Beispiel #1
    def handle(self):
        config = self.request.raw_request

        # Creates a pubsub_tool that will handle this subscription and registers it with pubsub
        pubsub_tool = PubSubTool(self.pubsub, self.server,

        # Makes this sub_key known to pubsub

        # Common message for both local server and broker
        msg = {
            'cluster_id': self.server.cluster_id,
            'sub_key': config['sub_key'],
            'endpoint_type': config['endpoint_type'],
            'task_delivery_interval': config['task_delivery_interval'],

        # Register this delivery task with current server's pubsub but only if we do not have it already.
        # It is possible that we do, for instance:
        # 1) This server had this task when it was starting up
        # 2) The task was migrated to another server

        # Update in-RAM state of workers
        msg['action'] = BROKER_MSG_PUBSUB.SUB_KEY_SERVER_SET.value
Beispiel #2
    def handle(self):
        config = self.request.raw_request

        # Creates a pubsub_tool that will handle this subscription and registers it with pubsub
        pubsub_tool = PubSubTool(self.pubsub, self.server, config['endpoint_type'])

        # Makes this sub_key known to pubsub

        # Common message for both local server and broker
        msg = {
            'cluster_id': self.server.cluster_id,
            'sub_key': config['sub_key'],
            'endpoint_type': config['endpoint_type'],
            'task_delivery_interval': config['task_delivery_interval'],

        # Update in-RAM state of workers
        msg['action'] = BROKER_MSG_PUBSUB.SUB_KEY_SERVER_SET.value
class WebSocket(_WebSocket):
    """ Encapsulates information about an individual connection from a WebSocket client.
    def __init__(self, container, config, _unusued_sock, _unusued_protocols, _unusued_extensions, wsgi_environ, **kwargs):

        # The object containing this WebSocket
        self.container = container

        # Note: configuration object is shared by all WebSockets and any writes will be visible to all of them
        self.config = config

        # For later reference
        self.initial_http_wsgi_environ = wsgi_environ

        # Referred to soon enough so created here
        self.pub_client_id = 'ws.{}'.format(new_cid())

        super(WebSocket, self).__init__(_unusued_sock, _unusued_protocols, _unusued_extensions, wsgi_environ, **kwargs)

    def _init(self):

        # Python-level ID contains all the core details, our own ID and that of the thread (greenlet) that creates us
        _current_thread = current_thread()
        python_id = '{}.{}.{}'.format(hex(id(self)),, hex(_current_thread.ident))

        # Assign core attributes to this object before calling parent class
        self.python_id = python_id

        # Must be set here and then to True later on because our parent class may already want
        # to accept connections, and we need to postpone their processing until we are initialized fully.
        self._initialized = False

        self.has_session_opened = False
        self._token = None
        self.update_lock = RLock()
        self.ext_client_id = None
        self.ext_client_name = None
        self.connection_time = self.last_seen = datetime.utcnow()
        self.sec_type = self.config.sec_type
        self.pings_missed = 0
        self.pings_missed_threshold = self.config.get('pings_missed_threshold', 5)
        self.user_data = Bunch() # Arbitrary user-defined data
        self._disconnect_requested = False # Have we been asked to disconnect this client?

        # Last the we received a ping response (pong) from our peer
        self.ping_last_response_time = None

        # If the peer ever subscribes to a pub/sub topic we will periodically
        # store in the ODB information about the last time the peer either sent
        # or received anything from us. Note that we store it if:
        # * The peer has at least one subscription, and
        # * At least self.pubsub_interact_interval seconds elapsed since the last update
        # And:
        # * The peer received a pub/sub message, or
        # * The peer sent a pub/sub message
        # Or:
        # * The peer did not send or receive anything, but
        # * The peer correctly responds to ping messages
        # Such a logic ensures that we do not overwhelm the database with frequent updates
        # if the peer uses pub/sub heavily - it is costly to do it for each message.
        # At the same time, if the peer does not receive or send anything but it is still connected
        # (because it responds to ping) we set its SQL status too.
        # All of this lets background processes clean up WSX clients that subscribe at one
        # point but they are never seen again, which may (theoretically) happen if a peer disconnects
        # in a way that does not allow for Zato to clean up its subscription status in the ODB.
        self.pubsub_interact_interval = WEB_SOCKET.DEFAULT.INTERACT_UPDATE_INTERVAL
        self.interact_last_updated = None
        self.last_interact_source = None
        self.interact_last_set = None

