def confirm_install(self, msg):
		"""We need to check something with the user before continuing with the install.
		@raise download.DownloadAborted: if the user cancels"""
		print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
		while True:
			sys.stderr.write(_("Install [Y/N] "))
			i = support.raw_input()
			if not i: continue
			if i in 'Nn':
				raise download.DownloadAborted()
			if i in 'Yy':
Beispiel #2
    def confirm_install(self, msg):
        """We need to check something with the user before continuing with the install.
		@raise download.DownloadAborted: if the user cancels"""
        print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
        while True:
            sys.stderr.write(_("Install [Y/N] "))
            i = support.raw_input()
            if not i: continue
            if i in 'Nn':
                raise download.DownloadAborted()
            if i in 'Yy':
	def confirm_import_feed(self, pending, valid_sigs):
		"""Sub-classes should override this method to interact with the user about new feeds.
		If multiple feeds need confirmation, L{trust.TrustMgr.confirm_keys} will only invoke one instance of this
		method at a time.
		@param pending: the new feed to be imported
		@type pending: L{PendingFeed}
		@param valid_sigs: maps signatures to a list of fetchers collecting information about the key
		@type valid_sigs: {L{gpg.ValidSig} : L{fetch.KeyInfoFetcher}}
		@since: 0.42"""
		from zeroinstall.injector import trust

		assert valid_sigs

		domain = trust.domain_from_url(pending.url)

		# Ask on stderr, because we may be writing XML to stdout
		print(_("Feed: %s") % pending.url, file=sys.stderr)
		print(_("The feed is correctly signed with the following keys:"), file=sys.stderr)
		for x in valid_sigs:
			print("-", x, file=sys.stderr)

		def text(parent):
			text = ""
			for node in parent.childNodes:
				if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
					text = text +
			return text

		shown = set()
		key_info_fetchers = valid_sigs.values()
		while key_info_fetchers:
			old_kfs = key_info_fetchers
			key_info_fetchers = []
			for kf in old_kfs:
				infos = set( - shown
				if infos:
					if len(valid_sigs) > 1:
						print("%s: " % kf.fingerprint)
					for key_info in infos:
						print("-", text(key_info), file=sys.stderr)
				if kf.blocker:
			if key_info_fetchers:
				for kf in key_info_fetchers: print(kf.status, file=sys.stderr)
				stdin = tasks.InputBlocker(0, 'console')
				blockers = [kf.blocker for kf in key_info_fetchers] + [stdin]
				yield blockers
				for b in blockers:
					except Exception as ex:
						logger.warning(_("Failed to get key info: %s"), ex)
				if stdin.happened:
					print(_("Skipping remaining key lookups due to input from user"), file=sys.stderr)
		if not shown:
			print(_("Warning: Nothing known about this key!"), file=sys.stderr)

		if len(valid_sigs) == 1:
			print(_("Do you want to trust this key to sign feeds from '%s'?") % domain, file=sys.stderr)
			print(_("Do you want to trust all of these keys to sign feeds from '%s'?") % domain, file=sys.stderr)
		while True:
			print(_("Trust [Y/N] "), end=' ', file=sys.stderr)
			i = support.raw_input()
			if not i: continue
			if i in 'Nn':
				raise NoTrustedKeys(_('Not signed with a trusted key'))
			if i in 'Yy':
		trust.trust_db._dry_run = self.dry_run
		for key in valid_sigs:
			print(_("Trusting %(key_fingerprint)s for %(domain)s") % {'key_fingerprint': key.fingerprint, 'domain': domain}, file=sys.stderr)
			trust.trust_db.trust_key(key.fingerprint, domain)
Beispiel #4
def handle(config, options, args, add_ok = True, remove_ok = False):
	"""@type add_ok: bool
	@type remove_ok: bool"""
	if len(args) == 2:
		iface = config.iface_cache.get_interface(model.canonical_iface_uri(args[0]))
		feed_url = model.canonical_iface_uri(args[1])

		feed_import = find_feed_import(iface, feed_url)
		if feed_import:
			raise SafeException(_('Interface %(interface)s already has a feed %(feed)s') %
						{'interface': iface.uri, 'feed': feed_url})
		iface.extra_feeds.append(model.Feed(feed_url, arch = None, user_override = True))
	elif len(args) != 1: raise UsageError()

	x = args[0]

	print(_("Feed '%s':") % x + '\n')
	x = model.canonical_iface_uri(x)
	if options.offline:
		config.network_use = model.network_offline

	if config.network_use != model.network_offline and config.iface_cache.is_stale(x, config.freshness):
		blocker = config.fetcher.download_and_import_feed(x, config.iface_cache)
		print(_("Downloading feed; please wait..."))

