Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, file):
     INIConfigFile.__init__(self, file)
     if == 'nt':
         endofline = 'dos'
         endofline = 'unix'
     name = file.dir.basename if hasattr(file, 'dir') else file.parent(
     ).basename  # HACK zim.fs and zim.newfs compat
         ('version', String('.'.join(map(str, DATA_FORMAT_VERSION)))),
         ('name', String(name)),
         ('interwiki', String(None)),
         ('home', ConfigDefinitionByClass(Path('Home'))),
          String(None)),  # XXX should be file, but resolves relative
          String(None)),  # XXX should be dir, but resolves relative
         ('short_links', Boolean(False)),
         ('shared', Boolean(True)),
         ('endofline', Choice(endofline, {'dos', 'unix'})),
         ('disable_trash', Boolean(False)),
         ('default_file_format', String('zim-wiki')),
         ('default_file_extension', String('.txt')),
         ('notebook_layout', String('files')),
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, file):
     INIConfigFile.__init__(self, file)
     if == 'nt': endofline = 'dos'
     else: endofline = 'unix'
         ('version', String('.'.join(map(str, DATA_FORMAT_VERSION)))),
         ('name', String(file.dir.basename)),
         ('interwiki', String(None)),
         ('home', ConfigDefinitionByClass(Path('Home'))),
          String(None)),  # XXX should be file, but resolves relative
          String(None)),  # XXX should be dir, but resolves relative
         ('shared', Boolean(True)),
         ('endofline', Choice(endofline, set(('dos', 'unix')))),
         ('disable_trash', Boolean(False)),
         ('profile', String(None)),
class CustomToolDict(DesktopEntryDict):
	'''This is a specialized desktop entry type that is used for
	custom tools for the "Tools" menu in zim. It uses a non-standard
	Exec spec with zim specific escapes for "X-Zim-ExecTool".

	The following fields are expanded:
		- C{%f} for source file as tmp file current page
		- C{%d} for attachment directory
		- C{%s} for real source file (if any)
		- C{%n} for notebook location (file or directory)
		- C{%D} for document root
		- C{%t} for selected text or word under cursor
		- C{%T} for the selected text including wiki formatting

	Other additional keys are:
		- C{X-Zim-ReadOnly} - boolean
		- C{X-Zim-ShowInToolBar} - boolean
		- C{X-Zim-ShowInContextMenu} - 'None', 'Text' or 'Page'

	These tools should always be executed with 3 arguments: notebook,
	page & pageview.

	_definitions = DesktopEntryDict._definitions + (
			('X-Zim-ExecTool',			String(None)),
			('X-Zim-ReadOnly',			Boolean(True)),
			('X-Zim-ShowInToolBar',		Boolean(False)),
			('X-Zim-ShowInContextMenu',	Choice(None, ('Text', 'Page'))),
			('X-Zim-ReplaceSelection',	Boolean(False)),

	def isvalid(self):
		'''Check if all required fields are set.
		@returns: C{True} if all required fields are set
		entry = self['Desktop Entry']
		if entry.get('Type') == 'X-Zim-CustomTool' \
		and entry.get('Version') == 1.0 \
		and entry.get('Name') \
		and entry.get('X-Zim-ExecTool') \
		and not entry.get('X-Zim-ReadOnly') is None \
		and not entry.get('X-Zim-ShowInToolBar') is None \
		and 'X-Zim-ShowInContextMenu' in entry:
			return True
			logger.error('Invalid custom tool entry: %s %s', self.key, entry)
			return False

	def get_pixbuf(self, size):
		pixbuf = DesktopEntryDict.get_pixbuf(self, size)
		if pixbuf is None:
			pixbuf = gtk.Label().render_icon(gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE, size)
			# FIXME hack to use arbitrary widget to render icon
		return pixbuf

	def icon(self):
		return self['Desktop Entry'].get('Icon') or gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE
			# get('Icon', gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE) still returns empty string if key exists but no value

	def execcmd(self):
		return self['Desktop Entry']['X-Zim-ExecTool']

	def isreadonly(self):
		return self['Desktop Entry']['X-Zim-ReadOnly']

	def showintoolbar(self):
		return self['Desktop Entry']['X-Zim-ShowInToolBar']

	def showincontextmenu(self):
		return self['Desktop Entry']['X-Zim-ShowInContextMenu']

	def replaceselection(self):
		return self['Desktop Entry']['X-Zim-ReplaceSelection']

	def parse_exec(self, args=None):
		if not (isinstance(args, tuple) and len(args) == 3):
			raise AssertionError, 'Custom commands needs 3 arguments'
			# assert statement could be optimized away
		notebook, page, pageview = args

		cmd = split_quoted_strings(self['Desktop Entry']['X-Zim-ExecTool'])
		if '%f' in cmd:
			self._tmpfile = TmpFile('tmp-page-source.txt')
			cmd[cmd.index('%f')] = self._tmpfile.path

		if '%d' in cmd:
			dir = notebook.get_attachments_dir(page)
			if dir:
				cmd[cmd.index('%d')] = dir.path
				cmd[cmd.index('%d')] = ''

		if '%s' in cmd:
			if hasattr(page, 'source') and isinstance(page.source, File):
				cmd[cmd.index('%s')] = page.source.path
				cmd[cmd.index('%s')] = ''

		if '%p' in cmd:
			cmd[cmd.index('%p')] =

		if '%n' in cmd:
			cmd[cmd.index('%n')] = File(notebook.uri).path

		if '%D' in cmd:
			dir = notebook.document_root
			if dir:
				cmd[cmd.index('%D')] = dir.path
				cmd[cmd.index('%D')] = ''

		if '%t' in cmd:
			text = pageview.get_selection() or pageview.get_word()
			cmd[cmd.index('%t')] = text or ''
			# FIXME - need to substitute this in arguments + url encoding

		if '%T' in cmd:
			text = pageview.get_selection(format='wiki') or pageview.get_word(format='wiki')
			cmd[cmd.index('%T')] = text or ''
			# FIXME - need to substitute this in arguments + url encoding

		return tuple(cmd)

	_cmd = parse_exec # To hook into Application.spawn and

	def run(self, args, cwd=None):
		self._tmpfile = None, args, cwd=cwd)
		if self._tmpfile:
			notebook, page, pageview = args
			page.parse('wiki', self._tmpfile.readlines())
			self._tmpfile = None

	def update(self, E=(), **F):
		self['Desktop Entry'].update(E, **F)

		# Set sane default for X-Zim-ShowInContextMenus
		if not (E and 'X-Zim-ShowInContextMenu' in E) \
		and not 'X-Zim-ShowInContextMenu' in F:
			cmd = split_quoted_strings(self['Desktop Entry']['X-Zim-ExecTool'])
			if any(c in cmd for c in ['%f', '%d', '%s']):
				context = 'Page'
			elif '%t' in cmd:
				context = 'Text'
				context = None
			self['Desktop Entry']['X-Zim-ShowInContextMenu'] = context