Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self):
        log.debug(">>> Getting scan results stored in data base")
        self.scan_results = []
        from zenmapCore.UmitDB import UmitDB
        u = UmitDB()

        for scan in u.get_scans():
            log.debug(">>> Retrieving result of scans_id %s" % scan.scans_id)
            log.debug(">>> Nmap xml output: %s" % scan.nmap_xml_output)

                buffer = StringIO.StringIO(scan.nmap_xml_output)
                parsed = NmapParser()
            except Exception, e:
                log.warning(">>> Error loading scan with ID %u from database: %s" % (scan.scans_id, str(e)))
Beispiel #2
    def scan_state(self):
        """Return the current state of a running scan. A return value of True
        means the scan is running and a return value of False means the scan
        subprocess completed successfully. If the subprocess terminated with an
        error an exception is raised. The scan must have been started with
        run_scan before calling this method."""
        if self.command_process == None:
            raise Exception("Scan is not running yet!")

        state = self.command_process.poll()

        if state == None:
            return True # True means that the process is still running
        elif state == 0:
            return False # False means that the process had a successful exit
            log.warning("An error occurred during the scan execution!")
            log.warning("Command that raised the exception: '%s'" % self.ops.render_string())
            log.warning("Scan output:\n%s" % self.get_output())

            raise Exception("An error occurred during the scan execution!\n\n'%s'" % self.get_output())
Beispiel #3
    def scan_state(self):
        """Return the current state of a running scan. A return value of True
        means the scan is running and a return value of False means the scan
        subprocess completed successfully. If the subprocess terminated with an
        error an exception is raised. The scan must have been started with
        run_scan before calling this method."""
        if self.command_process == None:
            raise Exception("Scan is not running yet!")

        state = self.command_process.poll()

        if state == None:
            return True # True means that the process is still running
        elif state == 0:
            return False # False means that the process had a successful exit
            log.warning("An error occurred during the scan execution!")
            log.warning("Command that raised the exception: '%s'" % self.ops.render_string())
            log.warning("Scan output:\n%s" % self.get_output())

            raise Exception("An error occurred during the scan execution!\n\n'%s'" % self.get_output())