def test_invalid_string_raises_exception():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        AsciiReply("%33 A OK I AM A BANANA\r\n")
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        AsciiReply("#BD 4 !! \n")
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        AsciiReply("@01 0 OK IDLE --\r\n")
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        AsciiReply("@01 0 OK IDLE -- \r\n")
def test_alert_parsing():
    a = AsciiReply("!01 0 IDLE --\r\n")
    assert (a.message_type == '!')
    assert (a.device_address == 1)
    assert (a.axis_number == 0)
    assert (a.device_status == "IDLE")
    assert (a.warning_flag == "--")
def test_message_ids():
    a = AsciiReply("@04 2 12 OK IDLE -- 123\r\n")
    assert (a.message_id == 12)
    assert (a.message_type == '@')
    assert (a.device_address == 4)
    assert (a.axis_number == 2)
    assert (a.reply_flag == "OK")
    assert (a.device_status == "IDLE")
    assert (a.warning_flag == "--")
    assert ( == "123")

    b = AsciiReply("#03 0 13 Visit for instruction manuals.\r\n")
    assert (b.message_type == '#')
    assert (b.device_address == 3)
    assert (b.axis_number == 0)
    assert (b.message_id == 13)
    assert ( == "Visit for instruction manuals.")
def test_reply_parsing():
    a = AsciiReply("@01 0 OK IDLE -- 0\r\n")
    assert (a.message_type == '@')
    assert (a.device_address == 1)
    assert (a.axis_number == 0)
    assert (a.reply_flag == "OK")
    assert (a.device_status == "IDLE")
    assert (a.warning_flag == "--")
    assert ( == "0")
def test_encode_with_checksum():
    repstr = "@01 0 OK IDLE -- 0:8D\r\n"
    a = AsciiReply(repstr)
    assert (a.encode() == repstr)
def test_encode_with_message_id():
    repstr = "@01 0 12 OK IDLE -- 0\r\n"
    a = AsciiReply(repstr)
    assert (a.encode() == repstr)
def test_encoding_strings():
    reply_string = "@01 0 OK IDLE -- 0\r\n"
    a = AsciiReply(reply_string)
    assert (a.encode() == reply_string)
Beispiel #8
 def test_command_warning_flag_accepted(self, lsc, data, expected):
     reply = AsciiReply("@01 0 OK IDLE {0} 0".format(data))
     status_dictionary = lsc.check_reply(reply)
     assert status_dictionary is True
def test_info_parsing():
    a = AsciiReply("#01 0 Visit for instruction manuals.\r\n")
    assert (a.message_type == '#')
    assert (a.device_address == 1)
    assert (a.axis_number == 0)
    assert ( == "Visit for instruction manuals.")
def test_encode_with_single_digit_checksum():
    repstr = "@01 0 OK IDLE -- 7z:0C\r\n"
    a = AsciiReply(repstr)
    assert(a.encode() == repstr)
def test_encode_with_checksum():
    repstr = "@01 0 OK IDLE -- 0:8D\r\n"
    a = AsciiReply(repstr)
    assert(a.encode() == repstr)
def test_encode_with_message_id():
    repstr = "@01 0 12 OK IDLE -- 0\r\n"
    a = AsciiReply(repstr)
    assert(a.encode() == repstr)
def test_encoding_strings():
    reply_string = "@01 0 OK IDLE -- 0\r\n"
    a = AsciiReply(reply_string)
    assert(a.encode() == reply_string)
def test_unexpectedreplyerror_accepts_reply():
    rep = AsciiReply("@01 0 OK IDLE -- 0\r\n")
    ex = UnexpectedReplyError("Oh no!", rep)
    assert (ex.args == ("Oh no!", ))
    assert (ex.reply == rep)
Beispiel #15
 def test_command_reply_flag_rejected(self, lsc, data, expected):
     reply = AsciiReply("@01 0 RJ IDLE -- {0}".format(data))
     status_dictionary = lsc.check_reply(reply)
     assert status_dictionary is False
def test_encode_with_single_digit_checksum():
    repstr = "@01 0 OK IDLE -- 7z:0C\r\n"
    a = AsciiReply(repstr)
    assert (a.encode() == repstr)
def test_bad_checksum_raises_exception():
    repstr = "@01 0 OK IDLE -- 0:GG\r\n"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        a = AsciiReply(repstr)
Beispiel #18
 def test_command_accepted(self, lsc):
     reply = AsciiReply("@01 0 OK IDLE -- 0 \r")
     status_dictionary = lsc.check_reply(reply)
     assert status_dictionary is True