        # Manages access to service hooks
        if self.config.hook_service:

            self.hook_tool = HookTool(self.config.parallel_server, HookCtx, hook_type_to_method, self.invoke_service)

            self.on_connected_service_invoker = self.hook_tool.get_hook_service_invoker(
                self.config.hook_service, WEB_SOCKET.HOOK_TYPE.ON_CONNECTED)

            self.on_disconnected_service_invoker = self.hook_tool.get_hook_service_invoker(
                self.config.hook_service, WEB_SOCKET.HOOK_TYPE.ON_DISCONNECTED)

            self.on_pubsub_response_service_invoker = self.hook_tool.get_hook_service_invoker(
                self.config.hook_service, WEB_SOCKET.HOOK_TYPE.ON_PUBSUB_RESPONSE)

            self.hook_tool = None
            self.on_connected_service_invoker = None
            self.on_disconnected_service_invoker = None
            self.on_pubsub_response_service_invoker = None

        # For publish/subscribe over WSX
        self.pubsub_tool = PubSubTool(self.config.parallel_server.worker_store.pubsub, self,
  , self.deliver_pubsub_msg)

        # Active WebSocket client ID (WebSocketClient model, in SQL)
        self._sql_ws_client_id = None

        # For tokens assigned externally independent of our WS-level self.token.
        # Such tokens will be generated by Vault, for instance.
        self.ext_token = None

        # Drop WSGI keys pointing to complex Python objects such as sockets
        for name in _wsgi_drop_keys:
            self.initial_http_wsgi_environ.pop(name, None)

        # Responses to previously sent requests - keyed by request IDs
        self.responses_received = {}

        _local_address = self.sock.getsockname()
        self._local_address = '{}:{}'.format(_local_address[0], _local_address[1])

        _peer_address = self.sock.getpeername()
        self._peer_address = '{}:{}'.format(_peer_address[0], _peer_address[1])

        self.forwarded_for = self.initial_http_wsgi_environ.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')

        if self.forwarded_for:
            self.forwarded_for_fqdn = socket.getfqdn(self.forwarded_for)
            self.forwarded_for_fqdn = WEB_SOCKET.DEFAULT.FQDN_UNKNOWN


            self._peer_host = socket.gethostbyaddr(_peer_address[0])[0]
            _peer_fqdn = socket.getfqdn(self._peer_host)
        except Exception:
            self._peer_fqdn = _peer_fqdn

        self.peer_conn_info_pretty = self.get_peer_info_pretty()

        self._parse_func = {
            DATA_FORMAT.JSON: self.parse_json,
            DATA_FORMAT.XML: self.parse_xml,

        # All set, we can process connections now
        self._initialized = True

# ################################################################################################################################

    def token(self):
        return self._token

    def token(self, value):

        if not self._token:
            self._token = TokenInfo(value, self.config.token_ttl)
            self._token.value = value

# ################################################################################################################################

    # This is a property so as to make it easier to add logging calls to observe what is getting and setting the value

    def sql_ws_client_id(self):
        return self._sql_ws_client_id

    def sql_ws_client_id(self, value):
        self._sql_ws_client_id = value

# ################################################################################################################################

    def set_last_interaction_data(self, source, _now=datetime.utcnow, _interval=WEB_SOCKET.DEFAULT.INTERACT_UPDATE_INTERVAL):
        """ Updates metadata regarding pub/sub about this WSX connection.
        with self.update_lock:

            # Local aliases
            now = _now()

            # Update last interaction metadata time for our peer
            self.last_interact_source = source

            # It is possible that we set the metadata the first time,
            # in which case we will always invoke the service, having first stored current timestamp for later use.
            if not self.interact_last_set:
                self.interact_last_set = now
                needs_services = True

                # We must have been already called before, in which case we execute services only if it is our time to do it.
                needs_services = True if self.interact_last_updated + timedelta(minutes=_interval) < now else False

            # Are we to invoke the services this time?
            if needs_services:

                now_formatted = now.isoformat()

                pub_sub_request = {
                    'sub_key': self.pubsub_tool.get_sub_keys(),
                    'last_interaction_time': now_formatted,
                    'last_interaction_type': self.last_interact_source,
                    'last_interaction_details': self.get_peer_info_pretty(),

                wsx_request = {
                    'id': self.sql_ws_client_id,
                    'last_seen': now_formatted,