	candidate_interfaces = config.iface_cache.get_feed_targets(x)
	assert candidate_interfaces
	interfaces = []
	for i in range(len(candidate_interfaces)):
		iface = candidate_interfaces[i]
		if find_feed_import(iface, x):
			if remove_ok:
				print(_("%(index)d) Remove as feed for '%(uri)s'") % {'index': i + 1, 'uri': iface.uri})
			if add_ok:
				print(_("%(index)d) Add as feed for '%(uri)s'") % {'index': i + 1, 'uri': iface.uri})
	if not interfaces:
		if remove_ok:
			raise SafeException(_("%(feed)s is not registered as a feed for %(interface)s") %
						{'feed': x, 'interface': candidate_interfaces[0]})
			raise SafeException(_("%(feed)s already registered as a feed for %(interface)s") %
						{'feed': x, 'interface': candidate_interfaces[0]})
	while True:
			i = raw_input(_('Enter a number, or CTRL-C to cancel [1]: ')).strip()
		except KeyboardInterrupt:
			raise SafeException(_("Aborted at user request."))
		if i == '':
			i = 1
				i = int(i)
			except ValueError:
				i = 0
		if i > 0 and i <= len(interfaces):
		print(_("Invalid number. Try again. (1 to %d)") % len(interfaces))
	iface = interfaces[i - 1]
	feed_import = find_feed_import(iface, x)
	if feed_import:
		iface.extra_feeds.append(model.Feed(x, arch = None, user_override = True))
	print('\n' + _("Feed list for interface '%s' is now:") % iface.get_name())
	if iface.extra_feeds:
		for f in iface.extra_feeds:
			print("- " + f.uri)
		print(_("(no feeds)"))
Beispiel #5
	def confirm_import_feed(self, pending, valid_sigs):
		"""Sub-classes should override this method to interact with the user about new feeds.
		If multiple feeds need confirmation, L{trust.TrustMgr.confirm_keys} will only invoke one instance of this
		method at a time.
		@param pending: the new feed to be imported
		@type pending: L{PendingFeed}
		@param valid_sigs: maps signatures to a list of fetchers collecting information about the key
		@type valid_sigs: {L{gpg.ValidSig} : L{fetch.KeyInfoFetcher}}
		@since: 0.42"""
		from zeroinstall.injector import trust

		assert valid_sigs

		domain = trust.domain_from_url(pending.url)

		# Ask on stderr, because we may be writing XML to stdout
		print(_("Feed: %s") % pending.url, file=sys.stderr)
		print(_("The feed is correctly signed with the following keys:"), file=sys.stderr)
		for x in valid_sigs:
			print("-", x, file=sys.stderr)

		def text(parent):
			text = ""
			for node in parent.childNodes:
				if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
					text = text +
			return text

		shown = set()
		key_info_fetchers = valid_sigs.values()
		while key_info_fetchers:
			old_kfs = key_info_fetchers
			key_info_fetchers = []
			for kf in old_kfs:
				infos = set( - shown
				if infos:
					if len(valid_sigs) > 1:
						print("%s: " % kf.fingerprint)
					for key_info in infos:
						print("-", text(key_info), file=sys.stderr)
				if kf.blocker:
			if key_info_fetchers:
				for kf in key_info_fetchers: print(kf.status, file=sys.stderr)
				stdin = tasks.InputBlocker(0, 'console')
				blockers = [kf.blocker for kf in key_info_fetchers] + [stdin]
				yield blockers
				for b in blockers:
					except Exception as ex:
						logger.warning(_("Failed to get key info: %s"), ex)
				if stdin.happened:
					print(_("Skipping remaining key lookups due to input from user"), file=sys.stderr)
		if not shown:
			print(_("Warning: Nothing known about this key!"), file=sys.stderr)

		if len(valid_sigs) == 1:
			print(_("Do you want to trust this key to sign feeds from '%s'?") % domain, file=sys.stderr)
			print(_("Do you want to trust all of these keys to sign feeds from '%s'?") % domain, file=sys.stderr)
		while True:
			print(_("Trust [Y/N] "), end=' ', file=sys.stderr)
			i = support.raw_input()
			if not i: continue
			if i in 'Nn':
				raise NoTrustedKeys(_('Not signed with a trusted key'))
			if i in 'Yy':
		trust.trust_db._dry_run = self.dry_run
		for key in valid_sigs:
			print(_("Trusting %(key_fingerprint)s for %(domain)s") % {'key_fingerprint': key.fingerprint, 'domain': domain}, file=sys.stderr)
			trust.trust_db.trust_key(key.fingerprint, domain)