Beispiel #1
class TestQueryEngine(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.lexicon = Lexicon(Splitter())
        self.parser = QueryParser(self.lexicon)
        self.index = FauxIndex()

    def compareSet(self, set, dict):
        d = {}
        for k, v in set.items():
            d[k] = v
        self.assertEqual(d, dict)

    def compareQuery(self, query, dict):
        tree = self.parser.parseQuery(query)
        set = tree.executeQuery(self.index)
        self.compareSet(set, dict)

    def testExecuteQuery(self):
        self.compareQuery("foo AND bar", {1: 2})
        self.compareQuery("foo OR bar", {1: 2, 2: 1, 3:1})
        self.compareQuery("foo AND NOT bar", {3: 1})
        self.compareQuery("foo AND foo AND foo", {1: 3, 3: 3})
        self.compareQuery("foo OR foo OR foo", {1: 3, 3: 3})
        self.compareQuery("ham AND NOT foo AND NOT bar", {4: 1})
        self.compareQuery("ham OR foo OR bar", {1: 3, 2: 2, 3: 2, 4: 1})
        self.compareQuery("ham AND foo AND bar", {1: 3})

    def testInvalidQuery(self):
        from zope.index.text.parsetree import NotNode, AtomNode
        tree = NotNode(AtomNode("foo"))
        self.assertRaises(QueryError, tree.executeQuery, self.index)
Beispiel #2
 def _makeIndexAndParser(self):
     from zope.index.text.lexicon import Lexicon
     from zope.index.text.lexicon import Splitter
     from zope.index.text.queryparser import QueryParser
     lexicon = Lexicon(Splitter())
     parser = QueryParser(lexicon)
     index = FauxIndex()
     return index, parser
Beispiel #3
class TestQueryParserBase(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.lexicon = Lexicon(Splitter())
        self.parser = QueryParser(self.lexicon)

    def expect(self, input, output, expected_ignored=[]):
        tree = self.parser.parseQuery(input)
        ignored = self.parser.getIgnored()
        self.compareParseTrees(tree, output)
        self.assertEqual(ignored, expected_ignored)
        # Check that parseQueryEx() == (parseQuery(), getIgnored())
        ex_tree, ex_ignored = self.parser.parseQueryEx(input)
        self.compareParseTrees(ex_tree, tree)
        self.assertEqual(ex_ignored, expected_ignored)

    def failure(self, input):
        self.assertRaises(ParseError, self.parser.parseQuery, input)
        self.assertRaises(ParseError, self.parser.parseQueryEx, input)

    def compareParseTrees(self, got, expected, msg=None):
        if msg is None:
            msg = repr(got)
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(got, ParseTreeNode), 1)
        self.assertEqual(got.__class__, expected.__class__, msg)
        if isinstance(got, PhraseNode):
            self.assertEqual(got.nodeType(), "PHRASE", msg)
            self.assertEqual(got.getValue(), expected.getValue(), msg)
        elif isinstance(got, GlobNode):
            self.assertEqual(got.nodeType(), "GLOB", msg)
            self.assertEqual(got.getValue(), expected.getValue(), msg)
        elif isinstance(got, AtomNode):
            self.assertEqual(got.nodeType(), "ATOM", msg)
            self.assertEqual(got.getValue(), expected.getValue(), msg)
        elif isinstance(got, NotNode):
            self.assertEqual(got.nodeType(), "NOT")
            self.compareParseTrees(got.getValue(), expected.getValue(), msg)
        elif isinstance(got, AndNode) or isinstance(got, OrNode):
                             isinstance(got, AndNode) and "AND" or "OR", msg)
            list1 = got.getValue()
            list2 = expected.getValue()
            self.assertEqual(len(list1), len(list2), msg)
            for i in range(len(list1)):
                self.compareParseTrees(list1[i], list2[i], msg)
Beispiel #4
    def apply(self, querytext, start=0, count=None):
        parser = QueryParser(self.lexicon)
        tree = parser.parseQuery(querytext)
        results = tree.executeQuery(self.index)
        if results:
            qw = self.index.query_weight(tree.terms())

            # Hack to avoid ZeroDivisionError
            if qw == 0:
                qw = 1.0

            qw *= 1.0

            for docid, score in six.iteritems(results):
                    results[docid] = score/qw
                except TypeError:
                    # We overflowed the score, perhaps wildly unlikely.
                    # Who knows.
                    results[docid] = 2**64 // 10

        return results
Beispiel #5
    def apply(self, querytext, start=0, count=None):
        parser = QueryParser(self.lexicon)
        tree = parser.parseQuery(querytext)
        results = tree.executeQuery(self.index)
        if results:
            qw = self.index.query_weight(tree.terms())

            # Hack to avoid ZeroDivisionError
            if qw == 0:
                qw = 1.0

            qw *= 1.0

            for docid, score in six.iteritems(results):
                    results[docid] = score / qw
                except TypeError:
                    # We overflowed the score, perhaps wildly unlikely.
                    # Who knows.
                    results[docid] = 2**64 // 10

        return results
Beispiel #6
 def setUp(self):
     self.lexicon = Lexicon(Splitter())
     self.parser = QueryParser(self.lexicon)
Beispiel #7
 def setUp(self):
     self.lexicon = Lexicon(Splitter())
     self.parser = QueryParser(self.lexicon)
     self.index = FauxIndex()