      'Setting pub/sub interaction metadata `%s`', pub_sub_request)
                self.invoke_service('zato.pubsub.subscription.update-interaction-metadata', pub_sub_request)

      'Setting WSX last seen `%s`', wsx_request)
                self.invoke_service('', wsx_request)

                # Finally, store it for the future use
                self.interact_last_updated = now

# ################################################################################################################################

    def deliver_pubsub_msg(self, sub_key, msg):
        """ Delivers one or more pub/sub messages to the connected WSX client.
        ctx = {}

        if isinstance(msg, PubSubMessage):
            len_msg = 1
            len_msg = len(msg)
            msg = msg[0] if len_msg == 1 else msg

        # A list of messages is given on input so we need to serialize each of them individually
        if isinstance(msg, list):
            cid = new_cid()
            data = []
            for elem in msg:
                data.append(elem.serialized if elem.serialized else elem.to_external_dict())
                if elem.reply_to_sk:
                    ctx_reply_to_sk = ctx.setdefault('', [])

        # A single message was given on input
            cid = msg.pub_msg_id
            data = msg.serialized if msg.serialized else msg.to_external_dict()
            if msg.reply_to_sk:
                ctx['reply_to_sk'] = msg.reply_to_sk'Delivering %d pub/sub message{} to sub_key `%s` (ctx:%s)'.format('s' if len_msg > 1 else ''),
            len_msg, sub_key, ctx)

        # Actually deliver messages
        self.invoke_client(cid, data, ctx=ctx, _Class=InvokeClientPubSubRequest)

        # We get here if there was no exception = we can update pub/sub metadata

# ################################################################################################################################

    def add_sub_key(self, sub_key):

# ################################################################################################################################

    def remove_sub_key(self, sub_key):

# ################################################################################################################################

    def add_pubsub_message(self, sub_key, message):
        self.pubsub_tool.add_message(sub_key, message)

# ################################################################################################################################

    def get_peer_info_dict(self):
        return {
            'name': self.ext_client_name,
            'ext_client_id': self.ext_client_id,
            'forwarded_for_fqdn': self.forwarded_for_fqdn,
            'peer_fqdn': self._peer_fqdn,
            'pub_client_id': self.pub_client_id,
            'python_id': self.python_id,
            'sock': str(getattr(self, 'sock', '')),
            'swc': self.sql_ws_client_id,

# ################################################################################################################################

    def get_peer_info_pretty(self):
        return 'name:`{}` id:`{}` fwd_for:`{}` conn:`{}` pub:`{}`, py:`{}`, sock:`{}`, swc:`{}`'.format(
            self.ext_client_name, self.ext_client_id, self.forwarded_for_fqdn, self._peer_fqdn,
            self.pub_client_id, self.python_id, getattr(self, 'sock', ''), self.sql_ws_client_id)

# ################################################################################################################################

    def get_on_connected_hook(self):
        """ Returns a hook triggered when a new connection was made.
        if self.hook_tool:
            return self.on_connected_service_invoker

# ################################################################################################################################

    def get_on_disconnected_hook(self):
        """ Returns a hook triggered when an existing connection was dropped.
        if self.hook_tool:
            return self.on_disconnected_service_invoker

# ################################################################################################################################

    def get_on_pubsub_hook(self):
        """ Returns a hook triggered when a pub/sub response arrives from the connected client.
        if self.hook_tool:
            return self.on_pubsub_response_service_invoker

# ################################################################################################################################

    def parse_json(self, data, _create_session=WEB_SOCKET.ACTION.CREATE_SESSION, _response=WEB_SOCKET.ACTION.CLIENT_RESPONSE):

        parsed = loads(data)
        msg = ClientMessage()

        meta = parsed.get('meta', {})

        if meta:
            meta = bunchify(meta)

            msg.action = meta.get('action', _response)
            msg.timestamp = meta.timestamp
            msg.token = meta.get('token') # Optional because it won't exist during first authentication

            # self.ext_client_id and self.ext_client_name will exist after create-session action
            # so we use them if they are available but fall back to meta.client_id and meta.client_name during
            # the very create-session action.
            if meta.get('client_id'):
                self.ext_client_id = meta.client_id

            ext_client_name = meta.get('client_name')
            if ext_client_name:
                if isinstance(ext_client_name, dict):
                    _ext_client_name = []
                    for key, value in sorted(ext_client_name.items()):
                        _ext_client_name.append('{}: {}'.format(key, value))
                    ext_client_name = '; '.join(_ext_client_name)

            msg.ext_client_name = ext_client_name
            msg.ext_client_id = self.ext_client_id

            if msg.action == _create_session:
                msg.username = meta.get('username')

