
                w = expr.size()
                res = self.mgr.BV(n, w)
                # it must be a symbol
                res = self.mgr.get_symbol(str(expr))
        elif z3.is_ite(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Ite(args[0], args[1], args[2])
        elif z3.is_function(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Function(self.mgr.get_symbol(expr.decl().name()), args)
        elif z3.is_to_real(expr):
            res = self.mgr.ToReal(args[0])
        elif z3.is_bv_and(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVAnd(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_or(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVOr(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_xor(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVXor(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_not(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVNot(args[0])
        elif z3.is_bv_neg(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVNeg(args[0])
        elif z3.is_bv_concat(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVConcat(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_ult(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVULT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_uleq(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVULE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_slt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSLT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sleq(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSLE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_ugt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVUGT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_ugeq(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVUGE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sgt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSGT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sgeq(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSGE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_extract(expr):
            end = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            start = z3.get_payload(expr, 1)
            res = self.mgr.BVExtract(args[0], start, end)
        elif z3.is_bv_add(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVAdd(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_mul(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVMul(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_udiv(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVUDiv(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sdiv(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSDiv(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_urem(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVURem(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_srem(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSRem(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_lshl(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVLShl(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_lshr(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVLShr(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_ashr(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVAShr(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sub(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSub(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_rol(expr):
            amount = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            res = self.mgr.BVRol(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_ror(expr):
            amount = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            res = self.mgr.BVRor(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_ext_rol(expr):
            amount = args[1].bv_unsigned_value()
            res = self.mgr.BVRol(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_ext_ror(expr):
            amount = args[1].bv_unsigned_value()
            res = self.mgr.BVRor(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_sext(expr):
            amount = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            res = self.mgr.BVSExt(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_zext(expr):
            amount = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            res = self.mgr.BVZExt(args[0], amount)

        if res is None:
            raise ConvertExpressionError(message=("Unsupported expression: %s" %
        return res