Beispiel #1
    def updatePrincipal(self, id, login, title, description, passwd, roles):
        if not self.writeable:
            self.msg = (u'Principal could not be updated: '
                        u'the authenticator holding the principals '
                        u'seems not to be writeable.')
        if id is None:
            id = login
        principals = self.getPrincipals()
        if login not in [x.login for x in principals]:
            self.msg = (u'Login `%s` does not exist.' % (login, ))
        for key in [login, title]:
            if key is None or key == '':
                self.msg = (u'Login and title must not be empty.')

        # Update generic data...
        principal = self.userfolder[id[len(self.userfolder.prefix):]]
        principal.title = title
        principal.description = description
        principal.password = passwd and passwd or principal.password

        # Update roles...
        role_manager = IPrincipalRoleManager(self.context)
        role_manager = removeSecurityProxy(role_manager)
        for role in self.roles:
            if role in roles:
                role_manager.assignRoleToPrincipal(role, id)
                role_manager.unsetRoleForPrincipal(role, id)
        self.msg = u'Principal `%s` successfully updated.' % (title, )