                # Secret is optional because WS channels may be without credentials attached
                msg.secret = meta.secret if self.config.needs_auth else ''

                msg.is_auth = True
                msg.in_reply_to = meta.get('in_reply_to')
                msg.is_auth = False

                ctx = meta.get('ctx')
                if ctx:
                    msg.reply_to_sk = ctx.get('reply_to_sk')
                    msg.deliver_to_sk = ctx.get('deliver_to_sk') = parsed.get('data', {})

        return msg

# ################################################################################################################################

    def parse_xml(self, data):
        raise NotImplementedError('Not supported yet')

# ################################################################################################################################

    def create_session(self, cid, request, _sec_def_type_vault=SEC_DEF_TYPE.VAULT, _VAULT_TOKEN_HEADER=VAULT_TOKEN_HEADER):
        """ Creates a new session in the channel's auth backend and assigned metadata based on the backend's response.
        # This dictionary will be written to
        headers = {}

        if not self.config.needs_auth:
            can_create_session = True
            can_create_session = self.config.auth_func(
                request.cid, self.sec_type, {'username':request.username, 'secret':request.secret}, self.config.sec_name,
                self.config.vault_conn_default_auth_method, self.initial_http_wsgi_environ, headers)

        if can_create_session:

            with self.update_lock:

                # If we are using Vault, use its own header
                if self.config.sec_type == _sec_def_type_vault:
                    self.ext_token = headers['zato.http.response.headers'][_VAULT_TOKEN_HEADER]
                    self_token = self.ext_token

                # Otherwise, generate our own
                    self_token = new_cid()

                self.token = 'ws.token.{}'.format(self_token)

                self.has_session_opened = True
                self.ext_client_id = request.ext_client_id
                self.ext_client_name = request.ext_client_name

                # Update peer name pretty now that we have more details about it
                self.peer_conn_info_pretty = self.get_peer_info_pretty()

      'Assigning wsx py:`%s` to `%s`', self.python_id, self.peer_conn_info_pretty)

            return AuthenticateResponse(self.token.value, request.cid,

# ################################################################################################################################

    def on_forbidden(self, action, data=copy_forbidden):
        cid = new_cid()
            'Peer %s (%s) %s, closing its connection to %s (%s), cid:`%s` (%s)', self._peer_address, self._peer_fqdn, action,
            self._local_address,, cid, self.peer_conn_info_pretty)
        self.send(Forbidden(cid, data).serialize())

        self.server_terminated = True
        self.client_terminated = True

# ################################################################################################################################

    def send_background_pings(self, ping_extend=30):'Starting WSX background pings for `%s`', self.peer_conn_info_pretty)


                # Sleep for N seconds before sending a ping but check if we are connected upfront because
                # we could have disconnected in between while and sleep calls.

                # Ok, still connected
                        response = self.invoke_client(new_cid(), None, use_send=False)
                    except RuntimeError:
                        logger.warn('Closing connection due to `%s`', format_exc())

                    with self.update_lock:
                        if response:
                            self.pings_missed = 0
                            self.ping_last_response_time = datetime.utcnow()
                            # self._peer_address, action, self._local_address,
                            self.pings_missed += 1
                            if self.pings_missed < self.pings_missed_threshold:
                                    'Peer %s (%s) missed %s/%s ping messages from %s (%s). Last response time: %s{} (%s)'.format(
                                        ' UTC' if self.ping_last_response_time else '', self.peer_conn_info_pretty),
                                    self._peer_address, self._peer_fqdn, self.pings_missed, self.pings_missed_threshold,
                                    self._local_address,, self.ping_last_response_time)
                                self.on_forbidden('missed {}/{} ping messages'.format(
                                    self.pings_missed, self.pings_missed_threshold))

                # No stream = already disconnected, we can quit

        except Exception:

# ################################################################################################################################

    def _get_hook_request(self):
        out = bunchify({
            'peer_address': self._peer_address,
            'peer_host': self._peer_host,
            'peer_fqdn': self._peer_fqdn,

        for name in HookCtx.__slots__:
            if name not in('hook_type', 'peer_address', 'peer_host', 'peer_fqdn', 'msg'):
                out[name] = getattr(self, name)

        return out

# ################################################################################################################################

    def register_auth_client(self, _assigned_msg='Assigned sws_id:`%s` to `%s` (%s %s %s)'):
        """ Registers peer in ODB and sets up background pings to keep its connection alive.
        Called only if authentication succeeded.
        self.sql_ws_client_id = self.invoke_service('', {
            'pub_client_id': self.pub_client_id,
            'ext_client_id': self.ext_client_id,
            'ext_client_name': self.ext_client_name,
            'is_internal': True,
            'local_address': self.local_address,
            'peer_address': self.peer_address,
            'peer_fqdn': self._peer_fqdn,
            'connection_time': self.connection_time,
            'last_seen': self.last_seen,
            'peer_forwarded_for': self.forwarded_for,
            'peer_forwarded_for_fqdn': self.forwarded_for_fqdn,
        }, needs_response=True).ws_client_id
            _assigned_msg, self.sql_ws_client_id, self.python_id, self.pub_client_id, self.ext_client_id, self.ext_client_name)

        # Run the relevant on_connected hook, if any is available
        hook = self.get_on_connected_hook()

        if hook:


# ################################################################################################################################

    def unregister_auth_client(self):
        """ Unregisters an already registered peer in ODB.
        if self.has_session_opened:

            # Deletes state from SQL
            self.invoke_service('', {
                'pub_client_id': self.pub_client_id,

            if self.pubsub_tool.sub_keys:

                # Deletes across all workers the in-RAM pub/sub state about the client that is disconnecting
                self.invoke_service('', {
                    'sub_key_list': list(self.pubsub_tool.sub_keys),

                # Clears out our own delivery tasks

        # Run the relevant on_connected hook, if any is available (even if the session was never opened)
        hook = self.get_on_disconnected_hook()
        if hook:
            hook(WEB_SOCKET.HOOK_TYPE.ON_DISCONNECTED, self.config.hook_service, **self._get_hook_request())

# ################################################################################################################################

    def handle_create_session(self, cid, request):
        if request.is_auth:
            response = self.create_session(cid, request)
            if response:
                    'Client %s logged in successfully to %s (%s) (%s)', self.pub_client_id, self._local_address,
          , self.peer_conn_info_pretty)
                self.on_forbidden('sent invalid credentials')
            self.on_forbidden('is not authenticated')

# ################################################################################################################################

    def invoke_service(self, service_name, data, cid=None, needs_response=True, _channel=CHANNEL.WEB_SOCKET,
            _data_format=DATA_FORMAT.DICT, serialize=False):

        # It is possible that this method will be invoked before self.__init__ completes,
        # because self's parent manages the underlying TCP stream, in which can self
        # will not be fully initialized yet so we need to wait a bit until it is.
        while not self._initialized:

        return self.config.on_message_callback({
            'cid': cid or new_cid(),
            'data_format': _data_format,
            'service': service_name,
            'payload': data,
            'environ': {
                'web_socket': self,
                'sql_ws_client_id': self.sql_ws_client_id,
                'ws_channel_config': self.config,
                'ws_token': self.token,
                'ext_token': self.ext_token,
                'pub_client_id': self.pub_client_id,
                'ext_client_id': self.ext_client_id,
                'ext_client_name': self.ext_client_name,
                'peer_conn_info_pretty': self.peer_conn_info_pretty,
                'connection_time': self.connection_time,
                'pings_missed': self.pings_missed,
                'pings_missed_threshold': self.pings_missed_threshold,
                'peer_host': self._peer_host,
                'peer_fqdn': self._peer_fqdn,
                'forwarded_for': self.forwarded_for,
                'forwarded_for_fqdn': self.forwarded_for_fqdn,
                'initial_http_wsgi_environ': self.initial_http_wsgi_environ,
        }, CHANNEL.WEB_SOCKET, None, needs_response=needs_response, serialize=serialize)

# ################################################################################################################################

    def handle_client_message(self, cid, msg, _action=WEB_SOCKET.ACTION):
        self._handle_client_response(cid, msg) if msg.action == _action.CLIENT_RESPONSE else self._handle_invoke_service(cid, msg)

