Beispiel #1
from zmanim_bot.middlewares.i18n import lazy_gettext as _

and_word = _('and')

cl_error_warning = _('It is impossible to compute Zmanim for\nyour location. Most likely it is because of\n'
                     'Midnight Sun or polar night.')
cl_late_warning = _('Notice! it is recommended to clarify time\nof taking Shabbat in your community.')

cl_offset = _('before sunset')
Beispiel #2
from zmanim_bot.middlewares.i18n import lazy_gettext as _

# Service
cancel = _('Cancel')
back = _('Back')
done = _('Done')

# location
geobutton = _('Send location')
search_location = _('Find location by name')
manage_locations = _('Manage saved locations')
add_location = _('Add new location')

# Main menu
mm_zmanim = _('Zmanim')
mm_shabbat = _('Shabbat')
mm_holidays = _('Holidays')
mm_daf_yomi = _('Daf yomi')
mm_rh = _('Rosh chodesh')
mm_fasts = _('Fast days')
mm_zmanim_by_date = _('Zmanim by the date')
mm_converter = _('Date converter')
mm_help = _('Help')
mm_settings = _('Settings')
mm_donate = _('Donate')

# Help menu
hm_faq = _('F.A.Q.')
hm_report = _('Report a problem')

# Settings menu
Beispiel #3
from typing import Dict

from import LazyProxy

from zmanim_bot.middlewares.i18n import lazy_gettext as _

MONTH_NAMES_GENETIVE: Dict[int, LazyProxy] = {
    # NOTE Genative month name
    1: _('January'),
    # NOTE Genative month name
    2: _('February'),
    # NOTE Genative month name
    3: _('March'),
    # NOTE Genative month name
    4: _('April'),
    # NOTE Genative month name
    5: _('May'),
    # NOTE Genative month name
    6: _('June'),
    # NOTE Genative month name
    7: _('July'),
    # NOTE Genative month name
    8: _('August'),
    # NOTE Genative month name
    9: _('September'),
    # NOTE Genative month name
    10: _('October'),
    # NOTE Genative month name
    11: _('November'),
    # NOTE Genative month name
    12: _('December'),
Beispiel #4
from zmanim_bot.middlewares.i18n import lazy_gettext as _

sunrise = _('Sunrise')
alos = _('Alot ha-shakhar')
sof_zman_tefila_gra = _('Sof zman tfila [AGRO]')
sof_zman_tefila_ma = _('Sof zman tfila [MA]')
misheyakir_10_2 = _('Misheyakir (zman tallit and tfilin)')
sof_zman_shema_gra = _('Sof zman Shemah [AGRO]')
sof_zman_shema_ma = _('Sof zman Shemah [MA]')
chatzos = _('Chatzot')
mincha_ketana = _('Mincha ktanah')
mincha_gedola = _('Mincha gdolah')
plag_mincha = _('Plag mincha')
sunset = _('Shkia (sunset)')
tzeis_8_5_degrees = _('Tzeit ha-kochavim [8.5 degrees]')
tzeis_72_minutes = _('Tzeit ha-kochavim [72 minutes]')
tzeis_42_minutes = _('Tzeit ha-kochavim [42 minutes]')
tzeis_5_95_degrees = _('Tzeit ha-kochavim [5.95 degrees]')
chatzot_laila = _('Chatzot Laila (midnight)')
astronomical_hour_ma = _('Astronomical hour [MA]')
astronomical_hour_gra = _('Astronomical hour [AGRO]')
Beispiel #5
from zmanim_bot.middlewares.i18n import lazy_gettext as _

date = _('Date')

daf_masehet = _('Masechet')
daf_page = _('Sheet')

rh_duration = _('Number of days')
rh_month = _('Мonth')
rh_molad = _('Molad')

parsha = _('Parshat ha-shavuah')
cl = _('Candle Lighting')
havdala = _('Havdala')

fast_start = _('Fast begins')
fast_end = _('Fast ends (tzeit ha-kochavim)')
fast_chatzot = _('Chatzot')
fast_moved = _('Attention! Fast has been moved!')
fast_not_moved = _('Fast hasn’t been moved.')
fast_end_5_95_dgr = _('5.95 degrees, derabanan')
fast_end_8_5_dgr = _('8.5 degrees, lehumra')
fast_end_42_min = _('42 minutes')

hoshana_raba = _('Hoshana Rabbah')

israel_holidays = {
    'yom_hashoah': _('Yom ha-Shoah'),
    'yom_hazikaron': _('Yom ha-Zikaron'),
    'yom_haatzmaut': _('Yom ha-Atzmaut'),
    'yom_yerushalaim': _('Yom Yerushalaim'),
Beispiel #6
from zmanim_bot.middlewares.i18n import lazy_gettext as _

init_bot = _('Welcome to zmanim bot!')
init_main_menu = _('You are in the main menu:')
init_help = _('How can I help you?')
init_settings = _('You are in the settings:')
init_report = _('Please, describe your problem:')
init_converter = _('Choose the way of conversion:')
select = _('Choose:')

settings_cl = _('How long before shkiya do you light candles?')
settings_zmanim = _('Select zmanim that you want to receive:')
settings_havdala = _('Select your opinion for havdala:')
settings_omer = _(
    'Here you can enable or disable notifications about the <i>Omer</i> count.'
settings_location = _(
    'Here you can activate, edit or send new location;\nIf you want to add new location, just send it right now.\n<b>Notice!</b> if you change the name of a location, it will point to the same location. To add another location, use the "Add Location" button.'

request_language = _('Select your language:')

request_location_on_init = _(
    'For this feature, the bot should know your location. If you want to find it by name, press the button below.\nAlso, you can pass your location as an attachment or as a pair of coordinates, like <code>55.5, 32.2</code>.'
request_location = _(
    'If you want to find location by name, press the button below.\nAlso, you can pass your location as an attachment or as a pair of coordinates, like <code>55.5, 32.2</code>.'
location_menu_init = _(
    'Here you can manage your saved locations or add some more.')
incorrect_locations_received = _(