# ################################################################################################################################

    def _handle_invoke_service(self, cid, msg):

            service_response = self.invoke_service(self.config.service_name,, cid=cid)
        except Exception as e:

            logger.warn('Service `%s` could not be invoked, id:`%s` cid:`%s`, conn:`%s`, e:`%s`',
                self.config.service_name,, cid, self.peer_conn_info_pretty, format_exc())

            # Errors known to map to HTTP ones
            if isinstance(e, Reportable):
                status = e.status
                error_message = e.msg

            # Catch SimpleIO-related errors, i.e. missing input parameters
            elif isinstance(e, ParsingException):
                status = BAD_REQUEST
                error_message = 'I/O processing error'

            # Anything else
                status = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
                error_message = 'Internal server error'

            response = ErrorResponse(cid,, status, error_message)

            response = OKResponse(cid,, service_response)

        serialized = response.serialize()'Sending response `%s` from to `%s` `%s` `%s` `%s`', serialized,
            self.python_id, self.pub_client_id, self.ext_client_id, self.ext_client_name, self.peer_conn_info_pretty)

        except AttributeError as e:
            if e.message == "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text_message'":
                _msg = 'Service response discarded (client disconnected), cid:`%s`, msg.meta:`%s`'
                _meta = msg.get_meta()
                logger.warn(_msg, _meta)
                logger_zato.warn(_msg, _meta)

# ################################################################################################################################

    def _wait_for_event(self, wait_time, condition_callable, _now=datetime.utcnow, _delta=timedelta,
                        _sleep=sleep, *args, **kwargs):
        now = _now()
        until = now + _delta(seconds=wait_time)

        while now < until:

            response = condition_callable(*args, **kwargs)
            if response:
                return response
                now = _now()

# ################################################################################################################################

    def _handle_client_response(self, cid, msg, _msg_id_prefix=MSG_PREFIX.MSG_ID):
        """ Processes responses from WSX clients - either invokes callbacks for pub/sub responses
        or adds the message to the list of received ones because someone is waiting for it.
        # Pub/sub response
        if msg.in_reply_to.startswith(_msg_id_prefix):
            hook = self.get_on_pubsub_hook()
            if not hook:
                log_msg = 'Ignoring pub/sub response, on_pubsub_response hook not implemented for `%s`, conn:`%s`, msg:`%s`'
                logger.warn(log_msg,, self.peer_conn_info_pretty, msg)
                logger_zato.warn(log_msg,, self.peer_conn_info_pretty, msg)
                request = self._get_hook_request()
                request['msg'] = msg

        # Regular synchronous response, simply enqueue it and someone else will take care of it
            self.responses_received[msg.in_reply_to] = msg

    def _has_client_response(self, request_id):
        return self.responses_received.get(request_id)

    def _wait_for_client_response(self, request_id, wait_time=5):
        """ Wait until a response from client arrives and return it or return None if there is no response up to wait_time.
        return self._wait_for_event(wait_time, self._has_client_response, request_id=request_id)

# ################################################################################################################################

    def _received_message(self, data, _now=datetime.utcnow, _default_data='', *args, **kwargs):

        # This is one of methods that can be invoked before self.__init__ completes,
        # because self's parent manages the underlying TCP stream, in which can self
        # will not be fully initialized yet so we need to wait a bit until it is.
        while not self._initialized:

            request = self._parse_func(data or _default_data)
            cid = new_cid()
            now = _now()
            self.last_seen = now

  'Request received cid:`%s`, client:`%s`', cid, self.pub_client_id)

            # If client is authenticated, allow it to re-authenticate, which grants a new token, or to invoke a service.
            # Otherwise, authentication is required.

            if self.has_session_opened:

                # Reject request if an already existing token was not given on input, it should have been
                # because the client is authenticated after all.
                if not request.token:
                    self.on_forbidden('did not send token')

                # Reject request if token is provided but it already expired
                if _now() > self.token.expires_at:
                    self.on_forbidden('used an expired token')

                # Ok, we can proceed
                    self.handle_client_message(cid, request) if not request.is_auth else self.handle_create_session(cid, request)
                except RuntimeError as e:
                    if e.message == 'Cannot send on a terminated websocket':
                        msg = 'Ignoring message (client disconnected), cid:`%s`, request:`%s` conn:`%s`'
              , cid, request, self.peer_conn_info_pretty)
              , cid, request, self.peer_conn_info_pretty)

            # Unauthenticated - require credentials on input
                self.handle_create_session(cid, request)

  'Response returned cid:`%s`, time:`%s`', cid, _now()-now)

        except Exception, e:
    def _init(self):

        # Python-level ID contains all the core details, our own ID and that of the thread (greenlet) that creates us
        _current_thread = current_thread()
        python_id = '{}.{}.{}'.format(hex(id(self)),, hex(_current_thread.ident))

        # Assign core attributes to this object before calling parent class
        self.python_id = python_id

        # Must be set here and then to True later on because our parent class may already want
        # to accept connections, and we need to postpone their processing until we are initialized fully.
        self._initialized = False

        self.has_session_opened = False
        self._token = None
        self.update_lock = RLock()
        self.ext_client_id = None
        self.ext_client_name = None
        self.connection_time = self.last_seen = datetime.utcnow()
        self.sec_type = self.config.sec_type
        self.pings_missed = 0
        self.pings_missed_threshold = self.config.get('pings_missed_threshold', 5)
        self.user_data = Bunch() # Arbitrary user-defined data
        self._disconnect_requested = False # Have we been asked to disconnect this client?

        # Last the we received a ping response (pong) from our peer
        self.ping_last_response_time = None

        # If the peer ever subscribes to a pub/sub topic we will periodically
        # store in the ODB information about the last time the peer either sent
        # or received anything from us. Note that we store it if:
        # * The peer has at least one subscription, and
        # * At least self.pubsub_interact_interval seconds elapsed since the last update
        # And:
        # * The peer received a pub/sub message, or
        # * The peer sent a pub/sub message
        # Or:
        # * The peer did not send or receive anything, but
        # * The peer correctly responds to ping messages
        # Such a logic ensures that we do not overwhelm the database with frequent updates
        # if the peer uses pub/sub heavily - it is costly to do it for each message.
        # At the same time, if the peer does not receive or send anything but it is still connected
        # (because it responds to ping) we set its SQL status too.
        # All of this lets background processes clean up WSX clients that subscribe at one
        # point but they are never seen again, which may (theoretically) happen if a peer disconnects
        # in a way that does not allow for Zato to clean up its subscription status in the ODB.
        self.pubsub_interact_interval = WEB_SOCKET.DEFAULT.INTERACT_UPDATE_INTERVAL
        self.interact_last_updated = None
        self.last_interact_source = None
        self.interact_last_set = None

        # Manages access to service hooks
        if self.config.hook_service:

            self.hook_tool = HookTool(self.config.parallel_server, HookCtx, hook_type_to_method, self.invoke_service)

            self.on_connected_service_invoker = self.hook_tool.get_hook_service_invoker(
                self.config.hook_service, WEB_SOCKET.HOOK_TYPE.ON_CONNECTED)

            self.on_disconnected_service_invoker = self.hook_tool.get_hook_service_invoker(
                self.config.hook_service, WEB_SOCKET.HOOK_TYPE.ON_DISCONNECTED)

            self.on_pubsub_response_service_invoker = self.hook_tool.get_hook_service_invoker(
                self.config.hook_service, WEB_SOCKET.HOOK_TYPE.ON_PUBSUB_RESPONSE)

            self.hook_tool = None
            self.on_connected_service_invoker = None
            self.on_disconnected_service_invoker = None
            self.on_pubsub_response_service_invoker = None

        # For publish/subscribe over WSX
        self.pubsub_tool = PubSubTool(self.config.parallel_server.worker_store.pubsub, self,
  , self.deliver_pubsub_msg)

        # Active WebSocket client ID (WebSocketClient model, in SQL)
        self._sql_ws_client_id = None

        # For tokens assigned externally independent of our WS-level self.token.
        # Such tokens will be generated by Vault, for instance.
        self.ext_token = None

        # Drop WSGI keys pointing to complex Python objects such as sockets
        for name in _wsgi_drop_keys:
            self.initial_http_wsgi_environ.pop(name, None)

        # Responses to previously sent requests - keyed by request IDs
        self.responses_received = {}

        _local_address = self.sock.getsockname()
        self._local_address = '{}:{}'.format(_local_address[0], _local_address[1])

        _peer_address = self.sock.getpeername()
        self._peer_address = '{}:{}'.format(_peer_address[0], _peer_address[1])

        self.forwarded_for = self.initial_http_wsgi_environ.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')

        if self.forwarded_for:
            self.forwarded_for_fqdn = socket.getfqdn(self.forwarded_for)
            self.forwarded_for_fqdn = WEB_SOCKET.DEFAULT.FQDN_UNKNOWN


            self._peer_host = socket.gethostbyaddr(_peer_address[0])[0]
            _peer_fqdn = socket.getfqdn(self._peer_host)
        except Exception:
            self._peer_fqdn = _peer_fqdn

        self.peer_conn_info_pretty = self.get_peer_info_pretty()

        self._parse_func = {
            DATA_FORMAT.JSON: self.parse_json,
            DATA_FORMAT.XML: self.parse_xml,

        # All set, we can process connections now
        self._initialized = True
Beispiel #5
    def _init(self):

        # Python-level ID contains all the core details, our own ID and that of the thread (greenlet) that creates us
        _current_thread = current_thread()
        python_id = '{}.{}.{}'.format(hex(id(self)),, hex(_current_thread.ident))

        # Assign core attributes to this object before calling parent class
        self.python_id = python_id

        # Must be set here and then to True later on because our parent class may already want
        # to accept connections, and we need to postpone their processing until we are initialized fully.
        self._initialized = False

        self.has_session_opened = False
        self._token = None
        self.update_lock = RLock()
        self.ext_client_id = None
        self.ext_client_name = None
        self.connection_time = self.last_seen = datetime.utcnow()
        self.sec_type = self.config.sec_type
        self.pings_missed = 0
        self.pings_missed_threshold = self.config.get('pings_missed_threshold', 5)
        self.ping_last_response_time = None
        self.user_data = Bunch() # Arbitrary user-defined data
        self._disconnect_requested = False # Have we been asked to disconnect this client?

        # Manages access to service hooks
        if self.config.hook_service:

            self.hook_tool = HookTool(self.config.parallel_server, HookCtx, hook_type_to_method, self.invoke_service)

            self.on_connected_service_invoker = self.hook_tool.get_hook_service_invoker(
                self.config.hook_service, WEB_SOCKET.HOOK_TYPE.ON_CONNECTED)

            self.on_disconnected_service_invoker = self.hook_tool.get_hook_service_invoker(
                self.config.hook_service, WEB_SOCKET.HOOK_TYPE.ON_DISCONNECTED)

            self.on_pubsub_response_service_invoker = self.hook_tool.get_hook_service_invoker(
                self.config.hook_service, WEB_SOCKET.HOOK_TYPE.ON_PUBSUB_RESPONSE)

            self.hook_tool = None
            self.on_connected_service_invoker = None
            self.on_disconnected_service_invoker = None
            self.on_pubsub_response_service_invoker = None

        # For publish/subscribe over WSX
        self.pubsub_tool = PubSubTool(self.config.parallel_server.worker_store.pubsub, self,
  , self.deliver_pubsub_msg)

        # Active WebSocket client ID (WebSocketClient model, in SQL)
        self._sql_ws_client_id = None

        # For tokens assigned externally independent of our WS-level self.token.
        # Such tokens will be generated by Vault, for instance.
        self.ext_token = None

        # Drop WSGI keys pointing to complex Python objects such as sockets
        for name in _wsgi_drop_keys:
            self.initial_http_wsgi_environ.pop(name, None)

        # Responses to previously sent requests - keyed by request IDs
        self.responses_received = {}

        _local_address = self.sock.getsockname()
        self._local_address = '{}:{}'.format(_local_address[0], _local_address[1])

        _peer_address = self.sock.getpeername()
        self._peer_address = '{}:{}'.format(_peer_address[0], _peer_address[1])

        self.forwarded_for = self.initial_http_wsgi_environ.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')

        if self.forwarded_for:
            self.forwarded_for_fqdn = socket.getfqdn(self.forwarded_for)
            self.forwarded_for_fqdn = WEB_SOCKET.DEFAULT.FQDN_UNKNOWN


            self._peer_host = socket.gethostbyaddr(_peer_address[0])[0]
            _peer_fqdn = socket.getfqdn(self._peer_host)
        except Exception:
            self._peer_fqdn = _peer_fqdn

        self.peer_conn_info_pretty = self.get_peer_info_pretty()

        self._parse_func = {
            DATA_FORMAT.JSON: self.parse_json,
            DATA_FORMAT.XML: self.parse_xml,

        # All set, we can process connections now
        self._initialized = True